stupid_stacey 发表于 2010-12-9 16:07

【10.12.08 路透社】美国力促强有力的美韩日三边同盟

本帖最后由 青蛙小王子 于 2010-12-9 16:45 编辑

【原文标题】U.S. urgesstrong trilateral alliance with Seoul and Tokyo【中文标题】美国力促强有力的美韩日三边同盟【登载媒体】路透社【来源地址】【译者】stupid_stacey【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。
美国力促强有力的美韩日三边同盟首尔(路透社)-美国最高军事官员说,面对朝鲜的挑衅,日本、韩国和美国必须建立一个更强的同盟,并呼吁中国在遏制其盟友朝鲜上发挥领导作用。美国参谋长联席会议主席,海军将领麦克幕伦,在周三飞往首尔,并与南韩有关官员达成遏制朝鲜在此袭击的联合的军事演习。他说“我的愿望是,如果可能的话,我们的合作可以带上你们,特别是日本的邻居与伙伴。”“我们明确的目标是发挥制止的作用,以避免全面战争不会爆发”他这么告诉记者,却并没有透露关于未来演戏的相关事宜。作为盟友,日韩之间的关系还仍残留历史上由于日本对韩殖民政策留下的问题以及大规模的讨论。幕伦说,他很高兴看到韩国在本周向美日联合军演派遣观察员,并对在华盛顿召开的三边外交官员会议表示赞许。他补充说,“我希望在未来能看到更多的三边地区行动”。作为军事力量的最大象征,美国的一个航空母舰编队,曾参与最近的一场日韩联合军演。不断增多的军演将会激怒中国,中国控诉军演威胁了地区稳定。周一,国务卿希拉里和其日本、韩国伙伴在华盛顿进行了谈话,之后,幕伦访问韩国。这三场谈话都对朝鲜局势表示担忧,并呼吁中国利用其影响规范朝鲜的行为。周二,北京就对方拒绝与朝鲜谈话回应美国及其亚洲盟国,并指出对话时平息逐步升级的朝鲜半岛紧张局势的唯一方案。但是幕伦指出,中国人必须做更多。“他们世界的领导者,而领导者就必须发挥领导作用,特别是在阻止目前日益严重的朝鲜危机和此类破坏稳定的活动上。”幕伦在首尔一个新闻发布会上这么说,“中国可以发挥独特的影响。因此,他们承担者独特的责任。”他说,美韩军队将避免采取进一步措施,避免蔓延成整个半岛的冲突。外交包括致命的炮击和朝鲜核进程在内的一系列事件,已经掀起了一系列外交活动,涉及首尔、华盛顿、东京和北京。新墨西哥州州长比尔理查德,前美国驻朝鲜特使,将在下周出访平壤。他说,他很希望能帮助处理这些问题,但此次出行仅仅是作为私人身份,也不会传递任何美国政府信息。“我不会传达任何信息,但是我希望在这个易变的时期做一些有用的事情。”理查德陈述道。“如果我能为平息半岛紧张局势做点什么,这趟出行就值了。”国务院也说,理查德将进行私人访问,但是在他出行前后美国官员都会与他进行交流。华盛顿邮报报道说,理查德已经被参与核计划的朝鲜高层官员邀请。朝鲜经常通过非政府游客非政府游客传递信息。在十一月,美国核科学家证实了数百台离心机的存在,这也更证实了朝鲜正在发展原子弹的事实。副国务卿吉姆司登伯格将带领一个代表团在下周访问中国,并将劝说中国不管对朝鲜的稳定情况,对平壤施加压力。华盛顿、首尔和东京对中国六方会谈的提议反应冷淡,担心那会被视为表彰朝鲜两周前的袭击行为。朝鲜试射周一,韩国军方表示,由朝鲜发射的数目不详的火炮炮弹降落在韩国西海岸一片有争议的海边上,这次开火很可能是日常训练的一部分韩国也在这片区域进行实弹练习。“这似乎并没有引起巨大的关注”,韩国军事官员说。然而,对紧张的市场状况的报道盖过了火炮发射的报道,但在几分钟内本地股和韩元已经恢复了损失。市场经常护士朝鲜近些年来的行动,但分析家说,在上周朝鲜炮击韩国,以及韩国说如果再次攻击首尔将加倍反击后,朝鲜带来的危机对市场构成更大的威胁。“在质量上,它已经与从前不一样了,因此,我们将它是为我们在下一年无法忽视的危机”,美国投行高盛驻韩国经济学家葛洪康说。两韩经常在朝鲜西海岸的北方限界线附近开展军事演练。朝鲜并不承认在朝鲜战争后未经朝鲜承认确立的“海上边界”。【原文】U.S. urgesstrong trilateral alliance with Seoul and TokyoSEOUL (Reuters) – The top U.S. military official saidTokyo, Seoul and Washington must build an even stronger alliance in the face ofNorth Korean aggression, while calling on Beijing to show leadership by reiningin its ally Pyongyang.Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs ofStaff, flew into Seoul on Wednesday where he also agreed with his South Koreancounterpart to stage more joint military drills to deter North Korea from attacking again."It is my hope that, to the degree possible, thesewill include participation by your neighbors and partners, in particular theJapanese," he said."The goal clearly is to have a deterrent effect, sothat all-out war never occurs," he told reporters, without providingdetails about future joint drills.While they are allies, relations between Seoul and Tokyohave a legacy of bitterness stemming from Japan's brutal colonial rule of Koreaand a dispute over islands.Mullen said he was encouraged to see South Korea sendingobservers to this week's U.S.-Japan joint military drill and applauded atrilateral meeting of foreign ministers in Washington."I would hope that we would see more trilateralaction in the region in the future," he added.A U.S. aircraft carrier group, the military's ultimateshow of strength, has been involved in its recent combined maneuvers with SouthKorea and Japan. More drills will irritate China, which says they arethreatening and bring instability to the region.Mullen's trip to South Korea and Japan follows talks inWashington on Monday between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and herJapanese and South Korean counterparts. All three voiced grave concerns overthe North Korean attacks and called on China to use its influence to improvePyongyang's behavior.On Tuesday, Beijing hit back at the United States and itsAsian allies for their refusal to talk to North Korea, saying dialogue was theonly way to calm escalating tension on the divided Korean peninsula.But Mullen said the Chinese must do more."They are a world leader and leaders must lead --particularly to prevent crises and to prevent the kinds of destabilizingactivities that are very evident coming out of the leadership inPyongyang," he said."China has unique influence. Therefore, they bearunique responsibility," Mullen told a news conference in Seoul.He said the U.S. and South Korean militaries would avoid takingsteps that would escalate into a conflict on the peninsula."The North should not mistake this restraint as alack of resolve -- nor should they interpret it as willingness to acceptcontinued attacks to go unchallenged," he said.DIPLOMACYA series of incidents -- including a deadly artilleryattack and revelations of Pyongyang's nuclear advances -- have set off a flurryof diplomatic activity involving Seoul, Washington, Tokyo and Beijing.New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, a former U.S.special envoy to North Korea, will travel to Pyongyang next week. He said hehoped to help matters but was going as a private citizen and not carrying anyU.S. government message."I am not carrying any messages, but I want to behelpful during this volatile period," Richardson said in a statement."If I can contribute to the easing of tension on the peninsula, the tripwill be well worth it."The State Department also said Richardson was making aprivate visit but that, as usual, he was expected to talk to U.S. officialsbefore he left and when he returned.The Washington Post reported Richardson had been invitedby top North Korean officials involved in the nuclear program.The North often sends signals through unofficialvisitors. In November, it showed a U.S. nuclear scientist hundreds ofcentrifuges, a development that strengthens the case that the North may bedeveloping another path to atomic bombs.Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg will lead a U.S.delegation to China next week to try to persuade Beijing to put more pressureon Pyongyang despite Chinese fears that this may destabilize North Korea, aU.S. official said.Washington, Seoul and Tokyo have been lukewarm towardBeijing's proposal for emergency talks between the six regional powers, worriedthat they could be seen as rewarding Pyongyang for its deadly attack on a SouthKorean island two weeks ago.TEST FIRING BY NORTHOn Monday, South Korea's military said an unknown numberof artillery shells from the North fell on its side of a disputed maritime border off the west coast,adding the firing was most likely part of regular exercises.The South is also conducting live-fire drills in thearea."It does not appear to be a matter of greatconcern," a South Korean military official said. However, jittery marketsfell on reports of the artillery firing, but within minutes local shares andthe won had recovered their losses.Markets have mostly ignored Pyongyang's actions in recent years, but analystssay they are now more sensitive to North Korean risk after last month'sshelling of a South Korean island and Seoul's pledge to hit back hard ifattacked again."It has been going in a different way than beforequalitatively, therefore, we are seeing it as a risk that we cannot ignore nextyear," said Goohoon Kwon, an economist with U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs inSeoul.The two Koreas frequently conduct drills in the areaaround the Northern Limit Line off the North's west coast. Pyongyang does notrecognize the sea border that was established without its consent after the1950-1953 Korean war.

Jigong 发表于 2010-12-13 20:58


clover213 发表于 2010-12-16 20:41

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