napiers 发表于 2011-1-22 19:49

【11.1.14 The Big Picture】中国真的是美国国债的大买家吗?(附部分评论)

【原文标题】Is China Really Funding the US Debt?
【登载媒体】The Big Picture
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

I keep hearing people erroneously claim that China isfunding US deficit spending. It seems that every eejit with a fundamentalmisunderstanding of mathematics (and access to Xtranormal‘s animatedtalking bears) has been pushing this concept.

It turns out to be only partially true — and by partially,I mean 7.5% true. But that means the statement is 92.5% false.

The biggest holders of US debt are American individuals,institutions, and Social Security. We own more than 2 out of every 3 dollars ofUS debt — about over 67%. Hence, we depend far less on the kindness ofstrangers than you might imagine if your listen to the intertubes.

Thoseviral animated bears may be clever, but they sure suck at math.

Total United States’ public debt was ~$13.562 trillion atthe end of the fiscal year (30 September 2010). As of last week, January 4, 2011, theUnited States’ total public debt outstanding has surpassed 14trillion dollars.

Political Calculations has whipped up a chart showingexactly who is holding US debt, and funding our deficit:
Political Calculations 已经给出了一个图表,揭示了究竟谁在持有美国国债、支撑我们的赤字:

U.S. Treasury Department:
Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States(September 30, 2010)
Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities. (At end ofSeptember 2010)

注:以下评论中出现的BR应该是指作者:Barry Ritholtz。

machinehead     Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:21 pm
To me, funding is a flowconcept. The question is not where cumulative Treasury holdings aredistributed, but rather who took down the debt sold in the past year. I suspectChina loomed larger than 7.5% in that figure.

Mark E Hoffer Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:28 pm
if I understand this Scene,correctly..
the PROC, either, continues tobuy U$D-denominated ‘Assets’ to help maintain their Yuan-peg, or, they’re facedwith, even, more Inflation at Home..
that’s the way this works,right?
and, if that is ‘Correct’, than,“Who has Whom, over a Barrel?” 1, & 3, yes?
or, is it CRB

obsvr-1     Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:30 pm
China is not funding thedeficit, in fact none of the UST Bonds fund anything. The USTs that China ownswas/is purchased with USDs already in the system. The bonds that are purchasedmop up liquidity pumped into the system.
When the gov’t wants to spendmoney they do not have, they create it, and if there are no open market buyersthen the FED buys the bonds. In other words, if China did not buy another USTBond it would not stop the USG from spending into deficit.
This is all FED propaganda and athorough misunderstanding by the politicos and MSM in regards to the debt basedfiat monetary system.

curbyourrisk   Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:38 pm
Of that 42.2% owned byIndividuals and Institutions….HOW MUCH OF THAT IS HELD BY THE FEDERALRESERVE??????
Please do answer, as I tried tofind the statistic myself and was not able.

Mark E Hoffer Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
this: “…The biggest holder of USdebt is American individuals, institutions, and Social Security…”
is a hideous Fraud..on theSocSec end of it, at the minimum..
Cash was poured into SocSec andexchanged for non-Marketable ‘Securities’ (then Spent)..
the only way those ‘Securities’,that were already Paid for, come back to Life, is to generate the TaxRevenues–Again..
and, on the other hand, we have
to begin with..

Mark E Hoffer Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:44 pm
“…When the gov’t wants to spendmoney they do not have, they create it, and if there are no open market buyersthen the FED buys the bonds. In other words, if China did not buy another USTBond it would not stop the USG from spending into deficit.
This is all FED propaganda and athorough misunderstanding by the politicos and MSM in regards to the debt basedfiat monetary system…”
shhh, you’ll scare theHorses/wake the Children..

machinehead   Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:49 pm
Oh jeez, the MMT loonies haveshown up. Free money for all — and ponies for the kids!

bobthehorse     Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 12:49 pm
Maybe Al Gore can do ‘AnotherInconvenient Truth’?

dougc Says:   
   January 14th, 2011 at 1:05 pm
This years deficit is about 1trillion, the total federal debt is about 14 trillion. They should not beconfused, the Chinese may only hold 7.5 % of the total us gov debt but they arefinancing about 20 to 30 % of this years deb offeringst.
今年的财政赤字大概有1万亿美元,而整个联邦政府赤字在14万亿美元左右。这不应当混淆,中国人所持有的也许仅仅占所有美国国债的7.5 %,但他们在今年的债务认购上占到20 %~30 %。

machinehead     Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 1:10 pm
According to the Treasury,China’s holdings of Treasury debt barely rose in 2010 (through October), butthe UK bought a quarter trillion worth of them.
A surge that large is, bydefinition, ‘hot money.’ Someone ought to be paying more attention to this.

ivar kreuger Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 1:31 pm
Hot money indeed. High time toread up on the currency wars of the 1920s and 30s.
I am curious as to why Mr.Ritholtz views the fact that America owes itself 40% of its unrepayablely largedebt as a “bullish indicator.” I tend to view this fact as a clear-cut longterm bearish indicator and point of future economic pain. As anyone who hasread financial history knows, sovereign defaults are common occurrences. So Ican only assume that at some point America will default on her unrepayablely(Micheal Hudson’s word, not mine) large debt. I would much rather the US defaulton phony paper promises to China than SS payments to struggling seniors.Hopefully you could clarify this point Mr Ritholtz and it goes without saying,you have one hell of a blog here.
BR: WTF are youtalking about? Who said this was bullish indicator?
我很好奇为什么Ritholtz先生居然将美国欠自己的债务占它所欠下的巨额债务总量的40%视为“看涨指标”。我倾向于将之认为是对未来的经济痛苦的一个明确的、长期看跌的指标和关键点。读过金融史的人都明白,主权违约的现象屡见不鲜。因此我只能假设在某个时刻美国将赖掉它的未清偿(unrepayablely,Micheal Hudson发明的词,我只是引用)的巨额债务。相比较而言,我宁愿美国赖掉其对中国的虚假的纸面偿还承诺,而不是无力向可怜的老人提供社会安全保障。Ritholtz先生,希望你能弄清楚这一点;另外不言而喻的是,你的博客糟糕透顶。
BR: 你这个蠢货在胡说什么?谁说这是看涨指标了?

Low Budget Dave Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 1:36 pm
China owns 7..% of the total,but nearly 50% of the amount issued in the last three years. If you subtractout Social Security and other imaginary investors, the total jumps up to about80%. This is pretty much the exact opposite of the conclusion that you reached.

Barry Ritholtz Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 1:38 pm
If you subtract my strikeoutsand pop ups in high school, I was an .800 hitter

Thor Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 1:52 pm
They also have very littlechoice from what I understand. We give them dollars for all the crap we buy andthey need to keep their currency pegged at a low rate so they have littlechoice but to buy that debt, and not many options when it comes to getting ridof it.
Low Budget – Pull up a couple ofgraphs that show both China’s purchasing of our debt vs our trade deficit withthem.

jjay Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 2:01 pm
I am not certain about this.
But, if you take all the Federal government annual revenues, excluding SS.
Subtract all the interest currently being paid annuallly on the national debt.
What is left is the amount the Federal government has to fund everything elsein the budget with.
As the national debt continues to soar.
And average interest rates begin to rise.
The twain shall meet!
A simultaneous equation of sorts.

Marcus   Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 2:03 pm
So I have to assume that all theFed’s QE2 purchases fall under the “US Individuals and Institutions” category.With Social Security, that means we owe ourselves pretty much 60% of all ourdebt. The way we forgive our own debt is to basically forgive ourselves all ofour SS benefits and US investments so the way out of this is to eat a huge lossOR sell those US assets ASAP so that someone else can get stuck eating thatloss either directly (by the gov’t not paying in full) or indirectly (by thegov’t printing money to pay in full, but with each dollar having reducedpurchasing power). I’m not expecting anything from SS but I have to pay into itby law. Apart from that, I’m placing my bets with countries that actually saveand produce enough to pay their bills.
Also QE2 effectively has the Fedpurchasing ALL of our issuance through June 2011. (Which has me thinking thateither China will not maintain it’s peg or the Fed will not exhaust it’spurchases… unless one or the other starts buying existing Treasuries ratherthan new issuance. Maybe I’m missing something here.) But I think the argumentis that if China stops buying our treasuries, interest rates will rise and ourdebt ridden nation will be screwed. That’s only HALF the argument since it assumesthe Fed won’t do exactly what it IS doing by buying ALL of our issuance. IfChina stops funding us (ie-maintaining their peg) and the Fed continues buyingall of our issuance then the yuan will rise and the dollar will fall. Chinawill then be able to buy all the stuff we use for cheaper and for us it will beincreasingly expensive. You may get every dollar you are owed, but you’ll needevery one of them (and a few more) to buy the same stuff you use now.
Lastly, the fact that we hold somuch of our own debt is MORE distressing than China holding it because itlessens their incentive to keep funding us. Much of our debt inevitably ends upultimately spent on cheap consumer goods produced in China. That means we’regoing in hock and giving them our money now, while it’s worth something. Ifthey’re not buying our treasuries (and instead are investing in gold,commodities, oil reserves, etc.) then they are stealing our buying power andlocking it into increasingly scarce reserves. Over time the value of thosereserves will increase, making China even wealthier and our continuous dollarprinting will make the value of our reserves decrease, making the US evenpoorer. Look out 3rd world country status, here we come! :-)
因此我只能假设美联储的QE2 (第二轮量化宽松政策)的所有购买行为都落入“美国的相关个人和机构”。加上社会安全保障,我们欠自己几乎占所有债务的60%。我们摆脱自己债务的方式基本上就意味着丢掉我们在社会安全保障上的所有收益和美国的投资,避免这种问题出现的办法就是吞下这个巨额损失,或者尽可能快地出售美国资产---因而其它人就会陷入吞下巨额损失的困境,或者直接(美国政府没有能力全额支付),或者间接(美国政府通过增印钞票来全额支付,但美元的实际购买力下降)。我对社会安全保障没有任何指望,但法律规定必须给它送钱。此外,我把赌注放在那些从事实实在在的积累和生产,从而足以支付他们账单的国家。

inessence     Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 2:06 pm
You will not default onyourself…bond transactions do not”mop up liquidity.”

Thor Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 2:29 pm
Lastly, the fact that we holdso much of our own debt is MORE distressing than China holding it because itlessens their incentive to keep funding us.
China doesn’t fundanything – they’re simply exchanging their goods for dollar denominated assets.They have very little choice in the matter. We’re certainly not going to startpaying for all of their cheap crap in Euros. They want their trade surplus tobe in the safest form of dollar assets they can use and right now that happensto be US Debt. As long as China runs a huge trade deficit with us, as well askeeps up with their dollar peg, they have very little choice.

curbyourrisk Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 2:29 pm
I still believe that the USgovernment…at some time in the future will default. They will selectivelydefault so as not to hurt anyone. I believe that they will selectively defaulton the debt held by the Federal Reserve. Not the debt held by individuals, northe debt hdl by banks or corporations and ESPECIALLY NOT the debt held by Chinaor the other countries dumb enough to buy it.
Listen…in the long run…I dareanyone to show me a nation….HISTORICALLY…that fully re-paid thier debts!!!!!!
No one actually pays it…theyjust keep funding themselves over and over again.

Thor Says:
   January 14th, 2011 at 2:33 pm
Curb – There are a number ofEuropean countries who paid their WWII debts in full. Our WWII debts have beenfully paid off at this point as well.

风动心静 发表于 2011-1-22 20:56

我很好奇为什么Ritholtz先生居然将美国欠自己的债务占它所欠下的巨额债务总量的40%视为“看涨指标”。我倾向于将之认为是对未来的经济痛苦的一个明确的、长期看跌的指标和关键点。读过金融史的人都明白,主权违约的现象屡见不鲜。因此我只能假设在某个时刻美国将赖掉它的未清偿(unrepayablely,Micheal Hudson发明的词,我只是引用)的巨额债务。相比较而言,我宁愿美国赖掉其对中国的虚假的纸面偿还承诺,而不是无力向可怜的老人提供社会安全保障。Ritholtz先生,希望你能弄清楚这一点;


ggmch 发表于 2011-1-22 22:19

7%多点 不在乎的话 还给我们吧

蓝色的思念 发表于 2011-1-23 16:03


敬礼 发表于 2011-1-23 23:54


愛國的人 发表于 2011-1-29 22:45


傲慢的裁决 发表于 2011-1-30 16:59


学识1949 发表于 2011-2-17 22:18

先不论观点内容如何,首先觉得美国的评论素质显著高于国内,比如他们会自己去 求证,而国内的大多都是道听途说,尽发意气之词.这点国内民众是要学习的.
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