逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-3-9 22:48

【2011.3.8 纽约时报】波音协议彰显亚洲交易繁忙

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【原文标题】Boeing Deals Show Rising Clout of Asian Airlines
Boeing Deals Show Rising Clout of Asian AirlinesBy BETTINA WASSENERPublished: March 8, 2011波音协议彰显亚洲航线繁忙文:BETTINA WASSENER2011年3月8日发表
HONG KONG — Boeing said Tuesday that it had reached deals to sell a total of 43 aircraft to two Chinese airlines, underlining the growing importance of the Asia-Pacific region, and China in particular, for airlines and aircraft makers.Multimedia香港——波音公司周二称,它已经达成了一项协议,将出售总计43架飞机给两家中国航空公司,特别强调了亚太地区,尤其是中国,对航空公司、飞机制造商们日益增长的重要性。

Boeing's Deal with China波音与中国的协议
‘Air China, the country’s flag carrier, signed an agreement to buy five Boeing 747-8 aircraft, each capable of carrying more than 460 passengers, as part of its drive to expand its international network.中国国航签署了一项协议以扩充其国际航班的发展,购买了5架波音747-8飞机,每架都有超过460人的载客量。

In a separate agreement announced Tuesday but still being completed, Hong Kong Airlines, part of HNA Group, said it would purchase 38 Boeing aircraft, including 30 of the plane maker’s new Dreamliners and 6 freighters. Together, the Boeing aircraft are worth about $10 billion at list prices, though purchases are often subject to undisclosed discounts.一项周二正在签署的单独协议表示,香港航空公司,NHA(海航集团)的一部分,称自己将会购买38架波音飞机,包括30架新产品——梦幻客机以及6架货机。同时,尽管买卖中经常出现秘密的折扣,这些波音飞机在订单上标价100亿美元。

HNA Group, which is controlled by the government of Hainan Province in China, also announced orders for several business jets from Dassault Aviation and Gulfstream Aerospace.受控于中国海南省政府的海航集团也公布了向猎鹰航空公司和湾流航空公司购买些许公务机的订单。

The announcements, made at an aerospace show in Hong Kong, demonstrated just how rapidly many Asian carriers are expanding and how important the region has become for manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus. The market for air travel and freight services has grown dramatically in Asia thanks to the region’s rapid economic growth.香港航天展上的公告展示了许多亚洲航空公司的迅速发展,以及这个地区对像波音、空课这些厂商的重要性。

Asia-Pacific carriers are forecast to generate collective profits of about $3.7 billion this year, the International Air Transport Association estimated last week. That makes the region the world’s biggest in terms of earnings. North American carriers’ profits are forecast to total $3.2 billion, while European airlines are likely to make a collective $400 million this year, the travel association said.上周,国际航空运输协会称,今年亚太航空公司预计将产生总计37亿的集体利润。这使亚太地区成为世界上最赚钱的地方。旅游协会称,北美航空公司利润预计为32亿美元,然而欧洲航空公司今年则可能只有4亿的集体利润。

For aircraft manufacturers, too, the region has become increasingly important. Boeing said Tuesday that it expected the region’s air traffic to grow at an annual rate of 6.8 percent over the next 20 years, well above the world average of 5.3 percent.对于飞机制造商来说,这个地区也显得日趋重要。周二,波音预计亚太区的航空交通在今后的20年里以每年6.8%的速度增长,这高于世界平均水平5.3%。

Air travel growth in China, the world’s second-largest economy after that of the United States, will be even more rapid, with a pace of 7.6 percent, the manufacturer estimated.飞机制造商们估计,世界仅次于美国的第二大经济体——中国,其航空事业会以超过7.6%的步伐增长。

“Asia-Pacific will account for one-third of new airplane deliveries worldwide over the period,” Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said Tuesday. “This demand is driven by the fact that Asia-Pacific will account for 44 percent of travel in 20 years’ time, up from around 34 percent today.”“在这个时期,亚太区占全球新航空运输的1/3”,兰迪·廷塞思(Randy Tinseth),波音民用飞机集团负责市场营销的副总裁在周二说道:“亚太区在今后20年的时间将会占航空运输的44%,现今已经占有34%。”

The recent increase in fuel prices presents “a challenge” to the airline industry, Mr. Tinseth acknowledged. Crude prices have risen sharply in recent weeks because of the turmoil in North Africa and the Middle East. This has weighed heavily on the share prices of airlines, for which fuel prices represent a large part of operating costs.廷塞思先生告知我们,最近的有家增长给航空行业带来了一个挑战。由于北非及中东的骚动,油价陡增。这给航空公司的股票价格带来了巨大的压力,因为燃料开支占了运作成本的很大比重。

Despite that, Mr. Tinseth said, “we are at the beginning of an aviation upcycle.”尽管如此,廷塞思先生说:“我们仍处在航空产业健康发展的开始”?(译者按:upcycle是个新词,意味以创造性的方式节省并环保,比循环利用更加经济的一种方式)

The comments echoed statements from Airbus on Monday. Airlines in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to take delivery of about 8,560 new aircraft over the next 20 years, Airbus estimated. “Valued at $1.2 trillion, the requirement represents 33 percent of new aircraft deliveries worldwide over the forecast period, with the region overtaking North America and Europe as the largest air transport market,” the company said.周一的评论持续围绕着空客的声明展开。空客估计亚太区的航线在今后20年将会提货约8,560架新飞机。公司称“总价值1.2万亿美元,随着亚太区超过北美以及欧洲成为最大的航空运输市场,这个需求量代表了全球未来一段时间新飞机交付量的33%,”

逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-3-9 22:51


下个月 发表于 2011-3-9 23:26

逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-3-9 22:51 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

蝌蚪汤 发表于 2011-3-9 23:54

在中国有自己的大飞机前,只有波音或空客可选 ,也等于没得选

逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-3-10 00:14

回复 3# 青蛙小王子


逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-3-10 00:15

回复 4# 下个月


wnlouis 发表于 2011-3-10 09:14

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