黑霸王 发表于 2010-12-15 15:01

【10.12.14 纽约时报】中印会晤前夕 双方态度谨慎

本帖最后由 黑霸王 于 2010-12-15 15:09 编辑

【原文标题】India and China Cautious On Eve of a State Meeting
【中文标题】中印会晤前夕 双方态度谨慎
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

NEW DELHI — When leaders from the world’s most dynamic major economies get together, how do they plan to discuss their increasing dominance over global growth?


Very very carefully, it seems.


On Wednesday, the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, lands in New Delhi for a three-day trip, his first visit to India in five years. Like Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, President Obama and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France before him, Mr. Wen comes with a large entourage of executives and key ministers.


But while Mr. Wen’s delegation may be big, diplomats from both sides have played down expectations of any significant trade announcements or ground-breaking partnerships between the world’s most populous nations.


On Monday, China’s ambassador to India, Zhang Yan, called the relationship between the two countries “very fragile” while India’s foreign secretary, Nirupama Rao, spoke vaguely of the need for the two countries to move toward “congruence and cooperation.”

中国驻印度大使张炎在周一时称中印关系现在很“脆弱”,而印度外交部长拉奥琦(H.E. Ms. Nirupama Rao)则对两国“一致、合作”问题没有透露太多。

India and China together are home to more than a third of the world’s population, share a border of about 2,500 miles, and are expected to drive world economic growth in the years ahead. But ties between the two countries have been hurt by mistrust, ignorance and even hostility. The two countries have openly tussled over land and water rights, and more covertly over questions of intellectual property and employment visas.


Economically, “India and China both can rise, but there are a lot of conflicts,” said Ramgopal Agarwala, a senior adviser to RIS, a Delhi-based research group on emerging markets, and a former World Bank economist in China. “Both sides want to sort them out, but no one knows how.”

拉姆戈帕尔·阿加尔瓦拉(Ramgopal Agarwala)是RIS(总部在德里的研究新兴市场的团队)的一名资深顾问,还是世界银行派驻中国的前经济学家。他说,从经济学上讲,“中印都能实现崛起,但双方冲突太多了。尽管双方都想解决,但没人知道该怎么做”。

Business ties between the two were frayed further this year, after Indian officials enacted a virtual ban on the import of Chinese telecommunications equipment, citing security concerns, and clamped down on the percentage of overseas workers foreign companies could hire, a response to Chinese companies importing workers to build power plants here.


But that does not mean that economic ties are nonexistent — China is India’s largest trading partner. Bilateral trade is set to reach $60 billion this fiscal year, up from $42 billion in the year that ended in March. Still, the relationship strongly favors China — India exported $11.6 billion to China last fiscal year.


Where and how to fix that imbalance is unclear, analysts and economists in India say.


There are few examples of successful business tie-ups between the two nations, like the partnership of decades between Maruti of India and Suzuki of Japan, now India’s biggest car manufacturer. Chinese companies do not, for the most part, outsource jobs to India like American, European and British companies do, and they compete with India’s information technology companies.


The two countries also compete to make pharmaceuticals and ingredients for drug makers, and both are vying to become a center for low-cost research and development centers for global corporations. Any deals that could be announced during the Chinese premier’s visit may rely heavily on China’s infrastructure expertise, including plans to build power plants in India.

On Monday, the Chinese ambassador, Zhang Yan, expressed hope that the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the world’s largest bank, would be allowed to open in India. There are 10 Indian banks operating in China, he noted.


Chinese officials have also said they would like to see a free trade agreement between the two countries, but Indian officials say there are too many concerns about subsidies in the Chinese market that could influence prices.


Nonetheless, Mr. Wen’s schedule remains heavily weighted toward business. On Wednesday, Mr. Wen and India’s commerce minister, Anand Sharma, will speak at the “India-China Business Cooperation Summit” arranged by several trade groups. Later, Mr. Wen will visit Tagore International School, a New Delhi school with a Chinese exchange program. On Thursday, Mr. Wen is scheduled to attend a banquet hosted by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and meet with Sonia Gandhi, the chairwoman of the ruling political alliance.

然而,温总理此次中心仍在商业上。周三,温总理和印度贸易部长阿南德·夏尔马(Anand Sharma)将在由几大贸易团体安排的“中印商务合作峰会”上发表讲话。随后,温总理将去往泰戈尔国际学校,这所学校位于新德里,学校与中国有交换生项目。温总理还将在周四出席印度总理曼莫汉·辛格(Manmohan Singh)主办的宴会,并将会见现执政的政治联盟主席索尼娅·甘地(Sonia Gandhi)。

When it is all over, perhaps the most important thing that can come from this week’s visit is a plan to do it over again, sooner, analysts said.


“I hope there will be a greater interest in knowing each other,” Mr. Agarwala said. “In my judgment that would be a very concrete result.”


Jigong 发表于 2010-12-15 16:30


net2003 发表于 2010-12-15 18:22



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