tydc 发表于 2011-2-25 10:37

【20110218 CNN】通货膨胀已成为中国人最关注的焦点(看看在中国的外国“专家”怎么说现在的通胀)

本帖最后由 下个月 于 2011-2-26 17:59 编辑

【中文标题】通货膨胀已成为中国人最关注的焦点【原文标题】Rising inflation a top Chinese concern【登载媒体】美国CNN新闻
By Jaime FlorCruz, CNN February 18, 2011 -- Updated 0501 GMT (1301 HKT)http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/02/17/china.inflation/t1larg.vendor.afp.gi.jpg
A vendor pan-fry's noodles from her stall, selling them for eight yuan ($1.21) per order in Beijing on Wednesday.周三北京,一个小贩正在她的摊位上做着平锅炒面,每份炒面价格为8元人民币(1.21美元)
      "Blue Book of China's China's Society": Rising prices topped public's concerns last year 。Inflation is no joking matter for China's Communist Party rulers 。Soaring costs could trigger social instability, as history attests

Editor's Note: "Jaime's China" is a weekly column about Chinese society and politics. Jaime FlorCruz has lived and worked in China since 1971. He studied Chinese history at Peking University (1977-81) and served as TIME Magazine's Beijing correspondent and bureau chief (1982-2000). 编者按:“杰米眼中的中国”是一个关于中国社会和政策的周期专栏。杰米弗洛克鲁兹自从1971年以来就一直在北京生活和工作。他在北京大学学习了中国史(1977-81),并在1982-2000任时代杂志北京通讯记者和总编辑。

Beijing, China (CNN) -- Celebrating the traditional Lantern Festival this week, many Beijing residents spent a lot of money dining out and setting off fireworks to mark the end of the Chinese Lunar New Year. "For the rich the money they spend is mere peanuts," says Mei Yana, a migrant from rural Henan province working as a restaurant waitress.Aren't Chinese getting battered with high inflation? "That's the ordinary people's worry," she said.北京,中国(CNN)--这周,许多北京当地居民花费了很多钱在外面吃饭和放烟花来庆祝传统的元宵节,也是纪念中国阴历新年的尾声。“对于富人来说,他们花的这些钱不过是很小一部分,”Meiyana,一个来自河南省农村的饭店女服务员说道。“难道中国人没有受到怎么高的通胀的重大影响么?”“那只是一般人的担忧。”

The annual "Blue Book of China's Society" compiled by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences noted that last year rising prices topped the list of the public's concerns.The consumer price index, a gauge of inflation, hit 5.1% last November, despite government pledges to rein it in at just 3 percent. Now hovering around 5%, CPI may seem manageable, but its food component is around 10%, with certain items soaring even faster.由中国社会科学院编制的年刊《中国社会蓝皮书》指出去年上升的价格压力在公众担忧表单上排名最高。在去年九月份,通货膨胀的风向标,消费者价格指数高达5.1%,CPI可能看起来还是比较容易控制的,但是他其中的食品部分在10%左右,甚至有些部分还要更高。

"Prices of meat, fish and vegetables have gone way up," complained Wang Rongfang, a 68-year-old pensioner shopping at the Xinyuanli market in Beijing.“肉类、鱼类和蔬菜的价格一路上涨”,wangrongfang,一个68岁领养补助金的老人在北京新源里超市购物的时候抱怨道。

Sometimes inflation pinches in disguised ways. In local retail stores visited by a Chongqing Evening News reporter, prices of some instant noodle brands were unchanged, while the weight of their packages fell from 95g to 85g.有时候通货膨胀以伪装的方式进行上涨。一个重庆晚报的记者访问了当地的零售店铺,虽然某些方便面的价格并没有改变,但是他们每包装袋的重量从95克降到了85克。

Some residents make ends meet by scrimping, others with black humor.一些居民通过减少开支来达到收支平衡,另外一些只能通过黑色幽默。

Jokes circulating on Chinese-language websites offer suggestions on how to save money in inflationary times. "Tell disgusting jokes to stop your wife from eating," says one. Another, in citing the soaring prices of meat, goes: "My son has graduated with a PhD. He is considering whether to work for a software company or the pork business."在一些中文网站上不断出现的玩笑提供了一些在通胀时代如何省钱的建议。有人说“给你老婆讲一些恶心的笑话,别让她吃饭了。”另外的,引用了下肉类不断高涨的价格说道“我的儿子快要博士毕业了,他现在在考虑是在一个软件公司工作还是去猪肉行业。”

But inflation is no joking matter for China's Communist Party rulers, as soaring costs could trigger social instability. "The Communist Party came into power in 1949 in part due to hyperinflation after World War II that broke the back of the Chinese economy and the Nationalist regime," says Patrick Chovanec, associate professor at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management in Beijing. "They know they nearly lost power in 1989 in part due to anger over rising inflation that fueled the Tiananmen protests."但是对于中国共产党统治层来说,通胀不仅仅是个开玩笑的小麻烦,因为高涨的成本可能会导致社会的不稳定性。“中国共产党能在1949年掌权的部分原因就是二次世界大战后的恶性通胀破环了中国经济和国家政权的支柱。”清华大学经管学院的副教授程致宇在北京说道,“他们知道1989年他们差点失权就是因为过分增长的通胀引导了天安门抗议事件”。(这小子说过很多这种话)

The Chinese government has taken measures to curb inflation, from offering more subsidies for farmers to produce more essential goods to imposing price controls on scarce goods and government services. In recent months, China has tapped on the brakes to cool the overheated economy, albeit with limited success.从给农民更多的拨款补贴来生产更多基础的产品,到对稀缺商品和政府服务实施价格控制,中国政府实行了许多政策来遏制通胀。最近几个月,中国已经开始调控措施来冷却过热的经济,尽管只收到很少的效果。

Some analysts say prompt government measures are mitigating risks to avert a repeat of the Tiananmen Square unrest in 1989, when Beijing witnessed massive street protests that ended in a bloody crackdown on June 4. "The current 5% inflation rate is far below the 20% in May 1989," said Wenfang Tang, a political science professor at the University of Iowa in the United States. "Prices have been rising continuously in the past several years, so it is not a shock to most people in China."有些分析家认为上述那些反应迅速的政府措施是为了缓释风险,避免1989年天安广场镇压事件的再次发生,在那次事件中,大量北京街头抗议者在6月4日的镇压中丧生。“现在5%的通胀率还远远低于1989年20%的通胀率”wenfangtang说,他是美国爱荷华大学政治学的一名教授。“在过去的几年内,价格持续在上升,所以这对大多数中国人来说不是个突然的事情。”

Still, some economists say the CPI is only one measure of inflation and does not capture the full inflationary pressure in China's economy today. China's money supply, they say, has expanded by more than 50% over the past two years -- the stimulus fueling China's red-hot growth rates.但是,还有些经济学家认为CPI只是通货膨胀的一种测量方式,而不能反应出今日中国社会中的所有通胀压力。他们认为中国的货币供应量在过去量年内已经增加了超过50%-这个激进的行为为中国炙热的增长率提供了驱动能源。

With such monetary expansion, the question isn't why China is battered by inflation, but why China hasn't seen more inflation sooner.在货币量如此增长的情况下,现在的问题不是为什么中国受到了通胀的重大打击,而是短期内,中国为什么还没有发生更高的通胀。

One explanation: All the new money printed went mainly into an investment boom, not a consumption boom. State banks lent out new money, which went to bid up the price of land, the price of commodities -- into so-called "asset inflation."某种解释:所有新印刷出来的钱币主要进入了投资增长中,而不是消费增长中。国有银行将新增货币全部都进行放贷,进而使得土地和日用品竞出了新的高价,这些货币都进入了所谓的资产通胀之中。

Asset inflation, experts say, does not feel like inflation. "When the price of bread doubles, it feels like it's getting harder to make ends meet," says Chovanec of Tsinghua. "When the price of high-end condos doubles, it feels like smart investors are getting rich -- it feels like a boom."某些专家认为资产通胀感觉不像是通胀。“当面包的价格变为原来的两倍的时候,这意味着更难做到收支平衡”清华的霍瓦内茨说,“当高端公寓的售价翻倍成长时,这意味着聪明的投资者将变得更富有,也意味着急速增长”

Eventually, the asset inflation spills into the general price level. "In my view, that's the real worry in China -- that what we're seeing in terms of CPI rates could just be the tip of the inflation iceberg," Chovanec added.最终,资产通胀溢出到了普通产品的价格层次。霍瓦内茨补充说“在我看来,在中国真正需要担忧的就是从现在的CPI率中唯一能看出来的就是通胀冷却的一些小建议”

By incrementally raising interest rates and reserve requirement ratio for banks, China has slowed down its inflation rate but only modestly. Ultimately, experts say, what China needs to do is tighten its money supply, which is still growing at nearly 20% yearly.通过不断调高利率和银行准备金率,中国已经将通胀率适当得降下来了些。专家还说“最终,中国还是需要紧缩货币供应量,而这个供应量现在还在以每年将近20%的速度在增加。”

tydc 发表于 2011-2-25 10:42


青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-2-25 12:26

tydc 发表于 2011-2-25 10:42 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


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tydc 发表于 2011-2-25 10:42 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif放着我来Q33)

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