满仓 发表于 2011-3-2 13:08

【11.02.21 纽约时报】世界需要一个更有主见的中国

【原文标题】The World Needs an Assertive China













到目前为止,华盛顿的做法虽然效果有限,但还是取得了积极的进步。例如,在胡锦涛主席访问美国之后,北京通过恢复军事对话和邀请美国国防部长Robert Gates访华来试图改进双边关系。还有迹象表明中国开始与东盟成员国接触,关注因北京在7月东盟区域论坛中抛出的威胁论而恶化的关系。作为对韩国在2010年12月进行的炮击演习的回应,中国准备在阻止朝鲜继续进行针对韩国的军事威胁中扮演更加积极的角色。



In a departure from the largely successful policy of reassurance it adopted in the late 1990s under the slogan “peaceful rise,” in the past two years China has damaged its relations with the United States and most of its neighbors.

Mistrust of Beijing throughout Asia and in Washington is palpable. Observers often claim that China has become more assertive, revising its grand strategy to reflect its own rise and the America’s decline since the financial crisis began in 2008. China’s counterproductive policies are better understood as reactive and conservative rather than assertive, and Beijing should be encouraged by the United States and its allies to return to the more assertive but more constructive policies Beijing adopted in the two years just before the financial crisis.

In that period China was actually more innovative, proactive and assertive than it is today. By softening its traditional prohibitions on interference in the internal affairs of other states, Beijing was able to play a constructive leadership role in addressing global problems and improve U.S.-China relations in the process.

In late 2006 and early 2007 Beijing pressured North Korea multilaterally and bilaterally into agreeing to disable the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, the only concrete progress in the six-party talks. Beijing also changed course on Darfur, from simply shielding Khartoum from international pressure to backing the United Nations’ peace plan in late 2006 to committing in 2007 to send the first non-African peacekeepers to the region. In late 2008, China also agreed to send a naval contingent to the Gulf of Aden to assist in international antipiracy efforts under a U.N. resolution that permits hot pursuit of pirates into Somalia’s territorial waters.

Unfortunately, since 2009, China has lost this positive momentum by reacting abrasively to events driven by others, hardly the stuff of an assertive and confident new grand strategy.

Early last year China adopted a rhetorically strident posture in response to long-held policies of the United States relating to Taiwan, Internet freedom and Tibet. In July 2010, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi responded to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s innovative multilateral confidence-building initiative for the South China Sea by warning Southeast Asian neighbors in caustic terms against coordinating with outside powers in managing territorial disputes with Beijing.

Later that year, Beijing demanded an apology and compensation from Tokyo even after Japan, under Chinese pressure, had released a Chinese captain whose fishing boat had collided with a Japanese coast guard vessel. After two severe military provocations by North Korea and a clear violation of Pyongyang’s existing nuclear commitments, China not only refused to condemn Pyongyang directly, it prevented the U.N. Security Council from doing so. Instead, Chinese officials twice warned the United States and South Korea against conducting naval exercises in nearby international waters. Chinese leaders thereby alienated many in the international community, especially South Korea, Japan and the United States.

Beijing’s new more truculent posture is rooted in a strange mix of confidence on the international stage and insecurity at home. Since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, Chinese citizens, lower-level government officials, and media and Internet commentators have often exaggerated China’s rise in influence and the declining power of the United States, insisting that China push back against perceived slights and reduce international cooperation with the United States and its allies.

According to my Chinese interlocutors, top officials in Beijing have a much more sober assessment of China’s global position and of the development challenges ahead. Yet those nationalist domestic voices have created a heated political environment. Party elites are acutely concerned about long-term domestic stability and hope to avoid criticism along nationalist lines, a theme that has the potential to galvanize the many otherwise disparate local protests against Chinese officials into a national movement. Particularly during the leadership transition that will culminate in the Communist Party’s selection of President Hu Jintao’s successor in 2012, individual officials need to foster their reputations as protectors of national pride and domestic stability.

Fortunately, those same interlocutors report that there are real policy debates in Beijing, particularly about North Korea. In order to influence these debates, Washington and its partners need to consistently offer China an active role in multilateral cooperative efforts on North Korea, Iran, etc. But they must also emphasize that, while Chinese cooperation is greatly preferred, they will react to provocations with or without Chinese cooperation and that China’s interests will suffer if it obstructs those efforts or even stands on the sidelines.

In 2010 the Obama administration responded well to this challenge. It is a gross exaggeration to say the United States has “returned to Asia” under Obama, but Washington’s engagement in the region has been intense, including many high-level visits. More concretely, the U.S.–South Korean military exercises in the Yellow Sea and the trilateral meeting of Japanese, Korean and U.S. security officials in Washington demonstrated that the United States and its partners have diplomatic and security options regarding North Korea even without China’s active cooperation.

Beijing is unlikely to look with favor on the prospect of greater U.S.-Japan-South Korea security coordination on issues such as missile defense, anti-submarine warfare, searching of North Korean ships as part of the Proliferation Security Initiative, or the potential development of Japanese offensive strike weapons to counter North Korean missile threats. All the more reason for China to return to a more creative, assertive and reassuring set of policies to address the problem.

To date, Washington’s approach has had a positive, albeit limited effect. Beijing sought to improve bilateral relations in the lead-up to President Hu Jintao’s visit to the United States in January, for example, by restoring military-to-military dialogue and hosting U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates in Beijing. There are also signs that China is beginning to reach out to ASEAN member states to address ongoing security concerns that were exacerbated by Beijing’s bullying at the July ASEAN Regional Forum. China may also have played a constructive role in preventing North Korea from carrying through on its military threats against South Korea in response to the latter’s artillery exercise in December 2010.

However, we have not seen a return in Beijing to the proactive and assertive mind-set exhibited in 2006-2008. For the United States and its allies and security partners, securing this kind of Chinese cooperation in the future may be the highest hurdle to clear but will be essential in addressing problems from proliferation to financial instability to climate change. In this one important sense, the United States needs a more assertive China.

連長 发表于 2011-3-2 13:27


連長 发表于 2011-3-2 13:38




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满仓 发表于 2011-3-2 13:08 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


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三季稻 发表于 2011-3-2 18:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


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