逆卷炎灵 发表于 2011-3-23 17:20

【2011.3.22 纽约时报】中国强烈要求结束对利比亚空袭

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【中文标题】中国强烈要求结束对利比亚空袭【原文标题】China Urges Quick End To Airstrikes In Libya【登载媒体】纽约时报【来源地址】http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/23/world/asia/23beiijing.html【原文库】http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=315308&page=1&extra=#pid4258543【译者】逆卷炎灵(三流翻译,请多指教)【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。【译文】

China Urges Quick End To Airstrikes In LibyaBy ANDREW JACOBSPublished: March 22, 2011

中国强烈要求结束对利比亚空袭文:ANDREW JACOBS2011年3月22日

BEIJING — China escalated its opposition to American-led airstrikes on Libya on Tuesday, joining Russia and India in calls for an immediate cease-fire and suggesting that coalition forces were imperiling civilians by exceeding the United Nations-mandated no-fly zone. 北京——周二,中国升级了对美国主导的对利比亚空袭的反对态度,与俄国、印度一起,呼吁迅速停火,暗示联军越过联合国设立的禁飞区并危机平民。

The rising criticism among the so-called BRIC group — Brazil, Russia, India and China — came amid allegations by the Libyan government that allied bombings had killed or wounded scores of civilians, a claim rejected by American military officials.

On Monday, hours after the departure of President Obama, Brazil issued a statement condemning the attacks and urging “the start of dialogue.”

China’s response to the campaign has been the most forceful, warning that the assault could bring about a “humanitarian disaster.” In a news briefing Tuesday, Jiang Yu, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, called for an end to hostilities. “We’ve seen reports that the use of armed force is causing civilian casualties, and we oppose the wanton use of armed force leading to more civilian casualties,” she said.

China was one of five countries to abstain from the United Nations resolution that authorized the allied airstrikes against the forces of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, which have been seeking to crush a rebellion against his four-decade rule. Russia, Brazil, India and Germany also abstained, while South Africa joined nine other Security Council members in supporting the resolution approved last week.

In its decision to abstain rather than block the resolution through its veto power, China said it was heeding the wishes of the Arab League and the African Union.

During a meeting with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates on Tuesday, Russia’s defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, added his voice to those calling for a cease-fire, saying it was the best way to avoid civilian casualties, according to The Associated Press. On Monday, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin was unsparing in his criticism, comparing the allied campaign against Libya to the invasion of Iraq and likening it to a “medieval call for a crusade.” In a rare expression of dissent between the country’s two leaders, President Dmitri A. Medvedev later criticized the remarks as unacceptable.
(译者注相关新闻链接“普京称打击利比亚似十字军东征 梅德韦杰夫批评”http://news.qq.com/a/20110322/000409.htm)

On Tuesday, Indian officials joined those calling for a cease-fire. Pranab Mukherjee, the country’s finance minister and a leader of the lower house of Parliament, told lawmakers that the coalition had no right to oust the ruler of a sovereign nation.
(译者注相关新闻链接“印度反对多国空袭利比亚 称西方无权干涉利内政” http://news.cn.yahoo.com/ypen/20110322/271383.html)

The Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said Tuesday that Turkey supported providing humanitarian aid to Libya but that it would “never be the party that points weapons at the Libyan people.” Turkey, the only Muslim member of NATO, had opposed an alliance plan for the no-fly zone.
周二,土耳其总理埃尔多安称土耳其将会对利比亚提供人道主义援助,但 “不会向任何一方提供用于攻打利比亚人民的武器”。土耳其作为北约组织的唯一一个穆斯林国家,反对联军关于禁飞区的计划。
(译者注相关新闻链接“土耳其总理称联军行动已成“侵略” 曾劝卡扎菲交权” http://world.huanqiu.com/roll/2011-03/1582717.html)

The Chinese news media, meanwhile, have been vociferous in expressing opposition to the military campaign against the Libyan government, with articles and commentaries depicting the assault as an attempt to grab that country’s oil resources and expand American influence in the region.

A front-page article in People’s Daily on Tuesday said the United Nations resolution characterizing the Libyan army’s attack on civilians as a possible “crime against humanity” was simply cover for what it called the West’s hegemonic intentions.

“Historical experience has shown that humanitarian intervention is only an excuse for military intervention into other countries’ domestic affairs,” wrote the author, Tang Zhichao, a scholar at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. “They claim to be motivated by morality but in fact they are driven by narrow political and economic interests.”
(译者注相关新闻链接“唐志超:空袭利比亚 他们打着“人道主义”的幌子” http://opinion.hexun.com/2011-03-22/128108308.html)

An editorial in Global Times, owned by People’s Daily, went further, saying that Western nations should be penalized for “abusing” the Security Council resolution that paved the way for the attack. “Just let them agonize there in Libya,” the paper said, referring to the United States and its partners. “No matter what happens to Qaddafi, a chaotic Libya will become an unshakable burden for the West forever.”

(译者注相关新闻链接“环球时报社评:西方应为滥用安理会决议埋单” http://news.sina.com.cn/pl/2011-03-23/075722164413.shtml)

Sebnem Arsu contributed reporting from Istanbul. Zhang Jing contributed research from Beijing.
伊斯坦布尔Sebnem Arsu,北京张晶报道。

ak123456789 发表于 2011-3-23 17:55


waly 发表于 2011-3-23 18:24


stuart123 发表于 2011-3-23 18:33

回复 3# waly

    什么脑子 投否决票等于你跟老卡站一边了

waly 发表于 2011-3-23 18:36

回复 4# stuart123


stuart123 发表于 2011-3-23 18:41

你这种非此即彼 非敌即友 有立场无原则的思维哎。。

reader11 发表于 2011-3-23 19:07

回复 5# waly


xxk68937238 发表于 2011-3-23 20:20


wshmggg 发表于 2011-3-23 22:56


mummy 发表于 2011-3-23 23:33


henhaoa 发表于 2011-3-23 23:44


lichen7454 发表于 2011-3-24 00:02


xifei 发表于 2011-3-24 09:30

回复 3# waly


wnlouis 发表于 2011-3-24 10:17


麦溪 发表于 2011-3-24 11:21


bbs001 发表于 2011-3-24 13:45


jaryclive 发表于 2011-3-24 16:11


矢量技术 发表于 2011-3-24 20:59


矢量技术 发表于 2011-3-24 21:00


mmc210 发表于 2011-3-25 01:41

不知道西方媒体和读者 怎么评论 很肯能会被主流屏蔽

现在萨科奇有点骑虎难下的意思了, “看在自由世界的份上,拉兄弟一把吧”
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