满仓 发表于 2011-1-23 00:18

【11.01.14 时代周刊】“猛虎母亲”:中国母亲真的如此独特吗?(中西方教育理念比对系列文章之三)

【原文标题】Tiger Mother': Are Chinese Moms Really So Different?
【原文作者】Emily Rauhala

香港英文版《南华早报》在1月13日刊登了一副漫画——一个父亲、一个母亲和一个皱着眉头的孩子——在厨房里。桌子上放着未动过的早餐——我们推断,是被那个有性格的孩子置之不理的食物。父亲威胁到:“如果你不吃早餐,我们就把你送给Amy Chua。”孩子面带恐惧。

Amy Chua是耶鲁法学院的教授、一名作家,也是在上个星期全被世界谈论最多的母亲之一。1月8日,《华尔街日报》发表了她的一篇文章,题目是“为什么中国母亲是优秀的”。她在文章中介绍了她的教育方式。她的孩子Louisa和Sophia不可以参加聚会、不可以看电视、不可以得到A以下的分数。她们只能学习演奏她选择的乐器(钢琴和小提琴),在大人严密监视下持续练习数个小时。如果孩子们反抗,她会坚决镇压:有一次她管自己的女儿叫“废物”,另一次她说他们“没前途”。

这篇文章取自Chua最新出版的回忆录《猛虎母亲的战斗颂歌》,现在,全世界掀起了一股喧嚣声,大家在讨论教育方式、个性、和家庭。超过100万人在网上读过这篇文章,5000多人发表了评论,还有数不清的人把它转给自己的朋友的家人。这篇文章像瘟疫一样在Facebook上传播,甚至还被台湾的Next Media制作成滑稽的动画片。与此同时,人们的反应大相径庭,从“你说的很对”到“你是个心胸狭窄的卑鄙母亲”到“我妈妈就是这样”。

不论是好是坏,很多人从Chua身上看到了自己或父母的影子。成百上千来自不同种族和文化背景人,怀着反抗、亲密、欢笑、愤怒的心情,在网络上分享他们自己的童年故事,或许是第一次讲述他们幼年时感受到的压力,以及这种压力如何影响他们的一生。Gene Law是一名加拿大华人记者,母亲是台湾移民,父亲是加拿大华人,他的心情或许可以回应Chua的故事。他在电子邮件中说:“就像文章中所说,我对我的父母一直感恩戴德,直到他们去世。这是我妈妈的思维方式,我不敢挑战。”但是Law也怀疑“猛虎母亲”教育方式的长远效果:他的母亲给他越大的压力,他就越发反抗。他说,现在“我和母亲之间的紧张关系要超过韩国非军事区”。




Bereket Desta:


AR Diary:




Michael Yim:


Emily Daniel:

这样母亲如果遇到有残疾的孩子怎么办?如果孩子有唐氏综合症而不能取得A的成绩怎么办?如果孩子患有脑瘫,手臂不够强壮,无法弹钢琴怎么办?在youtube上看看纪录片“The Dying Room”,你就知道传统的亚洲人是如何对待不完美的孩子。西方价值观之所以优秀,是因为我们尊重生活、尊重自由和个体。这个女人,以及其他像她一样的人都是魔鬼。传统的西方母亲爱她的孩子,尊重孩子的个性,而她却连有条件地尊重都做不到。还有一些事情要比学术成就更重要,这个母亲的内心是无比空虚的。当她年老之后,她的女儿的奖杯不会给她带来任何安慰,但是我的孩子和孙子会和我分享她永远无法理解的关爱。

Lilianna Parker:

应当有人向儿童保护机构举报Amy Chua。

kevin ballew:




Marco Garavaglia:



An editorial cartoon in the Jan. 13 edition of Hong Kong's English daily the South China Morning Post shows a family — a father, mother and frowning boy — together in the kitchen. On the table sits an untouched breakfast — the sodden castoffs, we infer, of the insolent child. "If you don't eat it," the father threatens, "we're going to have you adopted by Amy Chua." The child looks horrified.

Amy Chua is a professor at Yale Law School, an author and, as of last week, one of the most talked-about mothers in the world. On Jan. 8, the Wall Street Journal published an essay she wrote headlined "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior," in which she discusses her approach to child rearing. Her kids, Louisa and Sophia, were never allowed to have playdates, watch TV or get anything less than A's in school. They played instruments of her choosing (piano, violin) and practiced for hours under close watch. If they resisted, she pounced: at one moment she called her daughter "garbage," in another "pathetic."

The piece, adapted from Chua's just-released memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, is now at the center of a raucous global debate about parenting, identity and family. More than a million people have read the story online, more than 5,000 have commented on it, and countless others have passed it along to friends and family members. It's doing the rounds on Facebook and has been animated, to hilarious effect, by the folks at Taiwan's Next Media (of Tiger Woods drama re-enactment fame). Reactions range from (to paraphrase) "You're on to something" to "You're a bigot and a bad mother" to "You're just like my mom" — often in the same breath.

For better or for worse, many people saw themselves or their parents — or both — in Chua's portrait. In accounts that are by turns intimate, hilarious and angry, hundreds of people of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds have shared their own childhood stories online, articulating, perhaps for the first time, the pressure they felt as children and how it shaped their lives. Gene Law, a Chinese-Canadian journalist and son of a Taiwanese immigrant mother and a Chinese-Canadian father, could relate to Chua's tale. "As the article said, I'm indebted to my parents until they die," he wrote in an e-mail. "This is my mom's school of thought. I dare not disagree." But Law questioned the long-term efficacy of the "Tiger Mother" approach: the harder his mother pushed him, the more he rebelled. Now, he wrote, "my relationship with my mother is more tense than the Korean DMZ."

But do such clashes have anything to do with Chinese culture, or with culture at all? "Hiding behind culture to justify cruelty is offensive," wrote one commenter, "IansMom," on Quora.com, a social-media message board. "Chua is a bully, and she's teaching her kids to be the same." Whether they admire Chua or not, few readers accept the precept that calling a child "garbage" is a cultural practice rather than an ill-tempered expression of exasperation. Chua, to be fair, anticipates this objection in her essay. "I'm using the term 'Chinese mother' loosely," she writes. "I know Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents who qualify too." Yet the piece, as many critics point out, seems to turn on clichés about what Chineseness entails (good grades, music, no sports), echoing the stifling model-minority tropes that have trailed Asian immigrants for decades.

Indeed, in my conversations with friends, sources and colleagues in Hong Kong and China, the word that came up most frequently in relation to Chua — after wrong and stereotype — was old-fashioned. Here, as elsewhere, parenting practices are always changing — the Tiger Mother, if she ever existed, is not as fierce as she once was. Jiang Xueqin, deputy principal at Beijing's Peking University High School, says he was "shocked" by the "crass generalizations" in Chua's piece. "It goes without saying that there is no one type of Chinese parent," he says. "Some are disengaged, some are deeply involved — it's the same as anywhere." Describing her hopes for her 8-year-old son, a 34-year old Beijing resident named Xiang Yuqiong says, "I want my son's life to be like mine, but better." Each parent is different, but that sentiment, we can all agree, is universal.

Bereket Desta

calling your kid ‘garbage’ is wrong but being proud of saying it is really unheard. Amy's 8-year-old son doesn't need to be like his mom. She denied herself peacifull parenting and stole her kids childhood. Amy's mesaured success by formal educational and grades. Can you imagine if she is your professor and grading your work. I don't think she represents any of chinse value.   

AR Diary

Amy and people like her are the reason Asian-American Woman have the highest suicide rate among woman America. Nice job!


Amy is a hero! She shares the real Chinese Values with the Western countries which COMPLETELY lack of family values.

Michael Yim

Life is very competitive in many Asian countries because they’ve been mostly poor in recent years. Opportunity is scare and competition is fierce. You have to give everything you’ve got just to keep up. You have to be better, fast, stronger and/or smarter than others in order to have what you want. Her parenting style reflects that. It comes from lack mentality. Most immigrants from a poor country tend to believe (may not be even aware) in the model. You're either #1 or nothing. No excuses. It's crazy. So the parents decided to leave their country because they don't like the extremely competitive environment for their kids and come to an abundant place like US, yet choose to live the same way. It's like there's plenty of food to share but this lady chooses to fight others for it. Why would they come here in the first place? I came to this country when I was 15 years old from an Asian country and I’ve seen this kind of stuff around me. Believe me there is no good comes from calling your kid ‘garbage’.

Emily Daniel

What would a mother like this do with a child who has a disability? What if he has Down syndrome and is not capable of bringing home all A's? What if he has cerebral palsy and his hands are not strong enough to play the piano? Look up the documentary "The Dying Room" on youtube and you can see how these kind of traditional Asians would deal with a less than perfect child. Western values are superior because we value Life, Liberty, and the Individual. This woman and everyone like her is a monster. A traditional WESTERN mother loves her child and values him as an individual, she doesn't merely offer conditional approval. There is more to life than academic achievement, and it's sad that this woman has such an empty existence. Her daughter's trophies aren't going to comfort her in her old age, but my children and grandchildren will share with me a deeper more loving relationship than she is capable of understanding.

Lilianna Parker

Amy Chua should be reported to child protection service

kevin ballew

I think if one wants to ponder on chinese mothers they need to research china history. America saved there asses with Japan. So....,who are these souless people going to cry to next round.


SAD!!!!!!!!!!!Nothingbut SAD.    Yes, American children could perform at higher levels and need to., but this is just plain SAD.Children should have a chilhood......period!!!   Shame on these parents.   I think they are not in the least little bit taking into consideration that their children have WHOLE lives....well beyond childhood.They need to be able to find balance,and happiness.Shame on these parents for not seeing their children as human beings, but only as commodities that are reflections of what they wish they were.You only get childhood once.......SHAME on these parent!

Marco Garavaglia

I wonder how Lao-tzu and Confusius would argue this one - the rebel versus the conformist.I'll go with Lao-tzu and Taoism.

紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-1-23 12:31

靠 这个太过头了吧现在和从前的中国父母也没几个这样的 我们这通常是严厉与慈爱混合的教育方式 哪会这么极端 本以为是美国人被迫反思了 现在搞得怎么好像 他们还能高高在上评判中国真搞笑这些文章是谁推动与操作的?太邪恶了

紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-1-23 12:40

那种教育方式在海外和台湾地区还很流行 但是大陆早就不是了我们经历过各种推进家庭改造的运动和思潮 男女平等世界第一 家庭内部日常事务上平等也是显而易见的。 但是长有秩序还是在的 所以这才是中国大陆现代家庭教育的基础,把臆想中的1949年前和残存海外的旧式教育和现在的中国教育混为一谈 这是美国人由反思到评判的可笑缘故。就一般来说,那种严守传统的教育不会在一般家庭里 不会在接受了高等教育的家庭里 只会在有旧传统的大家族和新贵家族里以及由其他特殊原因的家庭里 ,反正 现在中国的普通家庭的教育绝不是这样的 那只是海外异化了的中国传统教育。大陆的母亲照样会严厉的让孩子按照他们的所想学习成长 但绝没到这中海外异化了的变态地步!那异化的原因恰恰是美国残酷的生存压力和种族歧视造成的。哈哈 成功的被我转移矛盾了美国人 还是继续批判自己吧别搞错了什么是真的中国人, 别拿海外华人当中国人

連長 发表于 2011-1-23 13:13

本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-1-23 13:14 编辑

靠 这个太过头了吧现在和从前的中国父母也没几个这样的 我们这通常是严厉与慈爱混合的教育方式 哪会这么 ...
紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011/1/23 12:31 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif





lichen7454 发表于 2011-1-23 17:03


海媚 发表于 2011-1-23 19:42

得了吧,现在中国小孩大都是小皇帝。这种地狱式的管教方式,真的是没多少啊。 ...
lichen7454 发表于 2011-1-23 17:03 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif





evenstar 发表于 2011-1-24 11:34


rlsrls08 发表于 2011-1-25 10:57



李逍遥 发表于 2011-1-28 01:01

让蔡美儿的众多诽谤者感到吃惊的事实是,她的教养方法得到了心理学和认知科学(cognitive science)研究的支持。例如,蔡美儿声称美国父母在缓解子女的不适和压力上做得太过头了。与此形成强烈对比的是,中国父母宁可接受压力,而不愿意选择懦弱。由此让他们的行为与美国父母有很大的不同。

  在《今日心理学(Psychology Today)》杂志自由撰稿人Hara Estroff Marano于2008年出版的著作《懦弱的国度(ANation of Wimps)》中,所展示的经分析后的证据表明,蔡美儿的教养方法是正确的。Marano的解释是,研究结果表明,未接受过应对各种难题的儿童,在成长过程中建立不起心理学家们称之为的“掌控体验”(mastery experiences)。建立起这种体验的孩子会更乐观、更坚定,他们感到自己能够应对逆境和实现目标。Marano还称,从未经历过能力考验的孩子,会成长为情感上脆弱的年轻人,他们很难通过焦虑和压抑的考验。

  蔡美儿认为美国父母教养子女时出问题的习惯是,总对付出很少努力的子女做过度的褒奖。他们总是赞扬自己的子女是天才,而亚裔父母强调子女付出努力程度的重要性。斯坦福大学心理学家Carol Dweck的研究结果发现,事实上,父母赞扬的方式直接影响着子女的努力程度,甚至也会影响子女们如何看待自己。
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查看完整版本: 【11.01.14 时代周刊】“猛虎母亲”:中国母亲真的如此独特吗?(中西方教育理念比对系列文章之三)