hellotaiki 发表于 2010-6-7 22:15

【10.05.26 纽约时报】美国期待着中国加入同盟

【原文标题】 U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line
SEOUL, South Korea — When Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday declared America’s solidarity with South Korea in its mounting confrontation with North Korea, she had more than a domestic audience in mind: she was also speaking to the Chinese. 首尔 韩国:希拉里 克林顿在周三宣布美国将坚定支持韩国,准备应对北朝鲜。彼时,在她心里,这些不光光是说给国内的听众听的,也是说给中国听的。“We believe it’s in everyone’s interest, including China, to make a persuasive case for North Korea to change direction,” Mrs. Clinton said after meeting South Korea’s president, Lee Myung-bak. “我们相信,劝服朝鲜改变政策这件事关乎各方利益,包括中国。”会见韩国总统李明博后,这位克林顿夫人如是说。She implored the Chinese to study the 400-page South Korean government report that concluded that the North torpedoed a South Korean warship in March, killing 46 sailors. And she promoted a visit to Seoul on Friday by the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, which American officials hope will open the door for Beijing’s support of a United Nations resolution condemning the attack. 她恳求中国人能看看韩国政府长达400页的报告,该报告得出结论,朝鲜在三月发射鱼雷袭击韩国战舰,造成46人死亡。她也在筹划周五同中国总理温家宝一起访问首尔,美国官方希望这一举措能让北京支持联合国的决定,谴责朝鲜的袭击。The American effort to muster Chinese backing for South Korea is emerging as a test case for how the Obama administration handles China, a nation that is more assertive on the world stage, yet possessed of some of the same insecurities and internal divisions that have long preoccupied its leaders. 美国正在争取中国对韩国的支持,这种努力也被视作一种检验,看看奥巴马政府如何应对中国。中国虽然在国际舞台上益发自信,领导层却长期面临着同样的问题——不稳定因素和国内分裂势力。While China’s decision-making on core foreign policy issues tends to be secretive, American officials said they had picked up hints that there was some disagreement within the leadership about how to respond to North Korea’s behavior, pitting civilian party leaders against the military. 尽管在国际事务上,中国的政策深藏不露,美国官方还是声称获取了一些线索:中国领导层内部在如何应对朝鲜的问题上出现了分歧,这一情况也使共产党领导人同中国军方相互对立。The debate surfaced last year after North Korea tested a nuclear device, American officials said, and has accelerated since the attack on the South Korean ship, the Cheonan. Chinese civilian leaders have expressed growing puzzlement and anger about the North’s behavior, these officials said, while military officials tend to see the North’s moves as more defensible given the threat North Korea perceives from the United States. 美国官方称,这种争论(指中国领导人同军方)在去年朝鲜核试验后初露端倪,朝鲜袭击韩国战舰天安号后,论争益发激烈。对于朝鲜的行径,中国平民领导层的迷惑与愤怒与日俱增。尽管中国军方认为,朝鲜这么做是出于感受到美国威胁的防御。美国官员说。China and North Korea, onetime ideological allies, conduct their relations through their ruling parties. But the two militaries, which fought together against the United States and South Korea during the Korean War, have their own close ties.曾经,作为意识形态上的盟友,中朝两国执政党互相来往。但是,曾同仇敌忾与美韩战斗的两国军方,却有着军方自身的紧密联系。“There is profound frustration with North Korean behavior and with the way in which it complicates China’s own security calculations,” said a senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly. “对于朝鲜的行动,中国深觉挫败。这也使中国安全上的考虑变得复杂。”一位高级政府官员说。而这位官员没有被授权公开发表意见,所以无法透露姓名。The United States and South Korea, for example, have agreed to conduct joint naval exercises in the waters off the Korean Peninsula. Their troops are working together to increase military preparedness. Japan dropped its resistance to a deal to relocate a Marine Corps air base on the island of Okinawa, driven in part by fears of hostility in its neighborhood. 举个例子,美国和韩国达成协议,将在朝鲜半岛海域举行联合海军演习。两国军力将联合军力来备战。日本也将转移设在OKINAWA岛上的海空军基地,这种抵抗部分原因也在对领国敌意的恐惧。These developments were noticed in Beijing, which views them as an impediment to its own ambitions, officials said. 官方称,北京留意到了周边进展,这些也被北京视作其野心的障碍。Recognizing the influential role of the Chinese military, the United States is working to restore military-to-military contacts. They were cut off by China this year after Washington sold weapons to Taiwan, and military officials still seem chilly toward the United States. 今年,美国向台湾出售军备后,中美两国军事合约被迫终止。而意识到中国军力的影响,美国正在着手恢复两国的军事合约。The only discordant note at the American-Chinese meetings, an official said, was a presentation by an officer of the People’s Liberation Army, in which he blamed Washington for everything that had gone wrong between the two countries and credited Beijing for everything that had gone right. American officials complained afterward to their Chinese hosts. 一位官员称,在中美的会谈中,一位中国人民解放军在讲话中,指责华盛顿在两国之间所造成的过失,称赞北京的举措正确。这也是两国会谈中唯一的论争。之后,美国官员向中国军方提出了抗议。To emphasize the importance the United States places on military exchanges, Mrs. Clinton brought along Adm. Robert F. Willard, the commander of the United States Pacific Command, who met with senior military officials and was introduced by Mrs. Clinton to President Hu Jintao. Mrs. Clinton also pushed hard to change China’s aloof posture on the Korean standoff. She spent many hours in meetings with Chinese leaders, going over the fine points of the South Korean report and brandishing other evidence of the North’s involvement.为突出美国在军事交易上的重要地位,克林顿夫人此行也带来了美国太平洋司令部的司令官罗伯特-威拉德,威拉德会见了军方高层,也被希拉里介绍给胡锦涛。希拉里和中国领导人开了很长时间会,一遍遍重复韩国报告的好处,彰示着朝鲜的参与,力图改变中国对朝鲜半岛僵持局面的冷漠。She showered public praise on President Lee to remind Beijing of South Korea’s economic heft and strategic importance. And she is trying to corral support from Russia, which has often influenced how China votes in the United Nations Security Council, where both countries hold vetoes. 希拉里展示着公众对李明博总统的赞赏,提醒中国韩国的经济和战略重要性。她也试图从俄罗斯获取支持,中俄两国都拥有安理会一票否决权,俄罗斯常常能影响中国在安理会的决定。It is a formula that administration officials said they used with some success in overcoming China’s initial opposition to United Nations sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. But as with Iran, the process is likely to be slow, grinding and prone to setbacks. 行政官员们模式化地声称,他们已经成功使中国改变最初立场,转而赞成反对伊朗核试验。但和伊朗相比,这次朝鲜事务的过程则进展缓慢,一波三折,并很有可能失败收场。The Iran resolution has taken months longer than the administration would have liked, and even now, China’s support is not a sure thing. Administration officials suggested Wednesday that it would make sense to wait for the Iran sanctions to be passed before introducing a resolution on North Korea, to avoid overloading the diplomatic circuits at the Security Council. 伊朗核事件延续数月之久,远超出美国官方的期望。甚至现在中国的支持也不能确定。周三,行政官员提议说:在取得合适方法解决北朝鲜事件之前应该先通过对伊朗的制裁议定,这样可以避免安理会的外交团超负荷工作。The Chinese have not yet shown any readiness to accept that the North sank the ship. To the extent that they alluded to the crisis at all, it was to appeal for calm. 直到现在,中国人也不认为是朝鲜击沉了战舰。他们间接提到了这次危机,但期待和平。Given China’s reluctance to single out North Korea, officials said it was unrealistic to expect that Mrs. Clinton could break down their resistance in a couple of days. That is likely to take days or even weeks of talks. 面对中国不肯接受朝鲜击沉战舰的事实,美国官方称,寄望克林顿夫人在几天内就消弭中国人的抵触是不现实的。这很可能将花费数天,甚而数周的商讨。Meanwhile, the United States signaled that it stood firmly behind President Lee, a former business executive who has the difficult task of responding to North Korea’s attack without allowing the situation to spiral out of control. Mrs. Clinton described him several times as statesmanlike. 与此同时,美国也发出信号,将坚定支持李明博总统。李出身商界,他也面临着在不使事件持续恶化的前提下,向朝鲜的攻击作出回应的困难。克林顿夫人就数次把他描述成一个政治家。“We will stand with you in this difficult hour, and we stand with you always,” Mrs. Clinton said during a four-hour stop in Seoul.“当此困难时分,我们支持你。一直支持你。”克林顿夫人一次在汉城逗留的四小时中,她如是说。Despite all the hurdles, South Korean officials seemed confident that they would be able to win broad international backing. “China and Russia, of course, will take time, I’m sure,” said the foreign minister, Yu Myung-hwan. “But they will not be able to deny the facts.” 尽管障碍重重,韩国官方仍然信心十足,相信能争取到国际支持。“中国和俄国,当然,我确定这需要时间。”韩国外交部长柳明恒说,“但他们无法否认的,是事实。”PS:此文甚长……

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-6-7 22:32


百姓 发表于 2010-6-7 22:42


mt121763 发表于 2010-6-8 00:32


Huha 发表于 2010-6-8 00:49


红色的血 发表于 2010-6-8 03:43



mmc210 发表于 2010-6-8 04:34

While China’s decision-making on core foreign policy issues tends to be secretive, American officials said they had picked up hints that there was some disagreement within the leadership about how to respond to North Korea’s behavior, pitting civilian party leaders against the military.



北门北风 发表于 2010-6-8 06:21


莫说 发表于 2010-6-8 09:18


983 发表于 2010-6-8 11:30

While China’s decision-making on core foreign policy issues tends to be secretive, American officials said they had picked up hints that there was some disagreement within the leadership about how to respond to North Korea’s behavior, pitting civilian party leaders against the military.



liyanJT 发表于 2010-6-8 12:09


憋不住了 发表于 2010-6-8 15:08


gaguu 发表于 2010-6-8 16:43


hanhl 发表于 2010-6-8 17:50


鬼雄 发表于 2010-6-8 18:53


zhugxtx 发表于 2010-6-8 19:54


无可就要 发表于 2010-6-9 01:06



飞虾隐士 发表于 2010-6-9 06:42


支持一下 发表于 2010-6-9 11:01

想拉我们下水啊 呵呵

Free_Corsica 发表于 2010-6-9 11:49

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