diver18 发表于 2011-8-15 10:00


本帖最后由 一古斋主 于 2011-8-15 23:20 编辑

《华尔街日报》 软实力对决!孔子学院 vs. 台湾书院











政府新闻办公室高层杨永明(Philip Yang)说,书院计划包括台湾文化的数字图书馆的建设,并会包括岛上的非中国文化。他解释说,这一中心之所以着重于国语,是因为"台湾文化的主要部分都是中华文化的传承。"



AUGUST 12, 2011, 6:29 PM HKT
Soft Power Smackdown! Confucius Institute vs. Taiwan Academy
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At the same time as Taiwan is moving to defend itself against China’s rising military power, the island is also planning a counteroffensive against the mainland’s push for greater soft power.

In a move that appears inspired by the global spread of Beijing-sponsored Confucius Institutes, Taiwan’s government recently unveiled a plan to open cultural centers abroad. The first of the centers – known collectively as the “Taiwan Academy” — will kick off in New York, Los Angeles and Houston this fall, followed by more in Europe and Asia, according to Taiwan’s Government Information Office.

In the face of China’s growing dominance in international politics and its assertion of sovereignty over Taiwan, Taipei has resorted to what it calls “cultural diplomacy” to further the island’s interests abroad. The Academy plan has been designed along those lines, with the network of cultural centers intended as a tool to promote Taiwanese-flavored Mandarin and traditional Chinese characters, and also sponsor research on Taiwan-related topics.

While the plan’s basic mission sounds straightforward enough, controversy has begun to swirl around the specifics. At issue: the ever-contentious debate over what constitutes Taiwanese culture.

The most controversial aspect of the Academy plan – the focus on promoting Mandarin — may also be its most important from a soft-power standpoint. Beijing’s more than 300 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms are also focused on promoting the study of Mandarin, but the Mandarin spoken in Taiwan can be quite different. (For instance, the word used to hail waitresses in Taiwan – xiaojie, or “miss,” – is a common euphemism for prostitute in mainland China.) And while China uses a simplified writing system, Taiwan still employs more complex traditional Chinese characters.

As students the world over rush to study the language, introducing them to its Taiwanese variant might help draw more attention to the island as a distinct place with its own customs and ways of thinking.

But even if most people in Taiwan can speak Mandarin, many Taiwanese, often from the southern part of the island and generally more “green,” prefer speaking in the local Taiwanese dialect (“Tai-yu”) or other dialects like Hakka widely spoken by ethnic Chinese communities that came over from southern China the 17th to 19th centuries.

Green is the color of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, many supporters of which favor Taiwanese independence and try to keep their distance from China by not speaking in Mandarin.

“It seems that the government is positioning Taiwanese culture as a branch of the Chinese one,” Lin Chun-hsien, a spokesman of the DPP, told China Real Time. “Our culture is a hybrid. It has a very strong flavor of the Japanese, and also some traits of the Dutch and Spanish culture.”

Philip Yang, the head of the Government Information Office, said the Academy plan includes the development of a digital library on Taiwanese culture and will incorporate the non-Chinese part of the island’s culture. The centers are focused on Mandarin, he said, because “a major part of Taiwanese culture is inherited from the Chinese.”

Taiwan was first colonized by the Dutch, the Spanish and the Japanese, before the Kuomintang fled from China and took over the island some 60 years ago. Many Taiwanese also speak fluent Japanese, and many key government buildings — including the Presidential House — were built by the Japanese during the occupation. To boot, there are also many aboriginal populations who have inhabited the island for centuries and maintain a culture completely disparate from China’s.

Projecting a digestible explanation of what it means to be Taiwanese to an international audience will undoubtedly be a challenge, politically as well as practically. Whether the Taiwan Academies will be able to succeed at that while also competing with the Confucius Institutes, which have the advantage of only needing to represent the interests of Beijing, remains to be seen.

滔滔1949 发表于 2011-8-15 11:04



ossdownloader 发表于 2011-8-15 11:41


coldwarj 发表于 2011-8-15 11:44


bwb 发表于 2011-8-15 11:47


告死者乌鸦 发表于 2011-8-15 12:27


CTSS 发表于 2011-8-15 13:23


简唯翎 发表于 2011-8-15 13:36

- -我也想问,台湾文化到底是啥……

USSR 发表于 2011-8-15 13:39


shuishenlan 发表于 2011-8-15 14:18


wywy0405 发表于 2011-8-15 15:28


happyzhou 发表于 2011-8-15 15:54

最后,不好意思斗胆向译者提点小意见:Traditional Chinese characters这句,个人觉得Traditional是不是翻译成传统的好些,如传统汉字,传统中文。叫正体中文的话总觉得大陆语文不就成了偏体别体了。。。觉得怪怪的。。。虽说我很喜欢繁体字。:P

说不 发表于 2011-8-15 16:07


cjaugust 发表于 2011-8-15 18:43


lshero1989 发表于 2011-8-15 20:59

蚍蜉撼大树 可笑不自量····{:soso_e142:}

pj731 发表于 2011-8-16 07:36


lwf3368 发表于 2011-8-16 09:00


拓跋大大王 发表于 2011-8-16 09:11


xkymax 发表于 2011-8-16 09:18


hhang58 发表于 2011-8-16 09:58

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