满仓 发表于 2010-12-21 14:08

【10.12.02 纽约时报】大学文凭在中国等于什么?

本帖最后由 满仓 于 2010-12-21 14:09 编辑

【原文标题】What Is a College Degree Worth in China?






Yasheng Huang是麻省理工学员斯隆管理学员的国际管理系教授,著有《有中国特色的资本主义》。












Gordon G. Chang是《中国即将到来的崩溃》一书作者,福布斯的专栏作家。










Yong Zhao密歇根州立大学的教育学院特聘教授,《迎头赶上还是领路前行:全球化时代的美国教育》一书的作者。他经常发布有关教育问题的博客文章。










Qiang Zha是多伦多约克大学的助教,《21实际中国大学写照:向大规模高等教育前进》一书的作者之一。






















— David Straub,杭州





— Robin,哥伦比亚






— Jiminoregon,俄勒冈





— Sinoman,深圳




— Starvosk,纽约






— Bruce,深圳


A job fair for college graduates in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, in October.

While China's economy keeps growing at a rapid pace, the dim employment prospects of many of its college graduates pose a potential economic problem.

According to recent statistics, the average Chinese college graduate makes only 300 yuan, or about $44, more a month than the average Chinese migrant worker. In recent years, the wages of college graduates have remained steady at about 1,500 yuan a month. Migrant workers' wages, however, have risen to 1,200 yuan.

If China's graduates are unable to capitalize on their costly investment in education, then is it worthwhile for students to obtain a college degree? What does the imbalance say about China's education system and its economy in general?

Reform the Private Sector

Updated December 4, 2010, 12:15 AM

Yasheng Huang is professor of international management at Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of “Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics.”

The expansion of China's higher education system has frequently been mentioned in connection to the lackluster earnings of its college graduates. But the supply-side explanation is at best incomplete and at worst misleading.

In 1998, China enrolled about one million college students; in 2008 this figure was more than six million. The supply-side explanation assumes that the 1998 enrollment number was just right and that subsequent expansion outpaced the needs of the Chinese economy.

The more important part of the story lies on the demand side. Despite all the hoopla that foreign analysts have heaped on China’s growth, the economy remains driven by manual labor, low-cost and low-margin manufacturing.

While China is currently producing knowledge at an impressive rate, the vast majority of the knowledge production takes place in research institutes and academic institutions, rather than in firms. Knowledge production requires an elite but an extraordinarily small number of workers. As a result, it cannot absorb many college graduates.

The next source of demand for college graduates is government agencies, but China already has one of the largest -- if not the largest -- bureaucracy in the world. The base is already so big that it is unlikely to grow even more. In fact, now hundreds and even thousands of Chinese college graduates compete with one another fiercely for one civil service position.

As for China’s corporate sector, it is also not a huge source of demand for college graduates. Although China spends a lot of money on research and development, most of that spending takes place within government-sponsored research institutions, not within firms. The part of the corporate sector that employs college graduates has to do with finance, marketing and human resource management functions.

However, Chinese firms are extremely "top-light" -- that is, they have many workers but very few managers. The reason is that many of the Chinese firms are really factories. They receive export contracts and specifications and then they produce products accordingly. There is very little need for them to do their own marketing and product development.

Finally, the service sector is the Achilles’ heels of the Chinese economy. It is very weak and small, much lower, in terms of ratio to G.D.P., than India, United States, Japan and European countries. In fact, China’s service sector -- in relationship to G.D.P. -- makes China closer to oil producing countries in the Middle East rather than to any normal economy.

The reasons for the managerial underdevelopment of Chinese corporate sector and its small service sector are very complex but they all have to do with a distorted financial regulatory environment faced by Chinese private-sector firms.

The supply of Chinese college graduates is only “excessive” relative to the underdevelopment of its private sector and there is little possibility for change unless China undertakes bold reforms.

Few Promising Opportunities

Updated December 4, 2010, 12:53 AM

Gordon G. Chang is the author of "The Coming Collapse of China" and a columnist at Forbes.com.

Is a Chinese college degree important? It is if you want to shovel excrement in Wenzhou. The prosperous city in Zhejiang province this year advertised for college graduates to fill eight spots collecting “night soil.” More than 1,100 of them applied for the jobs. In these circumstances, skipping college to work as a migrant laborer looks like a smart career move.

So does joining the People’s Liberation Army. It wasn’t long ago that the military couldn’t attract degree-holders. No more. In 2009, 120,000 college graduates joined the P.L.A. That was three times the number in the preceding year and 12 times more than in 2006.

The People’s Liberation Army -- and the armies of night soil collectors -- have begun to attract college graduates because few promising opportunities are available for them in other fields. These days, they'd even covet jobs as domestic servants and nannies.
Experts say that salaries for college students generally rise after graduation. Yet the pay prospects for migrants and blue-collar workers may be even brighter. Why? Beijing’s poorly conceived population policies created an extraordinary bulge in the work force, and the members of the bulge are now retiring in great numbers.

As they retire, China’s work force will quickly shrink. The country has been short of labor since 2004, and the number of workers will level off soon. Chinese demographers think that will happen sometime between 2013 and 2016.

It doesn’t take a college degree to figure out that migrant and blue-collar pay is set to increase. The pool of laborers that is shrinking the fastest is at the bottom end of the wage scale. The number of college graduates, however, has been soaring by about 30 percent a year this decade. The law of supply and demand says that lower-rung pay packets will climb -- and the salaries of degree-holders will fall.

Some say China’s dynamic economy will “upscale” so fast that bottom-tier manufacturing will migrate to Vietnam and Bangladesh. Yes, outsourcing will act as a brake on worker compensation, but the effect will not be great. Companies will move out of China -- and lose the substantial advantages of superb infrastructure and large networks of suppliers -- only after wages have risen substantially and it becomes clear they will climb indefinitely. For the foreseeable future, blue-collar wages will go up at a far greater rate than higher-level compensation.

My wife and I stopped to talk to two peddlers outside the Foxconn plant in Longhua this August. They had laid out a blanket on the sidewalk to display their wares, balsa model kits. “The workers have lots of money,” said one of them. They, on the other hand, did not. The pair, part of a bigger group of street hawkers, had not sold many kits that week. One was a college student in faraway Sichuan province, majoring in petroleum. The other hoped to be an engineer. They said peddling was the best job they could find.

High Test Scores, Low Ability

Updated December 4, 2010, 12:53 AM

Yong Zhao is the University Distinguished Professor in the College of Education at Michigan State University. The author of "Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization," he often blogs about education issues.

There's a frustrating paradox in Chinese education. On the one hand, millions of college graduates cannot find a job -- at least a desirable job that pays substantially more than what a migrant worker makes. On the other hand, businesses that want to pay a lot more can't seem to find qualified employees.

Multinational companies in China are having a difficult time finding qualified candidates for their positions. According to a recent survey of U.S.-owned enterprises conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, 37 percent of the companies that responded said that finding talent was their biggest operational problem. A separate study by McKinsey Quarterly found that 44 percent of the executives in Chinese companies reported that insufficient talent was the biggest barrier to their global ambitions.

The explanation: a test-oriented educational environment.

China invented the keju system, which used tests to select government officials. It was a great invention because it enabled talents from across the society to join the ruling class regardless of their family backgrounds. Hence, a great meritocracy could be created. But it evolved into a nightmare for China as the system gradually changed into one that tested memorization of Confucian classics.

Teachers sorting college entrance exams in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, in June 2009.

Keju is dead now but its spirit is very alive in China today, in the form of gaokao, or the College Entrance Exam. It's the only exam that matters since it determines whether students can attend college and what kind of colleges they can attend. Because of its life-determining nature, gaokao has become the “baton” that conducts the whole education orchestra. Students, parents, teachers, school leaders and even local government officials all work together to get good scores. From a very young age, children are relieved of any other burden or deprived of opportunity to do anything else so they can focus on getting good scores.

The result is that Chinese college graduates often have high scores but low ability. Those who are good at taking tests go to college, which also emphasizes book knowledge. But when they graduate, they find out that employers actually want much more than test scores. That is why another study by McKinsey found that fewer than 10 percent of Chinese college graduates would be suitable for work in foreign companies.

Chinese educators are well aware of the problems with the gaokao system and have been trying to move away from the excessive focus on testing. But seeking other valid indicators of strong academic records will take time, especially in a country of 1.3 billion people.

A Stratified Education System

Updated December 4, 2010, 12:53 AM

Qiang Zha is an assistant professor of education at York University in Toronto, and a co-author, most recently of, “Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities: In the Move to Mass Higher Education.”

It is ironic that as China’s economy keeps growing, the degrees produced by its colleges seem to be rapidly losing their value. Investment in education and training are not paying off for many college graduates. Why? Does China not need knowledge workers?

In the past decade, Chinese higher education enrollment soared more than sevenfold, and the system now produces close to six million graduates a year. Shouldn’t these graduates be rewarded for their education credentials and qualifications and not be treated “as cheap as cabbages”?

The problem is due largely to a structural disorder in Chinese higher education.

With the quick expansion of higher education came stratification of the system. Chinese higher education has grown to be steeply hierarchical, with a small number of elite national universities (around 100 in total) sitting on top of the hierarchy and protected from overexpansion. Meanwhile, the majority (95 percent or so) of local universities and colleges have to accommodate most of the increased enrollment.

The elite universities enjoy strong state patronage in terms of higher concentration of public resources while the local ones are largely left to rely on market forces, which means that they have to take in more students in order to secure their revenue.

This widening gap inevitably led to deterioration of the quality of higher education in many colleges, especially the newly created ones but also the private ones, which suffer from a severe shortage of qualified and experienced teaching staff.

Worse still, many of these colleges favored adding “soft” programs, e.g., accounting, business/public administration, international commerce, foreign languages, etc. These popular programs require modest resources, thus providing an effective means for fast expansion. Graduates of these programs used to be welcomed into the job market. However, the proliferation of these programs has created a huge discrepancy between the supply and demand side.

With the market economy developing, divisions in China’s job market naturally emerged. The elite university graduates and those who studied “hard” programs, i.e., the sciences and technology, found better opportunities in the primary job market where there's great demand for their knowledge and skills.

The local college graduates and particularly those who studied “soft” programs are more likely to be pushed to the secondary job market, which is characterized by low wages and high levels of labor turnover.

However, as more opportunities become available in a maturing Chinese economy, those who have college degrees -- regardless of their field of discipline -- will benefit. In the long run, it is likely that the wages of most college graduates will improve.

What the Graduates Go Through

Updated December 10, 2010, 05:42 PM

We received numerous stories from employers, educators and students on their experiences with the Chinese education system and its graduates. Here are excerpts of their comments.

Chinese vs. Western Graduates

My observation from hiring both Chinese and Western graduates is that with Chinese graduates, you get a much better guarantee of someone who will actually work hard at their task for 8 hours a day, but, you will need to supervise them and give them a great deal of guidance. With Western graduates, about 75 percent of them are completely useless because they are so undisciplined and lacking in basic knowledge. The remaining 25 percent, however, and pure gold. They attack problems creatively, are eager to show you their best and rapidly take to new tasks and challenges.

I hope this can point out some of the flaws in the Western education system that challenges the best, but leaves the average students coddled and overly confident in their abilities.

— J; Beijing

When Schools Officials Drive BMWs

For seven out of the past ten years I’ve taught English and history in China, so I have had a firsthand view of the pros and cons of China’s education system. Here’s a few points I wanted to bring up:

1. Perhaps most important is the huge difference between how Chinese and Americans value an university education. In China, high school and the gaokao exam scores are the apex of many students’ education. While the prestige of the university is very important for parents and students, the quality of education that a student receives at university is not always of the greatest concern.

2. Many private universities are simply diploma mills. There is little reason to study if you know you will receive your degree regardless of your class performance. In turn, faculty and administrators lack incentive to improve their programs because parents and students often are more concerned about receiving a degree than receiving a quality education.

3. There is a degree of economic mismanagement in high schools and universities that would not be tolerated in a developed Western nation. I have heard stories about families bribing teachers and administrators so that their children can receive passing scores. Money is spent on projects beautifying school grounds and for administrators' travels, rather than on salaries for the faculty. Also, top school administrators all drive very fancy cars, yet it’s widely known that their salaries could not possibly permit them to buy such vehicles.

— David Straub; Hangzhou, China

Poor Academic Records? Just Buy One

Many talented Chinese student have had their records stolen and sold to Communist party members, so that the party members' children could attend college. So, it doesn't surprise me that the value of the education attained doesn't mean much economically. From my experiences working with the Chinese, they don't see any problems taking someone's achievement and giving it to someone else.

You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Not that the U.S. system is particularly clean and uncorrupted. It's just that it is more difficult to directly take someone's records and sell them since there isn't one test and one set of records that determines everything.

— Robin; Columbia, Mo.

They're Smart, and They Work Hard

I am a chemistry professor at a liberal arts college here in the U.S. I lived in Beijing for 13 months while doing research in nanoscience at one of the institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I worked closely with faculty and graduate students.

The students and young college graduates that I came to know work much harder than any of my students here. Their math skills are much higher. Their English reading comprehension is comparable to that of my students here. And their drive to succeed is much higher than that of my students. Of course, this was in Beijing, and not representative of the entire country. But it is no surprise that U.S. graduate programs are heavily populated with students from China. I love working with these students.

The Great Recession struck while I was in Beijing. The students there had more job opportunities than new Ph.D.s here in the U.S. This is still the case. While U.S. companies were downsizing or folding, their intellectual property and scientific equipment was being bought up by Chinese capital.

Within ten years, the center of the world's drug industry will not be in the U.S., but in the Pearl River delta. So will the world's center of green technology, supercomputing, high speed rail, nanotechnology and chemical manufacturing. Where should a new Ph.D. be looking for a job now? In ten years time, we will know the answer to that question will be somewhere in China.

— Jiminoregon; Oregon

Bureaucratic and Rigged

Teachers are government employees who are paid next to nothing, similar to what nurses, police officers and postal workers are paid. Consequently, except for the blessed few who are committed to education, the other 95 percent of educators in China are just scraping by and have no interest in the job.

The curriculum are mandated by bureaucrats, equally lacking in dedication. The system of entrance exams is rigged against the poor, and the rote memory methodology rewards good memory and cheating. Thinking is not required, memorization is required.

A fake degree can be bought on the street corner, and most people lie on their resume about their degrees anyway, further depreciating the value. Having the piece of paper -- not the degree -- is what employers require. The Human Resources profession is a joke in China, so interview skills on the employer side are a joke as well, and since getting ahead is a function of who you suck up to, not what you are capable of, why should it be a surprise that a degree is worthless?

— Sinoman; Shenzhen, China

Delayed Adolescence

When I studied abroad in China, I had tutors who were startlingly good at what they did, offering tips on how to memorize vocabulary or study for tests. When we went out for drinks though, it was really startling how insulated they were from how the actual world works. Many middle-class Chinese kids from the city have never worked or held a job until after they finish college.

At the Chinese engineering firm I interned at, the engineers acted more like children than serious professionals. Video Games, dating drama and binge drinking have severe effects on their work habits and work ethic.These things affect Western workers too, of course, but honestly, most of us learned how to deal with rejection, getting dumped, getting wasted or playing too many video games in our teenage years. Chinese kids have had no such luxury, and that behavior comes out when they start working.

— Starvosk; New York City

Why a Degree Is Worth Having

I have lived in Shenzhen, the Special Economic Zone north of Hong Kong, for the last ten years. Here, tens of thousands of white-collar jobs at multinationals and big state-run firms are open SOLELY to college/university degree holders. If you haven't got a degree, you can't get an appointment with Human Resources. Period. Entry-level jobs often mean a salary of 500-3,000 yuan ($375-$450), including medical insurance, paid (albeit short!) annual vacation and a 5-6 day workweek. With 3-5 years of work, a lucky white-collar employee can hold a middle-level management job that pays anywhere from 5,000-15,000 yuan ($750-$2,250) a month, plus benefits like kickbacks for favoring a given vendor, etc. I personally know dozens of white-collar workers who now have a mortgage in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, and most of them are under 30.

A taxi driver in Shenzhen earns around 3,000 yuan ($375) and works 7 days a week. I have spoken with thousands of taxi drivers during my 28-year stay in China, and a good portion of those in Shenzhen have enough money to build a house in their hometown in Hunan, Sichuan or Hubei after 5-7 years of work. (Of course, 5-7 years of driving a taxi without rest can result in all sorts of long-term illnesses and disability.)

A migrant worker in a Shenzhen factory earns 1,000-1,200 yuan a month and works 6-7 days a week. She may well perform the same motions every minute and hour throughout the working day. There are only two ways up in a factory for a female, since almost all management jobs are held by Hong Kong and Taiwanese males: earn a posting in the QA/QC department, or sleep with your manager, a common occurrence in the factories surrounding Shenzhen where there are 7 females (aged 18-22) for every male on the site.

Hopefully, this helps explain why the Chinese want to get an university education.

— Bruce; Shenzhen, China

百姓 发表于 2010-12-21 17:25


xis 发表于 2010-12-21 18:02


avava 发表于 2010-12-21 19:09


老虎过街 发表于 2010-12-22 12:38


半杯酒 发表于 2010-12-22 13:29

本帖最后由 半杯酒 于 2010-12-22 13:30 编辑


\|/ 烧香~~

清馨小雨 发表于 2010-12-24 11:18


ykfo2 发表于 2010-12-24 12:47


kingkesou 发表于 2010-12-25 02:17


popop_ryan 发表于 2010-12-30 10:32


連長 发表于 2011-1-2 22:09


东东小 发表于 2011-1-5 11:46

现在年轻人都说: 结婚只是一张纸而已. 那文凭也只是一张只纸. 你的财产也是几张纸而已, 不如考虑给我!!
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