diver18 发表于 2011-8-4 08:29








(1) Nuclear and Missile Forces
China has continued independent efforts to develop nuclear capabilities and ballistic missile forces since
the middle of the 1950s, seemingly with a view to ensuring deterrence, supplementing its conventional
forces, and maintaining its voice in the international community. With regard to the nuclear strategy, it is
recognized that China employs a strategy where it can deter a nuclear attack on its land by maintaining
nuclear force structure able to conduct retaliatory nuclear attacks to a small number of targets such as
cities in the enemy country
China possesses various types and ranges of ballistic missiles: intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM),
submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM), intermediate range ballistic missiles/ medium range
ballistic missiles (IRBM/MRBM), and short rangeballistic missiles (SRBM). The survivability and
readiness of China’s ballistic missile forces are under improvement by updating liquid propellant type to a
solid propellant one. Moreover, it is also believed that China is working to increase performance by
extending ranges, improving precision, introducing MIRV and other means
China has developed the DF-31, which is a new mobile-type ICBM with a solid fuel propellant system
mounted onto a Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL), and the DF-31A, an extended model of the DF-31,
which appears to have already begun to be deployed
. Regarding SLBMs, the country currently appears
to be developing the JL-2, a new SLBM with a range of approximately 8,000 km, and constructing
Jin-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) to carry the missiles. Now that the DF-31
and the DF-31A have been deployed, once the JL-2 reaches a level of practical use, it is believed that
China’s strategic nuclear capabilities will improve by a great margin.
As for the IRBM/MRBM covering the Asia-Pacific region including Japan, China has deployed
liquid-propellant DF-3 and DF-4 missiles in addition to the DF-21, which can be transported and
operated on a TEL. These missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. It is believed that China
possesses conventional ballistic missiles with high targeting accuracy based on the DF-21, and is
developing conventional anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM), which could be used to attack ships at sea
including aircraft carriers
. In addition to IRBM/MRBM, China also possesses the DH-10, a cruise
missile with a range of 1,500 km or longer, as well as H-6 (Tu-16) medium-range bombers that are
capable of carrying nuclear warheads and cruisemissiles. These missiles might complement ballistic missile forces, covering the Asia-Pacific region including Japan
. Concerning short-range ballistic
missiles (SRBM), China possesses a large number of DF-15 and DF-11, and they are believed to be
deployed against Taiwan
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China announced that it had conducted tests on midcourse missile interception technology in January
2010, and attention will be paid to China’s future trends in ballistic missile defense

汉生 发表于 2011-8-4 13:06

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