lilyma06 发表于 2011-8-18 15:59



【原文标题】Couples fake divorces to buy homes in China



【译    者】lilyma06


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Toronto’s real estate bidding wars may make acquiring a home tough. But it’s much worse in China.
There, some couples have to fake their own divorces so they can get third mortgages and bank loans to buy properties. And others are actually getting real divorces worried that a fraudulent divorce might come back to haunt them.
In other cases, real estate agents are helping couples with forged marriage licenses and documents to prove local residency and allow buyers to purchase more properties.
The strategies are all designed to thwart the Chinese government’s efforts to prevent a price bubble in the housing market. In recent months the government has taken dramatic steps to curb an ever escalating housing market, including limiting the number of properties a family can own.
Owning residential property is a relatively new phenomenon in China with the acquisition of residential property beginning only 13 years ago.
Since then house fever has gripped the nation, coinciding with surging incomes. And it’s not likely to stop since China’s five-year plan allows for an increase in incomes by an annual average of more than seven per cent.
With more money in their pockets everyone wants to invest in property. Housing sales have surged 25 per cent in the first seven months from a year earlier and prices have climbed in 67 out of 70 cities monitored by the Chinese government.
So if a consumer wants to continue acquiring residential property he or she often doesn’t have much choice but to try to outmaneuver the government restrictions, observers say.
Take the case of Frank He. The 40-year-old Shanghai manager at a chemical company paid about $3,073 (Cdn) to get a forged divorce document so he and his wife of 10 years could get a loan for a third property they wanted to buy — a $1.84 million villa, reports Bloomberg. The forged document helped them get a loan that amounted to 60 per cent of the purchase prices.
以弗兰克为例,今年的40岁,一家化工公司上海经理,花了$ 3,073加元弄得一个伪造离婚文件,这样他和结婚10年的妻子可以得到他们想要买第三套房子——184万美元的别墅的贷款 。据彭博社报道伪造文件帮助他们获得购买总额的60%的贷款。
And it’s not just fake divorces that are being used by residential buyers. Chinese housing developers are throwing in a lot of incentives, including gardens and basements, to keep the housing market humming along. Others are helping buyers secure financing. For example, Singapore’ Pan Hong Property Group Ltd. also provides bank guarantees for some home buyers as well as loans, reports Bloomberg.
For its part the Chinese government has taken firm steps to make sure the housing market doesn’t get out of control, and limited the number of properties a family can own. It has also raised the minimum down payment for second-home acquisitions. And cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have said that a family can only own two apartments and only one if the family isn’t from the city.
The government has also asked banks to cease giving loans to third-home buyers. It has also extended the requirement that all first-time home buyers put down a 30 per cent down payment.
But this isn’t stopping the innovative consumer. Besides faking divorces some potential home buyers are using a registered business to buy property because the law only applies to families.
“Traditionally people in east Asia all have a passion to possess properties,” Liu Li-Gang, a Hong Kong-based economist at Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., told Bloomberg.
“But economic theories also apply here. In eastern Asian countries we have less land with a high intensity of people. Properties are a scarce commodity, so if you enter the market early, there is a bigger chance of high returns.”
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