满仓 发表于 2010-7-14 15:27

【10.07.08 纽约时报】苹果在中国开店,但生意依然难有起色

【原文标题】Opening a Big Store in China, Apple Remains a Market Underdog





苹果的成功依然遥不可及,因为它在个人电脑和移动电话领域将面对规模巨大、根深蒂固的竞争对手。它最新的炙手可热产品iPad和iPhone 4还未在中国上市,也没有宣布具体的上市日期。


加利福尼亚的苹果零售业务副总裁Ron Johnson在记者参观日说:“我们把这个商店当作一个启动平台。”

苹果通过在中国开设零售店的方式来追随其它一些国际品牌的脚步,它迫切想进入这个13亿人口、阔绰消费者数量不断增加的国家。今年中国的零售业发展兴旺,Best Buy、Gap、耐克、星巴克、Zara和大部分欧洲大牌奢侈品都在中国开设了零售店。


来自Needham & Company的Charles Wolf是专门关注苹果的分析师,他说:“苹果在未来18个月或者两年的时间里会大举进军中国市场。”他认为苹果的零售店显著地提升了其品牌知名度,“到目前为止,苹果在中国尚未形成其影响力,但这是迟早的事。”












康涅狄格州斯坦福研究机构的分析师Sandy Shen说:“官方iPhone的售价相比于黑市高得太多,而且苹果的零售店在中国实在太少。希望购买iPhone、iPod或Mac的消费者很难找到经销商。”



一位销售走私苹果产品的非授权经销商杨子杰在上海的一家电子市场中说:“这不会影响到我们的客户,他们iPhone 3G版的售价太高。已经习惯了走私商品的客户不会去买他们的东西,而且他们根本没有iPhone 4和iPad。”








A gardener working outside the new flagship Apple store in Shanghai. The store, which will be one of its largest in Asia, is scheduled to open Saturday.

SHANGHAI — Although Apple is widely admired in China, most fans of its products here have been buying their iPhones, iPods and Mac computers from smugglers who operate through underground electronics markets.

The company, which has been slow to cultivate the Chinese market, has relatively few sales outlets in the country and only one Apple Store — a modest branch in Beijing.

But with Apple set to open a flagship showroom on Saturday in Shanghai — one of its largest stores in Asia — the company is making a new push to tap into the world’s biggest mobile phone market and grab a bigger share of China’s fast-growing consumer electronics business.

Success is far from guaranteed, because the company will be going up against big, entrenched competitors in both the personal computer and mobile phone markets. And its newest, hottest products — the iPad and the iPhone 4 — are not yet available in China, and the company has not announced when they will be.

Apple intends to open 25 retail stores in China over the next two years, starting with the 16,000-square-foot Shanghai outlet that it previewed for reporters on Thursday.

“We view this store as a kind of launching pad,” Ron Johnson, a senior vice president based in California and the head of Apple’s retail operations, said at the preview.

By opening retail outlets in China, Apple is following other global brands eager to market to the growing numbers of increasingly affluent consumers in this country of 1.3 billion people. With retail sales booming in China this year, companies like Best Buy, the Gap, Nike, Starbucks, Zara and most of Europe’s big luxury goods makers are opening stores in China.

Analysts who follow Apple say that China is a potentially huge opportunity for the company because its market share here is tiny — less than 5 percent in big categories like personal computers, music players and mobile phones. But it has been adding authorized Apple dealers in China — expanding those ranks by about 800 in this year’s first quarter, bringing the total to around 2,000 locations.

“Apple plans a major invasion of China over the next 18 months to two years,” said Charles Wolf, an analyst who follows Apple for Needham & Company and credits its retail stores with significantly bolstering Apple’s brand. “To date, Apple has not been a force in China. But it will be.”

Still, other analysts say Apple faces significant hurdles. The challenges of finding Chinese partners has tended to delay product releases. China’s mobile phone market, for example, is tightly regulated and state-owned companies control service contracts.

And sales through official distributors have been weakened by prices that are substantially higher than in the United States (about $864 upfront for the 3GS model with a complicated calling plan requirement of a two-year commitment that involves an additional monthly fee), driving a brisk underground trade in smuggled goods.

The iPhone was not officially released in China until late last year, nearly two years after its introduction in the United States because of what analysts say were long-running negotiations with state-run telecom companies, and restrictions on what kinds of services could be offered.

By then, analysts say, more than one million iPhones had been brought into the country by tourists or smugglers and unlocked by Chinese hackers, enabling use without a long-term contract.

Apple also faces stiff competition from Nokia, Motorola, HTC and other mobile phone brands that use Google’s Android operating system. Those companies have been aggressively marketing their products in China, which has more than 650 million mobile phone users.

Even Lenovo, the Chinese computer maker, has entered the smartphone market by introducing what it calls the LePhone, which is priced at about $400, far below the iPhone in China.

In an interview published in The Financial Times on Monday, Liu Chuanzhi, the head of Lenovo, said Apple was missing a huge opportunity in the Chinese market because the company was spending too little time serving Chinese consumers and understanding their needs.

Apple declined to comment on the Lenovo statements. But Apple executives say they hope that building stores in China will give the company more direct contact with its consumers and duplicate the excitement Apple has generated elsewhere. If Apple opens 25 stores by 2012, analysts say China would very likely become the company’s third-largest market.

Retail stores could also aid Apple’s partner here, China Unicom, a state-owned telecom company that has an exclusive multiyear deal to sell the iPhone in China.

Two Apple staff members at the Genius Bar in Apple's new flagship store in Shanghai.

Analysts estimate that China Unicom has sold about one million iPhones since late last year. They say the company had expected to sell far more by now but that the high price of the iPhone has prevented stronger sales.

“The price of the official iPhones is too high compared to that on the gray market,” said Sandy Shen, an analyst at Gartner, the research firm based in Stamford, Conn. “Also, Apple has too few retail stores in China. It is inconvenient for consumers to find one when they want to buy the iPhone, iPod or Mac.”

China Unicom trimmed $147 from the iPhone plan, and analysts say that sales have picked up.

Black market merchants say that even with new Apple stores, they have an advantage.

“They won’t have any impact on our clients,” Yang Zijie, an unauthorized vendor selling smuggled Apple products, said Thursday at an electronics market in Shanghai. “Their price for the iPhone 3GS is much higher. Customers who already got used to the price of smuggled goods won’t turn to them. And they don’t have the iPhone 4 or the iPad at all.”

But many analysts predict that consumers will flock to Apple stores. Apple products are widely and even comically imitated in China — there’s the iPed, iRobot, iOrgane and aPad — and the large number of actual Apple phones smuggled into the country is an indication of pent-up demand.

Apple should get a better sense of that demand on Saturday, when the Shanghai flagship store is set to open in a fashionable mall in the Pudong financial district near some of the city’s gleaming new skyscrapers.

The shop is designed in Apple’s sleek, minimalist style and punctuated by a 40-foot-tall cylindrical glass shell that echoes the company’s glass cube on Fifth Avenue in New York.

The store has about 175 workers. Customers enter through a winding staircase that takes them into an underground area that sells computers, smartphones and accessories. It is outfitted with the company’s usual Genius Bar, where customers can get technical support, as well as a “briefing room” intended for business seminars.

On Thursday, Mr. Johnson was beaming as he introduced the store’s features to about 100 Chinese journalists, saying the shop offered “all the hallmarks of an Apple store experience plus a couple more.”

At the end of his briefing, even the reporters seemed to have been pulled in by Apple’s aura, breaking into loud applause.

連長 发表于 2010-7-14 17:33


无可就要 发表于 2010-7-14 20:18


okm 发表于 2010-7-14 23:43


maluan 发表于 2010-7-15 16:20


小白兔政委 发表于 2010-7-15 16:48


blueoj 发表于 2010-7-15 17:16



hhcnxp 发表于 2010-7-16 08:37


shuishenlan 发表于 2010-7-16 11:23


和解团结 发表于 2010-7-16 11:37


Moarx 发表于 2010-7-16 17:57


coolkeair 发表于 2010-7-17 00:06


言论自由否 发表于 2010-7-17 09:49


lunacory 发表于 2010-7-17 10:52

攒钱买macbook pro啊{:12_565:}

mmc210 发表于 2010-7-17 13:46

用PC惯了 MAC界面有点不习惯

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