MiaSven10 发表于 2010-12-1 16:11

【10.12.01 外交政策】放弃六方会谈的时刻到来了吗?

【原文标题】Time to give up on six-party talks?
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration is resisting Beijing's call to respond to the latest crisis on the Korean peninsula by launching another round of the six-party talks. The administration is wise to resist the temptation to put the short-term desire to respond to heightened tensions ahead of the long-term need to resolve the North Korean problem once and for all.

As Mike Green explained, this is a temptation to which previous Administrations, including the Bush administration, fell prey. When all of the options look bad, sitting down and talking with North Korea can seem, on the surface at least, to be a least-bad way of "doing something." But it has not worked in the past and is unlikely to work this time.
正如Mike Green所解释的,对历届政府来说这都是个诱惑,就连布什政府,都是它的牺牲品。当所有选择看起来都不可行时,坐下来与朝鲜谈判,至少从表面开来,是个“能够做点什么的”还行的方法。但在过去,坐下来与朝鲜谈判一直没能取得成效,这次大概也如此。

The theory behind the six-party talks was plausible, and many people (including myself) endorsed the approach as a way of breaking a regional impasse that derived from several structural conditions.

Condition 1: North Korea favors regime preservation above all else and viewed nuclear weapons as its best guarantor of regime survival. Only if its possession of nuclear weapons could be seen as threatening its own survival is it plausible that the regime would agree to an adequate diplomatic solution. 条件1:与别的相比,朝鲜最偏好保留政权,并把核武器作为其政权存活的最佳保证。只有当朝鲜认识到核武器是对自身政权的威胁时,这个政权才有可能同意采用一个适当的外交途径解决方式。

Condition 2: Given decades of economic sanctions, U.S. non-military leverage over North Korea is limited. Not zero, as we found out when we started deploying new financial sanctions, but substantially less than the leverage China wielded. Only if we can get China to wield that leverage would North Korea begin to feel sufficient pressure that might alter condition one. 条件2:由于几十年的经济制裁,美国对朝鲜的非军事化影响受限。当我们开始部署新的经济制裁时,我们发现我们对朝鲜的非军事化影响虽然不为零,但还是远远小于中国的影响力。所以只有我们让中国在实现朝鲜无核化问题中发挥重大作用,使朝鲜感到前所未有的压力,才能改变条件1的状况。

Condition 3: The United States and China have fundamentally different preference orderings regarding the various possible outcomes. While both might prefer a nuclear-free peninsula above all, China next prefers living with a North Korea with nuclear weapons to living next door to a collapsed North Korean regime. The United States, by contrast, clearly prefers North Korean regime collapse to living with a nuclear-armed North Korea. Nothing either side can say to the other will change this preference ranking. Only if other costs and benefits are applied can the strategic calculus change. 条件3:美国和中国在各种可能的结果排序上有本质不同的倾向。除了朝鲜无核化是中美共同的第一期待之外,中国其次希望的是与有核装备的朝鲜为邻,而不是与一个坍塌的朝鲜政权为邻。相比之下,美国则更愿意朝鲜政权崩溃,而不是与一个核武装的朝鲜共存。双方都不会承诺对方自己将改变这种期待结果的排列次序,除非有其他适用于双方的代价或好处,他们才可能改变战略演算。

Condition 4: Given that the status quo trajectory defaults in its favor (i.e., reinforces condition three), China is happy to free-ride off of U.S. diplomatic efforts, even fruitless efforts. Only if China has more of a stake in the success of the diplomacy will they be likely to shoulder any actual burden.条件4:鉴于对自己有利的现状(也就是条件3),中国十分乐意搭美国的外交便车,即使美国的外交努力无果而终。只有中国在这次外交成功与否的赌注上押更大筹码,中国才更有可能承担任何的实际负担。

The six-party talks were a plausible way to change these conditions. The idea was to give China an equity stake in the success of the non-proliferation effort. As host and co-leader, failure of the six-party talks would become China's failure. North Korea's belligerence would, of necessity, be directed at all of the six-party members, including China. Few people thought the six-party talks would by themselves yield a diplomatic solution. More people, myself included, thought that the collapse of the six-party talks, if demonstrably North Korea's fault and demonstrably China's problem, might adjust the incentives sufficiently to elicit more responsible Chinese leadership on the security issue.

That theory was tested and found wanting. As expected, North Korea repeatedly demonstrated bad faith. Yet the hoped-for response from China never materialized. Instead of ratcheting up pressure on North Korea, China has responded to North Korean belligerence with successive rounds of concessions and cover-ups. The situation rather resembles a weak parent seeking to excuse the public misbehavior of a spoiled child.

The Obama administration is wise not to rush in to rescue China from this latest embarrassment, and it is wise not to make other concessions that China is demanding -- for instance, restricting U.S. naval activity in the Yellow Sea. Instead, the United States should take visible steps to deepen cooperation with our regional treaty allies. And we should insist that China take similarly responsible steps to reign in North Korea.

The six-party talks only make sense if China is willing to shoulder its regional security responsibilities. Until that is demonstrated, there is not much to talk about.

注释:本文作者为Peter Feaver

yqh 发表于 2010-12-1 18:07


师子吼 发表于 2010-12-1 18:22


天马 发表于 2010-12-1 18:23


明月带刀 发表于 2010-12-2 12:50


antelown 发表于 2010-12-2 13:04


titan8 发表于 2010-12-3 16:52


net2003 发表于 2010-12-3 19:11

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titan8 发表于 2010-12-7 11:48

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