yangfuguang 发表于 2010-5-21 17:09


本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2010-5-21 17:11 编辑

【中文标题】中国商业:罪与罚【原文标题】Business crime in ChinaGuilty of somethingFourteen years in jail for China’s biggest retail tycoon【登载媒体】经济学人【来源地址】
      【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=243233&extra=A GUILTY verdict was never in doubt. When Huang Guangyu, the founder and controlling shareholder of Gome, a vast retail-electronics chain, vanished from public view in 2008 it was all but certain that he had been arrested. In due course he would surely be sentenced for various crimes. The only mystery was which ones.定罪的判决没有人会怀疑。当黄光裕,这个零售巨头国美的创始人和最大的股东自2008年从公众视野中消失后,很明确他被逮捕了。不久之后,他就会以各种罪名被判刑,问题是将会是哪些罪名。The question was partially answered, after a closed trial, on May 18th. It was announced that Mr Huang had pleaded guilty to vague charges of illegal business dealings, insider trading and bribery. He was forced to pay 800m yuan ($119m) and handed a 14-year jail term, both records for white-collar crime in China. Intriguing details were revealed but these raised more questions than they settled.5月18号一个闭门审判之后,这些问题现在有了部分答案。法庭宣布黄光裕参与不正当的商业交易,股票交易及行贿。他被处罚8亿人民币,面临14年监禁,这都是中国白领罪罚的记录。有趣的细节被披露出来了,但是却产生了更多问题,远比它解决的要多。Among his dealings Mr Huang acknowledged illegally converting about HK$800m ($103m), with some of the money going through a casino in Macau and an illegal bank. Officially, China’s capital account is closed, but its businesses are inevitably involved in currency conversion to carry out cross-border trade and investment. Macau has long been suspected as a backdoor channel for converting money. It is not entirely clear why Mr Huang decided to circumvent the rules, or why something believed to be commonplace elicited such a strong official response.在判决中,黄先生承认,非法转移约8亿港元,这些资产有些是通过一家澳门的赌场和一家非法的银行转移的。中国官方是关闭资本市场的,但是中国的商业不可避免地卷进现金流,这些现金通过跨国贸易和投资进出国境。澳门很早就被怀疑是资金转移的秘密通道。还不是特别清楚,为何黄先生要触犯规定,或者为何一些看起来很平常的会引起官方这么强烈的反应。The size of Mr Huang’s empire undoubtedly attracted official scrutiny—and displeasure. From street sales in Beijing and no evident resources, he built a sprawling business. In 2008 Mr Huang was reckoned to be the country’s richest businessman, worth $6.3 billion, by the Hurun Report, a widely followed newsletter. At the core of his rise were the ubiquitous Gome stores, which sold cameras, washing machines, televisions and the like to a huge population just discovering the joys of consumption. But this side of the business was intertwined with property, imports and mountains of cash. Mr Huang was a man eager to pursue numerous opportunities.黄先生的帝国的规模无疑吸引了官方的审查和不快。从街头零售开始,没有显著的资源,他成就了一个不断蔓延的企业。在2008年,据胡润富豪榜,黄先生被认为是中国首富,身价63亿美元。他崛起的核心即是无处不在的国美电器,这是销售照相机,洗衣机,电视等产品的企业,面向庞大的刚刚知道消费乐趣的人们。但是这种商业却和资产,进口和大量现钞联系在一起。黄先生对机会有着极强的欲望。Among his other roles he was a director and senior manager of Beijing Centergate Technologies. He confessed to earning 309m yuan through insider knowledge of a restructuring. On related charges Mr Huang’s wife was sentenced to over three years in prison and Centergate’s chairman to three years, and both were fined.在他的其他角色中,他是北京中关村科技的资深经理。他供认在内部重组中赚的3.09亿。在相关指控中,黄先生妻子判3年监禁,中关村主席也是三年,两者都被罚款。However murky the details of the first two convictions, it is a third which raises the largest questions, though it involves far less cash. Mr Huang admitted to paying bribes totalling 4.56m yuan to five government officials between 2006 and 2008. What he got in return has not been made public, but this may explain why the trial was held behind closed doors. Whether or not it is related to the case, there has been a profound political shake-up in southern China, including the abrupt replacement of Shenzhen’s mayor and a senior police official in Guangdong province. Mr Huang’s crimes will not be made completely public but the sentence in his case leaves no doubt about their importance. 但是在另两项指控中,细节变得很模糊,这是第三个引起很多问题的方面,尽管这涉及较少的金钱。黄先生承认在06至08年,向五位政府官员行贿456万元。他得到了什么,目前还不为人知,但这也许可以解释为何审判没有公开进行。这和案子有无关系,这在中国南部引起很大的政治影响,包括仓促更换深圳市长,以及广东的一位警官。黄先生的罪行将不会全部公布于众,但是审判的结果无疑表明他的罪行是很重的。

小白兔政委 发表于 2010-5-21 17:34


diojojojo 发表于 2010-5-21 17:37


百姓 发表于 2010-5-21 21:10


dnh7688 发表于 2010-5-22 20:36


青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-5-23 16:54


不死狂龙 发表于 2010-5-23 17:07


Enid 发表于 2010-5-24 16:08


doctor_sjh 发表于 2010-5-24 17:05

非常阴险的文章,“从公众视野消失”,好像被秘密警察逮捕了一样,我记得黄光裕进去的时候媒体都是轰轰烈烈 ...
不死狂龙 发表于 2010-5-23 17:07 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
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