满仓 发表于 2010-6-24 15:38

【10.06.22 时代周刊】中国十大山寨货

【原文标题】Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs
【原文作者】Justin Bergman

中国勤奋的电子剽窃从业者们准备用自己的游戏规则再一次击败苹果,这一次的武器是仿造的4G iPhone,在真货进入市场之前它们就已经出现了。时代周刊带领读者看一看其它的中国假货——或称山寨货——它们看起来和真货的质量一样好。

HiPhone和APhone A6

苹果在中国只有一个实体商店,坐落在北京,第二家商店准备今年夏天在上海开张,但是山寨iPhones在这个国家繁华的电子市场中已经盘踞了多年。其最早的一个版本HiPhone售价只有100美元,这个产品的硬件设计和软件问题层出不穷。连线杂志副总编Daniel Dumas在2008年12月接受网络采访时说:“这东西叫HiPhone,我想肯定是因为你只有在兴奋得失去理智的时候才会去买它。”但克隆iPhone从那时起开始变得越来越先进,并带有一些令人惊讶的创新。去年11月发布的APhone A6可以使用iPhone的操作界面来运行谷歌Android操作系统。下一个版本是4G iPhone的克隆,预计会随时在上海登陆。


汉城服饰广场是上海最大的山寨市场,这里销售的iPad一眼看去和真的一样。近距离观察之后你会发现一些细微的差别。首先屏幕尺寸不同,大约有5英寸到7英寸的差别;其次,触点要比真的iPad小一点。但是这都是完全可以原谅的,因为它有丰富的额外功能,包括USB插口、内置摄像头、可扩展存储卡插槽——乔布斯的小板板里一项都没有。价格呢?大约140美元(这是用磕磕巴巴的中文砍价之后的结果)。shanzai.com是一家提供中国仿冒产业信息的网站,编辑Timothy James Brown说,现在市场上大约有30种不同类型的山寨iPad,从无锡矽鼎科技有限公司的C7平板电脑,到Orphan出品别出心裁的iPed。在这些生产厂家看来,竞争促进了创新,诸多特色功能因此而生。Brown说:“苹果或许会说:‘我们在下一代产品中再配备内置摄像头吧。’但是山寨厂家的游戏如果这么玩下去,就不会收获它们的既得利益。”



Nat Nat鞋

中国满街都是毫无新意的山寨服饰品牌,比如“Avivas”和“Pama”。但也有一些比较聪明的商标,比如模仿匡威高帮运动鞋的Nat Nat山寨货。这种鞋的跟部有一圈拉锁,可以让人方便地把运动鞋变为凉鞋,以便同时迎合城市中和海滩上的需求。每双30美元,Nat Nat价格还算合理,但是不出所料,质量却不不敢恭维。根据shanzai.com的评价,这种鞋“面料轻薄,给人廉价的感觉。”创意高超,但工艺糟糕。


一家房地产开发商为了促进南京的商业繁荣,在2008年把山寨提升到更高的层次。它在一整条街的店铺上挂满了西方连锁的山寨标志,比如“KFG”、“Pizza Huh”、“Bucksstar Coffee”,这种公开的作秀在某种程度上也起了一些作用。当这条“山寨街”的照片在网络上传开之后,当局立即停止了这种冒险行为。




真人秀节目总是要过很长时间才能进入中国,但是中国的节目制作人从美国和英国的电视节目中汲取线索来弥补这个时间差。中国现在有自己版本的美国偶像(超级女声和超级男声)、天桥轿子(被粗略翻译成魔术天才设计师)和美国超模(当然是中国超模了)。尽管中国还要花些时间才能出现下一个Kelly Clarkson和Christian Siriano,但是这些节目都吸引了大量的眼球。中国时尚杂志iLook的编辑陈均说,魔术天才设计师的参赛者其实都没有什么天分,“这是个舶来品,你看得出来节目没有什么原创因素。”


在迎接2010年上海世博会的一次演出中,中国把几个超级明星凑在一起,有成龙、刘德华、姚明,录制一首类似“We Are the World”的歌曲,名叫“2010等着你”。这首歌曲在4月份发布之后的不久,中国的网民开始评论,他们发现这首歌曲的旋律与日本歌手冈本真夜1997年的一首民谣“Stay the Way You Are”极为相似。世博会组织者立即暂停使用这首歌,这才像冈本申请旋律的使用权。冈本很有风度地同意了这个要求。



黄海Landscape VA3和力帆320

在一个对豪华汽车极为着迷的国家,北京车展每年吸引了大量的人群来傻乎乎地看那些顶级奢华的兰博基尼、布加迪和路虎。但是山寨汽车也在车展中占据了重要的一席。比如今年车展中出现的黄海Landscape VA3,几乎是雷克萨斯RX SUV不走样的翻版。两年前,力帆推出了一款Mini Cooper的翻版车,唯一的区别是力帆是四门车,而Mini Cooper只有两个门。还有价格,力帆320在中国的售价是7500美元,大约是Mini Cooper在美国售价的三分之一。


China's industrious electronics pirates are trying to beat Apple at its own game again by rushing out a copycat 4G iPhone before the real thing even hits the market. TIME takes a look at other Chinese fakes — or shanzhai — that look nearly as good as the real things

HiPhone and APhone A6

Apple may have only one store in China — in Beijing, with a Shanghai store set to open this summer — but shanzhai iPhones have been a fixture in the country's bustling electronics markets for years. One of the earliest models, the HiPhone, which sold for as little as $100, had its share of problems, such as faulty construction and malfunctioning apps. "It's called the HiPhone, I think, because you'd have to be high to actually buy it," Wired associate editor Daniel Dumas wrote in an online review in December 2008. But iPhone clones have gotten better since then, with some startling innovations. The APhone A6, released last November, uses an iPhone interface to run Google's Android operating system. Next up is a 4G iPhone clone — expect a solid copy on the streets of Shanghai any day now.


The iPads on sale at the Han City Fashion and Accessories Plaza, one of Shanghai's biggest shanzhai markets, sure look real. Upon closer inspection, however, one notices subtle differences. First, there's the screen size — roughly 5 in. by 7 in., or a touch smaller than the real iPad. But that's forgivable, given the extras, including a USB port, built-in webcam and expandable memory slot — none of which Steve Jobs' tablets have. And the price? About $140 (after some hard bargaining in passable Chinese). According to Timothy James Brown, editor of shanzai.com, a website devoted to China's knockoff industry, there are about 30 different iPad copycats on the market now, from Cynovo's C7 tablet to the creatively named iPed from Orphan Electronics. And for these producers, competition breeds innovation — hence the added features. "Apple may say, 'Let's keep the webcam off the device until we get to the next iteration of the product,' " Brown says. "But the shanzhai doesn't have a vested interest to play the game that way."


Google may be locking horns with Beijing, but the country's netizens still have Goojje. Launched in January around the same time Google threatened to leave the country over censorship rules and repeated cyberattacks, the maverick Goojje incorporates elements from the home pages of both Google and China's most popular search engine, Baidu. The logo, for instance, uses Google's font but Baidu's trademark paw print. Google, for one, is not amused. In February the company sent a cease-and-desist letter to Goojje, demanding that it stop using the trademarked logo. Goojje, however, has stood firm, and months later, the site is still up and running.

Nat Nat Shoes

China is awash with uninspired fashion copycats like "Avivas" and "Pama." More clever are the Nat Nat knockoffs of Converse high-top sneakers, which have a zipper around the sole, allowing the wearer to transition easily from city to beach by turning the shoe into a sandal. At $30 a pair, the Nat Nats are reasonably priced, but as always, the quality is questionable. According to a review on shanzai.com, the kicks were "flimsy and cheap feeling." High marks for inspiration, low marks for execution.

Shanzhai Street

In an effort to drum up business in Nanjing, a property developer took shanzhai to the next level in 2008, lining a street of storefronts with signs advertising knockoff Western chains, such as "KFG," "Pizza Huh," "Haagon Bozs" and "Bucksstar Coffee." The publicity stunt worked — to a point. After images of what became known as "Shanzhai Street" went viral on the Web, authorities promptly shut the venture down.

China's White Houses

Beijing may not always have a rosy relationship with Washington, but Chinese architects have gone crazy for the city — particularly its iconic symbols of power. Full-scale replicas of the U.S. Capitol building have been constructed in recent years in the nondescript midsize cities of Wuxi and Fuyang, while in Hangzhou, real estate tycoon Huang Qiaoling has constructed a mirror image of the White House, complete with his own Oval Office and portrait gallery of American Presidents, as well as miniature versions of the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore. Huang's bizarre estate is now a tourist destination — in 2002, then President George W. Bush paid a visit.

China's Next Top Model

Reality TV has been slow to hit China, but producers are taking their cues from the U.S. and Britain to make up for lost time. China now has its own versions of American Idol (Super Girl and Super Boy), Project Runway (the roughly translated Magical Talented Designers) and America's Next Top Model (obviously, China's Next Top Model). All have become massive hits, though it may be some time before China produces the next Kelly Clarkson or Christian Siriano. According to Chen Jun, an editor at the Chinese fashion magazine iLook, the contestants on Magical Talented Designers aren't, well, particularly magical or talented. "It's a copy show," he says. "You can see it's not very original."

Shanghai's World Expo Song

In the lead-up to Expo 2010 Shanghai, China lined up some of its biggest stars — Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Yao Ming — to record a "We Are the World"–style theme song titled "2010, Waiting for You." Shortly after it was released in April, however, netizens began commenting that the song's tune was strikingly similar to a 1997 ballad by Japanese singer Mayo Okamoto, "Stay the Way You Are." Expo organizers immediately suspended the use of the song — and then belatedly asked for permission to use the melody. Okamoto graciously granted the request.

China's Fine-Art Factory

Once a small village of 300 people in southern China, Dafen is now the center of the world's reproduction-art market, with factories of artists churning out tens of thousands of fake Picassos, Rembrandts, Van Goghs and Da Vincis each year. According to the state-run China Daily newspaper, the village (now a part of booming Shenzhen) accounts for 60% of the world's oil-painting market. Although the vast majority are reproductions, a burgeoning community of recent art graduates is also producing original works in Dafen. To encourage these artists, the local government built a $13 million museum in the village in 2007 and began offering some subsidized housing and residency rights.

Huanhai Landscape VA3 and Lifan 320

In a luxury-car-obsessed country, the Beijing Auto Show attracts swarms of people each year to gawk at the most extravagant new Lamborghinis, Bugattis and stretch Range Rovers. But shanzhai cars also feature prominently. Take the Huanhai Landscape VA3, which appeared at this year's auto show. It's an almost exact replica of a Lexus RX SUV. And two years ago, Lifan introduced a carbon copy of a Mini Cooper, the only major difference being that it has four doors instead of two. That, and the price tag: the Lifan 320 retails for about $7,500 in China, roughly a third of a Mini Cooper's cost in the U.S.

qinxiu89121 发表于 2010-6-24 16:13


OMAGOO 发表于 2010-6-24 16:26

但克隆iPhone从那时起开始变得越来越先进,并带有一些令人惊讶的创新。去年11月发布的APhone A6可以使用iPhone的操作界面来运行谷歌Android操作系统。

ykfo2 发表于 2010-6-24 17:34


myanticnn 发表于 2010-6-24 17:41


davidhuyi 发表于 2010-6-24 21:48


harryfx 发表于 2010-6-24 23:39

苹果在中国只有一个实体商店,坐落在北京,第二家商店准备今年夏天在上海开张,但是山寨iPhones在这个国家繁华的电子市场中已经盘踞了多年。其最早的一个版本HiPhone售价只有100美元,这个产品的硬件设计和软件问题层出不穷。连线杂志副总编Daniel Dumas在2008年12月接受网络采访时说:“这东西叫HiPhone,我想肯定是因为你只有在兴奋得失去理智的时候才会去买它。”但克隆iPhone从那时起开始变得越来越先进,并带有一些令人惊讶的创新。去年11月发布的APhone A6可以使用iPhone的操作界面来运行谷歌Android操作系统。下一个版本是4G iPhone的克隆,预计会随时在上海登陆。


绝对中国人 发表于 2010-6-25 13:03

很逗 的

vincent_1988 发表于 2010-6-26 13:37


雨蛙蛙 发表于 2010-6-26 15:03


cnfire2 发表于 2010-6-26 16:46


st_aster 发表于 2010-6-26 17:47


jia5725 发表于 2010-6-26 20:21

虽然挺鄙视的 但是能山寨的很像样也确实得做足功夫啊 ,还有选秀节目算不上山寨吧

纸飛机 发表于 2010-6-27 11:52

所谓的山寨货有的真的是很有头脑的,像那个Nat Nat鞋,它是有创意的,可是,就是没勇气,它大大可以推出自己的品牌啊,只是有部分消费者太虚荣了,一味追求名牌

无心客 发表于 2010-6-29 00:20


hardawary 发表于 2010-6-29 19:24


rainne 发表于 2010-6-30 19:18


核动力 发表于 2010-7-1 09:44

我是HIPHONE 的第一批使用者,当时另一个名字叫桔子手机



lichen7454 发表于 2010-7-1 10:31


tasselchen 发表于 2010-7-1 19:32

回复 2# qinxiu89121

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