連長 发表于 2010-6-15 20:37

【10.06.11 BBC】中国判处校园攻击者死刑

      【原文标题】China sentences school attacker to death【登载媒体】BBC

BEIJING (AFP) - A Chinese court on Friday sentenced to death a man who injured 16 children and a teacher in an April stabbing spree -- the third such punishment after a series of school attacks that shocked the nation. 北京(法新社)--上周五,中国法院判处一名男子死刑,这名男子在四月份用刀疯狂砍杀,致使16名学生和一名老师受伤。一系列震惊全国的校园攻击案发生后,第三起被严厉惩治。
An intermediate court in the southern province of Guangdong sentenced Chen Kangbing to death for the attack at a primary school in the city of Leizhou, Xinhua news agency reported.新华社消息称,陈康兵因在雷州小学攻击学生被广东省中级法院被判处死刑。
The assault was one of a number that took place in China from March to May that left 17 people -- including 15 children -- dead and more than 80 injured.三月份至六月份,中国发生了一系列的袭击案,造成17死亡---其中包括15名儿童,并且有超过80人受伤。
"Chen hacked at the children and teacher in a very cruel manner, causing great harm," the report quoted the court in the city of Zhanjiang as saying in its verdict, noting he was convicted of "murder" even though no one died.记者引述湛江市法院陪审团的发言说:“陈康兵砍杀学生和老师的行为是非常残暴的,造成了巨大的伤害,”即便没有一个人死亡,他也会被判‘谋杀’。
Chen admitted his guilt during the trial, according to Xinhua. It was not immediately clear if he would appeal the verdict.据新华社报道,在审判期间,陈康兵认为他有罪。他没有立即对裁决提出上诉。
Aged in his early 30s, Chen is a schoolteacher who was reportedly on sick leave due to mental health problems.据说,陈康兵30多岁,是个教师,由于心理疾病放了病假。
The violent attacks have prompted emergency measures including stronger school security and stricter monitoring of people known to have mental illnesses, out of fears of copy-cat crimes.由于可能有盲目的模仿犯罪,暴力袭击推动了应急措施,包括更强有力的学校安保以及对精神病人严格的监控。
Extra police and security were posted this week outside high schools and road blocks set up outside test venues as nearly 10 million students sat for the country's university entrance exams.为了近千万考生参加该国高考,特警和保安本周定时报告高中外围的情况,并在考场外的街道上设置路障。
Experts said the assaults show China is paying the price for focusing on economic growth for decades while ignoring mental health problems linked to the nation's rapid social change.专家表示,这些袭击表明中国正在为几十年来过于强调经济的增长,而不重视心理健康问题对国家社会变化的关系付出代价。
Studies have cited a rise in the number of people suffering from mental disorders in China, some of them linked to stress as society becomes more fast-paced and old socialist supports have been scrapped.有研究表明,中国的精神病患者正在增加,其中一些人与社会的连接变得更快节奏,旧社会的支持者已经被抛弃了。
Some of the attackers involved in the violent school rampages reportedly had mental problems.据说,一些在学校进行暴力袭击的攻击者的精神有问题。
Other than Chen, two have already been sentenced to death and executed. Two other attackers committed suicide after their crimes.除了陈康兵,有2人在之前被判死刑。还有两人在作案后自杀。
One assailant who was executed late last month, Xu Yuyuan, said at his trial that his motive was to vent rage against society after losing money gambling and in business dealings, and suffering setbacks in his personal life.一名叫许余元的袭击者在上个月被执行死刑,他在审判中说道:”他袭击的动机是因为在赌博中输了钱,发泄对社会的愤怒,并且在他的个人生活承受着苦难和折磨。
The unemployed Xu carried out a bloody assault on 32 people, mostly small children, at a kindergarten in east China's Jiangsu province in April.4月份,被告许余元在中国江苏省对32人进行了非常血腥的屠杀,大多数是在幼儿园的小孩子。
A former doctor who stabbed to death eight children and injured five others on March 23 in southeast China was also executed last month.上个月,一名以前是医生的人也被执行死刑,他于3月23日在南部中国刺死了8名儿童,另有5人受伤。
Premier Wen Jiabao last month said long-standing social concerns such as unemployment and a growing gap between rich and poor were partially to blame for the string of attacks.温家宝总理在上个月强调,长期存在的社会问题,比如失业和不断增长的贫富差距等与这一连串的袭击有关联。
"We need to resolve the deep-seated causes that have resulted in these problems," Wen said in an interview with Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television, carried on its website. "This includes handling social contradictions, resolving disputes and strengthening mediation at the grassroots level."温家宝在接受香港凤凰卫视网络采访时表示:“我们需要解决导致这些问题的深层次原因。包括处理社会矛盾、解决争端、加强基层调觧。”

紫色米粒 发表于 2010-6-15 21:32


kl圣光亡灵 发表于 2010-6-15 22:05


初学汉字 发表于 2010-6-15 23:55


理性的愤怒 发表于 2010-6-16 00:54


連長 发表于 2010-6-16 01:21

杀他可以,也是对的,但是我们还得必须考虑他为什么会存在,这么多年来,这样的事情是很鲜见的,为啥现在这 ...
理性的愤怒 发表于 2010/6/16 00:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


JAM 发表于 2010-6-16 06:48


汉水布衣 发表于 2010-6-16 19:30


whyjfs 发表于 2010-6-16 20:55



Pinckyang 发表于 2010-6-17 09:59

杀他可以,也是对的,但是我们还得必须考虑他为什么会存在,这么多年来,这样的事情是很鲜见的,为啥现在这 ...
理性的愤怒 发表于 2010-6-16 00:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

zlwan001 发表于 2010-6-19 01:00


yiyuhao123 发表于 2010-6-22 15:55

他这样的话只能自寻死路 解决不了问题

dida_chen 发表于 2010-6-22 17:09


wyd2008 发表于 2010-6-22 17:15


总督察 发表于 2010-6-24 13:14


myanticnn 发表于 2010-6-24 17:42


凤还巢 发表于 2010-6-26 15:25


黄脸猫 发表于 2010-6-27 01:54


連長 发表于 2010-6-27 08:20

dida_chen 发表于 2010/6/22 17:09 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


sam712 发表于 2010-6-27 13:41

杀他可以,也是对的,但是我们还得必须考虑他为什么会存在,这么多年来,这样的事情是很鲜见的,为啥现在这 ...
理性的愤怒 发表于 2010-6-16 00:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

现在社会压力巨大 社会问题也频出

另:说到校园枪击案 美国是最有名的可以跟美国社会问题专家一起反思探讨
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