青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:44

『时代周刊』建筑师的天堂 中国非凡建筑物图说

On The Cutting Edge: China's Extraordinary Buildings
Take a look into some China's over-the-top building projects in recent years, from Pritzker-winning architects like Rem Koolhaas to rising Chinese designer Yansong Ma
从Rem Koolhaas这样的普里兹克大奖建筑师,到马岩松这样的新兴中国建筑师,近年来中国建起了不少出自这些人之手的非凡建筑物,下面就是其中一些:

AFP / Getty
China Central Television Building 中国中央电视台大楼
Sometimes known as the "Big Underpants" by locals, Beijing's CCTV building is still an imposing sight and spectacular to behold. Pritzker-Prize-winning architect Rem Koolhaas designed the structure, which is the headquarters of the country's massive state-controlled media. The building officially opened in 2008, just months shy of the Beijing Olympic Games.
虽然有时会被当地人戏称为“大裤衩”,但坐落在北京的这座CCTV大楼依然以其气势和造型而让人印象深刻。出自普里兹克大奖建筑师Rem Koolhaas之手,这一该国国营媒体巨头的总部2008年正式启用,跟北京奥运会不过数月之隔。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:45

Getty Images
National Center for the Performing Arts 国家大剧院
The National Grand Theater, or the Egg, by which it can also be known, sits just on the edge of Beijing's Tiananmen Square. French architect Paul Andreu eventually won the commission in an international competition against Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. The building was completed in July 2007.
国家大剧院,也被叫做“巨蛋”座落于北京天安门广场的边缘。在一场国际型大赛中,法国建筑师Paul Andreu击败日本建筑师Arata Isozaki,赢得这一建筑的设计权。该大楼2007年7月完工。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:46

AFP / Getty Images
Beijing Capital International Airport北京首都国际机场
Already the world's 2nd busiest airport, Beijing's airport is phenomenal in part due to its gigantic size. Immense, Beijing's third terminal alone is bigger than all of London's Heathrow Airport combined, with plenty of space to spare. Norman Foster designed the terminal, which opened in early 2008.
作为全球第二繁忙机场,北京机场的占地面积之广让人乍舌。仅仅其第三航站楼就比伦希思罗洛机场所有航站楼加在一起还大得多。Norman Foster设计了这一大楼,2008年上半年开放。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:47

Imaginechina / AP
Guangzhou Opera House 广州歌剧院
Iraqi-born Zaha Hadid recently completed her first mammoth project in China earlier this year. Though she's currently working on other projects in Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai, the opera house was her first foray into the country. The Guangzhou opera house joins the growing trend of shifting developments outside Beijing, and expanding into provincial China.
出生在伊拉克的设计师Zaha Hadid今年刚刚完成了她在中国的第一个大型工程。虽然她现在同时还有工程在成都、北京和上海进行,但这所歌剧院是她进入中国的第一个完成品。广州歌剧院正赶上了离开北京发展省级城市的潮流。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:48

AFP / Getty Images
Beijing National Stadium, or The Bird's Nest 北京国家体育馆,也称鸟巢
No one can forget Beijing's memorable opening ceremony for the Olympic Games, which was held in this building. Though famous Chinese artist Ai Weiwei served as a consultant, Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron made lasting contributions as the architects of this distinguishing structure. Ingrained in the minds of many, it remains one of the top sights to see when visiting Beijing.
没有人能忘记在这一地点举办的北京奥运会的开幕式。在知名中国艺术家的顾问下,瑞士建筑师Jacques Herzog 和Pierre de Meuron创造了这一难忘的建筑。在无数人心中留下了深刻印象的鸟巢直到今天依然是前往北京旅游者的必游之地。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:49

Reuters / David Gray
Beijing National Aquatics Center 北京国家游泳中心
Beijing's National Aquatics Center, or the Water Cube, was built in preparation for the Olympics. The complex was most famously used for the prestigious Games' swimming competitions. Just beyond it, the Bird's Nest sits behind the structure. The design was conceived by an international consortium of architects, which included Australian PTW Architects and China Construction Design International. In 2010, China turned part of the building's interior into a water park for its citizens.

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:50

Reuters / Aly Song
Shanghai World Financial Center 上海环球金融中心
Originally completed in 2008, the Shanghai World Financial Center once competed for the title of the world's tallest building. While the Burj Khalifa now holds that honor, the financial center can still hang on to the prestige of having the world's highest observation deck, pictured above. New York-based architecture firm Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates designed the building.
2008年完工的时候,上海环球金融中心大楼曾经是世界第一高楼的有力竞争者。虽然目前这一头衔由迪拜塔获得,但这一大楼依然拥有全球最高的观景平台,见上图。总部位于纽约的Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates 公司设计了这座大楼。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:51

MAD, by Tom Arban
Absolute World Towers, Toronto, Canada 绝对世界塔,加拿大
In 2007, Beijing-based MAD stood out from among the rest when it won an international commission to design the Absolute World Towers in Toronto, Canada. The project is set to open in August later this year. Thanks to its founder, Yansong Ma, the firm has gone on to do quite a bit of work not just in China, but abroad as well. Both Yansong Ma and Yosuke Hayano, also of MAD, both rising stars of the design world, won the Architectural League's Young Architects award in 2006.
2007年,北京的建筑事务所MAD脱颖而出获得了多伦多绝对世界塔的设计权。这一项目将在今年8月开工。在创办者马岩松的带领下,这一事务所不仅在北京也在国际上承接了不少项目。MAD公司的马岩松和合伙人Yosuke Hayano都是设计界的后起之秀,两人一起在2006年获得了建筑联盟颁发的青年建筑师大奖。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:52

Courtesy of Urbanus Architecture & Design Inc (Urbanus)
Tulou Housing Project, Guangdong, China 广东省土楼项目
Developed as a social project, Urbanus' housing project contains over 200 apartment units for China's low-income families. The design pulls from the idea of a Chinese tulou and Hakka house. Urbanus integrated both structures, traditional Chinese communal dwellings, into their Guangzhou building. What resulted was a refined innovative take based on the very classic idea of community.

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-4-20 18:53

Reuters / Claro Cortes
Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai 东方明珠塔,上海
Probably one of the oldest buildings on this list, but still towering above its neighbors, the Oriental Pearl Tower has become one of Shanghai's most iconic structures. It was completed in 1994 and designed by Jiang Huancheng. It has been said that the design was based on a Tang Dynasty poem about the sounds that a pipa instrument makes, "like pearls, big and small falling on a jade plate."

原文链接: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2064479,00.html#ixzz1JLSDazsH

寒铁 发表于 2011-4-20 19:38


miuha 发表于 2011-4-20 20:10


我是花盆 发表于 2011-4-20 20:28

土楼不是我们福建的骄傲么 ~~~~一点点不爽~~~~~~~~~

矢量技术 发表于 2011-4-20 22:44


zlwan001 发表于 2011-4-21 00:42


非驴非马 发表于 2011-4-21 09:25

土楼不是我们福建的骄傲么 ~~~~一点点不爽~~~~~~~~~
我是花盆 发表于 2011-4-20 20:28 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


我是花盆 发表于 2011-4-21 10:54

回复 16# 非驴非马


断腕 发表于 2011-4-21 11:01


orangegxm 发表于 2011-4-21 22:19


言论自由否 发表于 2011-4-21 23:39

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