满仓 发表于 2011-3-9 16:46

【11.03.06 新闻周刊】没有女人的男人 - 亚洲单身一代的阴影

【中文标题】没有女人的男人 - 亚洲单身一代的阴影
【原文标题】Men Without Women - The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation
【原文作者】Niall Ferguson



根据联合国提供的数据,地球上的男性数量要比女性数量多很多。性别差异在亚洲尤其明显,那里的男性数量比女性数量多出1亿。在女性多于男性的西方世界,这似乎是个难以接受的现实,因为在其它因素完全相同的情况下,女性在任何一个年龄段的死亡率都低于男性。诺贝尔奖得主、经济学家Amartya Sen把这种现象叫做亚洲神秘“失踪的女性”。


当Sen第一次计算失踪女性的数量的时候——指的是如果没有选择性堕胎、杀婴和性别歧视可以存活下来的女性——他得到的数字是1亿。今天,这个数字肯定会更高。亚洲国家的生活水平有了大幅度的提升,性别的差异却更大了。主要原因在于传统文化中对儿子的青睐胜过女儿,才导致了选择性流产女性胎儿,超声波扫描和对法律的置之不理让这种行为可以得逞。美国的女权人士Mary Anne Warren称这种行为是“性别屠杀”。早先在印度西北地区流行的这种恶名昭彰的行为,现在已经延伸到了世界上人口最密集的国家:中国。

根据美国企业研究所的统计专家Nicholas Eberstadt提供的数据,中国今天4岁以下的人群中,男女性别的比例是123:100,比50年前106:100的比例高出很多。在江西、广东、海南和安徽省,男孩数量比女孩数量多30%以上。这意味着,在这些孩子成年之后,他们会在一个很长的时期里无法找到配偶。据中国社会科学院预计,五分之一的青年男子要过单身生活。在20岁到39岁这个年龄段中,男性比女性多2200万人。想想吧,有10个像休斯敦这样的城市中全是年轻的男人。

留给经济学家的问题是,如此大量过剩的年轻男性会造成什么影响呢?历史提供了一个令人不安的答案。Gunnar Heinsohn认为,欧洲帝国在16世纪后的扩张实际上就是男性“青年突增”的结果,日本帝国在1914年后的扩张也是类似的青年突增所引发的。冷战时期,正是那些青年突增的国家——阿尔及利亚、萨尔瓦多、黎巴嫩——发生了最惨烈的内战和革命。Heinsohn还把最近伊斯兰极端势力有所抬头的国家,包括阿富汗、伊拉克和巴基斯坦与伊斯兰青年突增的现象结合在一起。政治科学家Valerie Hudson和Andrea den Boer警告,中国和印度有可能是下一个雄性激素过盛的国家。




Skyblue Kelt:


mark wilk:


Hostile Knowledge:


Mime Wonder:


Archie Angel:


Fred G:

Archie Angel,说的好。Mime Wonder的长篇大论就像是2008年大选时的口号“老师,老师,他是种族主义者!”,我不知道西方女人有什么好害怕的,反正她们中的大部分都不想结婚,也不想要小孩。19世纪的时候,很多美国富有的女性继承人成群结队地嫁给英国穷困潦倒的所谓上层人士,我不确定这种现象会不会再次发生。或许,我们还会看到亚洲的同性婚姻呈上升趋势,如果这些男人足够开放的话。更令人不安的是,卖淫和色情旅游业是否会更兴旺?中国在发布计划生育政策的时候应该没有预见到超声波影像技术的发展。当然,中国这么做是有原因的,尽管政策过于偏激,但毕竟缓解了饥荒的威胁。但是,就像所有社会项目一样,未预料到的后果是相当严重的。

Marc Porter:


John Arnold:


Lis Schubert:


Alan Auyeung:








Martin Smith:


Ted Vahan:


Mark Brasher:




Dory Rama:


John English:

说句题外话,我觉得Mary Anne Warren把“性别”和“屠杀”连在一起很搞笑。她不是一直在强调胎儿从道德意义上讲不是一个人吗?她不是一直在支持有需求的堕胎权力吗?

Justin Koenig:



Children play at a primary school in Fuli, China.

In 1927, Ernest Hemingway published a collection of short stories titled Men Without Women. Today, less than a century later, it sums up the predicament of a rising proportion of mankind.

According to the United Nations, there are far more men than women on the planet. The gender gap is especially pronounced in Asia, where there are 100 million more guys than girls. This may come as a surprise to people in the Western world, where women outnumber men because—other things being equal—the mortality rate for women is lower than for men in all age groups. Nobel Prize–winning economist Amartya Sen calls it the mystery of Asia’s “missing women.”

The mystery is partly explicable in terms of economics. In many Asian societies, girls are less well looked after than boys because they are economically undervalued. The kind of domestic work they typically do is seen as less important than paid work done by men. And, of course, early marriage and minimal birth control together expose them to the risks of multiple pregnancies.

When Sen first added up the missing women—women who would exist today if it were not for selective abortion, infanticide, and economic discrimination—he put the number at 100 million. It is surely higher now. For, even as living standards in Asian countries have soared, the gender gap has widened. That’s because a cultural preference for sons over daughters leads to selective abortion of female fetuses, a practice made possible by ultrasound scanning, and engaged in despite legal prohibitions. The American feminist Mary Anne Warren called it “gendercide.” Notoriously common in northwestern India, it’s also rampant in the world’s most populous country: China.

In China today, according to American Enterprise Institute demographer Nicholas Eberstadt, there are about 123 male children for every 100 females up to the age of 4, a far higher imbalance than 50 years ago, when the figure was 106. In Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, and Anhui provinces, baby boys outnumber baby girls by 30 percent or more. This means that by the time today’s Chinese newborns reach adulthood, there will be a chronic shortage of potential spouses. According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, one in five young men will be brideless. Within the age group 20 to 39, there will be 22 million more men than women. Imagine 10 cities the size of Houston populated exclusively by young males.

The question left open by economists is what the consequences will be of such a large surplus of young men. History offers a disquieting answer. According to the German scholar Gunnar Heinsohn, European imperial expansion after 1500 was the result of a male “youth bulge.” Japan’s imperial expansion after 1914 was the result of a similar youth bulge, Heinsohn argues. During the Cold War, it was youth-bulge countries—Algeria, El Salvador, and Lebanon—that saw the worst civil wars and revolutions. Heinsohn has also linked the recent rise of Islamist extremism in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan to an Islamic youth bulge. Political scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer warn that China and India could be the next countries to overdose on testosterone.

That has scary implications. Remember, most of Hemingway’s stories in Men Without Women are about violence. They feature gangsters, bullfighters, and wounded soldiers. The most famous story is called simply “The Killers.”

It may be that the coming generation of Asian men without women will find harmless outlets for their inevitable frustrations, like team sports or videogames. But I doubt it. Either this bachelor generation will be a source of domestic instability, whether Brazilian-style crime or Arab-style revolution—or, as happened in Europe, they and their testosterone will be exported. There’s already enough shrill nationalism in Asia as it is. Don’t be surprised if, in the next generation, it takes the form of macho militarism and even imperialism. Lock up your daughters.

Skyblue Kelt

On the other hand. When a young woman of marriageable age has a choice of four or five young men as her husband, which man will she choose? The best potential mate, naturally, the suitor who can provide her with the best odds of comfortable long-term support for her and her children, excellent children, with the best odds of long-term success as adults, a stable, peaceful home environment, and so on. While there is no guarantee the young women would be the best possible choice as a mate, it is virtually certain that the current generation getting married now, and the next generation due to be married over the going 30 years, will be families with superior fathers. Thus, the children born of these families will be superior children. When it comes to comparison with the West, two strongly superior generations of young, obviously superior to Westerners of their own age, in every category of comparison possible. Weaklings and cowards terrified of competition from the Chinese and Indians should worry more about the second demographic inevitability than the obvious first impression. What is under the surface is far more dangerous to the West than the shallow and superficial.

mark wilk

One major difference with today's China, as opposed to earlier youth bulges, is that the society is rapidly aging as whole.

Hostile Knowledge

Polyandry at your service...

Mime Wonder

Running out of ideas to write, eh Niall? Stop scraping the bottom of the barrel.

It's fashionable to demonize China for all the West's problems.

Their fear of Chinese men marrying their daughters. RACISM!!!

Why don't they just bring back law i.e. prohibition of inter racial marriage?

Wait, I think they only target Chinese men.

Archie Angel

@mime blunder: No, it's fashionable to respond to every truth which makes you uncomfortable with a tired, intellectually dishonest accusation of "racism." It's furthermore ironic how those who refuse to acknowledge the lessons of the past are often condemned to suffer future horrors which could otherwise be avoided. Unlike the French, however, you are lucky in that you can keep your head deep inside your rectum in the warm comfort that your society has a class of warriors ready to defend you and your fellow sheep from others who would willingly destroy you.

Fred G

Way to go, Archie Angel. Mime Wonder's screed was right out of the 2008 election campaign: "Teacher, teacher! He's racist!" I don't know how threatened Western women are. Most of them don't want marriage or kids these days anyway. I'm not sure we will see a rash of mail order Western brides we may see something analogous to the wholesale marriage of American heiresses to the more impecunious members of Britain's upper class in the 19th Century. We'll also probably see an uptick in same-sex relationships in Asia even if some of the partners are more straight than gay. Also, more disturbingly, a surge in prostitution and prostitution tourism. When China adopted the one-child policy they could not foresee the advent of ultrasound imaging. Arguably China did the best thing for the one-child policy, however harsh, did forestall famine. But the unforeseen consequences, as with all social engineering projects, are serious indeed.

Marc Porter

Niall I am very surprised with your conclusion! We should be providing them with our daughters not locking our daughters up! This could bring more unity between East and West anyway. The West could use more Eastern balance to deliver it from its Politcal Correctness Hell.

John Arnold

Yellow Peril !!!

Lis Schubert

The great Tai Ping Rebellion, a civil war from 1851 to 67, killed tens of millions, It broke out in the time and place of a similar sexual imbalance. The lesson is obvious.

Alan Auyeung

"Lock up your daughters?" What is this, 1882 Yellow Peril language? Hordes of uncivilized mongoloids chomping at the bit for white women? What a shameful piece.


It's already happening in San Francisco! C'est la vie.


This imbalance is created by, you guessed it, government policy, the single child policy in the countryside. So government policy enocuraged a hard look at the sec of their only child, ultrasound equipment facilitated the process, abortions of females soared.

It doesn't mean war, we don't go to war by manpower anymore, modern war needs equipment.

It does mean that there will be a large number of "dsiconnected" men; like in Japan and America now. Men whose prospects of socializing into breadwinners and child-rearing are going to be pretty nill. Japan and America have disconnected men, because women are sidetracked by consumerism and careers from raising children, and the economic regime prevents men from gathering the economic resources to raise a family.

Martin Smith

I think the most likely solution is that the countries facing this problem will export it by importing brides

Firstly from poorer countries in Asia, but the supply of women there will not be so great as to fill the entire shortage plus it will create a shortage of women in thise countries too. So the import of women will need to to come from the only place poor enough left to supply them - the poorer parts of sub-Saharan Africa. As Asia has far more population than Africa, the problem will only be magnified. What will the men do there?

Ted Vahan

Funny, the President and the New York Times keep telling us how wonderful China is. Yet I can't find a single thing about them in print that I'd like to have happen in our country - unless it's gendercide, massive environmental disasters, inability to aid the victims of said disasters, exploited workers, lack of freedom, etc.

Mark Brasher

There are several answers to this problem. In India, which I am familiar with, the incidence of polyandry (a woman sharing two husbands) is high and rising. Typically brothers of low caste or status, they have only one wife. Also, marriage between older men and younger women is likely, as is wealthier city dwellers reaching into their "home village" for a wife. It is typically low status, poor and uneducated men who cannot compete successfully in the "marriage market". These people are not the stuff of rebellion or imperialism. They are put upon, poor and abject.


The idea that gender imbalance leads to "scary" results is supported only by innuendo in this article.

Qatar has *three and a half times* as many men as women. How has it not descended into violence?

Dory Rama

I can see the nervious white men are nervous about their women. LOL! Well, too bad, your descendants will carry Chinese genes.
John English

An off-point comment: I find it interesting that Mary Anne Warren would choose to append the word "gender" with "cide" given her oft-stated belief that a fetus is not a human being in the moral sense and her support for on-demand abortion rights...

Justin Koenig

I'm so tired of journalists who say one thing is "linked" to another. Being a statistics guy, I demand to see more evidence. You can't just say that one historian noticed a trend and leave it at that. Besides, as one commenter pointed out, Qatar has many more men than women. The Emirates are the same way. Dubai is 77% male.

xie0581 发表于 2011-3-9 17:22


孤独旅人 发表于 2011-3-9 17:38


Jigong 发表于 2011-3-9 19:33



madaozhizhan 发表于 2011-3-9 22:52


nhkbbs 发表于 2011-3-9 23:12


682q 发表于 2011-3-10 06:51


shimo1989 发表于 2011-3-10 08:58



njtudaodao 发表于 2011-3-10 09:30


yhf0920 发表于 2011-3-10 09:56


中华神箭 发表于 2011-3-10 10:23


lvbolan 发表于 2011-3-10 10:51


国庆 发表于 2011-3-10 12:08


地支木 发表于 2011-3-10 12:54

中华神箭 发表于 2011-3-10 10:23 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


ft1255576 发表于 2011-3-10 14:49


浊世澈心 发表于 2011-3-10 22:24


guanli1987 发表于 2011-3-10 23:32

中国是国家控制生育率低,西方 ...
njtudaodao 发表于 2011-3-10 09:30 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


lvbolan 发表于 2011-3-11 11:04


ariki 发表于 2011-3-11 13:38

Skyblue Kelt:



fangdl 发表于 2011-3-12 01:36

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