yangfuguang 发表于 2010-9-7 10:05


本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2010-9-7 10:24 编辑

    【原文标题】Tony Blair scraps London book signing
    【登载媒体】卫报【原文链接】http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/sep/06/tony-blair-scraps-london-book-signing【翻译方式】人工【译者】yangfuguang【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不可转载。【译文】    很不幸,由于担心受到反战人士的干扰,托尼·布莱尔今天取消了一场规模很大的签售会,这个签售会本打算在伦敦中央地带展开。
    Waterstone方面证实在周四,限量的签名版《旅程》在Piccadilly商店从早上九点开始可以提供给读者。常务董事Dominic Myers表示,这些书,先到先得,而且每人限购一本。他表示我们作为书商,就是要带给读者书,并且让读者与作者面对面的交流。对于因为一小撮人的行为而导致读者不能和一个三次当选美国首相,并且这位首相的新书已经成为最畅销自传的人见面,我深表遗憾,。布莱尔对独立电视台的早间节目Daybreak表示,这是很“悲哀”的,居然有人要扰乱这次签售,并且他也担心BNP会牵涉其内。他暗示他在试图寻找机会重归国内政坛,但同时他也承认,对于他来讲,做这种事情是“非常困难”的。昨天,在参加太阳时代杂志的专访中,他表示:“我现在急不可耐地想要参与国内的政治生活”。布莱尔在2007年辞职前曾经做了十年首相,他表示自己乐于在某天重回政坛。但是,我真的想说,我仍然忠于这个国家,我爱她,想看到她繁荣富强。他说,远离国内政治的生活期间,他明白了,为了未来,我们需要做的更多,他补充道:“我怀疑自己可否成为其中的一份子,但如果我可以,我会乐于去做的”。在今天的每日电讯报上,他强调了他对国内政策的诺言,他说,他把自己看做是基层的公共服务人员,并补充说,如果有合适的机会,我会义无反顾的去做。布莱尔在接受报纸采访的时候,顺便展示了自己第一份政策见解,他攻击执政联盟卡梅伦追求宽松的监狱政策。这位前首相曾经宣示要强力对付犯罪和犯罪的根源,并且表示他很骄傲地和司法官员Kenneth Clarke的方式不同,Clarke先生曾经反对前部长对监狱工作的看法。Clark先生曾经反对被关押人员不断增加的趋势,并质疑短期监禁的必要,建议政府可以通过关押较少的罪犯以及更加关注罪犯重新融入社会来减少开支。但布莱尔倾向于使用“更严厉,更直接的方法”来对付犯罪。他表示,人一旦犯罪,就应该进监狱。他说,缺少关爱的家庭使得14岁的少年接连逝去,这使得人们如同在地狱,建议英国应向发展中国家学习,不要接受犯罪。
【原文】Tony Blair today cancelled ahigh-profile signing of his new memoirs in central London amid warnings that hewould face a hostile reception from anti-war protesters.The former prime minister scrapped the event on the day he signalled adesire to return to domestic politics as he conducted a round of interviews to promote hisbook, called A Journey.He cancelled his appearance at the flagship

Waterstone'sstore in Piccadilly, which had been scheduled for Wednesday.Days earlier, eggs and shoes had been thrown at him as he attended asigning in Dublin. Four men were arrested and charged with public order offences.Blair said he had decided to scrap the London signing because he did notwant to subject the public to the "inevitable hassle" the protestswould cause or strain police resources.Announcing the decision in a statement, he said he would provide signedcopies to the store for those who had planned to attend."However, I have decided not to go ahead with the signing as I don'twant the public to be inconvenienced by the inevitable hassle caused byprotesters," he added."I know the Metropolitan police would, as ever, have done a superbjob in managing any disruption, but I do not wish to impose an extra strain onpolice resources simply for a book signing."I'm really sorry for those – as ever, the majority – who would havecome to have their books signed by me in person. I hope they understand."Waterstone's confirmed that a limited number of signed copies of A Journeywould be available from the Piccadilly store from 9am onThursday.The managing director, DominicMyers, said these would be sold on a first "Our job as abookseller is to bring books to our customers, and where possible enable themto meet authors as well," he said."It is a matter of regret that, because of the likely actions of aminority, our customers are now not able to meet a three-times elected primeminister of the United Kingdom whose book has become our fastest-sellingautobiography ever."Blair told ITV's new breakfast programme, Daybreak, it was "sad" that people wanted to disruptsuch events and admitted he was "concerned" the BNP would be involvedin protests.He hinted that he was seeking to make a return to British political life,but admitted it would be "very difficult" for him to do so.His comments followed an interview published in the Sunday Times magazineyesterday, in which he said: "I feel a great urge to participate in mycountry's political life."Blair, who was PM for 10 years before quitting in May 2007, said he would"love to" be involved in some way.Asked on ITV about his apparent hints at a comeback, he said: "Whatdid I have in mind when I said that? I don't know, actually, because I am sure itwould be very difficult for me to play a part here."But what I really wanted to say was that I remain deeply committedto the country. I love this country and I want to see it do well."His "new life" outside domestic politics had shown him thatBritain had "a lot that we need to do to prepare for the future", hesaid, adding: "Frankly, I doubt there is a way I can play a part – but ifI can, I would love to."In an interview with Sky News, Blair admitted he feared that Britishpolitics had probably "finished with me" rather than the other wayaround."I don't know. You never know, but don't take that as a great signthat I've got some great plan in mind, because I don't really," he said.He underlined his commitment to domestic policy in an interview in today's Telegraph, in which he said he saw himself as "basically a public serviceguy" and added: "If the right job came up, I'd definitely doit."Blair used the newspaper interview to mount his first direct policy attackon the coalition as he criticised the liberal prison policies being pursued byDavid Cameron's government.The former prime minister, who once promised to be "tough on crimeand tough on the causes of crime", said he "profoundlydisagrees" with the approach of Kenneth Clarke, the justice secretary, whohasrejected the "prison works" mantra of previous administrations.

Clarke has challenged the trend towards larger prison populations andquestioned the need for short sentences, suggesting the government could savemoney by locking up fewer offenders and focusing more onrehabilitation.But Blair called for "a far tougher, more targeted way" oftackling crime. "You've got to put in prison those who deserve to bethere," he said.He said "dysfunctional families who produce 14-year-old kids stabbingone another to death" are "making people's lives hell" andsuggested Britain could learn from developing countries that "just don'taccept" criminality.

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-9-7 10:20


yangfuguang 发表于 2010-9-7 10:22

布莱尔称不后悔加入伊战 未料其会成为“噩梦”
布莱尔自传自曝性生活像野兽 点评克林顿性丑闻
布莱尔售书遇"蛋袭" 4抗议者被捕
攻击布朗语录被曝光 布莱尔夫人起诉故交曼德尔森泄密
布莱尔著书泄密触怒英国王室 批评布朗情商为零
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqb ... content_820721.html
布莱尔签书《旅程》 遭“吃鸡蛋”疼
http://www.morningpost.com.cn/bj ... 2/content_12373.htm
http://www.cnhubei.com/news/toda ... 1009/t1406499.shtml
布莱尔回忆录成英最畅销书 披露戴安娜死因内幕
布莱尔回忆录称为伊战受害者流泪 被讽“鳄鱼眼泪”(图)
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqb ... content_798279.html

yangfuguang 发表于 2010-9-7 10:26

回复 2# 青蛙小王子


青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-9-7 10:32


   呵呵,谢谢你的帮助,很久没有发帖了,格式都搞不清了呃,,, ...
yangfuguang 发表于 2010-9-7 10:26 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


380374996 发表于 2010-9-7 22:42

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