連長 发表于 2010-6-3 23:47


本帖最后由 連長 于 2010-6-4 00:17 编辑

【中文标题】为什么西方主流媒体要诽谤中伤中国【原文标题】Why the Mainstream Western Media Slanders China【登载媒体】澳大利亚分析【来源链接】http://web.aanet.com.au/tplatform/Urumqi.html

The Australian Media and Rebiya Kadeer

The July 5 riot was instigated by an organisation that calls itself the World Uyghur Congress (WUC). This group is headed by a US-based, multi-millionaire capitalist, Rebiya Kadeer. Kadeer's son, daughter and brother who still live in the Autonomous region were so ashamed about what she did that they wrote an open letter apologizing to July 5 riot victim families. In the letter they expose how their mother and sister, Rebiya Kadeer, not only incited the violence but from the distance of the US had advance warning of it, indicating her role in its direct planning:
"After an incident between Uyghur and Han workers of a factory in Shaoguan of southern Guangdong Province broke out on June 26, she exaggerated the facts and distorted the truth on the Internet, raising the death toll from two to more than 50, and posted counterfeit pictures, which triggered the riot ....
"Six hours before the riot happened on July 5, we received a phone call from our mother (sister) Rebiya Kadeer, warning us there would be a` big incident. 'We are very angry and ashamed after the riot happened. " 7月5日的暴乱是由一个自称世界维吾尔大会(WUC)的组织所煽动的。这个组织的头目是居住在美国的大富豪热比娅·卡德尔。热比娅的子女和兄长仍居住在自治区,他们感到非常愧疚,并写了一封公开信向7.5事件中的受害者家属道歉。在信中他们揭露他们的母亲/妹妹热比娅,不仅煽动暴乱,还在美国预先警告他们小心骚乱,这标志着她在这场骚乱中所扮演的角色:“6月26日,广东省南部韶关市一家工厂的维族工人和汉族工人爆发了暴力事件之后,她(热比娅)在互联网上歪曲和夸大事实,将死亡人数从2人夸大到超过50人,并张贴伪造的照片,这触发了暴动……“7月5日,骚乱发生6小时前,我们接到了一个我们妈妈(妹妹)热比娅打来的电话,告诫我们将有‘大事’发生。暴乱发生以后,我们非常愤怒并且很愧疚。” 
Rebiya Kadeer grew up in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the PRC. She became an extremely rich capitalist exploiter. In fact, Kadeer became the richest woman in all of China. However, in socialistic China - even following the post-1978 reforms that allowed a degree of capitalism - the right to capitalist exploitation of labour is not guaranteed and many capitalists come under strong pressure to give more back to society. Kadeer no doubt felt this pressure - her company would later be exposed for tax evasion - and responded by going into opposition to the PRC workers state. She went openly over to supporting the US imperialist drive to restore capitalist rule in China.
Like several other capitalist exploiters, and would be exploiters, who long for the pre-PRC times of capitalist rule, she masks her agenda under the cloak of ethnic nationalism. In her case it is Uyghur nationalism. Unfortunately, the WUC have been able to manipulate legitimate economic grievances amongst the Uyghur people. Although the PRC's public-sector dominated economy has overall brought great economic benefit to its ethnic minority regions, China's post-1978 market reforms have caused inequalities between rich and poor, economic rivalries and unemployment that have all hurt some Uyghur people, among others.
Given the true agenda of Rebiya Kadeer and the WUC it is little wonder that they are heavily backed and even organized by the American capitalist ruling class. It was Washington that pressured China to allow Rebiya Kadeer to go into exile in the US in 2005. In a 2007 speech in Prague on "Freedom" where he hailed the destruction of the Soviet Union and East European socialistic states, George W. Bush heaped gushing praise on Kadeer: "The talent of men and women like Rebiyah is the greatest resource of their nations , far more valuable than the weapons of their army or their oil under the ground "(Text released by Office of the Press Secretary of the White House, 5 June 2007). Tellingly, in the same speech, Bush also hailed noted counterrevolutionary" dissidents "in Cuba and Vietnam.考虑到热比娅和世维会的本来面目,就不会惊讶于他们甚至获得了美国资本统治阶层大量的财力支持。华盛顿(美国政府所在地,此处特指美国前总统乔治·W·布什)称,中国的压迫让热比娅在2005年流亡美国。2007年,他在布拉格发表题为“自由”的演讲,他不断欢呼苏联和东欧社会主义国家的毁灭,乔治·W·布什声情并茂的赞颂热比娅:“象热比娅这样的人才是他们民族最宝贵的财富,价值远远超过他们军队的武器或是地下的石油”(原文由美国白宫新闻办公室发布,2007年6月5日)。布什还在同一场演讲中煽情的给古巴和越南著名的反革命分子(持不同政见者)致敬。 
Today, the US government continues to back Kadeer through the US Congress-directed National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The NED helps to orchestrate the WUC's work. In a May 11 press release, the Uyghur American Association on behalf of the WUC announced that "the WUC, in conjunction with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)" would host "a seminal human rights conference focused on East Turkestan entitled East Turkestan: 60 Years under Communist Chinese Rule, From Monday, May 18 to Tuesday, May 19 "(Third General Assembly of the World Uyghur Congress to be held in Washington, DC, UHRP website). Established by the US Congress in 1983 and largely funded by it, the main work of the NED has been to create and bankroll anti-communist movements around the world. Today, the NED is well known for backing counterrevolutionary forces in Cuba and right-wing opponents of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.时至今日,美国政府继续通过国会指导国家民主基金会(NED)支持热比娅。NED帮助世维会精心策划活动。在5月11日的新闻发布会上,美国维吾尔协会代表世维会(WUC)发表声明称:“从5月18日周一至5月19日周二,世维会将与全国民主基金会一起齐心协力主办一场主题为“东土耳其斯坦:中共统治的60年”的人权讨论会,重点将放在‘东土耳其斯坦’问题上”(第三届世界维吾尔代表大会将在华盛顿特区举行,维吾尔人权项目网站)。NED成立于1983年,主要由美国国会自主,NED的主要职能是建立基金为世界各地的反共活动提供资金。今天,NED因给古巴的反革命势力和委内瑞拉的乌戈查韦斯的右翼对手提供支持而被公众所熟知。

The NED's methods are to assist the outfits it backs to spread their propaganda, bribe influential figures and manipulate the media. The NED has certainly taught the WUC well the CIA's notorious "disinformation" tactics. A key trigger for the July 5 riot was indeed such a "disinformation" posting on an international Uyghur internet group by a WUC leader in Germany. The posting showed a video of what he said was "a Uyghur girl beaten to death" and then called for Uyghur people to "repay blood with blood." It turned out that the video showing a girl in red being beaten to death by a group of people using stones was originally broadcast by CNN in May 2007 as something that happened in the Mosul city of Iraq on 7 April 2007!!! Later, Kadeer in an interview with Al Jazeera showed a photo of what she claimed were "peace in Uyghur protesters" Urumqi and how they were treated by Chinese police. The photo was later found to be cropped from a Chinese news website image of a completely unrelated June 26 protest in Shishou, Hebei Province!!!
The National Endowment for Democracy not only guides the World Uyghur Congress but also directly funds it. And how can we be sure of this? Well, it slipped out of the horse's mouth! At a US State Department Daily Press Briefing in Washington on July 13 , Department Spokesman Ian Kelly, in response to a question about China asking the US to stop funding to Kadeer's organization admitted that:
"Her organization does receive funds from the National Endowment of Democracy, which is - receives its funds from Congress."- Under "US Relations with the PRC" in website of the Consulate General of the United States, Hong Kong and Macau 国民民主基金会不仅指导世维会,还直接提供资金支持。我们如何确认这一点?呵呵,他的马嘴说漏了!7月13日,美国国会每日新闻简报在华盛顿指出,国防部发言人伊恩·凯利回应了中国要求美国停止给热比娅的组织拨款的质询:
   “她的[热比娅的] 组织从国民民主基金会(NED)获得专款,这些资金由国会提供。”
Yet the strong US backing for Rebiya Kadeer and the WUC barely gets a mention in the mainstream Australian media. Australian editors seem to fear that the truth that Kadeer is a multimillionaire capitalist funded by the US empire upsets the portrayal they wish to paint of her as a brave, "little" person who is standing up against all odds to a fierce dragon. Indeed, the Australian press is doing everything in their power to lionise Kadeer and the WUC. For starters, they always credit Rebiya Kadeer as being not a " Uyghur anti-communist leader "or even a" Uyghur separatist leader "but as" Uyghur leader "full stop - as if most Uyghur people in China support her. An August 5 The Sydney Morning Herald article on Kadeer even begins with the words, "The unofficial leader of the Uighurs, Rebiya Kadeer ... "(emphasis added). Such characterizations deliberately ignore the ethnic Uyghur leaders who head the provincial government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region - people like Nur Bekri who is chairman of the Autonomous Region's government. It also ignores the ethnic Uyghurs who are national political leaders in the PRC, like current vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Abdul'ahat Abdulrixit. But, alas, they are all on the opposite side to Kadeer and her imperialist backers - they are Communist Party members. So the media here prevents the Australian population from even knowing that such Uyghur leaders exist.然而,澳大利亚媒体几乎没有提到热比娅和世维会得到了美国强有力的支持。澳大利亚的编辑似乎对热比娅是个得到美国专款资助的大富豪的事实感到恐惧,他们想把热比娅描绘为一个勇士,一个艰难反抗猛龙的“少数派”。事实上,澳大利亚媒体尽一切力量来捧热比娅和世维会。首相他们无一例外的相信热比娅不是‘维族反共领袖’或者‘维族分裂主义领袖’,而是认为她是得到大多数中国维族人支持的‘维族领袖’,就这么简单。8月5日,悉尼先锋晨报甚至在一篇涉及热比娅的文章中这些用这些字词作为开头:“维吾尔族的民间领袖热比娅……”(重点强调民间的)。这样的描述故意忽视了新疆维族自治区的领导人是维吾尔少数民族---比如像努尔白克力(Nur Bekri)就是自治区主席。它也忽视了中国国家政治领导人中的维吾尔少数民族,比如中国政治协商会议的现任主席阿不来提阿不都热西提(Abdul'ahat Abdulrixit)。但是,哎,他们对于热比娅及其支持者来说是对手-----他们是共产党员。所以本地媒体试图阻止澳大利亚人知道这些维吾尔族领导人的存在。 
Another way that the Australian media promotes the anti-Peoples Republic of China forces is by extensively quoting from them and generously airing their views. To be sure, the media does give small snippets of statements from pro-PRC representatives too. This, indeed, is what makes the Western "free" media so effective in imposing its biased point of view. They seek the credibility of being "even-handed," by "including all points of view." Only that the side they support always gets ten times more air-play or column space than the side they oppose!澳大利亚媒体的另一种办法是通过大量引用热比娅和世维会的宣传,以及他们发表的观点来宣传反对中国军队。值得肯定的一点就是,媒体也零星的登载了亲华人士的观点。这确实使得西方“自由”媒体有效的将这么偏颇的观点灌输给你。他们寻求的是依靠“综合各方观点”赢得“公正”的声誉。只是,他们总是更多的传播他们支持的,甚至10倍于他们的反对者。
It is not only the quantity of quotes from the different sides that the Western media forwards on but also the contrasting ways in which the statements from the different sides are introduced that is crucial here. So even when The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Kadeer's family had written letters condemning her for inciting the Urumqi riot, it was in an article headlined: "'Fake' letters blame Kadeer over Urumqi" (The Sydney Morning Herald website, August 3 posting). Although the word 'Fake' is here in quotation marks its very inclusion in the headline immediately prejudices readers against the letter. Then in the August 5 issue of The Sydney Morning Herald, Quotes from Kadeer that the letter "is a forgery, transparent propaganda" are followed by the journalist stating in her own words that, "she is resigned to the fact that China might well have coerced her family into signing such letters. "In other words, the newspaper has presented the reader with just two options about the letters - they are a forgery or Kadeer's family were forced into signing them. The possibility that the letters are genuine is effectively excluded. In contrast when Rebiya Kadeer's statements are referred to they often get the sanction of the journalist. So, later in the same August 5 article referred to above, the article states that "she wants Australians to know that although her people are being jailed and killed in China, she disavows terrorism. "Here" her people are being jailed and killed in China "is presented as a fact. Her statement is not reported as, "she wants Australians to know that although, as she claims, Her people are being jailed ... "- no only the" disavows terrorism "part of the sentence is presented as being an opinion open to question, the rest is given the status of a fact. Similarly, in the 18 July Sydney Morning Herald article publicizing Kadeer, the article's first sentence states that "... Rebiya Kadeer will use a visit to Australia next month to urge the Government to take a stand over China's violent repression of demonstrations in her homeland ...." Again it is carefully written to avoid saying : "take a stand over, what she says are, China's violent repression of demonstrations in her homeland. "No," China's violent repression of demonstrations in her homeland "is presented by The Sydney Morning Herald as an undisputable truth.这可不仅仅只是西方媒体引用双方论调的数量,西方媒体传达的不同对立面看法的介绍同样至关重要。因此,悉尼先驱晨报在报道热比娅的家人写信谴责她煽动乌鲁木齐骚乱时,用了这个标题:“‘假’信将乌鲁木齐事件归责于热比娅”(悉尼先驱晨报网站,8月3日发布)。但是Fake(假的)这个词被标上引号并在标题中使用,直接误导读者抵触这封信。紧接着,8月5日,悉尼先锋晨报的记者就这一问题引用了热比娅的话:这封信“是伪造的,显而易见的宣传”。她[热比娅]指出,如果信是真的,“中国很可能逼迫她的家人签署有关信件。”换句话说,关于这封信,晨报现在只给读者两个选择-----一是伪造的,二是热比娅的家人被迫签署了信件。事实上,信件是真实的被排除了。热比娅的声明反映出他们和记者提出的有所差别。所以,8月5日的一篇涉及上述相同问题的文章指出:“她[热比娅]想让澳大利亚人知道,尽管她的人民在中国被抓捕和杀害,但她否认自己参与恐怖活动”。在这篇文章中,“她的人民在中国被抓捕并被杀害"是作为一个事实。她的声明并不是报告,“她想让澳大利亚人知道,“她的人民被抓捕……”这是她的声明。“否认参与恐怖活动”是对一个问题的看法中的一部分,并不是作为一个事实。类似的还有7月18日悉尼先驱晨报发表的一篇宣传热比娅的文章,文章第一个句子中指出:“……热比娅将在下个月访问澳大利亚,希望政府反对中国对她家乡的游行示威进行暴力镇压……”,媒体再次小心的书写敏感词:“采取措施反对中国暴力镇压发生在她家乡的示威游行”,这是她说的?并不是,只有‘反对’是她说的。“中国暴力镇压她家乡的示威游行”是悉尼晨报当做一个不争的事实报道的。

忧心 发表于 2010-6-4 03:48

Again it is carefully written to avoid saying : "take a stand over, what she says are, China's violent repression of demonstrations in her homeland. "No," China's violent repression of demonstrations in her homeland "is presented by The Sydney Morning Herald as an undisputable truth.


忧心 发表于 2010-6-4 03:48


xueyingshi 发表于 2010-6-4 07:55


ailianren2008 发表于 2010-6-4 08:36


秦汉周唐 发表于 2010-6-4 09:48


983 发表于 2010-6-8 10:53


zhugxtx 发表于 2010-6-8 19:59


无可就要 发表于 2010-6-8 23:58


yuzhonglie 发表于 2010-6-9 10:37


hhjnet 发表于 2010-7-28 19:18

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查看完整版本: [澳大利亚分析]为何西方主流媒体要诽谤中伤中国《之二《澳大利亚媒体和热比娅·卡德尔