长今兮虞 发表于 2010-8-13 17:24

【2010.8.12 美联社】美越在南海军事演习 中国被激怒

【中文标题】美越在南海军事演习,中国被激怒【原文标题】US-Vietnam ties strengthen with military exercises, to China's chagrin        【原文链接】 http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100812/wl_csm/319388 【译者】长今兮虞【翻译方式】人工【声明】本文供Anti-CNN/ACCN使用,未经译者或AC同意,谢绝转载;谢谢合作。【译文】
“尤其是我们曾今轰炸过越南,”在70年代即美越战争时期前美国岘港总领事弗雷德里克布朗说,“这是美国和越南都想做的事情。 这是一个军方与军方的关系。”
“越南'非常聪明' ”罗宾森说,越南“像它在战争期间一样”,当年它依靠中国和苏联得到军火,而这两个国家常常之间闹矛盾。
在近些年里,美国和越南的关系越来越好,他们一起研讨核合作协议,商议美国的那个地方应该提供核能源的原料,美国的哪个公司应该投资。美国是在中国之后的越南的第二大贸易合作伙伴,每年双边贸易金额大约有 $15 billion,大部分是倾向于越南向美国出口。
中国?对于前国家部门的专家,现在是伦敦的国际机构战略研究的Mark Fitzpatrick,他去年才去过越南,“很显然,美国和越南正在加强关系。”尽管越南经济在去年“过热”,他说,“它依然是全球最动态,最快速增长经济之一。”
Seoul, South Korea – In the latest twist to Southeast Asia's blood-stained history, this week the USS John McCain is training Vietnamese forces in the South China Sea in search-and-rescue.

“It’s extraordinary considering we were bombing Vietnam,” says Frederick Brown, who was US consul-general in Danang in the early 1970s as war raged in Vietnam's jungles and rice paddies. “It’s something the US and Vietnam want to do. It’s a military-to-military relationship.”

Adding to the historical irony, the USS John McCain, a guided missile destroyer equipped with the latest aegis counter-missile system, is named for the grandfather and the father, both US Navy admirals, of US Senator John McCain, who was imprisoned in Hanoi for more than five years after his US Navy plane was shot down in the war.

The USS McCain called at the central Vietnam port of Danang on Aug. 10 for what were called "cultural visits" two days after Vietnamese officials were flown out to the aircraft carrier George Washington, a 97,000-ton behemoth cruising the waters in defiance of China's claims to the entire South China Sea.

The blossoming relationship between the US and Vietnam is all the more remarkable considering Vietnam’s relationship with neighboring China, its strongest ally during the Vietnam War. Vietnam now appears to want to balance one great power against another while China flexes its muscles around the Chinese mainland.

“I can only imagine the Chinese are not happy about it,” says Mr. Brown. “The Chinese with sharp elbows are trying to assert their claims.”

US and Chinese views collided last month when China’s foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had staged “virtually an attack on China” after she told diplomats at the Association of South East Asian Nations in Hanoi that sovereignty was “a leading diplomatic priority.”

Those remarks provided diplomatic background noise to Chinese air and naval exercises in the South China Sea around the Spratly Islands, a cluster of islets and reefs claimed in whole or part by Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei, as well as China. And Vietnam has long protested China’s hold over the Paracel Islands, seized by Chinese forces from the old South Vietnamese army in 1974 and held since then by China.

“It's all shadow boxing,” says Carl Robinson, who spent years in Vietnam as a journalist and US aid worker and is now there leading lengthy tours of the country. “But the world does need to start paying more attention to those offshore islands and what's actually going on there.”

Vietnam's 'very clever stuff' Mr. Robinson says Vietnam “as usual, is playing all sides just like it did during the war” when it relied on China and the Soviet Union, often at odds with one another, for arms. “It's very clever stuff,” he says, “and too bad it's taken this long for the Americans to wake up to playing the game too.”

While China was roiling waters in the South China Sea two weeks ago, the carrier George Washington was leading US and South Korean forces in northeast Asia – off the east coast of the Korean peninsula – in the wake of the sinking of a South Korean corvette, the Cheonan, in March in which 46 sailors were killed. China refuses to support the finding of a South Korean investigation in which experts from five other countries agreed North Korea sunk the ship with a torpedo fired from a midget submarine.

US-Korean exercises were originally planned for the peninsula's west coast, in the Yellow Sea near where the Cheonan went down, but they were moved after China protested. China, anxious to assert its interests in the Yellow Sea, does not claim sovereignty over that large body of water but says US operations there would threaten the Chinese mainland.

It was after US-Korean exercises that the George Washington then sailed around the rim of east Asia to the South China Sea. The standoff from Southeast to Northeast Asia raises the whole question of how to face China’s rising military as well as economic power.

“You won’t find anyone saying we’re trying to ‘contain China,' " says Brown, who as a senior US diplomat coordinated with the former South Vietnamese government in battling communist forces from Hanoi, “and the last thing the Vietnamese want is to announce an alliance with the US.”

Nonetheless, Brown, now a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, says. “We’re trying to resist China’s propensity to say, ‘What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine also.’”

So much have US and Vietnamese relations flourished in recent years that they’re negotiating a nuclear cooperation agreement under which the US would provide fuel for nuclear energy plants in which US companies could invest. The US is now Vietnam’s second biggest trading partner after China with $15 billion in annual two-way trade, hugely balanced in favor of Vietnam exports to the US.

China?To Mark Fitzpatrick, a former proliferation expert at the State Department, now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, who last visited Vietnam late last year, it “makes eminent sense for the US and Vietnam to improve ties.” Although Vietnam’s economy” was overheating last year,” he says, “it remains one of the most dynamic, fast-growing economies of the world.”

And for Vietnam, “concerned about China’s territorial claims, past border disputes and growing assertiveness,” he adds, “the US is a natural and much-welcomed partner” as memories of the Vietnam War recede into “ancient history and both nations are inclined to look more to the future.”

JAM 发表于 2010-8-13 17:38

"中国正在用硬手腕来维护自己的主权。" 也许美国用的是棒棒糖? 还是他们号称用的是 棉花糖?

diojojojo 发表于 2010-8-13 19:19



下个月 发表于 2010-8-13 19:31


天丛云 发表于 2010-8-13 20:35


humin 发表于 2010-8-13 21:07


516265258 发表于 2010-8-13 23:08


无可就要 发表于 2010-8-14 00:36


任天郎 发表于 2010-8-14 09:42


Peter_Wong 发表于 2010-8-14 11:40


阿修罗 发表于 2010-8-14 13:29

还是中国自己的实力实在太弱了,在当今由西方主导的世界就是弱肉强食的世界,你比人家弱就要挨欺负,何况中 ...
Peter_Wong 发表于 2010-8-14 11:40 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


秋浦虾米 发表于 2010-8-14 23:44

还是中国自己的实力实在太弱了,在当今由西方主导的世界就是弱肉强食的世界,你比人家弱就要挨欺负,何况中 ...
Peter_Wong 发表于 2010-8-14 11:40 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


BK6141 发表于 2010-8-15 00:08


墨涵 发表于 2010-8-15 12:25


mmc210 发表于 2010-8-15 13:06


formacat 发表于 2010-8-15 13:21


formacat 发表于 2010-8-15 13:22

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