yangfuguang 发表于 2010-5-19 17:07


本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2010-5-19 17:09 编辑

【中文标题】中国总理关注校园袭击案【原文标题】China’s Premier Discusses School Attacks【登载媒体】纽约时报【来源地址】
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/15/world/asia/15beijing.html?ref=asia'【译者】yangfuguang【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&tid=242346&goto=lastpost#lastpostBEIJING — Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China said Thursday that the Chinese government would examine the deeper social problems that might have led to the recent string of deadly attacks on school
His remarks were the first public comments by a Chinese leader on the violence since the latest attack, in which a landlord in a village hacked to death seven kindergartners, a teacher and the teacher’s elderly mother on Wednesday.在最新的暴力事件之后,温的言论是中国领导人第一次在公开场合发表类似言论,在那起事件中,一位村镇里的房主砍死了七名幼儿,和一位教师以及该老师年长的母亲。Mr. Wen’s comments were an implicit acknowledgment of the challenge to the Chinese government posed by the five seemingly unrelated attacks, the first of which was in late March. The Chinese regard children as an especially treasured stratum of society, and prominent dangers to children in the past two years — like tainted baby formula and school collapses during an earthquake — have led parents to call for greater efforts to stamp out such hazards. Some Chinese say the recent attacks show an inability by the government to hold together the traditional social fabric in a time of great economic upheaval.
温总理的评论无疑是含蓄地承认了中国政府面临的由这五起看起来毫无关联的事件带来的挑战,第一个发生的是在4月下旬。中国人认为孩子是社会的花朵,但是过去两年针对孩子们的显著威胁——比如受污染的配方奶粉已经在地震中坍塌的校舍——曾经促使家长们要求以更大的努力来杜绝此类悲剧。一些中国人认为,近期的袭击显示,在经济动荡之时,政府对于保护校园安全的无能。In a brief television interview, Mr. Wen told Phoenix Television, based in Hong Kong, that the government attached “great importance” to investigating the assaults, in which 17 people have been killed and nearly 100 wounded. All the assailants have been middle-aged men armed with knives or tools and acting alone.在一期简短的电视访谈中,温总理对香港凤凰卫视表示,政府高度关注对惨剧的调查,在这些事件中,共有17人遇难、约百人受伤。所有施暴者皆是中年男子,他们使用刀具或者其他工具作案,并且都是孤身一人。“Apart from taking powerful security measures, we also need to solve the deeper reasons behind this issue, including resolving social tensions, reconciling disputes and enhancing mediation at the grass-roots level,” he said. “We are sparing no effort in all of the above works.”他说:“除了采取有力的安保措施,我们也需要解决这些事件背后的深层次原因,包括缓解社会紧张的气氛,化解矛盾,解决基层矛盾。我们将竭力解决上述所有问题”。In discussing the attacks, however, Mr. Wen did not address the possibility that some of the attackers might have been mentally ill.然而,在谈到袭击时,温总理没有强调有些罪犯可能患有精神疾病。Under orders from China’s central propaganda department, most of the main Chinese news organizations have declined to run follow-up stories on Wednesday’s attack, which took place in Linchang Village, in Shaanxi Province. China Daily, an English-language newspaper aimed at foreigners, was an exception — it ran a front-page headline on Friday that said “School Security Beefed Up” and carried Mr. Wen’s comments. Chinese officials say reports about the attacks could incite more copycat assaults, and in any case the propaganda department is often quick to order a blackout on news that points to deep social disturbances in China.在中国中央宣传部的授命下,中国多数主流新闻机构对周三发生在陕西,林场(音)事件的后续报道亮了红灯。中国日报,是一家瞄准外国人的英文报纸,却是个例外,在周五它用了一个专版,说道“校园安全亟待加强”,并附带温的评论。中国官员说,关于这些袭击案件的报道可能会诱发更多的惨案,但是中国宣传部门总是在面对中国社会骚乱的新闻事件中,快速命令媒体闭嘴。Two of the attackers in the first four episodes were diagnosed with a mental ilness, a topic that the Chinese often avoid discussing. Interviews conducted by The Associated Press in Linchang indicate that the killer there, Wu Huanming, 48, was an unbalanced person — he had tried to commit suicide twice in the past month and believed that the kindergarten administrator, Wu Hongying, had put a curse on him to prevent his diabetes from improving.在早先的四起案件中,有两名袭击者被诊断有精神疾病,这是中国经常回避的话题。美联社在陕西的采访暗示,杀手(吴焕明(音))48岁,是个精神错乱的人,在上个月他曾两次自杀,并且坚信幼儿园管理者吴红英(音),诅咒他糖尿病无法好转。Mr. Wu and Ms. Wu, who were apparently unrelated, had had requent arguments over the rental of the kindergarten building, which Mr. Wu owned. The morning of the attack, Mr. Wu loudly complained about payment of rent as he stormed toward the school.吴先生和吴女士,他们显然没有关系,曾经就幼儿园的租金问题产生龃龉,幼儿园用的房子是吴先生所有。在袭击当天的上午,吴先生在冲向学校之时,大声抱怨租金的偿付问题。Mr. Wu first attacked Ms. Wu with a kitchen cleaver, nearly severing her head, then turned on the kindergartners. He also killed Ms. Wu’s 80-year-old mother, Su Runhua, who often helped care for the schoolchildren.吴先生最初用菜刀袭击吴女士,几乎削到她的头,然后转向幼儿。他同时杀死了吴女士80岁的母亲,苏润华(音),她经常帮助照顾幼儿们。On Thursday, the police in Hangzhou detained a woman who had stormed a youth center brandishing a knife. The officers stopped her before she harmed anyone, and it was unclear what she had intended to do, a worker at the center said Thursday in a telephone interview.在周四,杭州警方拘留了一个携带刀具企图闯入一家少年宫的女人。在周四的一个电话采访中,一位少年宫的工作人员说,在她伤害别人之前,管理者制止了她,现在还不知道她想要干嘛。China Daily reported that schools across China were hiring more guards. In Beijing, a special team of 800 guards armed with truncheons and tear gas has begun work. Even before the last attack, 2,000 guards were sent to more than 500 schools in Beijing, said He Gang, a police official. But rural schools like the kindergarten in Linchang remain vulnerable.中国日报报道说,在中国的学校正在加紧雇佣更多的保安。在北京,一支装备有警棍和催泪瓦斯的特别安保队伍正在执行任务。警官何刚(音)说,即使在上次袭击之前,2000名保安被派往北京的500多所学校。但是在乡村学校比如林场(音)依旧是易受伤的。Jonathan Ansfield contributed reporting, and Zhang Jing contributed research.Jonathan Ansfield 对本报道有贡献,张敬(音)提供分析。

yangfuguang 发表于 2010-5-19 17:16




fukgm 发表于 2010-5-19 17:34


yyu2000 发表于 2010-5-19 17:41

温总理接收凤凰卫视采访,我没有看过,不知翻译的准确与否,另陕西这个事件,我也不知道,所以地名,人名一 ...
yangfuguang 发表于 2010-5-19 17:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


shimo1989 发表于 2010-5-20 06:55

traditional social fabric 应该是传统社会结构的意思吧?

玫瑰海岸 发表于 2010-5-20 09:09


尘音六戒 发表于 2010-5-20 13:45


laotuge 发表于 2010-5-22 13:04

尘音六戒 发表于 2010-5-20 13:45 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


尘音六戒 发表于 2010-5-24 11:08

laotuge 发表于 2010-5-22 13:04 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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