innocency 发表于 2010-11-16 15:52

【2010.11.13 yahoo】数千人在日本举行反华行走

【原文标题】Thousands stage anti-China protest in Japan

YOKOHAMA, Japan – Thousands of demonstrators waving Japanese flags and shouting anti-China slogans marched Saturday against Chinese Premier Hu Jintao's visit for an economic summit that comes as a territorial dispute strains ties between the Asian giants.
日本横滨——周六,因为一场在两位亚洲巨人之间发生的领土争端,数千名挥舞着日本国旗的示威者喊着反华口号行走,反对中国主席胡锦涛前来出席一场经济峰会。Organizers said Saturday's march in Yokohama, which was held under heavy security near the site of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit, drew about 4,000 demonstrators. Police had no official estimate of the crowd size.组织者声称,周六的行走示威在横滨亚太经济合作组织论坛峰会附近举行,届时会有大概4000示威者参加,周围会有严格的安保措施。警方对行走人数没有做出官方猜测。Relations between Japan and China have plunged recently because of tensions over a ship collision near islands in the East China Sea that are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China. Called the Diaoyu or Diaoyutai in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese, the islands are surrounded by rich fishing grounds and are regularly occupied by nationalists from both sides.因为一起发生在中国东海附近岛屿的撞船事件,日本和中国之间的关系最近变得紧张。该岛被日本控制,但中国同样宣誓主权,其中文名称叫“钓鱼岛”或“钓鱼台”,而日本称其为“尖阁列岛”。该岛周围有丰富的渔业资源,并且经常被双方的民族主义者占领。The island dispute has also generated large anti-Japan protests across China and attacks on Japanese-owned businesses there.岛屿争端同样也导致了中国国内大规模的反日行走和对驻华日资企业的袭击。"Our reason for being here was to demonstrate that we want to protect our territory from China. Those islands are our territory," said Norihiko Ueda, the protest's organizer. The group that launched Saturday's protest has held several other large rallies over the territorial dispute. It is headed by a former air force general known for his hawkish views.行走组织者Norihiko Ueda说:“我们来这里的原因,是因为我们想保护我们的领土免于被中国(占领),那些岛是我们的领土。”发起周六行走的团体已经针对这次领土争端举行过另外几次大规模的集会。Protesters also waved the flags of Tibet, east Turkmenistan and south Mongolia and shouted "defeat Chinese imperialism." China is sensitive to ethnic national movements rejecting Beijing's control of each of those regions.抗议者同时还挥舞着西藏、东土库曼斯坦和南蒙古的旗帜,并且高喊着“打到中华帝国主义”。中国对于以上地区反对北京控制的民族运动很敏感。Though the group that organized the protest is right-of-center, emotions have been high among a broad swath of Japanese who feel that their country — which invaded and colonized parts of China during World War II — is being bullied by a China newly emboldened by its economic rise and swelling international clout.尽管组织行走的团体属于右翼,但大部分的日本人都情绪激动,他们认为他们的国家被因经济崛起和国际影响力膨胀而变得大胆的中国欺负了——在二战期间他们侵略了中国并且殖民了中国部分地区。Some shoppers applauded as the march passed by Yokohama's biggest train station.当行走队伍经过横滨最大的火车站时,一些购物者拍手喝彩。Diplomatic ties remain shaky.外交关系依然不稳定。After the Sept. 7 collision, Beijing cut off ministerial-level contacts with Japan, and it was unclear until the last minute whether Hu would meet with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan here. A meeting was set up for Saturday.9月7日撞船以后,北京切断了同日本的部长级以上的联系,而且胡是否会与日本首相菅直人会面,直到最后一分钟仍是悬念。准备在周六进行一次见面。The two met informally at another summit in Hanoi last month, but Hu refused to put Kan on his official agenda.上个月二人在河内的另一场峰会上进行过一次非正式会晤,但是胡拒绝将菅列入其官方行程表。Some in the protest Saturday said they thought Japan and China need to do more to maintain friendly relations.周六行走中的一些示威者认为,日本和中国需要做更多来维持友好关系。"I think China is a threat to Japan. But I also think the Japanese and Chinese have to discuss this," said Sayo Kuroda, a 19-year-old college student who joined the protest with her family.Sayo Kuroda,一个同家人一起参加行走的19岁大学生说道:“我认为中国对日本是个威胁。但是我仍然认为日本人和中国人应该探讨这个问题。”======================================================================第一次在AC尝试翻译,有翻译得不好的地方希望大家指出,谢谢。

yqh 发表于 2010-11-17 15:06


北海 发表于 2010-11-17 15:14




ay123456 发表于 2010-11-17 21:30

日本人总是欺辱我们 他们反省过吗 我觉得应该干掉这些该死的小鬼子

百姓 发表于 2010-11-17 23:47

日本人总是欺辱我们 他们反省过吗 我觉得应该干掉这些该死的小鬼子
ay123456 发表于 2010-11-17 21:30


shuishenlan 发表于 2010-11-18 12:00


innocency 发表于 2010-11-23 18:40

回复 3# 北海


titan8 发表于 2010-12-2 16:13


大清皇毛 发表于 2010-12-10 21:40

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