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      【中文标题】大学里的无家可归者【原文标题】The Homeless at College【登载媒体】Businessweek【来源地址】【原文库链接】【译者】persie【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。【译文】
For-profit schools are tapping shelters and halfway houses for new students, loading them with debt and leaving taxpayers on the hook
      By Daniel Golden
       记者 Daniel Golden

Benson Rollins wants a college degree. The unemployed high school dropout who attends Alcoholics Anonymous and has been homeless for 10 months is being courted by the University of Phoenix. Two of its recruiters got themselves invited to a Cleveland shelter last October and pitched the advantages of going to the country's largest for-profit college to 70 destitute men.
       Benson Rollins想要一个大学文凭。这个从高中辍学却没有工作参加了嗜酒者互诫协会,并且已经十个月无家可归的人刚被菲尼克斯大学接收。该大学中的两个招募者在去年十月被“克里夫兰避难所(实为克里夫兰学校)”接收,他们像学校仍缺的七十个人(名额)极力渲染着进入全国最大的营利性学校的种种好处。

Their visit spurred the 23-year-old Rollins to fill out an online form expressing interest. Phoenix salespeople then barraged him with phone calls and e-mails, urging a tour of its Cleveland campus. "If higher education is important to you for professional growth, and to achieve your academic goals, why wait any longer? Classes start soon and space is limited," one Phoenix   employee e-mailed him on Apr. 15. "I'll be happy to walk you through the entire application process."
      他们的拜访促使23岁的Benson Rollins在网上填写了一份表格以表达他对学校的兴趣。而后菲尼克斯“推销员(招募者)”的电话和邮件淹没了他,不断催促他来克里夫兰校园一游。“如果高等教育对你的职业成长十分重要,那么为了完成你的学业目标还等什么呢?课程即将开始且座位有限!”菲尼克斯一职员在四月十五日给他的邮件中写道“我会很高兴为你介绍整个申请程序。”

Rollins' experience is increasingly common. The boom in for-profit education, driven by a political consensus that all Americans need more than a high school diploma, has intensified efforts to recruit the homeless. Such disadvantaged students are desirable because they qualify for federal grants and loans, which are largely responsible for the prosperity of for-profit colleges. Federal aid to students at for-profit colleges jumped from $4.6 billion in 2000 to $26.5 billion in 2009. Publicly traded higher education companies derive three-fourths of their revenue from federal funds, with Phoenix at 86%, up from just 48% in 2001 and approaching the 90% limit set by federal law.

The privately held Drake College of Business, which trains people to be medical and dental assistants, relied on taxpayers for 87% of its revenue in 2007. Almost 5 % of the student body at its Newark (N.J.) branch is homeless, says Jean Aoun, director of admissions and student services there. Late in 2008, it began offering a $350 biweekly stipend to students who show up for 80% of classes and maintain a "C" average.
      以培养医药和牙科助理为宗旨的私立杜克商学院2007年87%的收入依赖于纳税人所缴税款。该学院纽瓦克分院的学生群体中近5%无家可归,招生与学生服务主任John Aoun说道。从2008年晚些时候,学校开始每两周向参与80%的课堂且平均成绩保持在C等以上的学生提供350美元的奖学金。

"It's basically known in the community: If you're homeless, and you need some money, go to Drake," says Carmella Hutson, a case manager at the Goodwill Rescue Mission in Newark, where about 20 clients have enrolled at Drake in the past two years. "It would put money in my pocket, help me buy a car," adds Jerome Nickens, 45, who lived at the mission when he talked to a Drake representative but decided not to enroll.
      “众所周知的是:如果你是无家可归者,如果你缺钱,那就去杜克”纽瓦克分院的慈善救援会项目经理Carmella Hutson说道。过去两年中有20人从该分院进入杜克学习。“学生的加入让我的腰包鼓了起来,我能买台车了”在协会里45岁的Jerome Nickens在和学校代表的讨论中补充道,但他不打算加入协会。

After Bloomberg Businessweek called the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges & Schools to inquire about the stipends, the council opened an investigation into the college's recruitment practices. The inquiry could lead to revoking Drake's accreditation, leaving it ineligible for federal aid.

Chancellor University in Cleveland, which counts Jack Welch as an investor and features a weekly video for students by the former General Electric (GE) chief executive, explicitly focused recruiting efforts on local shelters after it realized that Phoenix, owned by Apollo Group (APOL), was doing so. Chancellor has stopped pursuing the homeless, and Phoenix says any recruiting by its employees in Cleveland shelters was unauthorized. Phoenix's business code prohibits recruiting at shelters, and any employee violating the ban could face termination, Apollo says. Phoenix wants to ensure that "only students who have a reasonable chance to succeed enroll in our programs," Apollo spokesman Manny Rivera said in an e-mail.
      Jack Welch作为投资者的克里夫兰市的柴瑟勒大学前任通用电气首席执行者制作的每周视频表示,在他们意识到由阿波罗委员会掌握的菲尼克斯大学把主要招生工作集中在校内住所的修建上之后,也开始明确的效仿。柴瑟勒停止了对无家可归者的“狂热追求”,菲尼克斯表示其任何职员均未被许可在克里夫兰的学生住所内进行招生。菲尼克斯商业规范禁止在住所内的招生,任何违反规定的职员均可能面临开除,阿波罗如是说。菲尼克斯想要保证“只有有适合的机会的学生才能参与我们的项目(入住临时住所)”阿波罗发言人Manny Rivera在电子邮件中提道。

Other schools see nothing wrong with reaching out to the disadvantaged. "We don't exclusively target the homeless," says Ziad Fadel, CEO of Drake, which also sends recruiters to welfare and employment agencies. "We are in a community that is low-income and happens to have a lot of people on welfare."
      其他学校觉得向弱势群体伸出援手无可非议。“我们不仅仅招收无家可归者”杜克学院的首席执行官Ziad Fadel说道,该学院也派招生人员到福利机构和职业介绍所去。“我们和低收入群体站在同一战线上,救济了许多需要福利的人。”

The every-other-Friday payment encourages Drake students to stay in school and graduate, he says. The stipend, which about three-fourths of Drake's 1,200 students receive, is not "a gimmick to just get students in the front door," Fadel says. He adds that a sample analysis of 30 graduates placed by Drake's career services office found "some very substantial improvements in income."

While many caseworkers for the homeless are gratified by the attention, some see only exploitation. The companies "are preying upon people who are already vulnerable and can't make it through a university," says Sara Cohen, a case manager at Shelter Now in Meriden, Conn. "It's evil."
      许多无家可归人员的工作者觉得被关注而兴奋不已,然而一些工作者只看到了剥削。公司"正忙着“捕获”极易受伤的人们却无法保证他们完成学业,"某住所的项目经理Sara Cohen说道“这很邪恶。”

The current state of for-profit education has an element of déjà vu. Twenty years ago the sector had grown wild and unruly, as fly-by-night trade schools siphoned off students from welfare and unemployment lines, ostensibly to train them as truck drivers or hairdressers. Often these enterprises provided little or no schooling; their aim was the federal student aid. Default rates on student loans skyrocketed to 22% before Congress enacted tough regulations in 1992. Among them were limits on defaultrates for individual colleges as well as a cap on the percentage of their revenues that they could receive from the government. The schools were also forbidden to pay recruiters based on how many students they enrolled.

The reforms injected discipline into the industry and brought down default rates. Then, a decade later, the Bush Administration relaxed the ban on incentive compensation for recruiters, opening the door for the aggressive wooing of the homeless. "Targeting vulnerable populations who are not likely to benefit is one example of overzealous recruiting that can be driven by paying based on enrollment numbers," says Robert Shireman, Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Education Dept., which is pushing to tighten the rules.
      改革导致了营利性教育行业的低迷并降低了不良贷款率。十年之后,布什政府放松了对招募者奖金奖励的禁令,为对无家可归者的猛烈攻击开了一扇门。“生源目标集中在利益易受损人群是招生人数决定收入政策下招募者的过度热情的例子之一。”美教育部副秘书长代表Robert Shireman说道。教育部正极力完善营利性教育法规。

The Bush Administration also sought to leash online education's potential. Phoenix now boasts 458,600 students, with more than 200,000 in its two-year online program. Enrollment in for-profit colleges went from 673,000 in 2000 to 1.8 million in 2008. Revenue rose from $9 billion in 2000 to an estimated $29.2 billion this year, says Jeffrey Silber, an analyst for BMO Capital Markets in New York. Operating margins averaged 21% in 2009; schools typically charge $10,000 to $20,000 a year, well above comparable programs at community colleges.
         布什政府也寻求控制网上教育发展。菲尼克斯现在夸口说拥有45.86万名学生,在它的两年网上教育计划中有超过20万人。来自纽约证券交易所资本市场的分析师Jeffrey Silber说:营利性大学的招生人数从2000年的67.3万增至2008年的180万。收入从2000年的90亿达到今年估计的292亿。边缘操作在2009年占到21%;学校一般一年收取1万至2万元的费用,远在有可比性的社区学校(收费)之上。

The industry is now fully mainstream. Goldman Sachs (GS) owns 38% of the for-profit Education Management Corp. in Pittsburgh, which has 136,000 students in programs ranging from fashion to culinary arts, and former President Bill Clinton took a position as honorary chancellor of Laureate International Universities, owned by Baltimore-based Laureate Education. Investors are flocking to the industry, drawn by the stability of government funding and the profit potential of online classes. But some of the unsavory practices that spurred Congress to act are springing back to life, with a new wrinkle or two.
      该行业已成为主流。高盛集团在匹兹堡拥有38%的营利性教育管理公司,在公司项目中包括从时尚到厨艺的各色学生。前总统比尔克林顿也成为 劳伊特国际学院的名誉校长,该学院由位于巴尔的摩港市德劳伊特教育公司创办。投资者们受政府基金稳定性和网上课程潜在的利润驱动纷纷涌入营利教育产业。但一些表面上不具诱惑力的投资重新兴起,引起了国会的主意和反应。

In Cleveland, Chancellor and Phoenix were both hitting the homeless shelters last year. Byron Thompson, who joined Phoenix in 2009 as a recruiter, soon made presentations at Y Haven, Salvation Army Harbor Light, and Transitional Housing, all of which serve the homeless.
      在克里夫兰,去年柴塞勒和菲尼克斯都忙着修建无家可归者的临时住所。Byron Thompson在2009年刚以招募者身份加入菲,就出现在Y天堂,救世军港湾的灯光,过渡住所一系列为无家可归者服务的场所。

Thompson, 29, says the recruiting served a social purpose: "I feel the homeless are a real population that can't be ignored." Borrowing by the homeless to pay tuition "is no different from a middle-class student who has to take out a loan," he says. He also hoped to boost his pay. "The month I signed up two or three women from Transitional Housing was a good month," he admits. (Phoenix recruiters in Cleveland had a quota of five students a month, according to a former employee.)

Thompson, who left Phoenix in January, acknowledges that his bosses didn't endorse his efforts to recruit the homeless. Apollo Group agreed last December to pay $78.5 million to settle a federal lawsuit in California alleging that compensation for Phoenix recruiters violated restrictions on incentive pay. The company, which admitted no wrongdoing, says it's changing its compensation model.

While Thompson says he was "welcomed with open arms" at the shelters, some staff members were wary. "The question in my mind about Phoenix was, 'Why are they doing this?' " says Bruce Shagovac, a counselor at Y Haven. "There's got to be some payoff for them."
      在Thompson提到他曾在临时住所受到热烈欢迎的同时,他的一些同事十分谨慎世故。“在我脑海中关于菲的疑惑一直是他们为什么要这么做?”Y天堂的顾问Bruce Shagovac说道,“想必他们有额外的酬劳。”

One homeless woman whom Thompson steered to Phoenix was Marisol Lugo. Lugo ran away from her Chicago home at age 12, became a heroin addict, and lived on the streets for 22 years, eating out of restaurant trash bins and sleeping in parks and abandoned cars. After detox, she moved in 2008 to Transitional Housing, obtained a high school equivalency degree, and got to know Thompson. "He gave me wonderful words of encouragement," says Lugo.
       Marisol Lugo是Thompson介绍到菲的无家可归的女子之一。Lugo十二岁时从芝加哥离家出走,之后吸食海洛因成瘾在大街上住了二十二年,捡食饭店垃圾箱里的残渣,睡在公园里或废弃汽车上。2008年戒毒之后的她搬入了临时住所,并获得了同等高中学位,然后认识了Thompson。Lugo说“他给了我许多激动人心的鼓励。”

With federal grants and loans covering the $10,000-plus annual tuition, she began pursuing a two-year business degree online at Phoenix last August. She soon ran into academic difficulties, failing a course in critical thinking. "Sometimes, having used so much drugs, I have trouble retaining information," says Lugo, who now has her own apartment and a maintenance job at the shelter. According to Phoenix, she left the school in November. She says she is still registered and there is a payment dispute.
      有国家助学金和贷款来支付每年一万多元的学费的她,从去年八月在菲尼克斯网上学校开始了两年的 商业学学习以获得学位。随后她遇到了学业问题。Lugo说,“因为用过太多的毒品对信息的记忆总是不牢固。”她现在从临时住所得到了她自己的公寓和稳定的工作。根据菲的规定,她已于十一月离开了学校。但她说她仍在名单上,现在还有关于学费支付问题的纠纷。

Phoenix's forays into shelters were noted by a new Cleveland rival. In 2008 investors bought nonprofit Myers University, which was under court receivership, and renamed it Chancellor. A year later Welch acquired a stake in it; the university named its new master's degree program in business administration after him, and Welch helped develop the curriculum.

At a faculty function last August, Darius Navran, dean of Chancellor's School of Professional Studies, sought out Jeffrey Perkins Jr., an adjunct professor of public administration, and asked how Chancellor could boost its enrollment of about 400. "If we don't tap into that population, Phoenix will," Perkins says he told Navran, meaning the homeless. The dean agreed.
      去年八月的全体职工大会上,柴瑟勒大学职业研究学院的院长Darius Navran找到公众管理学的客座教授Jeffrey Perkins,他问道学校是怎样将招生人数增加至400的。“如果我们没有招够那么多人,菲尼克斯将,”Perkins坦白就像他对Navran说的那样,意思是无家可归者(的利益将受损)。院长也点头称是。

Chancellor's small classes and low student-to-faculty ratio are suited to nontraditional students such as the homeless, Perkins says. He e-mailed managers of Cleveland social service agencies in September, inviting them to a lunch at Chancellor to "discuss our new plans to recruit the economically disadvantaged and at-risk groups. Many of them are targeted for on-site recruitment at local transitional housing, halfway houses, and other human service facilities."

Sixteen human services managers showed up for the lunch. Two days later, in a memo to Navran, Perkins predicted that the program would produce "a minimum of at least 10 enrollees by spring term."

In the ensuing weeks, Perkins and other Chancellor officials gave presentations at a dozen social service programs. Their pitch was "very heavy-handed," says Phillip Hines, housing coordinator for the Community Women's Shelter. "It was beating the drum, 'Go to Chancellor. This is what we offer. Financial aid, financial aid, financial aid.' "
       在接下来的几周里,Perkins和其他几位官员在一些社会项目中频频露脸。他们的招牌是“手段极其有力,”女子临时社区住房协调人Phillip Hines说道,“最惹人注目的便是,去柴瑟勒吧,我们提供财政援助、财政援助和财政援助。”

Afterward, Hines says, Chancellor hounded him with phone calls and e-mails to "get these women rolling." Chancellor's initiative reaped only one or two students and was discontinued. It "had all the best intentions," CEO Bob Barker said in an e-mail, "but the time and effort generated very little interest."
      Hines说后来柴瑟勒用电话和邮件围攻了她,不停地督促她招收更多女子。学校意外收获了一直两个新生后又鲜有新生。它“总抱着最好的想法,”首席执行官Bob Baker在一封邮件中说道,“但我们投入的时间和精力只带来了很少的效益。”

In one view, the rise of for-profit colleges represents a laudable merger of public interest and the private sector. With public colleges beset by budget cuts, for-profit colleges offer an opportunity for people who are down and out to get ahead. Students with no assets or collateral can tap federal grants and loans on the theory that degrees will lead to well-paying jobs that enable borrowers to repay.

The trouble is the cost. Education companies charge high prices that require students to take on debt. Chancellor charges $9,750 a year—about four times the $2,400 tab at nearby Cuyahoga Community College. Poor students can pay Cuyahoga's tuition with federal grants and don't have to take out loans. Student advisers from Cuyahoga also make the rounds at Cleveland area shelters, helping the homeless choose colleges and fill out applications.

And for-profit tuitions are rising fast. Drake hiked its tuition from $4,000 in 2007-2008 to $15,700 this year, which Fadel attributes to new equipment and additional staff. Borrowers who earned bachelor's degrees from for-profit colleges in 2007-2008 had a median debt of $32,653, well above the $22,375 and $17,700 for graduates of four-year private nonprofit and public colleges, respectively.

Such burdens can be difficult for homeless people who are more likely to suffer from mental illness and substance abuse than the general population. Bad credit doesn't go away easily. In the Cleveland shelters, you can still find people with trade school debts from 20 years ago. Those who don't repay their student loans may forfeit their chances for public housing and are also ineligible for federal financial aid to return to college.

"If the homeless have a bad student loan, they can't find a place to live, they can't go back to school, and in this economy there's not a lot of work," said Ardretta Jones, a case manager at Tacoma Rescue Mission in Tacoma, Wash. "That leaves a person with no options."
“如果无家可归者有不良学生贷款记录,他们就找不到地方住,也无法返回学校,这种经济条件下也很难找到工作。”来自Tocamo救助委员会的项目经理Ardretta Jones说,“这让学生别无选择。”

Because they don't have to repay their educational loans until they leave school, some homeless students spend beyond their means. Kim Rose, a recovering crack cocaine addict and ex-offender in Raleigh, N.C., began pursuing an online bachelor's degree in business last November at Capella Education's (CPLA) Capella University, based in Minneapolis. At the time she was staying in a drug-free program with Internet access. Rose, 38, receives almost $4,000 each academic quarter in federal grants and loans for tuition and living expenses. She splurged last Christmas, spending $700 of her financial aid on presents for her seven-year-old son, who has lived with his grandmother. "I got him everything he wanted," Rose said in a telephone interview. "Games, toys. He's a guitar freak, I got him a guitar. To make up for me not being there."
      因为他们在毕业之前无需偿还教育贷款,一些无家可归者出现透支情况。Kim Rose,是个正在恢复的有严重的可卡因吸毒史的且有犯罪前科的人,去年十月她开始在卡佩拉网上学校进修商业学士学位。而在那时她关注一个网络同步的一个戒毒活动。38岁的Rose每年都会收到4000美元的国家助学金和贷款来支付学费和补贴日常开支。她夸耀地提到去年圣诞节花了助学金中的700美元为她和祖母一起住的七岁的儿子买了很多礼物。“我给他一切他想要的,”Rose在电话采访中这样说道,“游戏、玩具。他是个吉他控,我就给他买了把吉他。为了补偿我不能总陪着他。”

In February, Rose moved into a shelter where the only computer was broken. As a result, she has struggled to keep up, dropping an English composition course. Rose isn't typical of Capella students, most of whom are midcareer professionals seeking graduate degrees, says university spokeswoman Irene Silber: "We would not intentionally recruit someone who is in a life crisis, much less one as significant as homelessness."
      二月份Rose搬进了一间唯一的电脑也坏了的住所。其后果是,她每次上英语写作课时都满头大汗。然而Rose不是卡佩拉学生的典型,大多数学生处于职业中期为拿到毕业文凭而来,大学的发言人Irene Silber说道:“我们不能刻意招收面临危机的学生,就更不用说无家可归者的重要性了。”

Given the troubled pasts of some homeless students, even a college education hardly promises a well-paying job. Brenda Torchia, another recovering crack cocaine addict in Raleigh who has served several prison terms for drug offenses, was in a shelter and looking online for work when she saw an ad that asked if she wanted to further her education. She answered yes and was directed to the Web site of a for-profit school called ECPI College of Technology based in Virginia Beach, Va.
      一些无家可归的学生因为过去有着太多苦难的经历,甚至连大学教育也很难保证他们获得高薪工作。Brenda Torchia,另一个在罗利读书的正在恢复的可卡因吸食者曾因吸毒一度入狱,她当时在一住所中上网找工作,她看到一个问她想不想接受继续教育便点了“是”,随后便进入了一家名为ECPI理工的营利性大学的主页。         

Torchia applied, passed a placement test, and started ECPI's medical administration program on Mar. 1. The 40-year-old mother of four is borrowing about half of the $23,000 tab from the federal government, with grants and scholarships paying the rest. ECPI officials are aware of her background and "guarantee me a job in the field," Torchia says. "My school is very, very supportive of me. I guess God opened up their hearts to receive me for whom I am."

Torchia's history would be a red flag for health-care employers because hospitals and clinics have drugs on site, says Susan Eget, communications director of the American Academy of Medical Administrators. While ECPI doesn't promise jobs, President Mark Dreyfus says, medical administration offers Torchia's best chance because not all employers check backgrounds and she could process records in a back office where drugs aren't accessible.
      Torchia的故事将成为注重医保的雇主的关注点因为医院和诊所有网上销售点,美国医药管理学院交流指导员Susan Eget说。在ECPI不保证工作的同时,主席Mark Dreyfus说,医药管理学为Torchia提供了绝佳机会因为所有雇主都会查看背景,她能在没有所需药品的地方走后门把购药记录补上。

In the end, Benson Rollins didn't succumb to Phoenix's hard sell. He is taking a class for his high school equivalency degree and hopes to study law enforcement in college. For now, he would like a job so he can pay child support for his one-year-old daughter, whom he rarely sees.
   最后,Benson Rollins并没有屈服于菲尼克斯猛烈地“推销”。他正努力学习争取获得高中同等学历并期望能在大学学习法律执行专业。现在,他需要分工作来养活他很少能见到的一岁的女儿。

The Phoenix recruiters, he says, failed to mention a critical point: He would have to take out a government loan at 5% to 7% interest to pay the $10,000-plus annual tuition. "I'm in a homeless shelter, and money is hard to come by," Rollins says. "It's not worth going to school to end up in debt."
      菲尼克斯的招募者,他说道,忘了提到很重要的一点:他将为政府贷款交纳5%~7%的利息来支付每年10000多美元的学费。“我住在无家可归者聚集地,很难得到钱,” Rollins说。“一到学校就载进欠款让我觉得很不值得。”

yuyeguihua 发表于 2011-3-29 23:41




jshi6210 发表于 2011-3-30 05:02

谢谢LZ翻译! 文章很长, 不容易, 辛苦了。

标题的意思是:营利性大学正在到处走访无家可归的避难处和未完工的新房工地, 这样做是为了能找到无家可归者 --- 学校的新生源, 让他们负债累累, 让纳税人的钱打水膘

persie 发表于 2011-3-30 17:39

回复 3# jshi6210

    我翻译的确实不太。。 呃自愧不如啊
    不过得承认这篇翻的有点累 晚上躺在床上满脑子的无家可归。。
   ( 大家看哪不好给我挑挑呗)
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