玉出昆冈 发表于 2011-1-25 17:56


【翻译截止日期】:2010-12-26 20:53:27
【翻译评论数/总评论】:27 / 27
【原文-英国】1066 and all those baby names
题图:King Harold died after being shot in the eye, and William the Conqueror was victorious

Norman names such as William, Henry and Alice have been popular for 1,000 years. Why did the English copy their invaders?
The date 1066. William the Conqueror. King Harold with the arrow in his eye. Soldiers in those nose-protector helmets.
But many people will struggle to come up with more than these sketchy facts about how the Normans invaded England and overthrew the Anglo-Saxons on one bloody day almost a millennium ago.
But it was then the seeds were sown for the English language as it is today, including names.
"If you ask where did the Normans come from and what was their impact, most people run out of steam pretty quickly," says historian Robert Bartlett of the University of St Andrews.
"It's not like the Tudor era, which people are much more familiar with thanks to TV dramas and historical novels."
Further wreathing the 11th Century in mystery, says Professor Bartlett, is how unfamiliar the names of the Anglo-Saxon protagonists are to modern ears - Aethelred, Eadric, Leofric.
巴列特教授还表示,那些盎格鲁-撒克逊历史人物的名字,比如Aethelred, Eadric, Leofric,它们对现代英国人来说陌生得如同上古遗物,更加让11世纪陷入重重迷雾。
By contrast, the names of the Norman conquerors quickly became popular, and remain common to this day - William, Robert, Henry, Alice, Matilda.
诺曼征服者的名字却恰恰相反,它们在当时就快速流行起来,而且一直流传至今。比如William, Robert, Henry, Alice, Matilda。
As these French-speaking, wine-drinking, castle-building conquerors swiftly took over England and intermarried with Anglo-Saxon women, it was not just newborns named in their honour.
"The ruling elite set the fashion and soon William was the most common male name in England, even among peasants. A lot of people changed their names because they wanted to pass in polite society - they didn't want to be mistaken for a peasant, marked out with an Anglo-Saxon name."
Look at baby name league tables today, and the Old English name of Harold languishes far below the French-derived Henry in popularity. William, meanwhile, was the second most popular name for boys 200 years ago, the most popular 100 years ago and has held its place in the top 10 in England and Wales since 2000.
In Scotland, where the fiercely independent rulers invited Norman lords in but refused to assimilate in the way the English had, the name William maintains a respectable mid-table result at number 34 (20 places above Robert in the most recent baby names list).
It soon became necessary to distinguish between all these Williams and Roberts, and so the Norman tradition of surnames was adopted. As well as family names derived from one's occupation, surnames with the prefix Fitz date from Norman times.

"Fitz comes from the French 'fils', meaning 'son of'. So Fitzsimmons once meant 'son of Simon' and Fitzgerald 'son of Gerald," says Prof Bartlett, whose own first name Robert is solidly Norman in origin.
And it is a legacy of the Normans that modern English has many words with similar meanings, as French words were assimilated into everyday language. The same goes for the long-standing association of all things French with the upper classes, and all things Anglo-Saxon with coarseness.

"Pig is English in origin, pork is French. Sheep is English, mutton is French. Cow is English, beef is French. When it's in a cold and muddy field covered in dung, it's named in English. When it's been cooked and carved and put on a table with a glass of wine, it's referred to in French."
“‘pig’(猪)是传统英语,而‘pork’(猪肉)是法语。‘sheep’(绵羊)是英语,‘mutton’(羊肉)是法语。‘cow’(奶牛)是英 语,‘beef’(牛肉)是法语。一只动物在寒冷肮脏的烂泥地里生长的时候,都用英语名字。而当它被烹饪加工端上桌,配上红酒的时候,人们就会用一个法语词叫它。”
Not only was there an almost immediate impact on English names and language, the landscape changed rapidly as the new Norman elite set about building stone castles and churches across the land - robust defensive structures like nothing seen before on these shores.
And just as few traces of the less permanent Anglo-Saxon structures remain today, the same goes for Old English.
"English was scarcely written down in this time - writing acts as a brake, and a language that isn't written down changes much faster. The grammar simplified, case endings were lost, and many French words were absorbed," says Prof Bartlett.
Within 150 years of 1066, English had changed almost beyond recognition. "Just think of pre-Norman texts such as Beowulf or Anglo-Saxon laws - you must study Old English to be able to read these. But by the time of Chaucer or Shakespeare, it's a lot more familiar."
Even their names are reassuringly familiar (and Norman in origin) - Geoffrey and William.
Below is a selection of your comments.
Another interesting subversion of the language that exists today is to look at how curse words changed. Some that are now quite well regarded and widespread come from Latin or Norman origins, whilst those still considered highly vulgar are more Germanic, Norse or Old English in origin. As I was told in my first French lesson, the sign of integration and understanding of a language is when you start using their curse words...
Rob, Cornwall

Rob, Cornwall:
I may be wrong, but wasn't the Conqueror's name actually Guillaume? And is not William something of an Anglicisation?
Jennifer Foster, Salisbury UK
Jennifer Foster, Salisbury UK:

Guillaume is the French version of William. Even then, the Normans tried to differentiate themselves from the rest of France, maintaing strongly their own customs. This is also why we often have to similar words in English for almost the same thing - one from Norman French and one from French. Examples: Guard and Ward, Guardian and Warden, Guarantee and Warranty.
Chris, Swindon, UK
Chris, Swindon, UK:
Guillaume 就是法语版的威廉。即使在当时,诺曼人也想把他们与其他的法国人区分开来,有力捍卫他们自己的传统。这也是在英语里常常出现同义词的原因之一——一个词来 自诺曼法语,另一个词来自法语。例如:Guard和Ward(保卫), Guardian和 Warden(卫士), Guarantee 和Warranty(保证).
Aethelred, Eadric, Leofric - unfamiliar, but maybe only hidden under a weak diguise. Maybe we're looking too closely at this - names and pronunciations change over years and spellings too. Aethelred - Albert (perhaps... weak example), Eadric - Eric or Edward, Leofric - Leonard, Lenny or Leo?
Dave H,
Dave H:
Aethelred, Eadric, Leofric, 看起来挺陌生的名字,但也许只是躲在一层薄薄的伪装之下。也许我们太靠近观察它们了。名字和发音都是经常变化的,拼写也是。Aethelred 就是 Albert (也许吧,这个举例可能有问题), Eadric 就是 Eric 或 Edward, Leofric就是 Leonard, Lenny 或Leo?

OK, so there are about five Norman names listed here as popular and a few more eccentric Anglo-Saxon names listed as not used. This is misleading as it suggests Anglo-Saxon names are no longer used. What about Edmund, Daryl, Jeffrey, Gareth, Aidan, Alfred, Ann, Chelsea, Daisy, Tracey, Whitney, Stewart, Lynne, Megan, Gordon. You get the idea - Anglo-Saxon names are far from forgotten.
Simon, Aston
Simon, Aston:
OK, 你已经列出5个现在很常见的诺曼名字,还列了几个现在已经没人用的古怪的盎格鲁-撒克逊名字。但是这是有误导性的,好像是说盎格鲁-撒克逊名字现在已经都不用了。看看Edmund, Daryl, Jeffrey, Gareth, Aidan, Alfred, Ann, Chelsea, Daisy, Tracey, Whitney, Stewart, Lynne, Megan, Gordon,你就知道盎格鲁-撒克逊名字还没有被人遗忘。

Simon lists Aidan, Gareth, Lynne, Gordon, Megan and Stewart as Anglo Saxon names when they all have Celtic origins. The Norman conquest didn't quash the Anglo-Saxon reputation for claiming ownership of something here before them. By the way, Tracey and Daryl are of French origin too.
Andrew Deathe, Swansea, Wales
Andrew Deathe, Swansea, Wales:
Simon 把Aidan, Gareth, Lynne, Gordon, Megan和Stewart当作盎格鲁-撒克逊名字列出来,其实它们都源于凯尔特人。诺曼人对英格兰的征服看来并没有改变盎格鲁-撒克逊人爱把他人之物据为己有的名声啊。顺便说一下,Tracey和Daryl也是来自法语的。
There is no doubt that the "English" language is highly multi-cultural; just like our history over the last two millennium. This article answered one question which has always puzzled me why there were two very different names for some cooked and uncooked meat. What about venison?
Paula, Horsham, West Susex
Re venison. This is also from French, but meant hunted animal or game. Use of this word as for food came much later.
Ray, Frinton, Essex
Ray, Frinton, Essex:
The Normans also invaded southern Ireland, where the Fitz-surname prefix is widespread. What gave the Normans their drive and regional invading zeal? Is there any link to their name Norman, believed to be a corruption of "Northmen"? The Normans had in their time invaded France from the north - ie were originally Vikings themselves. Nice that they picked up a bit of "je ne sais quoi" en route.
Madeleine, Dublin, Ireland
Madeleine, Dublin, Ireland:
诺 曼人也入侵了南爱尔兰。在那儿带Fitz前缀的姓很普遍。诺曼人入侵的动力是什么啊?是不是和他们的名字有关?“诺曼人”(Norman)是“北方人” (Northman)的变体吗?诺曼人从北方入侵法国,也就是说他们是起源于维京人?对他们来说,沿途弄点“je ne sais quoi”也挺不错。
The Normans never conquered Scotland yet William and Robert were the names of two strong Scottish characters famed for their defiance of the English i.e Wallace and Bruce.
Jason, Market Drayton
Jason, Market Drayton:
Jason, Scotland was never directly conquered by the Normans, but David I imported large numbers of French, Norman, English and Flemish knights to control the kingdom in the 12th Century. They formed a new Scottish aristocracy. So Wallace comes from the family have been imported from Wales. The Bruces or "de Brus" take their name from a town near Cherbourg and were imported from there by David. Hence the prevelance of French names in Scotland.
Gordon, Aberdeen, Scotland
Gordon, Aberdeen, Scotland:
Jason, 苏格兰从来没有被诺曼人直接征服过。但是12世纪的大卫引进了大量的法国、诺曼、英格兰、弗兰德骑士来控制他的王国。他们形成了一个新的苏格兰贵族群体。华莱士就是属于一个来自威尔士的家庭。布鲁斯,也就是法语"de Brus",这个名字来自瑟堡【法国西北港口】附近一个城镇的名字,是大卫从那里把他们引进过来的。法语名字就是这样在苏格兰开始流行的。
And you'll also be aware that Robert the Bruce was a Norman by descent, his family being from Brieux in Normandy.
James, Glasgow, Scotland
James, Glasgow, Scotland:
你也应该知道Robert the Bruce是出身于诺曼人,他们家族来自诺曼底的Brieux。
This article misses one very important point: that most Norman names were Frankish-Germanic and had an Anglo Saxon-Germanic equivalent, e.g: Robert = Hrodbert; Roger = Hrodgar; Humphrey= Amfridh; Geoffrey=Godfrey etc. so it was very easy for them to be assimilated.
AA Foster, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
AA Foster, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex:
这 篇文章遗漏了很重要的一点:多数诺曼人的名字是法兰克-日尔曼的,与盎格鲁-撒克逊-日尔曼名字有对应关系。比如Robert = Hrodbert; Roger = Hrodgar; Humphrey= Amfridh; Geoffrey=Godfrey。所以他们很容易互相同化。
The Norman invasion can be seen as a 'Year zero' for the English. By the time of Domesday Book (30 years after the Conquest), almost all major English landowners had been replaced by Norman French. The ordinary peasantry seemed to have been forced to labour on the construction of the Norman castles that existing in every major town. The Normans seem to have deliberately replaced all Anglo-Saxon buildings (including churches) to make it clear that the new Norman monarchy was there for ever. The English resistance (Hereward the Wake etc) went on for decades and was met by ruthless Norman reprisals against the English. The year 1066 is well remembered because it represented a catastrophe for our Anglo-Saxon civilisation.
Andrew Constantine, Twickenham, Middlesex
Andrew Constantine, Twickenham, Middlesex:
诺 曼人的入侵可以当作英国人的元年。在“英国土地志(Domesday)”的年代(征服后的30年),几乎所有的英国大地主都被诺曼法国人取代了。几乎在每 个大城镇里,普通农民都被强迫去建造诺曼人的城堡。诺曼人看起来是有意地取代原来英格兰的所有建筑(包括教堂),以表明诺曼人的统治将天长地久。英格兰人的抵抗持续了几十年(如觉醒者Hereward等人),遭到诺曼人的残酷报复。1066年是广为人知的一年,因为这一年代表着我们盎格鲁-撒克逊人的灾难。
The Normans didn't overthrow the Anglo-Saxons. It was a coup d'etat that replaced the Anglo-Saxon ruling elite with a Norman one. The bulk of the population remained (and remains) Anglo-Saxon. So the main Norman legacy was an "us and them" class system which survives to this day.
Matthew Howes, Brentwood
Matthew Howes, Brentwood
The Normans were not really French anyway, they were Viking invaders - Norman = Norseman. The Franks referred to in another comment were the incumbent population prior to the Viking invasions in the 9th and 10th Centuries. The first Duke of Normandy was a Viking (Rollon) who only seized power in 911, so come 1066 (just 150 years later) the Normans were still very much Viking influenced.
Gareth, St Peter Port, Guernsey
Gareth, St Peter Port, Guernsey:
不 管怎么说,诺曼人并不是法国人,他们是维京入侵者。Norman = Norseman。在另一个评论里提到的法兰克人,他们在9、10世纪维京人入侵之前是人口主体。第一位诺曼第公爵(Rollon)就是一个维京人。他在 911年才取得统治权。直到150年后的1066年,诺曼人还是处于维京人的深入影响之下。
Like the word "fight", that's English; "surrender", that's French.
Jon Wise, Ashton-under-lyne
Jon Wise, Ashton-under-lyne:

In detailing the differences between Saxon words for animals in the field and the French equivalent of meat on the table, Professor Bartlett is essentially quoting from the opening passage of Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott's novel. However, it is a misquote of the passage in Chapter One, a conversation between two Saxons, Gurth the Swineherd and Wamba, the jester, where the parallels are drawn; swine, pork; ox, beef; calf, veau (veal). "He is Saxon when he requires a tendance, and takes a Norman name when he becomes a matter of enjoyment."
Ian Jenkins, Bristol, UK
Ian Jenkins, Bristol, UK:
在 举例说明描述活物的古英语词和描述食物的法语词之间差异的时候,巴列特教授实际上是引用了沃尔特.斯科特爵士的小说《Ivanhoe》里面的段落。第一章 里面有两个撒克逊人的交谈。一个是“猪群”Gurth,另一个是小丑Wamba。但是,巴列特引用错了。(原文是)Swine(猪), pork(猪肉); ox(牛), beef(牛肉); calf(牛犊), veau (veal)(小牛肉)。“在他需要喂养照料的时候,他是撒克逊人。在他变成一种供人享乐之物的时候,就有了个诺曼名字。”
While English did indeed change after the conquest, absorbing words from (Norman-)French at a far faster rate than it would otherwise, I think some element of continuity should be stressed. Old English words account for about 20% of all those in modern English and they are the words we use every day. Everyone who has studied Old English will probably remember Bruce Mitchell and Fed Robinson's infamous sentences drawn entirely from the Old English lexicon: "Harold is swift. His hand is strong and his word grim. Late in life he went to his wife in Rome"; or perhaps "he swam west in storm and wind and frost." As to the simplification of English grammar: the increasing use of prepositions to mark case in favour of inflexion and a growing disregard for grammatical gender had already begun to characterise Old English well before that fateful day in 1066.
Mervyn Wulfson,
Mervyn Wulfson:
(英 格兰)被征服之后,英语确实发生了变化。用比正常情况下快得多的速度,从诺曼法语中吸收了很多词汇。但我觉得有必要强调一下语言的连续性。在现代英语中,古英语词占了大约20%,这些词我们每天都在用。研究过古英语的人都会记得Bruce Mitchell和Fed Robinson完全是来自古英语词典的句子:"Harold is swift. His hand is strong and his word grim. Late in life he went to his wife in Rome"; 或者 "he swam west in storm and wind and frost." 还有在英语语法的简化方面:更多使用句子前缀表示条件,有利于语调转折;更加忽略语法的阴性阳性。而在改变命运的1066年到来之前,阴性阳性已经成为古 英语的重要特征。
The Normans gave Britain the Channel Islands, possibly the only places left where Norman French can still be heard.
Kirsten Morel, Jersey
Kirsten Morel, Jersey:
To suggest that England had not seen robust defence overlooks the work of the Romans. Their construction skills are still very evident today in places like York & the Borders.
David Spencer, Leeds, W Yorks
David Spencer, Leeds, W Yorks:
Good article. I have researched my surname and it's origins are Irish as well as French - I believe it means cap maker in French. From what I understand, it has undergone numerous changes as it shuttled back and forth from Norman England and Ireland. It also has roots in Old German, which, unless I'm completely wrong, may have made its way into the French language to begin with. So, my first name has Greek origins and my surname is a mishmash of old Eurpoean interpretations. Like many others.
Andy Barrett, Sidcup
Andy Barrett, Sidcup:
好 文!我研究过我的姓(Barrett),它有爱尔兰语渊源,也有法语渊源。我相信它在法语里的意思是制帽人。按我的理解,它在诺曼英格兰和爱尔兰之间出现过反反复复的无数次变化。它在古代德语里也有根源。如果我没有彻底搞错的话,是从古德语进入了法语。所以,我的名是来自希腊,而我的姓是来自古代西欧语言 的混合体。就和其他很多名字一样。
The comments I have read confirm that nearly everyone assumes that what we now think of as England could be accurately described as "pure" Anglo-Saxon pre 1066. The truth is far more complicated. We seem to have ignored the substantial Danish element in the country's ethnic mix. Both Harold (and indeed Hereward the Wake too probably) were at least as much Danish as they were Anglo-Saxon. Edward the Confessor was a cousin of the Conqueror, had more Danish and Norman in his ancestry than Anglo-Saxon. There was a pretty definite class-structure in place too in the century preceding the Invasion. So that is not a Norman invention. Finally on the basis of my understanding the Conqueror had a better right to the throne than Harold. But at least I have one decent Anglo-Saxon name - Wilfrid.
John Wylde, Castor, Peterborough
John Wylde, Castor, Peterborough:
我 读到的所有评论都肯定了几乎每个人都相信的,在1066年之前的英语是“纯洁的”盎格鲁-撒克逊语言。实际上真实情况比这复杂得多。看起来我们忽略了丹麦人对这个国家的文化融合。哈罗得(可能还有“觉醒者”Hereward)都即是盎格鲁-撒克逊人,也是丹麦人。“殉教者”爱德华是征服者威廉的侄子,他的 丹麦和诺曼血缘比盎格鲁-撒克逊血缘更多一些。在入侵发生前的一个世纪,在英格兰已经有了很明确的阶层结构。所以这不是诺曼人的发明。最后一点,按我的理解,征服者威廉比哈罗得更有统治英格兰的资格。无论如何,我自己有一个很体面的盎格鲁-撒克逊名字——Wilfrid。
I have been researching my family name and has turned out to be stranger than it sounds, as it's a Norman name. It stands for lost land or colourful land. Why Melhuish?
Arthur Melhuish, Norfolk, England
Arthur Melhuish, Norfolk, England:

Arthur, the surname database (http://www.surnamedb.com/) says Melhuish indicates the origin of your surname is pre-Norman from a lost village in Devon. This is corroborated by the National Trust's surname map of 1881 (http://www.nationaltrustnames.org.uk/default.aspx).
Arthur,姓氏数据库(http://www.surnamedb.com/)说Melhuish这个姓是诺曼入侵之前的,来自Devon的一个消失的村庄。National Trust的1881姓氏地图进一步证实了这一点(http://www.nationaltrustnames.org.uk/default.aspx)。

Arthur, as someone with some knowledge in Dutch, in the end part of your name, huis means house.
The history and development of names is something I've always loved, but I've never been able to fully understand the origin of my surname. The National Trust is of no help, since as far as I'm aware, there are only a handful of Havergals in the world, let alone in Great Britain. It would be interesting to see how the movement of languages and cultures during the medieval period have shaped my name, but I'm not holding much hope for any Norman involvement.
Charlotte Havergal, Nottingham, UK
Charlotte Havergal, Nottingham, UK:
我 一直很喜欢研究姓名的历史和演变。但我一直搞不清楚我自己的姓的来历。National Trust也没有起什么作用。据我所知,全世界只有很少的一些人姓这个姓,更不用说仅仅在大不列颠了。观察中世纪的语言和文化的演化总是很有趣的事。我的姓就是在这个时期出现的。但我不太相信诺曼人与此有关。

madaozhizhan 发表于 2011-1-27 20:30


seasefro 发表于 2011-1-31 14:43

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