corie_zhu 发表于 2011-8-3 10:54



【原文标题】China’s Long March to Innovation Success



【译    者】思聪,杰西


【声    明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

【译    文】
China’s journey from a seriously poor, autarkic, economy to the “shop floor of the world,” took a bit more than two decades. Today, less than a decade later, it appears poised to evolve into becoming a leading global innovator; but can China actually make this next great leap forward?

Many observers think that China is ripe for innovative leadership. TomsonReuters has recently observed, on the basis of patenting trends, that: “an epic industrial revolution has brought China to its current state of development, but it will be China’s intellectual revolution that will carry it forward,” and further analysis of this same data (recently posted by Mark Perry) would certainly support the view that China appears to be fast becoming a global innovation power.

很多分析人士认为,中国成为创新引领者的时机已经成熟。汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)分析指出,在专利申请趋势的基础上,“工业革命时期把中国带到现如今的发展阶段,但是只有中国自己的智力革命才能推动它进一步向前”。对这份数据(近期由Mark Perry发布)更进一步的分析得出的结论同样支持这个观点:有迹象表明,中国将很快成为全球创新大国。

Yet, since it has long been useful to consider both the rate and direction of innovative activity, it pays us to ask “given that China’s rate of innovation appears (at least as far as patenting is concerned) to be rapid, does the direction of this activity give us a better sense of what is really going on?” In fact, there is a big difference between creating new ideas and capturing the value associated with these new ideas. reports that many of the Chinese patents counted are utility patents, and do not represent significant new contributions to knowledge . Furthermore, at least one observer on the scene has reported that Chinese government authorities are encouraging the disaggregation of patent applications in order to boost the numbers of patents being produced. This month, INSEAD’s Global Innovation Index for 2011 ranked China just 29th overall in innovation . According to this analysis, although China’s innovation benefits from growing market and business sophistication (for a middle-income economy) and a lively financial sector, there are disadvantages associated with social infrastructure deficiencies relating to innovation-related institutions and human-capital development. It would appear that while China might be becoming more productive in generating patents, these may not necessarily translate into economic impact. On the other hand, China ranks #1 as the world’s top “importer of R&D,” which would be appropriate for innovation strategies based on value-capture.


I recently had the opportunity to work with a number of senior Chinese high-tech industry and government officials and I asked their opinion of China’s innovation trajectories in terms of creating versus capturing value. The chart below summarizes the outcome of that discussion in a very impressionistic manner .


Interestingly, there was no disputing the role of appropriating the ideas of others to build China’s innovative capital, as evidenced by the clustering of many of China’s new economy champions in the lower lefthand quarter. But, this is not so surprising as many Western firms also owe their historical origins to the ideas of others. Google, for example, was judged by my Chinese observers to have originated by building upon the prior search-engine innovations of others, but then, as the arrow indicates, has subsequently grown through mastering the ability to both create and capture its own value. Something that few of the Chinese firms have apparently achieved.What is more notable about these impressions is that all but a handful of the Chinese firms are essentially only capturing value in the Chinese domestic market. They have, to date, been unable to launch strategies to create value and they have not been very successful in capturing value outside of the Chinese domestic market . Also interesting is that Lenovo and Huawei, two of the Chinese three firms most “northeast” in their location on the chart (both creating & capturing value — presumably where we would find the most sustainably successful innovators), would probably regarded by outside observers as being the least “entrepreneurial”, the least “new economy”, and the least “independent” of all of the firms represented. If we had added Haier to this set, the results would have been similar. So much for the innovation stereotypes so cherished in the West!


Increasing the “rate” of inventive activity will only get you so far. In order to make it big on the global stage, a nation’s firms need to be able to capture the economic value associated with that activity. This means investment into organizational design on a global scale, establishing brand visibility, building worldwide supply chains and channels of distribution, and all of the rest of the complex set of activities that go into making a successful multinational corporation. Two years ago, Rebecca Chung and I reported that experienced Chinese managers participating in CEIBS’s EMBA program appeared considerably less optimistic about China’s prospects as a global innovative leader than did a similar set of their peers in IMD’s EMBA program . Perhaps what the Chinese managers saw, that outsiders in their enthusiasm missed, was that increasing inventive activity might well be the easiest part of successful innovation, and that it is indeed a less glamorous and more managerial long march to becoming able to realize the value associated with that increased inventive activity.

增加创新行为的“速率”不可能让你走的更远。要想在全球舞台上大有作为,一个国家的公司需要有能力获得与此行为相关的经济价值。这意味着对全球规模有计划有组织的投资,创建品牌效益,建设世界范围的供应链条和分配渠道,还有所有其他复杂的环节才能共同创建出成功的跨国公司。两年前,我和Rebecca Chung做过这个报道:参加CEIBS(中欧国际商业学会)EMBA项目中经验丰富的中国管理者在中国成为全球创新引领者的前景上远非在他们在IMD的EBMA项目的同辈们那么乐观(53名CEIBS的EMBA中,66%的人认为中国近期的未来是,然而只有18%他们的IMD同仁认同这个评定)。也许在热情之余,中国经理们看到的是,在成功的创新中,增长的创新活动是成功的创新中最简单的部分,而他们确实还有更艰苦的更需要管理的路走,去逐渐有能力实现(认识)这些创新活动带来的相关价值。

ykfo2 发表于 2011-8-3 11:07


senatorcc 发表于 2011-8-3 11:52


coldwarj 发表于 2011-8-3 11:58

senatorcc 发表于 2011-8-3 11:52 static/image/common/back.gif


Gary1 发表于 2011-8-3 12:00


彭翼 发表于 2011-8-3 12:47


天纪 发表于 2011-8-3 12:49


ajum1126 发表于 2011-8-3 13:11


z188241864 发表于 2011-8-3 13:29


pjx4717188 发表于 2011-8-3 13:33


boralee 发表于 2011-8-3 14:12


李逍遥 发表于 2011-8-3 15:29


吴钩1 发表于 2011-8-3 16:04


沐霜 发表于 2011-8-3 17:59


无心客 发表于 2011-8-3 18:41

要是没有差距了你们也就下岗了 呵呵

jack_j11 发表于 2011-8-3 19:31


fengli 发表于 2011-8-3 19:54


红色的血 发表于 2011-8-4 02:38


堇色箫 发表于 2011-8-5 01:19

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