千年明月 发表于 2010-6-15 20:08


本帖最后由 千年明月 于 2010-6-16 13:19 编辑

【中文标题】与巩俐关于好莱坞和饥饿的访谈 Dw7 T
【原文标题】Gong Li on Hollywood and hunger
【译者】 千年明月
【翻译方式】人工+ @4 s4 q! j1 o+ t* ^/ j. P- _6 d
【原文库链接】 http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-248533-1-1.html

                                                                                          巩女士是五个孩子中最小                           的一个,在山东济南长大
Actress Gong Li is one of the few Chinese stars to have made a successful move into English-speaking roles. 女演员巩俐是少数几个在英语角色中获得成功的中国明星之一。
The 44-year-old, who previously appeared in Memoirs of a Geisha and Miami Vice, will next be seen in Hollywood movie Shanghai, in which she stars alongside John Cusack.
这位44岁、曾在《艺伎回忆录》和《迈阿密风云》中扮演角色的女演员,将在好莱坞的下一部电影《上海》中和John Cusack一起担任主演。
Regarded as one of China's most beautiful women, she has another role: As a United Nations goodwill ambassador.
Ms Gong is currently promoting the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation's (FAO) drive to highlight the plight of the world's hungry people.
The organisation's 1billionhungry campaign aims to get the world angry about the fact that one in six people do not have enough to eat. 这个组织的“10亿饥饿运动”计划激起全世界对1/6的人口无法获得足够食物这样一个事实的愤怒。
"Securing food is the basic task for all humans," she said in an interview with the BBC in Beijing.    她在北京接受BBC采访时说:“安全食品是全人类的根本事业。”
Many of those hungry people live in the country of her birth, China, despite its remarkable economic growth over the past 30 years.
The country has lost much of its agricultural land over recent years because of the government's modernisation drive. Skyscrapers, office blocks and factories have all been built on land that was once used to grow crops.
This is a problem in need of urgent attention, said Ms Gong. "The most important problem at the moment is that we have less and less farmland. How are we going to grow food in the future?"
Despite her English-speaking roles, the actress conducts interviews in Chinese, finding it more comfortable to deal with reporters in her native language.尽管在电影角色中说英语,这位女演员在采访中坚持使用中文,认为和记者打交道时使用母语让她感觉更舒服。
Justice and dignity司法公正和尊严                                             《艺伎回忆录》获6项奥斯卡奖提名Born in the city of Shenyang in north-eastern China, Gong Li has been involved with the FAO since 2002. But she is not primarily known for her campaigning. 出生在中国东北沈阳的巩俐早在2002年就已经和联合国粮农组织打交道。但她在这方面的行动起初并不为公众了解。
After attending drama school in Beijing, she became the leading lady - both on and off set - for the director Zhang Yimou, who orchestrated the spectacular opening ceremony at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
The duo's films are very different to the kung fu movies and historical dramas often associated with Chinese cinema. In Raise the Red Lantern, released in 1991, Ms Gong played the reluctant concubine of a rich Chinese man.
Her isolation and unhappiness highlighted some of the worst aspects of traditional Chinese society. In The Story of Qiu Ju she was a peasant woman seeking justice for her husband, the victim of an attack by the head of the village. This remains her favourite role.
"This is because the character I played wanted justice and dignity," said the actress, speaking from a swanky hotel in Beijing's business district.
"These are very simple things, but these are fundamental requirements that everybody needs."
The film - entitled Qiu Ju Goes to Court in Chinese - was released nearly 20 years ago, but it is story that still resonates today.
Many Chinese people complain about what they see as their unjust society.
I asked Gong Li what she thinks about this. It was an opportunity for her to express her political thoughts, but she decided to keep them to herself.
"China's legal system is in the process of being perfected. I hope there will be fewer and fewer people like Qui Ju who have to go to court," was her comment.
She is equally deft when asked why she became a Singaporean citizen in 2008, to the anger of many Chinese people.
The fact that she is married to a Singaporean - tobacco tycoon Ooi Hoe Soeng - was, for some, no defence.
"I am Chinese - it doesn't matter what other people say," said Ms Gong.
Perhaps she is right. For many, Gong Li will always personify a new wave of Chinese film - regardless of what passport she holds

                              翻译交流 见6#                              she was a peasant woman seeking justice for her husband, the victim of an attack by the head of the village. 一位为丈夫打官司的农村妇女,她的丈夫被村长打了。(head of the village),不是(attack by the head)。村长打的不是秋菊丈夫的头,而是他两腿中间的“头”。秋菊说的“你不能往兀要命处踢么”。呵呵。...
zhiyi 发表于 2010-6-16 00:21 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

seen 发表于 2010-6-15 20:38



竹隐泉 发表于 2010-6-15 21:29


水林清 发表于 2010-6-15 21:30

我很想说 拜托 她又不是中国人

liyanJT 发表于 2010-6-15 22:27

我很想说 拜托 她又不是中国人

zhiyi 发表于 2010-6-16 00:21

she was a peasant woman seeking justice for her husband, the victim of an attack by the head of the village. 一位为丈夫打官司的农村妇女,她的丈夫被村长打了。(head of the village),不是(attack by the head)。村长打的不是秋菊丈夫的头,而是他两腿中间的“头”。秋菊说的“你不能往兀要命处踢么”。呵呵。

JAM 发表于 2010-6-16 06:50


千年明月 发表于 2010-6-16 13:13

本帖最后由 千年明月 于 2010-6-16 13:21 编辑

she was a peasant woman seeking justice for her husband, the victim of an attack by the head of the...
zhiyi 发表于 2010-6-16 00:21 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif谢谢纠正!翻译的时候开了点小差,已经更正过来了。译文还有不完善的地方,欢迎继续提出宝贵意见。

mmc210 发表于 2010-6-17 00:32

无论何时 无论何地 有一颗中国心就够了

水滴石穿 发表于 2010-6-17 21:53


水滴石穿 发表于 2010-6-17 21:54


andy007 发表于 2010-6-17 23:43


Right2 发表于 2010-6-18 09:12

不管在国内如何抱怨,也决不能在外国人面前贬损自己的祖国。有些人为了讨好洋人、以骂中国而讨取洋人的小利 ...
水滴石穿 发表于 2010-6-17 21:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


zlwan001 发表于 2010-6-19 00:59


滔滔1949 发表于 2010-6-19 09:16

andy007 发表于 2010-6-17 23:43 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


jyobin 发表于 2010-6-21 20:20


pcwkt 发表于 2010-6-22 23:36

巩俐 是个过气的演员了吧!
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