yangfuguang 发表于 2010-5-23 15:51


本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2010-5-23 16:01 编辑

【中文标题】“杀手”母亲绝食抗议【原文标题】‘Killer’ mother goes on hunger strike【登载媒体】经济学人【来源地址】http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article7134079.ece【译者】yangfuguang【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=243562&page=1&extra=#pid3511632
THE British mother who admitted suffocating her two children with a plastic bag in a Spanish hotel room is refusing to eat or drink and has been placed on a suicide watch by prison authorities.涉嫌在西班牙的酒店内用塑料袋杀死自己两个孩子的英国母亲日前正在绝食,她已经被狱方隔离观察。Lianne Smith has told prison staff in Girona she wants to “join her children on the other side”. Smith, 43, has been visited by a doctor and British consular staff. Police confirmed she had tried to kill herself after taking the lives of her children and believe she will attempt suicide again.Lianne Smith 早在西班牙赫罗纳就曾经告诉当地监狱工作人员,她想在另个世界和孩子们团聚。警方证实在她杀死两个孩子后曾试图自杀,而且警方相信她会再自杀。Warders have put her in isolation to protect her from other inmates. A source said: “She is being watched because on several occasions she has said she wants to leave this world and join her children.”狱警把她隔离开来,以使她免受其他狱友的骚扰。有信息称,她之所以被隔离,是因为她说自己想离开这个世界和孩子们在一起。A court hearing on Friday heard how Smith, a former manager at Cumbria county council’s children’s services department, fled to Spain because she feared her children would be taken into care by social services in Britain.The father of the children, Martin Smith, 45, originally from North Shields, was one of Britain’s most wanted men until his arrest by Spanish police earlier this month after nearly two and a half years on the run with his family.周五的庭审让我们知道,这位英国母亲是坎布里亚郡议会儿童服务部门的主管,由于担心自己的孩子会被社会服务机构带走,而远赴西班牙。孩子的父亲,马丁·史密斯,45岁,来自北希尔德,是英国警方通缉的罪犯,在两年半的逃亡之后,他上个月在西班牙被警方逮捕。He has been charged in Carlisle with 13 sexual offences and one for jumping bail.他被控在卡莱尔实施多达13起性侵犯,以及逃避保释金。Consular officials will now talk to Lianne about whether she wants the bodies of Rebecca, 5, and 11-month-old Daniel to be flown home or buried in Spain.卡莱尔的官员将会就是否将她两个孩子的遗体运回英国询问莉安的意见。这两个孩子分别是5岁的Rebecca和11个月大的Daniel 。If they are brought back to the UK it is expected that a coroner here will open inquests into their deaths.如果他们回到英国,英国本地的验尸官将会勘验他们的死因。The fate of the children’s bodies is a difficult one because both parents are in custody on serious charges of offences against minors and no other family members have yet come forward to request a repatriation.孩子们遗体的命运难测,因为孩子的父母都因为侵犯小孩子而面临指控,现在为止没有其他家庭成员站出来要求送还孩子。The 43-year-old is said to have confessed after her arrest on Tuesday to putting a plastic bag over their heads in room 101 of the Miramar hotel in the holiday resort of Lloret de Mar.这位母亲在周二被逮捕之后已经供认,自己在旅游胜地Lloret de Mar的.Miramar 酒店101房间将塑料袋套在孩子的头上。Martin Smith, skipped bail and went on the run abroad with Lianne and Rebecca in December 2007. Their son Daniel was born in Barcelona in June last year.马丁·史密斯,在保释自后的2007年十二月和莉安出走国外,他们的儿子丹尼尔是去年六月在巴塞罗那刚出生的。Spanish police detained Martin Smith in Barcelona on May 7 on an international arrest warrant — weeks after Lianne reported a burglary at their flat, a call believed to have triggered the arrest.Lianne, who is not married to Martin Smith, also has a grown-up son and a daughter from a previous relationship.西班牙警方在得到国际授权后,五月七号在巴塞罗那逮捕了史密斯。这是莉安报称公寓遭窃之后数星期,这个电话可能给警方提供了线索。莉安和史密斯并没有结婚,她和前夫也有一个小儿子和女儿。
steve fenton wrote:Best place for any murderer, the other side save a fortuneMay 23, 2010 4:53 AM BSTsteve fenton:谋杀犯的天堂,那边也许更好。antonia willis wrote:Pity this poor woman. It may or may not be the case that the evidence against her husband stacks up. Fear of the state stealing children, in secret procedures, is probably responsible for more horrific events than we are allowed to know about. Family courts need to be opened up. This could be a straightforward case of the police getting it right, and an hysterical partner reacting, or it could be a case of a horrific over-reaction by the police coinciding with a parent's deep terror of secret court procedures.May 23, 2010 1:50 AM BSTantonia willis :这位女士真是可怜。也许不是因为对她丈夫的不利证据增加,而是她害怕国家带走她的孩子,在暗地里也许有我们不知道的更加恐怖的事情存在。家庭法庭需要公开。这也许是个警察行使自己权利,而对方却反应激烈,或者这是一个由于警察行为过当,以及一位母亲对秘密法庭程序的害怕。
Geoff Smith wrote:She was appointed manager of a childrens service department? there should be some sleeping uneasily tonight.
May 23, 2010 1:20 AM BSTGeoff Smith:她曾被任命为儿童服务部门的主管?也许有人今天睡不着了。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-5-23 16:49


滔滔1949 发表于 2010-5-23 19:04


shimo1989 发表于 2010-5-24 05:50


一点浩然气 发表于 2010-5-24 11:14


小鱼在乎 发表于 2010-5-24 15:05

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