滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 10:06

【2011.04.11 Fin 24】马莱马:南非可能被金砖四国“吞并”




【时间及作者】2011.04.11 Julius malema


Cape Town - ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema on Friday questioned South Africa's participation in the Brazil-India-China-SA (Brics) economic grouping, as well as China's role in Africa.

"I'm still to be convinced what becomes the role of South Africa in Brics, or Bric, because those countries, both in terms of population and the size of their economies, we are nowhere close to those people," he told a SA Union of Jewish Students dinner in Cape Town.

"And there is a problem we are committing as South Africa which must be corrected and that one does not need a conference, it needs a decisive action," he said.

The advert stating South Africa was the gateway to Africa should come to an end, because "it is just making us vulnerable".

"People use us to get into Africa, take mineral resources raw as they are and leave South Africa, or Africa. The Chinese are number one in doing that.

"In South Africa, the good thing we appreciate about the Chinese, some of us, is that politically we are able to engage with them and politically we must be able to say to them you are going to trade with us on condition you comply our laws and you don't make political interferences.

"But, as things are now, we are not able, because they don't just come and take our minerals raw as they are. They also bring labour. You are literally not getting anything out of Chinese involvement.

"They bring labour, after they bringing labour, they take the minerals. At least with the colonisers they utilised our people, although the working conditions were not better," he joked.

"But these ones, they don't give you even labour. They just open a Chinese town on their arrival and then they provide everything," he said.

South Africa had the potential to play a meaningful role in the economy of Africa.

Whereas government was ready to play an active role as a state in the minerals and economic development of South Africa, this should be extended beyond the borders of South Africa. It was necessary to go and help the African states to develop their own economies.

The role China played in African states, South Africa could.

"We can go and invest in Africa. We can go and revive the economic activities of those African countries because we know that once we have resolved the economic crises of these different countries in Africa, then we have resolved the problem of the many, many unregistered unaccounted for foreigners who in this country because of economic reasons.

"So, we think this role China is playing in Africa is the role that South Africa must play in Africa.

"And then, in playing that role, we must not be a coloniser, we must be a real invester. We must never seek to influence the politics and dynamics of these African states.

"Instead, we must go invest in those countries, grow their economies and know that, indeed, South Africa has contributed in African renaissance and economic development in African states. That's what we seek to do, and we are all concerned about the involvement of China in this regard, Malema said.

"China has not done that yet in South Africa, because here we've got a tight government and regulations. And here it is not easy to just bring a truck full of Chinese to come and work here. They know that South Africa is not one of the playgrounds of the Chinese and them bringing their own people.

"We are told that we are part of Bric now it's called Brics with our involvement. We are still going to listen what contribution we are going to make.

"The only thing we are going to bring there is better political character... other than that, they are just going to swallow us.

"We'll just be a small country among the biggest economies and populations, and our contribution might be meaningless.

“I think, perhaps because these are just latest developments, we are still to be educated by our leadership of the country on really what are the benefits of South Africa in its participation in Brics, " Malema said.


Malema is is so negative: business is business. Everyone gains in business. It is up to YOU to become world competitive. Already a Brazilian company wants to buy a copper mine in South Africa. That shows the other BRICs will invest. The more money, the more investment - everyone gains. People must not fear doing business with other nations. That is what the goal of capitalism is: a free world market where everyone can sell their products to all nations. Japan and Korea used it to come some of the wealthiest nations on earth. Never fear progress. Embrace it with open arms. You might not see the benefits now - but in time you will see the worlds best investors invest in SA. That is the power of money and trade. Give it a chance.

malema is making sense, it seems you just want to disagree him with at all cost without weighing facts.

Let me help Malema with business 101: you start a business. It is a small business. It becomes a medium sized business. You get investment such as stock market investment. It becomes a big business. You sell it to the other BRICs - you're a billionaire. And you start again. Or you invest in China like SAB and you get rich from the other BRICs. Its fun: becoming rich. The more the merrier. Now you have a platinum card to do business in China, India, Brazil, Russia. Let the shopping and selling begin.

Pen Of Zorro
Atleast Malema is not a complete idiot - he knows the Chinese dont give a damn about Africa beyond mineral interests. The problem with his direct approach - which will incidentaly make him the ANC's and SA's next president will be destruction of the ANCs international credibility. Black greed like that found in all of Africa - is sufficiently comfortable within the ANC government which has sidelined minority policing - secured majority votes through simple demographics. Even educated blacks support the fascist government or are simply useless passengers on a overcrowded gravy train. Human nature - what stops the criminal genius mind from getting into governemnt. The current set of politicias are openly stealing the billions - what need is there to rob ATMs, transit trucks, jewellery stores and have the police chasing you when you can openly steal it in government and moreover you even control the police. When it comes to crime - this continent is full of geniuses.

B. Shongwe
LOL; the more the merrier, its sounds very easy... watch juju complicate this, lol

i am a chartered accountant who failed woodwork at high school. i do not make sense of your point. I may not agree with malema in many aspects, but in this article he spoke a lot of sense especially regards the chinese. lets give credit where its due.

zion we call that hatin'

Hmmm... I wonder who wrote this speech, cos it seems to make too much sense to be written by Malema. He is right in that we must fear the Chinese - they are re-colonising Africa through the back door.

Dr. No
For once I agree with Malema (much to my own suprise) the Chinese are consumers and takers of note and give very little back. I have lost a contract where I was better and cheaper than the Chinks but becuase of their soft loan policy to the government of Namibia I lost out-After it was given to me!! There is nothing for free people, the Chinese are opening their fat cheque books and pay a pittance for Africa's resources. America did the same-read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman".
Unfortunately I am white and doubt I register in any plans of the ANC or its YL.

nobody can come here and take anything, they invest...it is only govt leadership who can give it away (just to line their own pockets). Unfortunately it is an ANC (african?) culture to enrich oneself ahead of the country, so I guess we better stock up on KY and bend over for the imminent asian ass-pounding.

I honestly never thought I would agree with him. china has already taken over half of Namibia leaving the locals without jobs. sadly our economy isnt strong enough to lead Africa forward without help. As the African state involved, I think we need to set some ground rules such as: local labour must be used; investors must enter into empowerment deals and a cercain percentage of the production process must take place in Africa (further investment required) otherwise otherwise we will just be robbed of our resources while others (china) get rich(er)

B. Shongwe
ok, jokes aside, the chap raises some important issues though. I mean if you compare South Africa's GDP, nevermind population, with that of Brazil the difference is appalling to say the least. I agree with Malema, South Africa's conribution to BRICS is likely to be minimal...

I wonder who wrote his little speech?

The comments Malema makes is right in my opinion- why do they have to bring there people. They should rather be training and upskilling the locals.

The problem that needs to be corrected is you mr malema!

Would be nice if bric swallowed Malema

寒铁 发表于 2011-4-16 10:29


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 10:34













滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 10:39

寒铁 发表于 2011-4-16 10:29 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

    看我干啥?!Q56) Q69) Q41)

bigbus168 发表于 2011-4-16 11:13


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 11:26

实在没有看出中国哪里有“傲慢与自大”,也不知道真正的“谦卑”应该是怎样。中国在非洲的投资、开矿等等都 ...
bigbus168 发表于 2011-4-16 11:13 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


ckin 发表于 2011-4-16 11:48

本帖最后由 ckin 于 2011-4-16 11:49 编辑





你雇佣当地人 效率低




光谈改善民生,公路不通 医院都没谈什么民生呢?


把什么都归罪在中国身上 合理么?

滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 11:57



但是很多都在做的工程机械 ...
ckin 发表于 2011-4-16 11:48 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 12:02




yuyeguihua 发表于 2011-4-16 12:05



滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 12:15



但是很多都在做的工程机械 ...
ckin 发表于 2011-4-16 11:48 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif





zhxp2005 发表于 2011-4-16 13:30

嫌不好就别来哦 俺们四砖就挺好的,你们来掺和神马???

花花 发表于 2011-4-16 14:30


坐看云起时 发表于 2011-4-16 14:31



xia778 发表于 2011-4-16 15:20


浩磊 发表于 2011-4-16 18:23


忍耐 发表于 2011-4-16 19:20


敬扬 发表于 2011-4-16 23:13


中国人有中国人的方式,我们生活的这个国家、这个文化背景、这片土 ...
滔滔1949 发表于 2011-4-16 12:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


日月星辰 发表于 2011-4-17 04:25


要加薪 发表于 2011-4-17 09:03

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