三季稻 发表于 2011-1-1 15:41

【译文-中文】中国隐形战机 (转载评论)

本帖最后由 三季稻 于 2011-1-1 15:43 编辑

【原文-美国】China's Stealth Striker【原文地址】: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/b ... Controller=Blog&;plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&newspaperUserId=27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post:caf36660-d425-4fbc-a284-008017
【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-01 12:38:15
【翻译评论数/总评论】: /



tangoviking wrote:
Could be a view in China that for the resources they now put into developing a costly

stealth jet it has to be able to provide high endurance for the air defense role I.E

long patrol times and larger weapons loads. Because perhaps they do not see the

possibility to dramatically mass produce this type of jet today. Seeing how many they

would need for national (and regional) operations.

Just 200 of these with Mach2+ capability and long endurance, plus a lot of BVR-missiles

onboard, coupled with a sizeable AESA would not be a welcomed opponent for a foreign

airforce that has always seen itself as masters of the airspace domain anywhere in the


The lower cost, short range single-engine FCA will be next...
12/27/2010 6:17 AM CST
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tangoviking wrote:
Another one Bill.. small but a slightly more lined-up sideview. Sry no credit.


12/27/2010 6:47 AM CST
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tangoviking wrote:
Oh and the canopy is down on that photo. Seems to be a row of people standing in the

background too. Test run?

12/27/2010 6:59 AM CST
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Marcase wrote:
Nice catch Bill and tangoviking.

It has indeed a very similar shape to the original JAST design, and if it does has a

Lambda-type wing (ie optimized for "turn & burn" maneuvering) it could be seen as a

Chinese PAKFA-type interceptor. Perhaps to provide a long-range land-based CAP umbrella

as the aircraft carrier works up.

Big nose for a big AESA btw.

China usually adopts a block approach in (defense) systems, which means successive

production runs show steady incremental improvements. So I wouldn't be surprised to see

a stealthy "F/A" strike-fighter next and ultimately an "FB" type bomber.

The PLAAF still lacks enough interdiction strike (Su-30) and strategic bomber aircraft

(obsolete Xian H-6/Badger). I expect the Jian-11/Su-27 Flankers production will ramp up

soon, so the next logical step would be to extend the deep strike capability after this

J-20 has proven itself as a good base platform.

But this is all pure pre-morning coffee speculation of course.
12/27/2010 7:01 AM CST
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PLA空军目前仍然缺乏足够的拦截机(苏30)和战略轰炸机(已过时的西飞产 H-6和獾型)。我希望



Marcase wrote:
Just now wondering if this would be a dynamite sales pitch for an Indian JSF...!
12/27/2010 7:04 AM CST
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andrei_sh wrote:
Funny thing to see is that Russian VVS Red Star insignia on the vertical tails. Any

suggestions to explain this, apart from an obvious one that this is a stupid fake?
12/27/2010 7:16 AM CST
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Marcase wrote:

12/27/2010 7:27 AM CST
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John S wrote:
"...and at this point I'm seeing a "lambda" wing planform, seen ... with a single

straight leading edge and a kinked trailing edge. It first appeared on McDonnell Douglas

JAST studies in the early 1990s."

I do believe the F-101 Voodoo predates the 1990s by a few decades.

But it was a McDonnell product, sans Douglas...

12/27/2010 7:29 AM CST
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tangoviking wrote:
@andrei_sh , PLA star. Yellow and Red.
12/27/2010 7:31 AM CST
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@andrei_sh, 这星星是PLA的标志,红黄两色。

Bill Sweetman wrote:
The Voodoo wasn't that stealthy... but I wonder whether the JAST wing was inspired by

it. It's a good way to get proper edge alignments with a lift distribution that's a bit

like a trapezoidal swept wing.
12/27/2010 7:44 AM CST
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Firefox wrote:
The best Christmass present ever. The day the fly it, I will start studying Chinese.
12/27/2010 8:22 AM CST
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andrei_sh wrote:
Thanks, Marcase. I do know what PLAAF insignia looks like. Tangoviking, I'm not sure

anybody can tell the color of the thin outline from the distance. But you forgot about

the red ribbon detail in the Chenese roundel. http://www.chinatoday.com/arm/index.htm
12/27/2010 8:23 AM CST
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andrei_sh wrote:
Nobody will sell the 117S engines to Chinese, for the next 10 years at least. Our

Chinese brothers may keep dreamin.
12/27/2010 8:43 AM CST
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David Sullivan wrote:
This makes sense if they have airborne surveilance equal or better to Global Hawk,

missiles equal or better than AIM-120, jammers equal or better than EA-18 and pilots

equal to Red Flag or NAS Fallon. Otherwise, they are just targets.
12/27/2010 10:40 AM CST
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有跟美国空军红旗军演和海军NAS Fallon基地练出来的那样的老鸟,丝带才能算有用。否则就是空中


BowlWeavil wrote:

We can all be sure Bill and his Australian internet buddies will be ready to crown this

aircraft the world's most deadly as soon as a clear picture of it emerges. (Assuming we

have to wait that long.)

12/27/2010 11:28 AM CST
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ghemago wrote:
Can't get the Ella or Memorex joke...
Can you help this non native english speaking member?
12/27/2010 11:32 AM CST
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不太明白你的Ella Fitzgerald或者梅莫雷克斯的笑话……

Bill Sweetman wrote:
Classy first post, BW. Come back any time you feel like contributing something useful.
12/27/2010 11:34 AM CST
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ghemago wrote:
David S, you are over relaxed and that's the start of most failures...
12/27/2010 11:35 AM CST
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David S,骄兵必败....

Bill Sweetman wrote:
"Is it live, or is it Memorex?" was a slogan for cassette tapes, back in the far-off

days when there were such things, and Ella Fitzgerald was featured in the Memorex ads.
12/27/2010 11:37 AM CST
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“这是直播,还是梅莫雷克斯(美国品牌)?”是在磁带还存在的很久很久以前,某磁带的一句广告语,Ella Fitzgerald出演了那个广告。

jetcal1 wrote:
Time will tell. If it's real and not an evolutionary dead end, we'll be seeing more of

it. The questions are:
Can China come up with an engine sufficient for the airframe to reach its potential?
Are the avionics/fire control stealthy enough?
Will it end up like the B-2 with only a few built?
Could this be the final incentive for DoD to sell the F-22 to Japan?

And just to plug in a F-35 question;
Could this this be an opportunity for LMCO to kill the F-35 and put the F-22 back into

production? After all - if this is the real deal, the whole projected threat

scenario/schedule may have just gone out the window.

12/27/2010 11:40 AM CST
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三季稻 发表于 2011-1-1 16:09

本帖最后由 三季稻 于 2011-1-1 16:15 编辑

BowlWeavil wrote:
Come on Bill, it looks fast, it has canards, and it isn't from Lockheed. If this isn't right up your alley then nothing is.
12/27/2010 11:49 AM CST
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Harrier wrote:
The one thing that strikes me is that the main undercarriage design looks horrible, with big doors scraping the runway and long, stalky legs splayed out at quite an angle. Reminds me of TSR.2, which is not a great u/c design to mimic, although even that didn't dangle its doors in harms way.
12/27/2010 11:54 AM CST
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tangoviking wrote:
I think the big doors you're refering to is actually a man in white coverall?

Something I've noticed is the lack of fire extinguishers or fire-trucks.
12/27/2010 12:14 PM CST
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mupp wrote:
It's had a news bit on CCTV (PRC state TV)...Might be part of the "bring it out to the public" roadshow
The Russians flew the PT PAK/FA almost a year ago, this might be a "hey we have one too" moment.
12/27/2010 12:28 PM CST
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Rick-Joe wrote:
Bill, when you say "But ask yourself: why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft? Any targets with defenses that call for that capability are a long way from the mainland. Also, the bigger that the aircraft is, the more likely it is that it is a bomber as much as, if not more than, a fighter."
-- you're implying the J-20 is a big aircraft right? In some ways I read it, it seems like you're imlpying the complete opposite.
Also, it's doubtful if the Russian's have supplied 117S or not -- regardless of what Jane's says, the Russians haven't been bragging on about this as they usually do with China's (now rare) military purchases. (Look at the way they proclaim the PLAAF is going to purchase the Su-35 where nothing of the sort has come from the Chinese side)
Also, on the length -- remember that Asians are inherently slightly shorter than Caucasians so if you're measuring through the rough heights of the sillouhettes you may wanna scale down a bit.

Solomon wrote:
strange timing on all this...
first we have this stealth fighter being shown....next we here that the anti-ship ballistic missile has reached IOC...
seems mighty strange for news of a rising China to be hitting all before a new Congress is to be seated with a meat axe aimed at the Pentagon...
i'm just sayin'
12/27/2010 5:30 PM CST
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RSF wrote:
The PLAAF have been relatively open about their plans for China's stealth fighter programs, so we should really go back to prior statements to understand the intended capabilities of this aircraft.
The F-22 has been the bench mark that Chengdu and Shenyang designers have been targeting from the beginning. Openly PLAAF officials have talked of the program being based on four performance goals, also known as 4S, these being Stealth, Supercruise, Super-Maneuverability, and Short Take-Off.
So looking at these known metrics, I would respectfully argue against the statement of Marcase that the emergence of this Chinese stealth fighter is a good selling point for the F-35 (for India). Rather this supports the reactivation of the F-22 production line, and the need to develop the Raptor as it should have been vs. spending billions of dollars on the JSF, which will have limited value against the heavy twin engine stealth fighters now being developed by the Russians/India, and now China.
This plane is a long way from being ready for production so we still have time. However, reviewing the statements of He Weirong Deputy Commander of the Chinese Air Force last year, this fighter is supposed to be operational by 2015, so a change course is needed NOW.
12/27/2010 9:30 PM CST
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Solomon wrote:
a whole lot needs to be said actually Horde.
if this is real then not only are the readers here at Aviation Week being caught flat footed but also, it would seem our defense establishment.
but its not only the JSF that might need to be re-examined but the defense stance of every Western Nation...especially those in Europe.
the strength of the JSF lies not only in its stealth but more importantly in its sensor fusion. while i'm not sure that this Chinese "super" jet has those things (or for that matter if its even real) but what about legacy airframes that don't?
plans to simply upgrade F-15, 16, 18 fighters for the US get thrown out the window. Typhoons, Rafales and Gripens are also not even remotely viable.
while it might suit your subject line Horde ole' boy to claim that this marks the end of the JSF, it could be the reverse...it might push an even larger buy.
again, i have serious doubts about this airplane being real but its a great present to the DoD and the threat of it will keep the Pentagon rolling in cash even though we're in tough economic times.
12/27/2010 10:58 PM CST
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鬼雄 发表于 2011-1-1 17:44


师子吼 发表于 2011-1-1 17:48


martinchi 发表于 2011-1-1 21:10

PLA空军目前仍然缺乏足够的拦截机(苏30)和战略轰炸机(已过时的西飞产 H-6和獾型)。我希望



superloong 发表于 2011-1-2 00:29


408857771 发表于 2011-1-2 11:58


生于1973 发表于 2011-1-5 07:45


rainne 发表于 2011-1-5 19:10

所以对中国是好事。他多量化宽松几次,中国国债一抛。 ...
superloong 发表于 2011-1-2 00:29 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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