林香 发表于 2011-3-20 11:49

【2011.03.18 纽约时报】深圳态度

本帖最后由 下个月 于 2011-3-22 17:33 编辑


【原文标题】Shenzhen attitude






【译文】 SHENZHEN, CHINA — During a recent discussion with some children, I suggested a game. I proposed giving each of the 26 letters in the English alphabet a number: A is 1, B is 2, C is 3 and so forth. “Find me a word whose letters add up to 100,” I asked. “It has to do with dreams and success.” 中国,深圳-----在最近一次和一些孩子的讨论中,我提议玩一个游戏。我提出给英语字母表中的26个字母各一个代表数字:A为1,B为2,C为3,依次类推。要求孩子们“找出一个词,它的各个字母加起来为100,且这个词必须要与梦想和成功有关”。

While the children were thinking, I reflected on the power of dreams. Dreams are about the future and our individual potential to carve our own path. It was a dream that brought me to China eight years ago, a dream that I would start a new life, based on learning the language and making a difference. 当孩子们在思考的时候,我也在思考着梦想的力量。梦想关乎未来,也关乎着我们个人开创自己人生道路的可能性。八年前,是一个我想要通过学习语言来开始新生活、做出改变的梦想,把我带到了中国。

The city I chose to live in was Shenzhen. To many it is a boom town, sprawling, uncultured and ugly. To me, it is young, dynamic, conveniently situated next to Hong Kong, and full of people from all over China — all seeking their dreams. 当时我选择生活的城市是深圳。对很多人来说,这是一个新兴城市,无序扩张,没文化底蕴,很丑陋。但对我来说,这个城市年轻有活力,紧挨香港,生活便利,而且这里挤满了来自中国各地为了寻梦而来的人们。

Although “Shenzhen speed,” like “time is money,” are catchphrases that help characterize this 30-year old city, I prefer to think of another Shenzhen, a place that is part of the future of China but also has its feet rooted in tradition. 虽然“深圳速度”,就像“时间就是金钱”,被当作了描绘这座三十岁的城市特征的警句。但我更愿意想到另一个深圳,一个是中国未来的一部分,同时又植根传统的地方。

The traditional Shenzhen is still here: All you have to do is look behind the glimmering new skyscrapers and fancy shopping malls. At the gas station on Lian Hua Road, next to the near-bankrupt massage parlor whose gray, neon-lit walls always seem on the verge of collapsing, and where the new subway station has turned the area topsy turvy, one discovers Jing-tian Road almost by accident. 传统的深圳还在这里:你只需透过灯光闪烁的摩天大楼和花俏的购物中心看一看。莲花路的加油站附近是几近破产的按摩院,霓虹灯暗淡地映照的墙壁,似乎接近了倾塌的边缘。新建的地铁站把这片地区弄得面目全非,你几乎会不经意地就看到了景田路。

At once there is a hush in the air, as though the street is singing a silent benediction. Tall, leafy mangroves line both sides of the road. 形高体大且枝繁叶茂的红树整齐地在道路两边排列着。突然周围的空气都安静了下来,就好像街道在唱着一首无声的祝福曲。

Walking up the gentle incline, I see families playing badminton in a small park to the right. On the left, I spot a woman sitting in her idling, brand new, white Honda, leaning out her window as she chats with a friend, but her mind really focused on showing off her beautiful car. On the right, I see the liu da , or slow walk, of grandparents as they meander behind their grandchildren. As I cross the intersection, branches from the trees dip down precariously so that the leaves feel like they may touch my head. 走在缓缓的坡路上,我看到了右侧的小公园里有一个个家庭在打着羽毛球。我又注意到路左边停着的一辆崭新的白色本田车,一个女人从车窗上探出身子,正在和车外的朋友聊天,但她其实是在想着如何炫耀她漂亮的汽车。我看到一对老人跟在孙辈们后面,靠着路右边慢悠悠地“溜达”。在十字路口,树的枝干危险地伸下来,走过时,那些树叶好像都可以触到我的头。

About five years ago, after a busy workday I returned to a street that just that morning had been lined with 30-year old cypress trees. Now, barely 8 hours later, it was a naked patch of concrete, punctured in regular intervals by large gaping holes where the trees had been torn out. I complained to a Chinese friend, who replied, “Don’t worry, it’s just development. It’s good for Shenzhen.” 大约在五年前,在一个忙碌的工作日结束后,我回到了一条街道。在那天早晨这条街两边还列有三十年树龄的柏树,然而仅仅过了八小时,这里已经只剩裸露的水泥,每隔一段固定距离就有个大洞,里面的树被挖走了。我向我一个中国朋友抱怨,他回答我说,“别担心,这只是发展,对深圳有好处”。

I wonder: Does Jing-tian Road face that future? I hope not. 我不知道,景田路是否也会面临这样的下场?希望不会。

I believe that in the future China, the current Shenzhen disposition will become more relaxed, more traditional. “Time is money” will become “time is precious but can be shared with strangers.” Or, in the words of Confucius, 我相信在未来的中国,深圳会变得更加放松,也更加传统。“时间就是金钱”会变为“时间宝贵,但仍可以和陌生人分享”。或者就像孔子说的,

Don’t just treasure the water, treasure the mountain; don’t just move, but be still, don’t just enjoy, but preserve. “知者乐水,仁者乐山;知者动,仁者静;知者乐,仁者寿”。

So perhaps by the time the kids of today’s Shenzhen grow up there will be a change in the current attitude toward headlong growth. Perhaps they will begin to ponder questions like: Do they have a wholesome life based on values such as establishing a quality-based economy and social responsibility, and not living just to pursue a quick yuan? Will they begin to stop to check out the blue skies, safely drink water direct from the tap, have more time to be with loved ones, volunteer, and walk where tree leaves gently touch? 所以也许等到今天深圳的孩子们长大以后,现在人们那种一味追求发展的态度也会有所改变。也许到时候他们会沉思类似这样的问题:如果他们的人生价值观是建立一个质量优先的经济或者社会责任感,而不是尽快赚钱,生活是否会更健康?到那时他们是否会停下脚步,开始享受蓝天,安全地喝着从龙头里流出来的水,有更多的时间和心爱的人一起,参加志愿工作,在树叶会轻轻抚摸你的路上散步?

The scene on Jing-tian Road mingles the ancient Chinese respect for the environment with a dancing, almost ebullient, sense of repose. It is rooted in the past, experienced today, and, I believe, will be part of that future, wholesome, life. 景田路上的那一幕,用一种热情洋溢地舞动着的休息和放松感,和古中国对环境的敬重交汇融合。它源于过去,经历了现在,我相信,也将会是未来健康生活的一部分。

A pursuit of a dream brought me and millions of others here to Shenzhen. As we Shenzhenites continue to barrel into the future, we will remember our dreams, but also keep an eye on tradition. 对梦想的追求将我和数百万人带到了深圳。在我们深圳市民继续大步迈进未来时,我们会记住自己的梦想,同时也不忘关注传统。

As for the word that adds up to 100, take a guess. 至于那个字母加起来等于100的单词,大家都来猜一猜。


連長 发表于 2011-3-20 12:30



yuyeguihua 发表于 2011-3-20 13:16


yqh 发表于 2011-3-20 13:50


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-3-20 16:17



函数解析式 发表于 2011-3-20 22:27


yuzhonglie 发表于 2011-3-21 02:16

“white Honda,白色宏达车”

rongjingji 发表于 2011-3-21 04:42


遇寒拾香 发表于 2011-3-21 10:23


无可就要 发表于 2011-3-21 17:57


无心客 发表于 2011-3-21 19:49

其实作者就想说我下面说的话都是废话 但我又不知道说什么 所以我就说点废话

wwwalker 发表于 2011-3-21 20:15

As for the word that adds up to 100, take a guess.
---------------zoology(动物学) 26+15+15+12+7+25=100
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