滔滔1949 发表于 2011-3-18 23:35


原文标题:US authorizes American evacuations out of Japan


WASHINGTON – The United States has authorized the first evacuations of Americans out of Japan, taking a tougher stand on the deepening nuclear crisis and warning U.S. citizens to defer all non-essential travel to any part of the country as unpredictable weather and wind conditions risked spreading radioactive contamination.


President Barack Obama placed a telephone call to Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Wednesday to discuss Japan's efforts to recover from last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami, and the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Dai-chi plant. Obama promised Kan that the U.S. would offer constant support for its close friend and ally, and "expressed his extraordinary admiration for the character and resolve of the Japanese people," the White House said.


But a hastily organized teleconference late Wednesday with officials from the State and Energy Departments underscored the administration's concerns. The travel warning extends to U.S. citizens already in the country and urges them to consider leaving. The authorized departure offers voluntary evacuation to family members and dependents of U.S. personnel in Tokyo, Yokohama and Nagoya and affects some 600 people.


Senior State Department official Patrick Kennedy said chartered planes will be brought in to help private American citizens wishing to leave. People face less risk in southern Japan, but changing weather and wind conditions could raise radiation levels elsewhere in the coming days, he said.

国务院高级官员Patrick Kennedy说道特批的飞机将会帮助美国公民离开日本。在日本南部的人危险小很多,但是随后几天变化的天气和风向将会提升日本其他地方的辐射等级。

Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said it will coordinate departures for eligible Defense Department dependents.
The decision to begin evacuations mirrors moves by countries such as Australia and Germany, who also advised their citizens to consider leaving Tokyo and other earthquake-affected areas. Tokyo, which is about 170 miles from the stricken nuclear complex, has reported slightly elevated radiation levels, though Japanese officials have said the increase was too small to threaten the 39 million people in and around the capital.

五角大楼发言人Col. Dave Lapan说将会安排在日的国防部工作人员的撤离。

Anxious to safeguard the U.S. relationship with its closest Asian ally, Obama told Kan Wednesday evening about the steps the U.S. was taking, shortly before the State Department announced the first evacuations.
But the alliance looked likely to be strained, with the U.S. taking more dramatic safety precautions than Japan and issuing dire warnings that contradicted Japan's more upbeat assessments.


Earlier Wednesday, the Obama administration urged the evacuation of Americans from a 50-mile radius of the stricken nuclear plant, raising questions about U.S. confidence in Tokyo's risk assessments. Japan's government was urging people within 20 miles to stay indoors if they could not evacuate.


White House spokesman Jay Carney sought to minimize any rift between the two allies, saying U.S. officials were making their recommendations based on their independent analysis of the data coming out of the region following Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami.
"I will not from here judge the Japanese evaluation of the data," Carney told reporters. "This is what we would do if this incident were happening in the United States."
Until Wednesday, the U.S. had advised its citizens to follow the recommendations of the Japanese government. As late as Tuesday, Carney had said those recommendations were "the same that we would take in the situation."

白宫发言人Jay Carney正在寻求最小化这两个没有之间的裂痕,他说美国官员是根据来自周五大地震和海啸区域的数据进行独立分析而得出自己的建议的。

But conditions at the nuclear plant continued to deteriorate, with surging radiation forcing Japan to order workers to temporarily withdraw. Obama met at the White House with Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, who recommended the wider evacuation zone.
During testimony on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Jaczko said anyone who gets close to the plant could face potentially lethal doses of radiation.
"We believe radiation levels are extremely high," he said.

但是核电厂的状况持续恶化,不断增长的核辐射迫使日本暂时撤回了里面的工人。奥巴马在白宫会见了核规划委员会主席Gregory Jaczko,他建议扩大撤离区域。
根据周三Capitol Hil的证词,Jaczko说任何人靠近核电厂都会面临潜在的致命的核辐射量。

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the U.S. had consular personnel in the Miyagi and Ibaraki prefectures and was sending officials out to check on Americans.
"We have consular teams on the ground," Toner said. "Where they can, they are going door to door. They are going to hospitals. They are trying everything in their power to reach out and find American citizens."‘

国务院发言人Mark Toner说美国在宫城和茨城有领事工作人员,已经派出了工作人员寻找美国人。
“我们有工作人员,”Mark Toner说道,“只要他们能到达,他们就会一家一家,一个医院一个医院的,尽可能的寻找美国公民。”

The Pentagon said U.S. troops working on relief missions can get closer than 50 miles to the plant with approval. Lapan said the U.S. would review requests from the Japanese for assistance that would require troops to move within that radius, though no approval for such movement had been given since the stricter guidelines were enacted.
The Pentagon said troops are receiving anti-radiation pills before missions to areas where radiation exposure is likely.
"U.S. forces remain in Japan and the U.S. has full capability to fulfill our alliance commitments to defend Japan and maintain peace and security in the region," Lapan said.


With the arrival of three more ships to the massive humanitarian mission, there were 17,000 sailors and Marines afloat on 14 vessels in waters off Japan. Several thousand Army and Air Force service members already stationed at U.S. bases in Japan have also been mobilized for the relief efforts.


Airmen have been flying search and rescue missions and operating Global Hawk drones and U-2 reconnaissance planes to help the Japanese assess damage from the disasters. The operation is fraught with challenges — mainly, figuring out how to continue to provide help amid some low-level releases of radiation from the facility, which officials fear could be facing a meltdown.


Weather also temporarily hampered some relief plans Wednesday. Pilots couldn't fly helicopters off the deck of aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan until late afternoon because of poor visibility. The 7th Fleet said 15 flights with relief supplies were launched from the eight-ship carrier group, about half as many as the 29 flights reported the previous day to deliver food, water, blankets and other supplies.
Several water pumps and hoses were being sent from U.S. bases around Japan to help at Fukushima, where technicians were dousing the overheating nuclear reactors with seawater in a frantic effort to cool them. The U.S. had already sent two fire trucks to the area to be operated by Japanese firefighters, said Cmdr. Leslie Hull-Ryde, a Pentagon spokeswoman.



Michael Mon Mar 14, 2011 09:53 am PDT Report Abuse
My heart and prayers go out to all those in Japan!! Stand together in this time of need! You will make it!


Flashdriver7 Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:11 am PDT Report Abuse
As people pull together in the US and around the world to help our brothers and sisters in Japan, it should be noted that no country is immune to major natural disasters and man-made challenges.
We should always thank our military (so glad our military is there to help). Not only they help our allies when they're in need, they fight for democracy and basic human rights worldwide (like no other nation), at the same time.
Saving lives and helping to build new ones, both cultures, both armed forces. That's what both nations are about. We're with you Japan all the way. We're we once were enemies, we are now strong allies and will remain so.


mjd m 2 hours ago Report Abuse
Wow it took less time to get our people out of Japan than Libya. If any people can over come this disaster the Japanese can do it.


Face reality Tue Mar 15, 2011 03:28 pm PDT Report Abuse
While they are not in combat, I applaud the bravery and professionalism of our Navy men and women, who are placing themselves at no small risk to help others. Well done USN!


id.est.et.al.quid.pro.quo ... 22 hours ago Report Abuse
once again the Mighty US Navy is used as a force for good in this world.

America's Military = the worlds 1st responders.


horace Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:56 am PDT Report Abuse
I have been to Japan many years ago. I love it there. I can only hope and pray that God will look down and spread his net upon them and keep the rest of the people safe. My heart goes out to the people there.The people DESERVE our HELP and SUPPORT..


savoy219er 7 hours ago Report Abuse
The US is doing the right thing.to get our people out..Better safe than sorry...Hoping the japanese people are safe...What is going to happen next ???..


beigchaky 17 minutes ago Report Abuse
from the sounds of it we should evacuate the whole planet


Albert L. 32 minutes ago Report Abuse
Facts: Nuclear reactor designers knew that a tsunami could happen in a hundreds in Japan. They designed a cooling system that can not survive a tsunami. They don't have a plan how to deal with it when the cooling system fails. Does this remind you about another company? Does BP ring a bell? Yet, the company and the government tell people these nuclear plants are absolutely safe. Even now, they still say the same cr*ps in the U.S. You may be naive to believe them, but I don't. They are all liars. These nuclear plants will eventually kill us all at the end if we're still stupid enough to trust them.


Team O 27 minutes ago Report Abuse
some americans = the rich ones


chandler 44 minutes ago Report Abuse
If you are there get out now. Don't trust the Japanese to tell the truth. That is the reason China pulled their people days ago and have demanded the truth from the Japanese. If the Chinese are leaving consider them the canaries in the mine!


Energy 2 hours ago Report Abuse
If I were the Japanese government, I would have ordered the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Corporation, to have immediately enlisted the entire Japanese nuclear energy experts and world nuclear experts at day one.
Doing so would have saved time in terms of mobilizing the best minds and needed resources and equipment to deal with the impending catastrophe.
Having delayed the call for immediate national and international assistance, the situation as deteriorated so rapidly, that the core meltdown risk probability has now shifted to a definite certainty.


Dave Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:32 am PDT Report Abuse
My prayers go out to Japan, but these people are more than capable to do a majority of this themselves. Now, Obama, how about what we are going to do for New Jersey...they are actually IN the UNITED STATES...


Raysuman Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:55 am PDT Report Abuse
We Americans are always behind you. You guys are our great friends and allies. We want to see you stand up again. Love you all from American :)


sonar Sun Mar 13, 2011 06:51 am PDT Report Abuse
i demand that 0bama go to japan ,we might get lucky


Daryl Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:06 pm PDT Report Abuse
Japan does a better job taking care of their people. That's why they don't loot

JFRI Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:13 pm PDT Report Abuse
I believe that I would have to refuse to go into that area as a service member. Call it what you will, but being a member of the armed forces does not give the government the right to send anybody into a radioactive zone like that.


SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM Mon Mar 14, 2011 09:09 am PDT Report Abuse
After 4 days of silence this is all he could come up with?!


steven 8 hours ago Report Abuse
The Japanese government is dropping the ball on this ongoing nuclear catastrophe. Resources from around the world are needed in Japan to combat 6 nuclear reactors from going into meltdown. Time has passed for Tokyo Electric Corporation to deal with this tragedy and they should stand aside and let the Japanese and International government take over! The potential health of the global economy and enviroment is in the balance.


MICHELLE Tue Mar 15, 2011 08:14 pm PDT Report Abuse
Let's get rid of the threat of all of this nuclear technology once and for all, Mankind does not need it!!


ken Tue Mar 15, 2011 08:13 pm PDT Report Abuse
I don't care what anyone says stop all nuclear energy NOW, It's not worth the lives it can kill everyday with leaks that they don't tell you about. It's CANCER!!!


Bam Bam Bummer Tue Mar 15, 2011 08:03 pm PDT Report Abuse
Germany is getting rid of their nuke plants. We should do the same.


jac Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:31 am PDT Report Abuse
Mankind at it's best... Thank goodness there's still hope.


sonar Sun Mar 13, 2011 06:55 am PDT Report Abuse
0bama please go to japan,take your butt buddie reid with you stay as long as it takes


obamabinlyin Mon Mar 14, 2011 03:17 pm PDT Report Abuse
Barry Obama has become the master of stating the obvious. As for the more difficult decisions...he's become the master at staying silent.


KM Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:08 am PDT Report Abuse
Oh let's see. Obama will get on Israel's case about trying to share it's land with the Palenstinians but he tells the Japanese that we'll help all that we can? He should have given the same support to Israel as he is doing to Japan. Both countries have a right to exist!!


EdmundC Mon Mar 14, 2011 01:02 pm PDT Report Abuse
Ally? They were our allies in WWII. They killed a bunch of Chinese too. I guess this is new day and age. But they did kill a lot of Americans in Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. We forget the past too quickly.


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-3-18 23:37



东方旭日 发表于 2011-3-19 00:44

希望我们的救援队也撤回来!!!! 我要救援队的勇士们平安!!!

yuyeguihua 发表于 2011-3-19 01:34


小鱼在乎 发表于 2011-3-19 05:44


daifandaifan 发表于 2011-3-19 14:19


lhn700223 发表于 2011-3-19 19:16

本帖最后由 lhn700223 于 2011-3-19 19:18 编辑


ystar2011 发表于 2011-3-19 23:24


yylzl2004 发表于 2011-3-20 12:48


clbshi 发表于 2011-3-20 17:40


Jigong 发表于 2011-3-21 02:14

clbshi 发表于 2011-3-20 17:40 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


蓝色的思念 发表于 2011-3-21 10:32


龍十六 发表于 2011-3-22 19:51

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