逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-5-30 20:23

【2011.5.30 每日电讯报】海·文学节:前CIA官员称奥巴马对反恐“一无所知”

本帖最后由 逆卷炎灵 于 2011-5-30 20:53 编辑

【原文标题】Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue'
【登载媒体】The Telegraph——每日电讯报

Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue'


——David Cameron and Barack Obama ''don't have a clue'' about dealing with the war on terror, a former senior member of the CIA has claimed.


7:30AM BST 30 May 2011


Speaking at The Daily Telegraph-sponsored Hay Festival, Michael Scheuer said western politicians had to accept that the conflict in the Middle East was caused by US foreign policy.

在每日电讯报赞助的海·文学节上,迈克尔·朔伊尔(Michael Scheuer)说,西方政治家不得不承认,中东冲突是源自美国的外交政策。

Mr Scheuer, the former head of the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit said that the terrorist and organisations such as al-Qaeda were fighting a war against US imperialism rather than a war on western culture.


''American politicians, and I'm afraid listening to Mr Cameron this week, there's not a clue about what's going down in the western world,'' he told the festival.


''They can't cope with the fact that it's nothing to do with the way we live. It doesn't have anything to do with elections or democracy or liberty.


''We are being attacked in the west and we will continue to be attacked in the west as long as we are in Afghanistan, as long as we support the Israelis, as long as we protect the Saudi police state."


He added: ''Yet we hear the President, we hear your Prime Minister, talking about thugs and gangsters. We are still in the starting blocks in this war.


''The main recruitment sergeant for al Qaida is Barack Obama because his speech on the May 19 was a declaration of cultural war on Islam.''


Mr Scheuer, who was speaking at the Festival, in Hay-on-Wye, Powys, is a controversial figure in intelligence and political circles.


He left the bin Laden unit two years before September 11 but was called back as an adviser in the wake of the terrorist attack.


Mr Scheuer described his experiences in his book Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terrorism. It was published anonymously in 2004, but Mr Scheuer was soon outed as the author.


His book drew criticism in the US, but was praised for its insight in a speech by bin Laden himself.


In a round of questions, a member of the audience asked Mr Scheuer what advice he would give Mr Obama.


''I would ask him to tell the truth,'' he replied.


''He, the first Mr Bush, then Mr Clinton and the second Mr Bush have assiduously lied to the American people for 20 years and as a result have made the relations in the United States between Muslims and other people much more difficult.


''They have identified the motivation of our enemy as a war against liberty, as a war against gender equality."


He added: "There is almost no Muslim out there who is an insane character who is going to blow himself up because my daughters go to university.


''What I try and show in my book is that there is no discussion by bin Laden of this cultural war that is supposed to be waged against us.


''A president who was a statesman and a politician might say something like 'I'm sorry we've been kinda lying to you for 30 years and why we are being attacked is until recently we were supporting fascism across the Middle East'."


He continued: ''In the rhetoric of our enemies there is very little, if anything, about attacking us for how we live or how we think or how we act in our own country.


''It is about intervention, it is about being in the Arab Peninsula and it has nothing to do with these cultural things.


''We are the ones that are arranging the cultural war against them. What we will see as al Qaida evolves is that the next generation is better educated, combat experienced and probably much crueller.''


Mr Scheuer said the only way to end the war on terror was to withdraw from the Middle East to an extent that is ''consistent with our interests''.


He added: ''The American relationship with Israel, in my mind, is a useless and unnecessary relationship.


''As long as we are playing a role we are the recruiting sergeant for the people that are going to kill us.''


silenthowl 发表于 2011-5-30 21:37

本帖最后由 silenthowl 于 2011-5-30 21:41 编辑


青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-5-30 21:51

silenthowl 发表于 2011-5-30 21:37 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

英国年度文学盛会“海文学节”(Hay Literary Festival)日前正在威尔士边界小镇海伊(Hay-on-Wye)火热进行中——这场被美国前总统克林顿称为“思想的伍德斯托克节(Woodstock)”的文学狂欢将持续到6月6日,在这场世界上最大规模的书迷聚会中,400位作家和超过8万名“书虫”一起尽情分享文学之趣,欣赏艺术家精彩演出。


    克林顿是本次文学节上最有分量的嘉宾之一,他将在本周六作“解决争端”的主题演讲,演讲的入场券在数月前就已售空。此外,英国当代作家简纳特·文特森(Jeanette Winterson)和路易斯·德伯尼埃斯(Louis de Bernieres)也将进行演讲,音乐家肯·多德(Ken Dodd)、老牌乐队Pulp也于前日前来演唱助兴。

    本届海文学节上,第一位走上台发表演说的作家是乔纳森·科伊(Jonathan Coe)。他最新的作品小说《闭合之圆》是以反抗布莱尔政府为背景,但他本人却不乐意谈论政治细节:“我很庆幸,在我们的国家里,人们并不会把作家的看法视为什么了不得的声音,但在大多数欧洲大陆国家里,人们总喜欢问作家对当下时政的看法,而且因为他们的作家地位,把这些想法看得很重。但我实在不明白,我们写故事、创造人物,怎么就一定能对中东问题说出些有洞析力的见解呢?”





silenthowl 发表于 2011-5-31 08:54

回复 3# 青蛙小王子

ak123456789 发表于 2011-5-31 10:27


陪你到天亮 发表于 2011-5-31 10:50


2oo8e 发表于 2011-5-31 11:04


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-6-2 07:24

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