批一啊pia 发表于 2010-12-1 14:10

【10.11.30 外交政策】维基解密:中国警告美国不要让日本加入常任理事国

【原文标题】WikiLeaked: China warns U.S. not to expand Security Council
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

China last year expressed concern last year about the "momentum" toward an agreement on an enlarged U.N. Security Council, warning a senior American diplomat that additional permanent seats on the 15-nation body would dilute their power, according to a secret U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

An unnamed Chinese official urges the U.S. Charge d'Affaires, Dan Piccuta, not to be "proactive" in promoting the expansion of the Security Council, saying the development was "not good" for the council's five permanent members, the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia.
一名不知姓名的中国官员敦促美国临时代办Dan Piccuta在推动安理会扩大问题上不要太积极,说这种改变不利于安理会五个常任理事国(美、英、中、法、俄)。

"The P-5 'club' should not be 'diluted,'" the Chinese official is quoting telling his American counterpart. "If we end up with a 'P-10,'" both China and the United States "'would be in trouble.'"   

The April, 2009 meeting in Beijing came as a group of four influential powers -- Brazil, Germany, India and Japan, the so-called Group of Four -- were pressing aggressively for a vote in the U.N. General Assembly on a revision of the U.N. Charter that would allow for the expansion of the Security Council. The initiative unraveled in the face of intense opposition from the Group of 4's regional competitors and a demand by African countries that they be given at least two permanent seats with veto power.

The Chinese official told the United States that it would be difficult for the Chinese public to accept its own regional rival, Japan, as a permanent member of the Security Council. Piccuta replied that the United States still had no position on which countries should gain admittance into the council, but said, "It was hard to envision any expansion of the council that did not include Japan, which was the second largest contributor to the U.N. budget." The Obama administration has since thrown its support behind India's bid for a Security Council seat, but has shown little inclination to press for the council's enlargement for the time being.

Piccuta also cautioned China that the U.N.'s five big powers should allow other member states to "state their positions" on an expanded council "freely and openly without undue P-5 influence."   

The discussion on the Security Council was part of a broader policy discussion that touched on trade and military disputes between the two powers, particularly U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, the treatment of detained pro-democracy activist Liu Xiabobo, who has gone on to win the Nobel Peace Prize, the fate of two jailed U.S. hikers in North Korea, and an upcoming visit by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
安理会改革的讨论是中美间涉及贸易、军事争端尤其是美国对台军售、刘某人问题,还有两名美国远足者在朝鲜被关押,白宫发言人Nancy Pelosi将去探望等广泛议题中的一个。

"The charge urged XXXXXX to arrange a useful schedule for speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi, including a trip to Tibet or Tibetan areas, noting that the Speaker was also particularly interested in climate change and environmental issue. China would treat Speaker Pelosi's visit as a type of ‘state visit,' XXXXX replied. Nevertheless, given her ‘tight schedule,' the Speaker would likely ‘not have time' to visit Tibet."
”控告迫使XXXXXX给白宫发言人Nancy Pelosi安排一个有用的行程,包括西藏之旅,值得注意的是发言人对气候变化和环境问题也十分感兴趣。XXXXX回复说,中国会将Pelosi此行看做国事访问,不过考虑到她行程紧张,发言人可能不太有时间访问西藏。“


China君 发表于 2010-12-1 14:38


Jigong 发表于 2010-12-1 15:21

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zlwan001 发表于 2010-12-1 18:03


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心在这一方 发表于 2010-12-1 20:46


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黑龙会 发表于 2010-12-1 19:35 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


生于1973 发表于 2010-12-2 00:29


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