红山茶 发表于 2010-6-4 22:57

【2010.6.2 法新社】他为保护中国古典建筑而战

本帖最后由 红山茶 于 2010-6-4 23:12 编辑

【中文标题】他为中国古典建筑保护而战【原文标题】He's battle to save China's classic architecture【登载媒体】法新社【来源地址】http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100602/wl_asia_afp/chinaculturehistorybeijing
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BEIJING (AFP) – Every week, He Shuzhong receives dozens of phone calls, emails and letters from people across China warning him that another piece of ancient architecture is about to be bulldozed.(北京 法新社)每周,戍中(何戍中,非政府机构北京文化遗产保护中心创立者,译注)他接到几十个电话,收到几十封电子邮件和信件。这些来自于中国各地的电话、电子邮件和信件,向他报告——又有一个古老的建筑将要被推土机推平。The former university professor has spent nearly three decades battling to save traditional hutongs (alleys formed by lines of courtyard houses) and temples, some dating back hundreds of years, from the wrecking ball.为从起重机下拯救传统胡同和庙宇,这位前大学教授已经战斗近30年,其中一些胡同和庙宇有几百年的历史。Thousands of historic buildings have been lost, but He said he takes comfort from the growing number of people joining the fight to preserve what is left.成千上万的颇具历史意义的建筑物被丢弃了,但是他说越来越多的人加入这场保护存留下的古典建筑的战斗中来,这让他感到很欣慰。"Destruction takes place every day," He, 48, the founder of the Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Centre, said in an interview with AFP.在一次法新社的采访中,这个48岁的北京文化遗产保护中心的发起人说道:“破坏,每天都在发生。”"The more phone calls we get the more excited I become because it shows more and more people care about the issue."“接到电话越多,我越兴奋。因为这表明越来越多的人关心这件事了。”Since China embarked on economic reforms 30 years ago, many of the country's historic sites and districts have been forcibly demolished to make way for apartment blocks, office buildings and roads.自从30年前中国开始经济改革,这个国家的许多历史遗迹和历史地区被强行拆毁,给公寓大楼,写字楼还有公路腾出地方。He said strict laws protecting traditional architecture from demolition are often steamrollered by crooked local officials and powerful property developers looking to make a profit.他说保护传统建筑的严厉法律常常被那些期待获利的腐败的地方官员和强大的房地产开发商强压了。"If you look at the laws and Communist Party documents, you would think China was the most determined country in the world to protect its culture," he said.他说道:“如果你只看法律和中国共产党的文件,你会认为中国是世界上最坚决地保护其文化的国家。”"But enforcement is bad due to powerful interests and government corruption."“但是,由于强大利益集团的作用和政府腐败,执行的很糟糕。”Since his university days in Shanghai in the early 1980s, He has been campaigning against rampant destruction of historic buildings and trying to raise the awareness of Chinese people about their heritage.自20世纪80年代初他还是个在上海读书的大学生时,他就已经参加到反对猖獗的历史建筑破坏活动之中,并尽力提升中国人对他们遗产的认识。"(In the 1980s) even in the most advanced cities of Beijing and Shanghai, most people had little respect for tradition and culture," said He.“(20世纪80年代)就是在北京、上海这样最先进的城市,几乎大多数人都没有尊重传统和文化。”他说。"Maybe it was because we were poor for so long and we were lagging so far behind that we didn't have the time and energy to think about this problem."“可能,我们穷了太久,落后太多,以至于我们没有时间和精力去考虑这个问题。”In 2003, He set up the Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Centre to advise communities nationwide on how to protect important buildings and to educate people and officials about the importance of preserving historic sites.2003年,他创立了北京文化遗产保护中心,就怎样保护重要建筑为全国社区提供咨询,同时向群众和政府官员宣传保护历史遗迹的重要性。"I don't wish everybody to go back to the ancient era, wearing long robes and so on, but everybody should have a minimum level of respect," He said.“我不是要大家都回到古代,身穿长袍等等,但是至少每个人要有一点尊重之心。”"I want to make Chinese people understand, respect and protect their cultural heritage and through this process they will become more responsible, civilised and well-mannered."“我希望让中国人了解并去尊重、保护他们的文化遗产,通过这个过程,他们将会更有责任感、更文明、更礼貌。”With the help of thousands of volunteers spread across the country, the centre has waged dozens of battles against proposed developments, with mixed results.在全国成千上万的志愿者的帮助下,中心发动了反对数次开发计划的战争,结果喜忧参半。Early this year, the group stopped a real estate developer from destroying the former Beijing home of architects Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, a married couple famous for their work last century.今年早些时候,这个组织阻止了开发商对建筑学家梁思成、林徽因夫妇(上个世纪因二人作品闻名于世)北京的故居的破坏。Less successful has been their campaign to save the old city of Kashgar, an ancient Silk Road outpost in the far-western Xinjiang region. 保护喀什葛尔(即喀什)老城,一个最西部的新疆地区的丝绸之路前哨,这场活动失败了。 Local authorities are bulldozing the maze of alleyways and mud-brick buildings and relocating residents to modern apartments, and the centre's battle appears to be lost. 当地政府正在拆毁迂曲的小巷和泥砖建筑,让原来的居民住进现代化的楼房。北京文化遗产保护中心的这场斗争看起来是输了。Now He and his volunteers are trying to stop authorities from redeveloping the streets surrounding the Drum and Bell Towers in Beijing, which were used to tell the time from the 13th century Yuan dynasty until the 1920s. 现在,他和她的志愿者们正努力阻止政府对鼓楼钟楼周边地区的街道进行改建。鼓楼和钟楼从13世纪元朝开始直到20世纪20年代一直用来报时。The five-billion-yuan (732-million-dollar) redevelopment project plans to turn the district into a "Beijing Time Cultural City" with shopping malls and car parks. 50亿元(732,000,000美元)的改建项目计划把这个区打造成拥有大型购物商场和停车场的“北京时间文化城”。"The district is very rare in Beijing and even in the country and should be preserved as it is and in its entirety," said He. “这个地区不说在北京就是在全国也很少见了。应该按照原样完整的保存下来。”他说。Despite the loss of so many historically important buildings and areas, He remains optimistic. 尽管众多的极具历史意义的重要建筑和地区消失了,他仍然持乐观态度。The pace of demolition has slowed in the past decade as more Chinese people join the campaign to safeguard the nation's past. 毁坏的速度在过去十年慢了下来,因为更多的中国人加入到这场民族历史的保卫战中。"The destruction of buildings is still very serious but 10 years ago it was even worse," He said. “建筑的破坏仍然很严重,但是10年前情况更糟。”他说。"Ten years ago when I gave a speech to a room big enough to hold 200-300 people it was very common to see only two or three people in the audience. “10年前当我在一个能容纳200到300人的房间演讲时,通常只有两三个观众。”"Now it is packed." “现在挤得满满的。”He -- who also works at the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, an agency under the culture ministry -- said he has no plans to stop fighting to save what is left of China's classic architecture. 他还在文化部下属机构——国家文物局任职。他说还没有停止拯救遗留下来的中国古典建筑斗争的计划。"I will do what I feel is most needed, most valuable and what I am best at," said He.
“我将做那些我认为最需要做的,最有价值的,我最擅长的事。”他说。"I have no interest in doing other things." “我没有兴趣去做其他事。”

紫色米粒 发表于 2010-6-4 23:25


連長 发表于 2010-6-5 01:13


莫说 发表于 2010-6-5 07:52


oushen 发表于 2010-6-5 12:16

以前也觉得可惜 现在虽然觉得可惜 但是还是觉得 虽然我们要保护这些古建筑,但是我们本身也是在创造历史的,现在建造的东西只要有价值保存,许多年以后一样是古建筑的。而且中国自古以来战乱频发,北京城当年不也是差点就保不住了么。保护这些建筑是一方面,另一方面也是要创造些有价值的建筑。

HongKongCCY 发表于 2010-6-5 12:28

黃黃綠綠的清建築我不管, 希望重建多點南北朝、唐、宋等的建築。

xueyingshi 发表于 2010-6-5 13:31


JAM 发表于 2010-6-6 08:45


北门北风 发表于 2010-6-6 08:59


滔滔1949 发表于 2010-6-6 12:02

黃黃綠綠的清建築我不管, 希望重建多點南北朝、唐、宋等的建築。
HongKongCCY 发表于 2010-6-5 12:28 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


ailianren2008 发表于 2010-6-6 16:06




henhaoa 发表于 2010-6-6 21:19


yun1tianhe 发表于 2010-6-7 12:14


華清池中魚 发表于 2010-6-7 23:56


千年明月 发表于 2010-6-8 19:27


woodong 发表于 2010-6-8 23:17


记忆之门 发表于 2010-6-9 18:36


HongKongCCY 发表于 2010-6-11 02:26

黄黄绿绿的“清”建筑?黄黄绿绿的“清”建筑代表应该就是紫禁城了吧?紫禁城是谁先修建起来的知道 ...
滔滔1949 发表于 2010-6-6 12:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

    我就是不喜歡"清"的建築, 我也沒說我喜歡"明"的建築, 至於"滿""漢"之爭我沒興趣, 支持國家的一切團結為重, 那種爭論留給你吧; 紫禁城就是由明朝開始修建的, 你我都知道, 明清兩代間興用黃色琉璃瓦, 我就是不喜歡, 怎麼了?
魏晉南北朝時期雖有戰亂分裂, 但佛教初由印度傳入, 雕刻壁畫等的技巧傳入, 豐富了建築樣式, 有神鳥鳳凰等的飾物, 至唐宋建築達至頂峰, 簡潔大氣, 飛簷深遠, 清代的官式建築無法比。

zyueru 发表于 2010-6-20 23:16


vyuvhjv 发表于 2010-6-20 23:30

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