三季稻 发表于 2011-1-10 20:56


  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ ... rg6so-1225984639589
   Hubert Posted at 1:14 AM Today
  If America could only learn to try and make real friends instead of an ever increasing number of enemies, it would have to spend fewer hundreds of billions in its ever more precarious security situation. But who can convince the arrogant about the wisdom of being meek???
  Comment 6 of 42
  sam of usa Posted at 1:36 AM Today
  typical rhetoric from our military leaders. though i still think were in the lead militarily, i just wish the powers that be would see it’’s to no avail in the long run. We need to understand war is a waste no matter what. i still feel the leaders should fight one another if they are so bent on power. The masses of the worlds population would have it so no wars exsisted ever!!
  Comment 8 of 42
  Hok Posted at 1:56 AM Today
  Comment 10 of 42
  John guru of Brisbane Posted at 6:51 AM Today
  Robert Gates typifies America’’s problem. Arrogant, self-centred and refusing to face up to the reality that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, coupled with the out of control financial institutions, have bought USA to it’’s knees. The USA no longer has the financial capabilities to be the No.1 world power. Anything he says is just sabre rattling, and the Chinese know this.
  Comment 15 of 42
  kai of Melbourne Posted at 6:59 AM Today
  Those who live on borrowed money perhaps should learn some manners. They really should not be seen going around the neighbourhood carrying a big stick and breathing heavily.
  Comment 16 of 42
  Ziggy of Sydney Posted at 7:24 AM Today
  The Chinese are not scared of the USA. They have waged economic war on the Americans for decades and they have succeeded in stripping jobs and industries from the USA to the point where the Americans hardly make anything worthwhile. In the meantime, the Americans are getting deeper and deeper in debt and the only thing saving them is that the US dollar is the world reserve currency and the Americans have the advantage of being the only nation that can print this currency and don’’t have to purchase it with tangible assets. But when the Chinese think that the time is right, they will dump their huge holdings of US dollars and treasury bonds on the market, thus destroying the value of the dollar to that of the Argentinian peso. Once the US dollar is dumped as the world reserve currency, the Americans will have to pay for everything, including their oil, in gold which they don’’t have. That’’s when the Chinese will act, revealing their true military might. They will invade Taiwan and chase the Americans out of the Eastern Hemisphere and there will not be a lot that the Americans will be able to do about it. The American Empire is dying and soon it will be dead.
  Comment 17 of 42
  Paul of Darwin Posted at 8:27 AM Today
  Suck it up Mr Gates..the US like every other historical empire will fade. In fact I would question your one sided knowledge of history..the dustbins of history are full of past emires that were all great at one time or another. Depends which side you’’re on I suppose.
  Comment 18 of 42
  dogfather Posted at 9:34 AM Today
  Gates is shaking his big fist at an even bigger fist. What a joke. USA is no longer in charge. They owe Trillions of dollars to China. the USA now has to behave itself or it will get a smack. A great big smack
  盖茨挥舞着他的拳头,冲着一个比他拳头还大的人不停的挥舞。 真是个笑话,美国已经不是老大了,美国欠中国上万亿美元。美国现在要学乖点,不然就要挨揍了,而且是一顿胖揍
  Comment 22 of 42
  Aussie of Sydney Posted at 9:52 AM Today
  China likes any other countries has the right to advance her own military. The US is showing double standards on this issue by her complaints against China!
  Comment 23 of 42
  Gidgee of Brisbane. Posted at 10:11 AM Today
  Dustbins filled with nations who’’ve forecast the decline of the USA, Mr Gates? Really? Given that the USA has only been around as an entity for a relatively short period of time those dustbins must still appear very shiny and new to you sir. The big issue here is the compounding speed with which "empires" come and go in human history made ever so clear in my lifetime - I was born in the days when the British had an "empire" on which "the sun never sets" but now, Mr Gates, it’’s gone the way of so many "empires" which have existed previously. The United States, as it now stands, is buggered: it is in debt up to its back teeth to the Asian nations, especially China; its globe-trotting army is being used by its hierarchy in Washington DC as a publicly-funded mercenary endeavour attempting to adjust the awful fact that the US, which has so much oil-dependent requirements permanently ceases oil production within the next few short years. In 1945 the US (then 48 states) was the globe’’s darling but since then the leadership of that proud nation has let it down too many times while brashly and cockily thinking that the good times will last forever. Nothing is forever, Mr Gates, nothing.
  历史的垃圾桶里都是那些小看美国的国家?真的吗?盖茨先生。。。(接下来若干文字分析美国的内政外交的困镜。。不翻译了。。。) 没有什么事情是永远的,盖茨先生。。。
  Comment 24 of 42
  Will Posted at 10:46 AM Today
  Its this type of arrogance that gets the world into trouble. Gates is typical of the American redneck gun-toting attitude of aggressive behaviour. No wonder the Chinese are insulted by his provocative sabre-rattling statements about US power. This is global power politics at its worst. Sadly, he and the rest of the US administration are too stupid to realise that they are just making it worse. The more they posture & threaten, the more China will build up its military capability. The Chinese don’’t trust the Americans, and I can understand why. I don’’t either anymore.
  Comment 28 of 42
  peter hindrup of bondi junction Posted at 12:24 PM Today
  Dr Gates warned China not to underestimate the US or the continuing power of its military. Reminds me of the times when cornered by bigger we declared desperately ’’my father is a policeman’’! Didn’’t work then, wont work against any nation that takes an objective look at the situation the US is in. Past time for them to go home & to clean up their own mess. "They have the potential to put some of our capabilities at risk." Hell, who cares? From whence comes this notion that the US is all powerful? "Whether the reported new weapons are true or not, in the long run China will own first-class weapons that are capable of competing with the US war machine," Of course, but today why build a ’’conventional’’ army? The shortage of fuel, & the ability of a few nations to totally disrupt the supply world wide leaves the US with a heap of scrap iron. No different to those who owned castles full of armour after the crossbow came on the scene. It is in everybodies interest for the US to be brought to its knees. With the US aspiring for third world status & several nations of roughly equal power dotted around with nobody knowing just who would support who, we’’d have a much more equitable world.
  Comment 36 of 42
  JG of Sydney Posted at 12:36 PM Today
  Wow, the amount of ignorance in these comments is somewhat amusing. There is no such thing as right or wrong in life, only the strong is right. And currently that is the United States. As for China, its intention is simple. No country like to be dominated by another. Weaker nations cannot do anything about it. However China has the power to stand up to the US, and therefore it does. People needs to stop dreaming of "freedom" and realise there is no such thing as black or white.

达到诬赖 发表于 2011-1-10 21:34


李逍遥 发表于 2011-1-10 21:53


三季稻 发表于 2011-1-10 22:16


紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-1-10 22:42


蝌蚪汤 发表于 2011-1-10 23:16


海外华人甲 发表于 2011-1-11 03:35

本帖最后由 海外华人甲 于 2011-1-11 03:37 编辑


2) 申请贷款的时候,他挥着凶对银行职员说,不要小看我的实力

千万不要对中国自夸两个能力:1) 历史2)韧性

ak123456789 发表于 2011-1-11 07:56


diojojojo 发表于 2011-1-11 08:16


diojojojo 发表于 2011-1-11 08:25

本帖最后由 diojojojo 于 2011-1-11 08:28 编辑

  盖氏将访中国,临行,欲恫之,乃手持巨瓮,人皆奇;盖氏曰:蔑吾邦者众,已为垢,尽入此瓮矣.至中国,太尉梁公光 ...
三季稻 发表于 2011-1-10 22:16 images/common/back.gif


防长不会暴露的!虽然阿扁哥暴露了   阿九哥有人认出来了
沈一鳴有人怀疑了   但防长是不会暴露的!


hpyvf19 发表于 2011-1-11 11:14


nhkbbs 发表于 2011-1-11 11:18


fukgm 发表于 2011-1-11 12:37

  盖氏将访中国,临行,欲恫之,乃手持巨瓮,人皆奇;盖氏曰:蔑吾邦者众,已为垢,尽入此瓮矣.至中国,太尉梁公光 ...
三季稻 发表于 2011-1-10 22:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

    “垢峰” 是亮点Q51)

whatdoing 发表于 2011-1-11 13:49


zhuha2000 发表于 2011-1-11 15:19


ggmch 发表于 2011-1-12 12:44


2) 申请贷款的时候 ...
海外华人甲 发表于 2011-1-11 03:35 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


学识1949 发表于 2011-1-12 14:13

  盖氏将访中国,临行,欲恫之,乃手持巨瓮,人皆奇;盖氏曰:蔑吾邦者众,已为垢,尽入此瓮矣.至中国,太尉梁公光 ...
三季稻 发表于 2011-1-10 22:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


海外华人甲 发表于 2011-1-12 20:31

学识1949 发表于 2011-1-12 14:13 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



trillion 发表于 2011-1-13 08:40

WHITE PIG 已经消灭了 古埃及、古印度、古巴比伦文明。。。。。。
如果中华民族不在人类生死存亡的危难时刻站出来,团结一切正义的力量,坚决制止 WHITE PIG 的胡作非为,那么人类存在地球上的日子撑死也就200年。

清馨小雨 发表于 2011-1-13 15:19

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