tydc 发表于 2011-3-14 14:50

【2011.03.13 经济学人】地震之后

本帖最后由 下个月 于 2011-3-14 23:16 编辑

【中文标题】地震之后【原文标题】After the earthquake【登载媒体】经济学人
      The tension mounts 紧张局势不断增加Mar 13th 2011, 13:36 by H.T. and K.N.C. | TOKYO2011年3月13日,13:36
THE risk of a nuclear accident at a huge power plant in disaster-strewn north-eastern Japan has risen for a second day on March 13th. This time it involves a type of fuel known as Mox (mixed-oxide) that is considered highly experimental. The government, which is under huge pressure to deal with the tragedy created by Friday’s earthquake, is also struggling to prevent panic over the potential meltdown of a second nuclear reactor. With what looked like tears in his eyes, Naoto Kan, the prime minister, said today that Japan was facing its worst crisis since the second world war and he urged its citizens to pull together.

As if that were not enough, Japan’s seismologists say there is a high risk of more big aftershocks in the coming days. In the areas worst hit by the quake, hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, and food and blankets are scare.但是这看起来好像还不够,日本地震学家称将来可能发生更大规模的余震,并导致更大的风险。在受灾最严重的地区,成千上万人从家中被疏散出来,食物和毛毯很稀缺。

It is currently estimated that at least 2,000 are dead and missing after Friday’s earthquake unleashed a vicious tsunami that swept Japan’s northern Pacific coast. But that figure does not take into account 10,000 who the government acknowledged on March 13th are unaccounted for in one coastal area of Miyagi prefecture, called Minamisanriku. Aerial shots from television crews show a large community that existed there has now virtually disappeared under tidal water. Elsewhere in Miyagi and Iwate prefecture, hundreds more bodies have been dumped by the tsunami, news reports say, and some 450,000 people have been made homeless.周五的地震释放了一场巨大的海啸并横扫日本南部太平洋海岸,现在据估计至少有2000人死亡或者失踪。,这个数字还没计入政府已公认的3月13日在宫城县海岸地区的南三陸町死亡或失踪的10000人。由电视台工作人员所拍的航空摄影显示,过去那里一个大型的社区在海啸的潮水后几乎消失了。在宫城和岩手县的其他地方,数百具尸体被海啸倾倒出来,记者说,大约45万人无家可归。

Mr Kan almost doubled the number of Special Defence Force troops he had ordered to the area, to 100,000. But relief efforts were hampered by destroyed roads and bridges, waterlogged airports and other disrupted lines of communication. An American aircraft carrier and emergency services from other countries joined the rescue effort, which underscores how bad the situation must be. The assumed death toll, which has already doubled in 24 hours, may rise much further yet. It would not be a surprise if it exceeds the 6,500 or so killed in the 1995 Kobe earthquake.

However hard it is to come to grips with the enormous devastation, another crisis is playing out in real time: the risk of a Three-Mile-Island-style radiation leakage at a nuclear-power plant in Fukushima prefecture, 250 miles north of Tokyo. Overnight, the cooling system at the third reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant failed, and on March 13th Kyodo news agency cited the plant’s operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), as saying that three metres of a Mox nuclear-fuel rod had been left above the water level. That raises the risk of a meltdown of the core reactor, which could lead to a nuclear catastrophe. Disconcertingly, Japanese anti-nuclear campaigners have fiercely opposed the introduction into Japan of Mox fuel, which is a mixture of plutonium oxide and uranium oxide, arguing, among other things, that plutonium is more unsafe than enriched uranium. The fuel was first used in the Fukushima plant last year. Five other reactors spread over two Fukushima plants have also experienced trouble with their cooling systems, and two (including the Mox one) have been doused with water—and possibly permanently crippled—to prevent overheating. 不论是怎样努力的对付这次巨大的灾难,另外一种危机还是发生了:在东京以南250公里处的福岛,一种“三里岛”类型的原子能设施的核辐射泄漏导致的风险。在夜里福岛第一核电站的三号核反应堆的冷却装置失效了,3月13日共同社新闻机构引用了这个反应堆的运行者,日本东京电力公司的言论,金融氧化物核原料的能量棒有三米在水平面以上。这增加了核反应堆的融化的风险,还会导致一场核灾难。很不安的是,日本反核运动着曾经很激烈的反对引入金属氧化物燃料到日本,这种燃料是钚氧化物和铀氧化物的混合体,除此之外,钚要比加浓的铀更危险。去年这种燃料在福岛第一次被使用。在其他两个福岛核电站中遍布的其他五个反应堆也都经历过冷却系统的问题,而且其他两个(包含金属氧化物那个)都被灌入水而熄灭了,这很有可能就永久性的损坏了,为了防止过热。

Yukio Edano, the government’s chief spokesman, said that it was possible the core reactor had been “deformed” by its exposure above water, but he denied that it was a meltdown. However, he said there were further complications. It was not clear whether the water was rising to cool the reactor, despite an injection of sea water. Pressure is also building up within the reactor, but the release valve is malfunctioning, he said. Given the potential build-up of hydrogen, he issued a warning that there could be another explosion of the type that destroyed the outer building of the plant’s first reactor on March 12th. But he said there was no danger to the thick, steel-and-reinforced-concrete container that surrounds the reactor, and he is downplaying the risk of a dangerous leak of radiation.

Mr Edano, who like Mr Kan is dressed in blue overalls to give the uniform-loving Japanese a sense of workmanship, is deftly trying to reduce the risk of panic around the country. His staff are telling foreign correspondents to reassure foreigners living in Japan that there is no need to flee Tokyo (the American ambassador has put out a similar message). The task is made harder by imprecise information on the levels of radiation that have leaked out and the dangers to the several dozen people near the Fukushima power plant who have so far been diagnosed as suffering from radiation.

Reportedly, levels of radiation have temporarily exceeded 1,000 micro sievert, which is twice the legal upper limit; but in many cases they have been little worse than an x-ray.The government insists the radiation comes from its release of pressure from the reactor container vessels, and is not dangerous to humans. It rejects assertion that the leaks are out of control. However, there is a general mistrust among many Japanese about the authorities’ willingness to admit to a serious radiation problem if it were to occur. It might, of course, accidentally play down the risk in its efforts to avoid panic. What’s more, Tepco, which provides most of the information on its Fukushima plant, has obfuscated shockingly in the past. Its reputation is unlikely to be burnished by the fact that residents of greater Tokyo and elsewhere, as well as businesses, were told to brace for extended power cuts in coming days. The government says power supply for such areas has fallen by a quarter, from 41m kilowatts per day to 31m, because of the quake-induced disruption.

On top of those concerns, the Meteorological Agency, which on March 13th upgraded its assessment of the size of Friday’s earthquake from 8.8 to 9.0, has also warned than in the next three days, there is a 70% chance of another big quake. The huge movement of sub-sea earth at 2.46pm on Friday led to a quake at three different epicentres, along a 500km stretch of sea. This was why the quakes were felt so broadly, and why there have been such frequent aftershocks.

A slew of businesses have decided to close, in part because of disrupted supply chains, but also because of the uncertainty over access to power. Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Suzuki will idle some or all factories. But the north-east is not Japan's industrial heartland, and factories in places like Kyoto, the centre of the country's high-end technology components, have not said they plan to close on Monday. Meanwhile, in a bid to shore up the financial system and ensure suitable liquidity, the Bank of Japan provided ¥55 billion in cash to 13 banks over the weekend, in case customers line up to get money on Monday morning. Though the economic cost of the crisis is hard to see—in large part because of uncertainty about the consequences of the overheating nuclear reactors—estimates place it above the ¥10 trillion (around $120 billion) damage of the Kobe earthquake in 1995. 许多商业企业都决定停业,部分原因就是受到干扰的供应链,东南部是日本工业的重要地区,例如京都等地区的工厂,高端技术原件的中心,声明他们计划在周一开始停产。同时,为了支撑金融系统和确保合适的流动性,日本银行向13个银行提供了550亿现金在这个周末,防止顾客在周一早晨排队取款,尽管这次危机的经济成本难以预计,部分是因为这个过热的核反应堆的结果所联系的不确定性-估计将要超过1995年神户地震所造成的10兆日元(1200亿美元)损失。

Perhaps bracing for further weeks of uncertainty, Tokyo residents and others have been stocking up on petrol and provisions. Pot noodles are gone from the supermarket shelves, as are bread and tins of tuna. In a nation with the best lavatories in the world, another coveted item is the damp face towel, which apparently can be used as toilet tissue if water supply is interrupted for long periods. Such are the unsubstantiated rumours flying around Tokyo, anyway. 也许是为将来几个星期的不确定性作好准备,东京的居民和其他一些地方已经开始储备石油和粮食了。超市桶面货架上的桶面已经消失,如同面包和罐头金枪鱼一样。在这个拥有世界上最好的盥洗室的国家,另一件急需的物品就是潮湿的面巾,表面上看起来是在水供应长期被切断的情况下可以用作卫生纸。不管怎样,这些就是现在在东京四处流传的谣言。Photo credit: EPA

tydc 发表于 2011-3-14 14:53


calmvoca 发表于 2011-3-14 17:19

tydc 发表于 2011-3-14 14:53 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


But that figure does not take into account 10,000 who the government acknowledged on March 13th are unaccounted for in one coastal area of Miyagi prefecture, called Minamisanriku.

主语that figure    谓语does not take into account宾语10,000

再往后who引导的从句,是解释“10,000”,正常语序是:the government acknowledged on March 13th that 10,000 are unaccounted for in one coastal area of Miyagi prefecture

ak123456789 发表于 2011-3-14 18:19


矢量技术 发表于 2011-3-14 21:00


听风观月 发表于 2011-3-15 11:56



tydc 发表于 2011-3-16 10:04


But that figure does not take into account 10, ...
calmvoca 发表于 2011-3-14 17:19 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


tydc 发表于 2011-3-16 10:06

像菅直人一样,枝野也穿了一件蓝色的工作服,为了给制服偏好的日本人一种专业技巧的印象,他反应迅速,试图 ...
听风观月 发表于 2011-3-15 11:56 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

    o3O87) bingo!

kiva1217 发表于 2011-4-4 12:18


情之花恕 发表于 2011-5-1 22:36

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