yangfuguang 发表于 2010-9-8 18:47

【2010.9.7 法新社】智库报告:中国的新兴力量

【原文标题】Rise of new influence groups in China: think tank
    【来源地址】http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/2010 ... liticsresearchsipri
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    【译  文】法新社赫尔辛基报道——斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所在周一的一份报告中显示,在中国传统权力之外,新兴力量越来越大地影响这个国家的外交政策,推动着中国更多地参与世界事务。该组织的中国课主管Linda Jakobson对法新社表示,这些还只是处在边缘的组织,但是领导层现在不得不考虑多方的观点,这种转变有重大意义的。报告说,新兴的力量集团有些是国有的,还有些大的私人企业,地方政府,专家,以及公众,他们通过媒体以及在线社区发表意见,这些建议在一定程度上可以被共产党的权力中心所了解。
斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所是一个独立的国际机构,致力于研究冲突,军备,军力控制和裁军。在外交政策杂志的智库排名中,斯德哥尔摩被认为是世界领先的智库。【原文】HELSINKI (AFP) – Forces outside China's traditional power bases are increasingly shaping the country's foreign policy, pushing for more international participation, the SIPRI think tank said in a report Monday."These are still groups on the margins. But it is significant that the top leadership now has to take into account diverse views," the Swedish institute's China programme director Linda Jakobson told AFP in Helsinki, where the report was launched.New pressure groups like state-owned and even some large privately-owned enterprises, local governments, expert advisors, as well as public input via media and online communities are all being heard to some extent in the inner sanctum of the Communist Party, the report said.Jakobson noted that Chinese policy creation is still shrouded in secrecy, so it is extremely difficult to gauge how much pressure these new groups are able to put on the traditional power bulwarks of the Communist Party, the State Council and the People's Liberation Army.Nonetheless, this development points to the fact that China's ruling party is no longer a monolithic entity, but one being pulled in different directions, the report said.These rising pressure groups are able to make an impact not only through traditional channels such as personal networks, but increasingly by writing newspaper columns, blogs, making public speeches and even through television debates.Jakobson said these channels are no longer entirely closed off to the public, and that China is transforming into a country where a degree of pluralism and public debate is possible."The government and the Party do their utmost to control public opinion, but because of these omni-directional forces at play, they don't want citizens to be dissatisfied with foreign policy especially in times of crisis," she said."If netizens think that Chinese leaders are bowing to pressure from Western leaders, it's not a large step to netizens questioning whether they are capable of leading," she added.SIPRI's report said that these new interest groups are especially eager to see China more strongly defend its interests on the global stage, which would involve becoming more active internationally.However, the report outlines a scenario where these new forces are engaged in a political tug-of-war with traditional political structures that aim to avoid an overreliance on world markets.For example, the report said that China's ministry of state security fears an influx of Western values "will make it more difficult for the Communist Party to dominate public discourse on questions concerning human rights, transparency and accountability."Jakobson said that Western countries should approach this schism by seeking to allay fears that a more open China will result in a more vulnerable Chinese state."We have to persistently engage them to dispel these suspicions, but at the same time we can't just give them carte blanche to stipulate the conditions for engagement," said Jakobson.SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. SIPRI is named as one of the world's leading think tanks in Foreign Policy magazine's Think Tank Index.


citywoody 发表于 2010-9-8 19:48


dnh7688 发表于 2010-9-8 21:16


liangfengyehong 发表于 2010-9-9 00:36

智库。希望我们的 智库也可以很好的发挥其智囊的作用吧。。。

eponine 发表于 2010-9-9 01:20

绝大多数的中国人都没独立思考能力,很容易被影响和煽动 .所以网络是把双刃剑 .

kingone 发表于 2010-9-9 07:53

什么价值、制度、理念,通通都是扯谈! 我吃菜不看菜系、不管厨子,只要味道好,有营养就是好饭!

红色的血 发表于 2010-9-10 00:09


tydc 发表于 2010-9-13 12:23

网络的力量是无穷的,但是需要有序发展,而不能成为谣言和混乱的催化剂和助推器。 ...
citywoody 发表于 2010-9-8 19:48 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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