薄凉 发表于 2011-8-2 15:46


本帖最后由 corie_zhu 于 2011-8-2 15:59 编辑

【原文标题】Sorry, Pakistan: China Is No Sugar Daddy





【译    者】薄凉(多谢杰西Jesse的大力帮助)


【声    明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

【译    文】Sorry, Pakistan: China Is No Sugar Daddy

When the chips are down, as the saying goes, you quickly learn who your friends are.


With the Obama administration's recent decision to suspend some $800 million in U.S. aid to the Pakistani military, the generals in Rawalpindi are once again turning to their "all-weather" friends in Beijing. Although the White House's action is unlikely to lead to a total cutoff of military assistance, the figure is significant, representing more than one-third of the United States' annual commitment to Pakistan.


Reflecting his government's displeasure at the move, Islamabad's ambassador to Beijing, Masood Khan, pointedly announced that "China will stand by us in difficult times as it has been doing for the past years." His statement was designed to show Washington that Pakistan has other powerful friends. Implicit in Khan's message was also an expectation that Beijing would indeed provide enhanced military, and perhaps other, assistance.


Are Pakistani leaders unduly optimistic about Chinese largesse? Or does Washington's loss of influence provide Beijing an opportunity to deepen its ties with Islamabad?


On the face of it, there are ample historic and strategic reasons for China to increase military aid to Pakistan. After all, Islamabad is Beijing's closest ally in South Asia, and both are keen to limit Indian influence.


Pakistan has also benefited from substantial trade and economic ties with China, particularly in infrastructure and mining. Beijing is Pakistan's largest trading partner, a relationship that was worth almost $9 billion last year


Military ties have been a key feature of Sino-Pakistani relations; Beijing is now Islamabad's largest defense supplier. China has helped build elements of Pakistan's conventional and nuclear forces. It has participated in joint aircraft manufacturing programs,as well as helped Islamabad acquire tactical ballistic missiles, according to Jane's, and sensitive nuclear technology


China's worries over its internal security provide a further motivation to bolster Pakistan's stability. Concerns about Islamist militancy on its western border have grown since the 2009 Uighur riots in the Xinjiang autonomous region, which left nearly 200 people dead. Violence once again broke out in the restive region this week, though not on the same scale as two years ago. In the remote town of Hotan, state media claimed that police shot dead 14 rioters, heightening tensions between the central government and the Uighur community.


The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), a Uighur separatist group that Beijing often blames for terrorist attacks China, appears to have a sanctuary in the borderlands of Afghanistan and Pakistan. TIP leaders were killed in South Waziristan and North Waziristan, in September 2003 and February 2010, respectively. Chinese leaders fear that the reduction in U.S. military aid to Pakistan -- coupled with the impending drawdown of American troops from Afghanistan -- could afford the Uighurs a safe haven outside Beijing's control.


Indeed, Afghanistan looms large in China's strategic calculus. Media reports highlighting the discovery of nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan surely have piqued Chinese interest in bolstering relations with Kabul. With its export-oriented economy heavily dependent on raw material imports, the prospect of cheap resources on China's periphery is understandably appealing. Acutely aware that Pakistan's generals will play an integral role in Afghanistan's future, Beijing will be keen to leverage its close ties with Rawalpindi.


But only up to a point. The relationship is more asymmetric than Pakistan would like to admit. For this reason, it makes perfect sense for Islamabad to "foster the impression that new tensions with America might nudge it even closer towards China," as the Economistrecently observed.


Beijing does not necessarily feel the same way. While Islamabad may be an ally, its utility is confined to South Asia; Pakistan is not central to Beijing's wider ambitions. As a world power, Chinese interests are global in scope and require a more considered approach. Consequently, the Chinese are rightly wary of getting drawn into the acrimonious marriage between Islamabad and Washington. And acrimonious it is. The chief of Pakistan's top intelligence service is, for example, reported to have told lawmakers that "America is an unreliable ally," presumably in sharp contrast with China. But Beijing has benefited from U.S. involvement in Pakistan. As Daniel Markey of the Council on Foreign Relations told me, the Chinese have thus far been content to "free-ride on U.S. efforts to stabilize Pakistan." The mainland may well share Washington's concerns about Pakistan's future, but it has preferred to let Americans bear the costs of improving the country's security.


From Beijing's perspective, being seen to take a provocative stand alongside Pakistan comes at a substantial cost but provides little strategic benefit. An escalation in Chinese aid to Pakistan would surely antagonize India, creating a new point of friction in the triangular relationship between Beijing, New Delhi, and Washington. While keen to maintain pressure on certain issues, such as Indian support for the Dalai Lama and its various territorial claims, leaders in Beijing have no desire to push New Delhi further into Washington's open arms.


In any case, expanding its relationship with Pakistan out of short-term opportunism or a desire to one-up the United States is not in keeping with China's style. Beijing prefers to play the long game, and the open-ended nature of any prospective financial commitment to Islamabad is enough to sharpen the minds of Chinese leaders. The risk of instability within Pakistan is simply too high for Beijing to willingly step in and become the country's main patron. At the end of 2008, according to a 2010 Brookings Institution report, Pakistan-- on the verge of default -- sought China's support to avoid having to meet the restrictive terms of a $7.5 billion IMF loan. But Beijing offered only tough love, sending a token commitment of $500 million, which was read as "a clear message to Pakistan that it is no longer willing to be Islamabad's lender of last resort."

在任何情况下,出于短期机会主义或一下子超越美国的愿望扩大同巴基斯坦的关系并不适合中国的风格。中国更喜欢采取持久战略,未来对巴基斯坦任何潜在的金融承诺都足以加深其在中国领导人心目中的印象。巴基斯坦不稳定的风险极高,北京并不愿介入并成为这个国家的主要赞助者。在 2008年底,根据2010年布鲁金斯学会的报告,巴基斯坦——在违约的边缘,寻求中国的支持——为了避免需要符合国际货币基金组织75亿美元贷款的限制性条款。但是北京只愿提供5百万美元象征性的承诺,被解读为向巴基斯坦传递一个明确的信息,即中国不再愿意扮演巴基斯坦最后贷款人的角色。”

According to China expert June Teufel Dreyer of the University of Miami, despite Pakistan's desire to show Washington that it has other partners, "it is impossible for Islamabad to replace U.S. aid with Chinese aid dollar for dollar, renminbi for renminbi." One reason, according to unnamed U.S. officials cited in a recent Financial Times report, is that "Beijing does not 'do' assistance in the same way as Washington and that Pakistan is made to pay for the help that it receives from China." Generous credit terms from China have clearly helped Pakistan, the newspaper notes, as evidenced by the 8,000-odd Chinese citizens involved in various Beijing-backed infrastructure investments in the country. These range from rebuilding and expanding roads to constructing dams and ports.

据迈阿密大学的中国专家 June Teufel Dreyer,尽管巴基斯坦显示华盛顿的其他合作伙伴的愿望,它不可能用中国援助的美元和人民币取代美国对伊斯兰堡的援助。一个原因是,据引述一个没有透露姓名的美国官员最近在《金融时报》的报告:北京是以与华盛顿不同的方式来支助巴基斯坦的。中国宽松的信贷条件已经明确地帮助了巴基斯坦。该报指出,由8000多名中国公民参与了巴基斯坦各种支持基础设施投资。主要涉及重建和扩大道路,建造水坝和港口。

A financially constrained Pakistan has also approached China for soft loans to pay for orders of jointly developed JF-17 fighter aircraft, according to a recent Jane's Defence Weeklyarticle. Other major acquisitions that could be funded through Chinese loans are on the horizon: up to six Chinese submarines, two 500-ton missile boats, and two squadrons of Chengdu J-10 fighter aircraft, according to Jane's. Pakistan is also considering acquiring at least another four Chinese frigates, either larger and improved F-22P ships or another design, Jane'sreports. Such defense assistance might well be increased in direct response to the reduction in U.S. military, and other, aid to Pakistan. To this end, Beijing will continue to feature among Islamabad's strongest supporters

据近期简氏防务周刊的报道,受财政约束的巴基斯坦还希望得到中国的软贷款,以支付两国共同开发的JF -17战斗机的订单。巴基斯坦还希望通过中国贷款得到其他重要的收购:六艘中国潜艇,两个500吨级导弹快艇,和两个中队的成都J -10战斗机。巴基斯坦也正在考虑购买另外至少有四艘中国护卫舰,或者更大的改进的F - 22P型船舶和其他装备。在美国的军事及其他援助减少的情况下,这种防御援助可能增加。为此,北京决定做巴基斯坦最坚定的支持者。

But these steps hardly add up to a fundamental realignment of Chinese aid policy. For all its emotive rhetoric, As a result, China is unlikely to institutionalize the kind of financial commitment that the United States has made -- even as Washington's influence over Islamabad continues to wane.


lyycc 发表于 2011-8-2 16:36

本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-8-2 16:37 编辑




吴钩1 发表于 2011-8-2 16:37


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-8-2 22:07


mmc210 发表于 2011-8-2 22:10



老虎过街 发表于 2011-8-3 11:43


彭翼 发表于 2011-8-3 12:50


huaxm 发表于 2011-8-3 13:00


pj731 发表于 2011-8-3 13:51


qushichen 发表于 2011-8-3 13:54

好酸 酸死了

妇科主任 发表于 2011-8-3 16:21


沐霜 发表于 2011-8-3 18:32


阿布萨拉 发表于 2011-8-4 07:19



sodynamic 发表于 2011-8-4 08:33

sugar daddy 不是专门包养小女孩的怪叔叔吗?楼主的翻译没有把意思说到位啊。

orangegxm 发表于 2011-8-4 08:52

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