lilyma06 发表于 2011-8-18 10:13


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-8-18 10:27 编辑


【原文标题】Human Rights Groups Push Biden On Chinese Abuses



【译    者】lilyma06


【声    明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

【译    文】
WASHINGTON -- Human rights groups have wasted little time calling on Vice President Joe Biden to focus on human rights abuses as he meets with high-level Chinese officials during a four-day stay in China this week.
华盛顿 - 人权组织已呼吁副总统拜登在其本周为期4天的与中国高层官员会面期间关注侵犯人权的问题。
"Vice President Biden should speak clearly and publicly about human rights activists who have been targeted in recent months, including artist and activist Ai Weiwei," said Brian Dooley of Human Rights First in a press statement released Tuesday. "He should also renew U.S. calls for the release of Nobel Peace Prize winner and renowned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo."
“副总统拜登应明确公开地表述在最近几个月定为攻击目标的包括艺术家和激进分子艾未未在内的人权活动分子,” 布赖恩•杜莱在周二公布的一份人权优先的新闻声明中说道, “他还重申美国要求释放诺贝尔和平奖获得者和中国持不同政见者刘殖民。”
Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner currently detained by the Chinese government, has factored heavily in U.S. human rights groups' calls for action on the part of Biden and the U.S. government.
In an Aug. 5 letter to the vice president, Jared Genser, founder of Washington-based human rights advocacy group Freedom Now and lead counsel for Xiaobo, urged Biden to request a meeting with the detained dissident's wife, Liu Xia, who, according to independent reports, is currently being held under house arrest. Freedom Now confirmed in an Aug. 15 press release that, at this point, "it is unknown whether the Vice President has made the request, though Freedom Now did confirm receipt of the request and was informed it would be considered."
The White House has been quick to point out that human rights issues will be raised among a host of others during the vice president's trip.
"The protection of human rights globally is a central part of President Obama’s foreign policy in China as it is elsewhere," said National Security Staff Senior Director for Asian Affairs Daniel Russel during a Monday conference call with reporters. "As we do consistently, we will raise our concerns about the human rights situation throughout China."
“全球范围内保护人权是奥巴马总统在中国外交政策的核心部分,也在其他地方同样是核心问题,国家安全人员亚洲事务高级总监丹尼尔•拉塞尔说在周一的与记者的电话会议上说道, “正如我们一贯所做的,我们将提高对整个中国的人权状况的关注。”
Advocates however, are adamant that human rights issues should play a fundamental role in the future of any U.S.-China ties, including those formed over business and the economy.
"Absolutely it's appropriate for the U.S. to talk to China about economic policy, about trade and business, about sport, about a whole host of ties," Human Rights First's Brian Dooley told The Huffington Post. "But the elephant in the room can't be ignore; it's still about human rights violations and in fact if the U.S. is looking to it's long term interests, the long term interests are in a peaceful, stable China."

[*]   The US government doesn't care about Human Rights. The make wars all over the world kiIIing thousands and as for China, they care only about money.

[*]      The only thing Biden & Co. will hold China accountabl­e for are -
more contracts for Administra­tive chairs Boeing and GE.
more false/mani­pulated Chinese taxation to lower US obligation­s of the corporate outsourcer­s.more incorporat­ion of Wall Street bunch into Chinese business

[*] "The protection of human rights globally is a central part of President Obama’s foreign policy in China as it is elsewhere"
This is a great example of hypocrisy. Stop using predator drones to kill civilians, withdraw troops from Afghanista­n and Iraq, stop aggression against Libya, and then maybe you can comment on human rights around the world. The fact that the US government is propping up the dictatorsh­ip in Bahrain that has killed so many people during the protests speaks volumes about its commitment to human rights globally.

[*]      What would addressing this issue do for the primary interests of the United States?
The United States has 14 million hungry children, many more adults that are hungry, millions of homeless, millions without healthcare­....
Our former president ordered illegal torture of combatants and others.
We jail combatants without due process for many years.
We are engaging in three wars against small countries.
From what standpoint would we set an example for discussion­?
       提出这个问题会解决美国的首要利益问题吗?美国有1400万饥饿儿童,越来越多的成年人吃不饱,上百万无家可归,数百万人得不到医疗保护。我们的前总统下令对参战士兵和其他人使用非法酷刑。不经过审批未经将士兵关押多年。我们还忙于对三个小国的战争。 从什么角度来我们来讨论这些?

[*]       He will not tell China anything..­. he will shake many hands, drink/eat, and have a good time.
I liked Biden but he is doing a terrible job as vice-presi­dent.

[*]       Biden is not going to risk alienating the CCP and I don't expect any serious policy changes coming out of this administra­tion. America's foreign policy with China is, frankly, shameful, if not outright despicable­. The bottom line is that we supposedly champion human rights in China, but all it amounts to is words.

[*]      After borrowing trillions from China, we loose any leverage we had.

[*]      Biden will not stand up for human rights to china, and even if he tried to he is such a joke no one would take him seriously.

[*]      Our government lacks the moral authority to talk about human rights to anyone.

[*]      So the world's biggest prison nation needs to hold another nation "accountab­le"?
Accountabl­e for what, being too fair with their people?

[*]      and we have more people in prison than China
and we have killed more innocent civilians in wars than all other nations combined

I am embarrasse­d by the arrogance of our "leaders".

[*]         I am all for Human Rights, but their insistence on America and our Leaders lecturing China is insane. As many of us have pointed out, our Country is in no position to lecture anyone. We have enough problems of our own....

大苦豆 发表于 2011-8-18 10:40


Jigong 发表于 2011-8-18 10:42


沐霜 发表于 2011-8-18 11:03


百姓 发表于 2011-8-18 11:48


zhiyi 发表于 2011-8-18 11:48


多情误美人 发表于 2011-8-18 12:04


吴钩1 发表于 2011-8-18 12:14


LordChinese 发表于 2011-8-18 12:52


round_pie 发表于 2011-8-18 12:57


陪你到天亮 发表于 2011-8-18 13:13


y88511 发表于 2011-8-18 13:20


jack_j11 发表于 2011-8-18 14:18

文中称“Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner currently detained by the Chinese government,...” 怪亲热的嘛,连姓都省了。好的都穿一条裤子了,难怪要替他说话。不过叫嚷半天屁用也没有,拜登心里也明白。

huaxm 发表于 2011-8-18 15:06


beifei 发表于 2011-8-18 16:31


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-8-18 18:10


强国之鹰 发表于 2011-8-18 21:49

西方还有脸提人权????C ao !:@

过路人 发表于 2011-8-18 22:05


永远很近很近 发表于 2011-8-18 22:16


陆仁 发表于 2011-8-18 22:17

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查看完整版本: 【赫芬顿邮报110816】人权组织推动拜登关注中国人权问题