师子吼 发表于 2011-1-12 17:44

美中国防部长修复双方破裂的军事关系 (美国网友评论,ZT)


【原文-美国】US, China defense chiefs mend frayed military ties
【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-12 15:08:29
【翻译评论数/总评论】: /

美国还是最强大了。路漫漫~~ BEIJING – The U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs took a step Monday toward mending frayed relations between their powerful militaries, though China warned ties could be cut again if Washington does not heed Beijing's wishes.

Military contacts are fewer and less substantive than U.S.-Chinese interaction in the economic, political and diplomatic arenas, and both nations wanted to put a better face on the military relationship ahead of a high-stakes visit to Washington by Chinese President Hu Jintao next week.

The agreement stops short of the robust cooperation sought by Washington, and China pointedly refused to promise that friction over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan might not interfere.




U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie agreed after a morning of talks Monday to broaden some of their fragile military contacts and to study ways that the two nations might build a more formal structure for future talks. They set up a working group to look at establishing the larger and more enduring framework Gates wants.

Gates said the two nations agreed that military ties should be "solid, consistent and not subject to shifting political winds," and he said he is sure that China's People's Liberation Army is behind the idea "as much as I am."

The sometimes hidebound PLA has resisted more regular contact out of apprehension or embarrassment, and Gates has said before that China's political leadership was quicker to see the value in better military ties with the United States.




The reluctance was evident Monday, despite Gates' optimism. The United States has been pressing China to give a firm date for the planned visit of China's chief of the Army general staff to Washington. Liang would not be pinned down, announcing only that a visit would happen sometime in the first half of 2011.

The agreement marks an end to a rocky year in which Beijing cut off defense ties with the United States over arms sales to Taiwan, the democratic island that China claims.

"On that, China's position has been clear and consistent," Liang said. "We are against it."




The arms sales "seriously damaged China's core interests, and we do not want to see that happen again," Liang continued.

"We hope that U.S. arms sales will not again and further disrupt," military ties or the overall relationship, Liang said.

Liang, an Army general, repeatedly warned that the United States should consider China's perspective.




The two nations also agreed to wider cooperation in such noncombat areas as counterterrorism and counter-piracy operations.

The United States has argued that a more formal arrangement would benefit both nations and help avert crises. More formal contacts and cooperation, including joint exercises and training, might also make it less likely that China would walk out on the arrangement.

Gates' four-day trip to Beijing includes meetings with the top political and military leadership and a visit to a Chinese nuclear weapons base.




Both governments are trying to smooth over substantial friction over trade, North Korea's and Iran's nuclear programs and China's generally more assertive diplomatic posture.

A rapid build-up of the Chinese military has fueled perceptions of aggression, unnerved China's neighbors and caused Washington to insist Beijing more clearly explain its intentions.

China has made strides in building a new stealth fighter jet, and Washington is also concerned about a new ballistic missile that could theoretically explode a U.S. aircraft carrier nearly 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) out to sea. China has also apparently beaten U.S. estimates to develop that weapon.




Gates told reporters traveling with him to Asia on Sunday that China had the potential to "put some of our capabilities at risk."

"We have to pay attention to them. We have to respond appropriately with our own programs," Gates said.

At their news conference Monday, Gates and Liang denied their governments are entering an arms race. Liang, dressed in his military uniform, animatedly defended China's growing capabilities, calling them entirely appropriate and

consistent with China's rise as an economic and political power.



While both sides try to pave the way for a successful Hu-Obama summit, economics and politics also are aggravating strains between the world's superpower and the fast-rising new power.

Chinese trade data released Monday showed exports swelling nearly 18 percent in December and more than 30 percent for all 2010, though surging imports narrowed China's overall trade surplus. The still-high surplus is likely to add to pressure on the Obama administration to penalize Beijing for trade and currency policies that some economists and U.S. lawmakers call unfair.



A defense spending authorization signed by Obama on Friday wades into the fair-trade battle. The act effectively prohibits the Defense Department from buying solar panels made in China, a leading supplier, by requiring the Pentagon to purchase panels made in the United States or from countries that have joined an international trade agreement that Beijing has not signed.

The spending measure also orders Gates to come up with a plan to ensure secure U.S. access to critical elements known as rare earths that are crucial to some weaponry and other high-technology products. China is the world's biggest supplier but has restrained exports, citing environmental degradation from mining. Critics contend Beijing wants to drive up prices and demonstrate its control over vital commodities.


评论翻译 •    Reality 15 minutes ago Report Abuse

Americans needs to come to their senses and start believeing "The bigger they were, the harder they are falling". They are no more the top dog. China is influential in every way, and by 2020, mark my word, China will be Superpower and the top dog. And US knows this. If US wants to retain its position, it needs to stop bullying other nations and mind it own business. Get the millary out of other nations. Simply said "THEY DID NOT INVITE YOU, THEY DONT NEED YOU, GO HOME AMERICANS, WHO MADE YOU THE POILCEMAN" and focus on improving your relationships with other nations and stop thinking of yourselves as something special. The world would be a better place if this nation was never discovered. Or never existed.

•    Chris 40 minutes ago Report Abuse
When it comes to foreign policy, Obama is a child in a room full grown up. (Sorry Noble committee you picked the wrong guy) Heck if you think I Am wrong how many times has he sent his underlings to do his job.

•    Playa Pan 1 hour ago Report Abuse
commie china has about 200 nuclear warheads in their arsenal
US has about 10,000+ nuclear wear heads in their arsenal

Win-Win WWIII, anybody?

•    Cesar 1 hour ago Report Abuse
I like chinese food anyway..............

•    JaguarPaw 5 hours ago Report Abuse
The Chinese and Russians play Obama like a school boy .

•    Captain America 6 hours ago Report Abuse
Will be interesting to see how Obama surrenders to the Chinese after having done so with the Russians.

•    ROBERT 11 hours ago Report Abuse
New talks will probably include, sorry but we are going to have to reduce our military, hopefully, that will not hinder Chinese development.

•    Andy 15 hours ago Report Abuse
why are we (American) so stupid!!! When was the last time the Chinese Government keeps its promises? Never! Do not listen on what they are going to say, just look on how they do it! They will stab us on the back! Wake up Americans! Say No to China products, or they will take on our #1 economy in the year of 2019 (or 2022)!!!

•    JP 16 hours ago Report Abuse
The sleeping dragon has a woaken!

•    WM 16 hours ago Report Abuse
China's army is huge, they now have the aircraft carrier killer bomb and the new stealth plane. This is all funded by China's outlet store - Walmart. The USA world leadership in military and economics is a thing of the past. I hope Americans like to play second fiddle...third fiddle ?

•    No China 18 hours ago Report Abuse
People's Republic of China is a chief of Asia

No way, he is the thief of Asia

•    JC 18 hours ago Report Abuse
China is the one who broke the tie... and should be guilty of the act...

•    stana 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Do you know about Chinese "Soft Power" ?

•    Mary Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:41 pm PST Report Abuse
China's rise and its military and economic policies are meant for China's benefit only, not as part of an international community of cooperative nations. Good luck getting the Chinese to stop digging into their heels. Again, the tail is wagging the dog, eh! We need to stopping buying anything that says "Made in China." That is the only way to negotiate with China.

•    James Mon Jan 10, 2011 08:12 pm PST Report Abuse
China's issue is that while the civil government may want closer ties with the US, the Chinese army is under the command of the military who want to show the world how big their junk is. Hu Jintao needs to get his crew in order.

•    Stankus Mon Jan 10, 2011 01:19 pm PST Report Abuse
In 25 years, China will have ALOT more old people than young people - an inverted population pyramid.

•    Jim Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:25 am PST Report Abuse
Robert Gate goes to China with three air Carrier Battle Groups, China answer him with the J20 stealth fighter, even an idiot knows that the result of this visit will be.

•    Thomas Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:04 am PST Report Abuse
china does not run the world, neither does the U.S.
We should stop importing from china. We can make what we need.
While we have deployed troops all over the planet and spent billions doing so, china has just sat back and taken it easy, waiting for us to go bankrupt. Are our politicians that stupid?

•    NathanG Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:32 am PST Report Abuse
Why do our militaries need to have a relationship. Are they going to get together to play softball or something?

•    BK Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:05 am PST Report Abuse
US more like China & China more like US.

•    Bret Mon Jan 10, 2011 09:32 am PST Report Abuse
everyone listens to micheal jackson's we are the world!!
put your weapons down and on your knees start praying to god maybe he will forgive us!!
每个人都应该听听迈克杰克逊的“we are the world”,放下武器,想上帝祈祷吧,或许他会原谅我们。

•    JUBUSTER Mon Jan 10, 2011 09:12 am PST Report Abuse
US is spending on building Iraq, Afghinistan, Pakistan and India.
China is spending on building China.

李逍遥 发表于 2011-1-12 18:02


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 18:26


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 18:27


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 18:28


sei_explorer 发表于 2011-1-12 18:29

修复你妹 三艘航母先滚蛋再说

superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 18:30


sei_explorer 发表于 2011-1-12 18:30


小石屋 发表于 2011-1-12 18:43


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 18:44


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:24



superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:26


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:30


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:33


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:41


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:51


superloong 发表于 2011-1-12 19:52


hpyvf19 发表于 2011-1-12 22:05



师子吼 发表于 2011-1-12 22:09

回复 18# hpyvf19


lshero1989 发表于 2011-1-12 22:42

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