满仓 发表于 2011-7-4 17:39

【11.06.30 外交政策】〔图片〕毛主席的五彩梦想世界

【原文标题】Chairman Mao's Technicolor Dream World









香港历史学家Frank Dikötter估计大跃进在4年时间里导致了全中国4500万人死亡,其核心理念是把集中化耕种作为一系列措施之一,来加快中国的工业化进程。在60年代农业集体化海报中的农民,丰衣足食、面带微笑,互相传递着闪闪发光的劳动工具,他们似乎不是那群不幸的人。





Since the Chinese Communist Party took power 70 years ago, its vast propaganda machine has used every available medium to shore up public support, from newspaper and TV to nostalgic theater pageants and Internet discussion forums. As technologies have changed, however, a former totalitarian standby has fallen out of favor: the propaganda poster. Communist China viewed through decades of propaganda posters was a uniformly cheerful and confident nation -- though the smiling, apple-cheeked faces and bucolic peasant scenes hide the bitter realities of life under Mao's regime.

The above poster, titled "Tempering Red Hearts in Stormy Waves," was produced in 1972 by four graduates from one of China's top art academies, the Zhejiang Art Academy (now the China Academy of Art): Dong Xiaoming, Zong Wenlong, Gao Eryi, and Liang Pingbo. The boy standing proudly in the center of the photo looks to be a member of the Little Red Guards, a youth group established during the Cultural Revolution.

This poster, from 1971, commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Paris Commune, during which a worker's movement took power in Paris for two months and attempted to institute socialism. Propaganda posters often juxtapose Chinese workers, such as the one brandishing a copy of Mao's "Little Red Book" at the top of the image, and soldiers -- an ironic connection given how brutally Chinese peasants were treated at the hands of the military during Mao's reign. The quote to the right of the image is from Lenin's The State and Experience on Marx's analysis of the Commune, saying, in sum, "The Paris Commune showed that only the working class has experience for ruling. Force should be used to overthrow the oppressors."

Left: "New Year in Yenan," the 1973 poster above, is probably a stylized depiction of a legendary moment in Communist history: the end of Mao's famed 1934-1935 Long March, which carried his Red Army 6,000 miles across central China, depositing him finally at what's now called Yan'an in 1936. The Long March was itself a "propaganda force," as Mao wrote, as well as a military maneuver, offering Mao a chance to demonstrate his commitment to revolution. Today, Yan'an is a hub for "red tourism" celebrating China's revolutionary past.

Right: "Picking Herbs," by Liu Chi-Ho. With 20 million people starving in the fields during the Great Leap Forward, Mao instituted the "barefoot doctor" program: a rural health network of community-trained physicians who delivered children, helped fight epidemics in the country-side, and integrated Chinese traditional medicines with Western-style remedies to tend to farmers (and re-located city-dwellers). It was a relatively successful system, but nonetheless the reality of Communist rural health care bore little resemblance to the cheerful depiction of medicinal herb-gathering in this print.

The painting above, titled "The Brigade Ducks," was done in 1973 by a peasant from Huxian, a county in China's northern interior. Peasant painting was a popular movement in China during the early 1970s, meant as a way to showcase the much-vaunted talents of the Chinese worker. It was later discovered that many "peasant" paintings were actually done by the artists Mao rounded up in cities and forced into the countryside.

The above poster, "Peasants and Workers Greeting the New Yorker," showing Chinese workers jubilantly heading out in force to meet a perhaps unsuspecting visitor, underscores just how unusual foreigners were in communist China. China did not open up to commercial tourism until 1978, two years after Mao's death.

"Iron Bastion: Joint Defense by the Army and the People," from 1974, shows a civilian alongside an army leader defending the Chinese border -- from what, it's unclear, as China has faced no major invasions since World War II. The point, again, is to drive home the solidarity between soldier and worker.

Hong-Kong based historian Frank Dikötter estimates that the Great Leap Forward, which included the collectivization of farming as part of an array of measures intended to fast-track China's industrialization, resulted in the deaths of 45 million people over four years. These collective farmers from a 1960s poster, well-fed and smiling, tossing around their gleaming tools, appear not to have been among that unlucky group.

These farmers, too, plying their trade at an experimental seaweed farm, seem to have escaped the worst of the calamities.

"Fruitful Morning," shown above, depicts cyclists passing by a fruit grove. In the 1960s and 1970s, the bicycle counted as one of the san da jian, or "three big items," which every Chinese household dreamed of having.

This 1977 poster, titled "Storm Warning: Prepare for Shelter," shows an ethnic minority shepherd on China's grassland fringes offering Communist authorities a friendly warning that perhaps, with some hindsight, should be interpreted far more ominously. Beijinger Jiang Rong recounts the tensions between CCP officials and the Mongols of northern China in his bestselling novel Wolf Totem, a fictionalized memoir of the author's experience in Mongolia during the 1960s and 1970s, when he watched the CCP attempt to end the traditional nomadic Mongol lifestyle. Official Party figures released in 1982 report that 20,000 Mongols were killed and more than 300,000 injured from 1967 to 1969, the worst period of violence.

zlwan001 发表于 2011-7-4 17:44


满仓 发表于 2011-7-4 17:56


zlwan001 发表于 2011-7-4 19:41


dnh7688 发表于 2011-7-4 20:06


coldwarj 发表于 2011-7-4 20:09


时间之箭 发表于 2011-7-4 20:35


断腕 发表于 2011-7-4 21:27

有些解读太搞了 比如那个和藏民的解读为和工人团结    顶了个基调 怎么解读都是围绕图不错 内容太烂

天丛云 发表于 2011-7-4 22:09


guangshine 发表于 2011-7-4 23:01


lyycc 发表于 2011-7-5 09:02


wjf3566885 发表于 2011-7-5 13:28


mmc210 发表于 2011-7-5 18:01


aminoacid 发表于 2011-7-5 18:11


护国大将军 发表于 2011-7-5 19:42


derrick6925 发表于 2011-7-5 19:57


八周 发表于 2011-7-5 20:52


wfp333 发表于 2011-7-6 19:59


emma10182000 发表于 2011-7-6 22:31


天纪 发表于 2011-7-6 23:09

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