MacTavish_Tang 发表于 2011-8-3 18:24

【2011.7.29 BBC】澳大利亚欠华人们一个道歉吗?

【原文标题】Does Australia owe its Chinese an apology?


Dennis O'Hoy的祖父在1860年从香港移民到了澳大利亚南部的金矿区(Goldfields)。他被迫居住在那种肮脏的帐篷内,而在那里,充斥着贫穷与种族歧视。








荒唐的是,作为回应,政府惩罚了受害者而不是犯罪分子。并且政府在1861年通过了限制与管理华人移民的议案(the Chinese Immigration Restriction and Regulation Act),旨在通过强制华人缴税来减少他们的人数。

作为代表华人的最高组织,澳大利亚华人社区理事会会长,Anthony Pun说:“当时,华人社区被描绘成是邪恶的,吸食鸦片的地方。华人被很深的成见所对待,”





Anthony Pun说,与新西兰和加拿大对华人的道歉相类似的声明将会抚慰华人的旧疮。


Daphne Lowe Kelley,澳大利亚的中国文物协会的负责人声称,其他移民的工人群体同样受到了不公正对待,而这之中,华人工人所受的待遇是最差的。那些华人不但受到来自法律上的歧视,他们还被强行与家人们分开,并忍受着报纸上的各种污蔑。比如,一些人将华人描述成野蛮人一样的二等公民,华人玷污了白种人的纯洁性。

Daphne Lowe Kelley认为:“这些言论使得华人的形象变得十分可怕,而因为这些言论,华人则不得不艰难度日。”


现在,经历过那个受到欺压,歧视的年代的人仍有尚在人世的。Arthur Chang在他还是个年轻人的时候就追随他的父亲来到澳大利亚,在澳大利亚的内陆寻找工作。

Arthur Chang现在已经90岁了,回忆往昔时,他说,他的父亲经历了各种磨难。他认为:“澳大利亚人民是很友好的,但是政府当年的那些政策让这一切变的很糟。”

那么一个正式的道歉对Arthur Chang意味着什么呢?

在Arthur Chang看来,一个正式的道歉将会平抚他的心灵。他还说到,现在澳大利亚已经宽容多了,而华人也更受到尊重。


但是格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)的退休政治与历史学教授Ross Fitzgerald认为对澳籍华人作出道歉是与悔罪相类似的错误行为。


Ross Fitzgerald认为就目前而言,官方道歉似乎并不是个好主意。


Chinese migrants endured more than a century of government-backed discrimination in Australia. Now, Chinese Australians are about to ask for a formal apology.

Dennis O'Hoy's grandfather arrived in the southern Australian goldfields from Hong Kong in 1860. He was forced to live in squalid settler camps, surrounded by poverty and racism.

"Many committed suicide by hanging or drowning themselves," says Mr O'Hoy, remembering his grandfather's descriptions of the plight of Chinese men who could not cope.

"It's just tragic because they didn't have money to get back to China and there was no-one to look after them in Australia."

Descendants of those 19th Century labourers and miners say it is time that Australia said sorry for the past.

'Evil and opium-smoking'
In the middle of the 19th Century, the newly found goldfields of Victoria and New South Wales attracted settlers from China. They were prolific and arrived in large numbers - but were often viewed with jealousy and suspicion.

In the early 1860s, those feelings boiled over into one of the worst race riots in Australian history. Hundreds of white miners attacked Chinese prospectors at Lambing Flat in the New South Wales gold belt.

Armed with pickaxes and spades, the mob burned camps, looted property and seriously injured dozens of Chinese workers.

In response, the government punished the victims rather than the aggressors. They passed the Chinese Immigration Restriction and Regulation Act in 1861, subjecting the Chinese to entry taxes in a bid to reduce their number.

"The Chinese community back then was painted as evil and opium-smoking. There was very heavy stereotyping and I'm glad I didn't live in that era," says Anthony Pun, president of Chinese Community Council of Australia, the most high-profile group representing Chinese Australians.

Anti-Chinese discrimination did not end in the 19th Century though. The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901, which ushered in the so-called White Australia Policy, subjected all immigrants to prohibitive tests.

Under the policy, officials would dictate a 50-word passage in any European language. If the would-be immigrant failed to write down the passage correctly, they would be refused entry into Australia. That policy was in force for most of the 20th Century.

Layers of discrimination

Currently more than 600,000 Australians claim to have Chinese ancestry - about 3% of the population. The Chinese Community Council is leading the calls for an apology and intends to write to the federal government to request a formal apology in the next few weeks.

Mr Pun says a statement of regret similar to those expressed to the Chinese in New Zealand and Canada would heal old wounds.

"Let us once and for all recognise what happened in history, acknowledge it and move on," he says.

Daphne Lowe Kelley, the head of the Chinese Heritage Association of Australia, says other groups of imported workers also faced subjugation and abuse - but it was the Chinese who suffered the most.

Not only did they endure legislative discrimination, they were also forcibly separated from their families and denigrated in newspapers, she says.

"They depicted the Chinese as being sub-human as if they were barbarians and were corrupting the morals of white society," she says.

"It really painted a terrible picture of the Chinese, who had to live through this for quite a long period of time."

Wider apology
There are still surviving links to those oppressive days. Arthur Chang came to Australia as a teenager to join his father, who arrived in Australia from China in 1885 and had travelled the outback looking for work.

Mr Chang, now 90 years old, says his father had a tough life, punctuated by bigotry and hardship.

"The Australian people were very good, but it was government policy in those days that was really very discouraging," he says.

So what would a formal apology mean to him?

"It would ease my mind," he says, adding that the country is more tolerant now, and Chinese people are more respected.

In recent times Australian prime ministers have said sorry for the past mistreatment of the country's indigenous peoples and child migrants, who were abused in state care.

But Ross Fitzgerald, an emeritus professor of history and politics at Griffith University, believes it would be a mistake to offer Chinese Australians a similar act of contrition.

"Where do you stop? If you apologise to the Chinese, surely you've got to apologise to those South Sea islanders who were brought here as indentured labourers, you'd have to apologise to the gay community and you'd have to apologise to a whole lot of different groups," he says.

"On the face of it seems to be a rather perverse idea."

evalee 发表于 2011-8-3 18:31


沐霜 发表于 2011-8-3 19:59


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-8-3 22:41



foxees 发表于 2011-8-4 10:03


xgb32130101 发表于 2011-8-4 10:53

外国人很聪明啊做完坏事 然后道歉 就没事了 真牛逼i

BONIU 发表于 2011-8-4 14:31


红色的血 发表于 2011-8-4 17:01


都市困兽 发表于 2011-8-4 18:34


yfct 发表于 2011-8-5 00:09



yfct 发表于 2011-8-5 00:09



告死者乌鸦 发表于 2011-8-5 00:59


chenperu 发表于 2011-8-5 03:34


MacTavish_Tang 发表于 2011-8-5 08:01

chenperu 发表于 2011-8-5 03:34 static/image/common/back.gif

what goes around comes around

mmc210 发表于 2011-8-6 15:49


魑魅魍魉轮 发表于 2011-8-8 15:23

"Where do you stop? If you apologise to the Chinese, surely you've got to apologise to those South Sea islanders who were brought here as indentured labourers, you'd have to apologise to the gay community and you'd have to apologise to a whole lot of different groups
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