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【纽约时报110831】印度人爱与中国比较 中国不以为意

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 15:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-9-2 17:13 编辑

【中文标题】印度与中国比较 中国不以为意

【原文标题】India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice



【译    者】lilyma06


【声    明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

【译    文】
Indians acknowledge that China is ahead in infrastructure, but India's commuter rails carry millions of passengers daily.
MUMBAI, India — It seems to be a national obsession in India: measuring the country’s economic development against China’s yardstick.
Neelam Sablok says that her Chinese cooking courses are popular.
Neelam Sablok说,她的中国烹饪课程很受欢迎。
At a recent panel discussion to commemorate the 20th anniversary of India’s dismantling parts of its socialist economy, a government minister told business leaders to keep their eye on the big prize: growing faster than China.
“That’s not impossible,” said the minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, who oversees national security and previously was finance minister. “People are beginning to talk about outpacing China.”
Indians, in fact, seem to talk endlessly about all things China, a neighbor with whom they have long had a prickly relationship, but which is also one of the few other economies that has had 8 percent or more annual growth in recent years.
Indian newspapers are filled with articles comparing the two countries. Indian executives refer to China as a template for development. Government officials cite Beijing, variously as a threat, partner or role model.
But if keeping up with the Wangs is India’s economic motive force, the rivalry seems to be largely one-sided.
“Indians are obsessed with China, but the Chinese are paying too little attention to India,” said Minxin Pei, an economist who was born in China and who writes a monthly column for The Indian Express, a national daily newspaper. (No Indian economists are known to have a regular column in mainland Chinese publications.)
Most Chinese are unconcerned with how India is growing and changing, because they prefer to compare their country with the United States and Europe, said Mr. Pei, a professor at Claremont McKenna College near Los Angeles. He says he has tried to organize conferences about India in China but has struggled to find enough Chinese India experts.
Liu Yi, a clothing store owner in Beijing, echoed the sentiments of a dozen Chinese people interviewed in Beijing and Shanghai, in dismissing the idea that the two countries could be compared. Yes, he said India was a “world leader” in information technology but it also had many “backward, undeveloped places.”
北京一家服装店的老板刘毅(音)说,印度的确在信息技术领域“引领世界”,但印度仍有许多 “落后和不发达的地方”。他的观点代表了数十位在北京和上海接受采访的中国人,他们都认为不应将这两个国家作比较
“China’s economy is special,” Mr. Liu said. “If China’s development has a model, you could say it’s the U.S. or England.”
It might be only natural that the Chinese would look up the development ladder to the United States, now that it is the only nation in the world with a larger economy, rather than over their shoulders at India, which ranks ninth. And while China is India’s largest trading partner, the greatest portion of China’s exports go to the United States.
So for India, China represents the higher rung to strive for.
Like India, China traces its civilization back thousands of years and has a population of more than 1 billion people. And China has lessons to offer because, under Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s and early ’80s, it started the transition to a more open and competitive economy more than a decade before India. Before Deng took power, India’s economy was bigger on a per-capita basis than China’s.
Whatever the reasons, Indians compare virtually every aspect of their nation with China. Infrastructure (China is acknowledged as being many kilometers ahead). The armed forces (China is more powerful). Universities (China has invested more in its institutions). The software industry (India is far ahead). Proficiency in the English language (India has the historical advantage, but China is catching up).
Evidence of the Indo-Sino interest disparity can be seen in the two countries’ leading newspapers. The People’s Daily, the Chinese Communist Party’s house organ, had only 24 articles mentioning India on its English-language Web site in the first seven months of this year, according to the Factiva database. By contrast, The Times of India, the country’s largest circulation English-language newspaper, had 57 articles mentioning China — in July alone.
There are other big gaps. Indian cities, large and small, are filled with Chinese restaurants that serve a distinctly ultraspicy, Indian version of that cuisine. But there are few Indian restaurants in Beijing or Shanghai, let alone in smaller Chinese cities.

Students at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, call China and India competitive.

In 2009, more than 160,000 Indian tourists visited mainland China, according to the Chinese government. Barely 100,000 Chinese tourists made the reverse trek, according to India’s government.
Prakash Jagtap, who owns a small engineering firm in the western Indian city of Pune, has been to China five times. Like many Indians, he loves Chinese food (of the Indian variant) and he sings the praises of Chinese diligence and persistence.
“They have more discipline,” he said. “Here in our country, people don’t look for the long term. Instead, they look for short term, both the management and labor. We have to change our work culture.”
Mr. Jagtap’s statement reflects a widely held view among Indians that China has outperformed their country in large part because the Chinese one-party system is more “disciplined” than India’s vibrant, but messy, democracy.
In early July, The Economic Times, India’s leading financial newspaper, ran a photo slide show on its Web site titled “How China builds these, and why India never does.” The slide show is a series of photographs of large infrastructure projects in China, including the a new 26-mile-long bridge linking Qingdao and the Huangdao district across the Jiaozhou Bay on the northeastern coast.
India’s views have also been shaped by a 1962 war that ended with China seizing a chunk of the northern India state of Kashmir. The countries still have an unsettled border, and China claims a large piece of territory controlled by India.
Raghav Bahl, an Indian media executive who has written a book about the economic rise of both countries, said Indians “nursed a severe feeling of humiliation” from the 1962 war that was compounded by China’s economic rise.
Raghav Bahl,一名印度媒体经理,曾写过一本关于两国经济崛起的书,他说1962年的战争之后中国经济崛起复合,印度人“被照料的有一种被严重羞辱的感觉”,
“There is a sense that this is one race that we could have done much better in,” said Mr. Bahl, author of “Superpower? The Amazing Race Between China’s Hare and India’s Tortoise.”
But he added that Indians had regained confidence recently as a result of their country’s strong economy. Many, like Mr. Chidambaram and The Economist magazine, have suggested that India could soon grow at a faster pace than China. Its economy, at $5.9 trillion, is about three and a half times as big as the Indian economy, but China’s population is much older than India’s.
In China, however, India does not register as a threat, economically or otherwise.
Mr. Pei, the economist, said Chinese officials, executives and even many intellectuals did not have a nuanced understanding of India. Communist conservatives maintain that “democracy is hindering India’s development,” he said.
Meanwhile, Chinese liberals argue that democracy makes India more stable and its government more accountable — an impression that appears to ignore India’s frequent electoral turmoil and deep-rooted corruption.
But Indian fascination with China’s economic success is also simplistic, Mr. Pei said. While one-party rule may have helped the country build infrastructure and factories in recent decades, it was also responsible for big failures under Mao Zedong. They include the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, when millions of people starved or were killed or persecuted.
Even now, China’s leaders are struggling to quell public outrage over a recent high-speed train disaster, for which many Chinese blame corruption and cronyism in the railways ministry.
“In both countries, the level of knowledge about the other is relatively low,” Mr. Pei said.
But at least several people interviewed in China acknowledged an inherent competition between the countries, given their size and fast growth. Ideally, they said, it will be a healthy rivalry.
“Competition exists between any two nations,” said Hu Jun, a 40-year-old teacher in Shanghai. “That’s a good thing. If we compete in the areas of high-tech and energy saving, I think that will benefit everyone.”
In India, Shrayank Gupta, a 21-year-old student at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, echoed those sentiments: “There will definitely be a race, because we are both naturally competitive, and the world will depend on both of us.”
在孟买著名的印度理工学院一名21岁的学生Shrayan Gupta说:“肯定会有竞争,因为我们都是天生求胜心切,世界也将取决于我们两国。”
  • Chinese infrastructure is indeed way ahead of what India has. It even outpaces US in some areas. But, India will never have the speedy infrastructure build up that is the hallmark of Chinese development. Widening a road in India could get delayed by years, if there is a little temple sitting in the path, and there are many such temples! Slums can't be bulldozed away overnight to build a theme park. News media will not be controlled to ensure "harmony". If something gets bulldozed, NGOs will be harassing the government to no end.

India has temples, mosques, gurudwaras, churches, synagogues, Pagodas and a far bigger variety of fiercely vocal and independent people, all working together and living in a vibrant symbiotic relationship (Examples: muslim farmers grow flowers and deliver them to hindu temples; Millions of Hindus partake in the Ramzan feast with their muslim friends).

I'd rather India develop at its own pace rather than learn lessons from China. I'd rather see India corruption free, and let its diverse population blossom in such an environment than get into a meaningless race to develop infrastructure.
  • There is no doubt that China has made tremendous progress. Yet the development has been uneven and the fruits of economic growth have been distributed unequally. Corruption and bureaucratic fiefdoms remain problematic. This is in a country that is communist in ideology. The question is when will the benefits of economic prosperity trickle down for common folks to feel the difference.
India, on the other hand, is a democracy. The process of governing and decision-making is messy. It, too, is beset with corruption at all levels. Corruption has been going on for decades. With ineffective governing, the development is more free-for-all who can grab. It has become a greedy and unequal society. Recently I learned that 60 per cent of Mumbai's population lives in slums (I have not verified it), while one man lives in a billion-dollar mansion. If you look at the traffic in Beijing and Mumbai you will see the difference,discipline versus chaos.
That is the short version of the difference between these two countries.
  • While your article points out the similarities, there are huge differences between the two countries that are almost on the opposite scales of the spectrum. India is a chaotic land on the surface - a huge diversity in cultures, attitudes,fractions,religions, interests etc make sure that India will always be characterized as not a single nation-state since 1947 but a mosaic of peoples with a shared history and culture. This also makes sure it has an underlying stability - no single party or group can ever imagine to have a totalitarian hold on India, no single view imposed from top-down. It is a directionless elephant that lumbers, yet still for all its dsyfunctional state, it yet moves. As an Indian, I can assure you, for us the State doesn't matter, at best it is a nuisance to be avoided. Indians are a bit uncouth, and uncivil and perhaps a touch too boisterous but we are a people who are completely comfortable in our identity and largely care little about what the outside world thinks of us. Unfortunately, ours is a country where literally every man is for himself and between the corruption and nexus, sadly many weak do get trampled. Yet, the same environment accords an individual freedom much higher than our neighbors.India's growth is largely internal on domestic consumption. Our society and democracy still perhaps in the Robber Baron age of late 1800s of the west.
China,is mostly a China Inc. An awe-inspiring state which shows you how political,economic,strategic and every power can be carefully synchronized to march a country forward. The result is brilliant, yet in a state on a march, with a single authority vested with all power, there is little room for individual differences and rights. While I understand the characteristic importance of "harmony" in China, I feel that the Communist Party has become insecure - in tolerating religion, of cultures like Uigur/Tibetan.

Hopefully, the contrasting flaws in our twin States balance and heal over time.
虽然文章指出指出两国的相似指出,但在某些层面两国之间的差异十分巨大。印度是一个表面混乱的国家—— 文化多样性…..
  • The modern western models of national development (democracy, communism, socialism, presidential, parliamentary, Keynes, Chicago School, etc.)) have run their course and no longer provide an effective road map to social stability and prosperity. The developed countries of the world (G8) and India will find it near impossible to change their established public institutions thus the current malaise. In this environment the developing world looks to China for useful lessons. The competition is therefore not between India and China or even between the US and Europeans versus China. The competition is for the hearts and minds of the uncommitted and poor unstable countries of the third and second worlds. China looks likely to be able to draw them into her orbit. Chinese trade infrastructures for resources is one very successful aspect of this trend.
  • India should be rightly envious of China's growth. However, while giving China its due for lifting millions of poverty and jumping a generation ahead in a remarkable time, the challenge is yet to come. The discipline that the Indian in the article mentions, is nothing but the state dictating how things should be done. India has maintained a growth of 8% despite the lack of any infrastructure. Imagine the possibilities when those are built.. What will China do when all the roads and buildings have been built - what will its people need then?
  • Soon it will be US comparing herself to China, US needs to wake up and complete again.
Way too many self interest groups in the US.
  • Isn't the point of the article that there is little comparison between the two. I think the West also likes to see India and China in the same light. India clearly has the advantage both political and demographic but it seems it also has the potential to lose them both.
  • China is developing much faster than India (and the United States) because it has strong leaders who don't have to deal with a bickering and useless Congress.
  • I think the author of this article is overestimating the Indian "obsession" with China. Most Indians think of China as a producer of cheap goods with occassionaly envy for her glittering cities, and as an untrustworthy country in general (a legacy of the war with China in the 60s, when the Indians were singing "Indians and Chinese are brothers", while the Chinese were busy attacking us - maybe we were just naive or China was being slimy, who knows). Anyway, this can hardly be called an obsession.

About which political model is the "best" - I don't think there is one. If dictatorship works for the Chinese, hurray for them. I just know that it won't work in India (it is a different issue that democracy is not working too well either :)).

Personally, if given a choice, I would rather live in a world where India is a superpower than in a world where China is one. This may be because I'm Indian. I know that no country is saintly, but in my experience, China as a nation is known neither for fairness or benevolence, but for getting what its leaders want at any cost (even to its own people).
  • Both nations continue to grow and prosper because of the hard work and enterprise of their people, China with the help of its rulers, India largely despite them.
  • 正是两国人民的辛勤努力和进取精神,两国都在继续发展繁荣。中国是靠其领导人的帮助下,而印度大部分不管领导人。




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发表于 2011-9-2 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
我的看法是,由于中国庞大的人口技术,尽管为了数十年会有数亿的老龄人口,但仍旧有着庞大的人群去支撑一个广阔的消费市场,同样的,实际上现在中国的很多地方为了解决就业问题,大量劳动力被浪费在简单重复的劳动上了, 而类似的劳动岗位,发达国家都是用机械来代替人工工作的。所以,未来中国经济发展的关键,不是人口老龄化,而是如何尽快的尽可能的使得社会分配更加的公平。
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发表于 2011-9-3 14:38 | 显示全部楼层
吴钩1 发表于 2011-9-3 14:20
中国在前面走,印度在屁股后面跟,所以中国看不见印度,而印度老看见中国! ...

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发表于 2011-9-3 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
吴钩1 发表于 2011-9-3 14:20
中国在前面走,印度在屁股后面跟,所以中国看不见印度,而印度老看见中国! ...

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发表于 2011-9-3 15:39 | 显示全部楼层
majiazhanghu 发表于 2011-9-3 15:28
别老打击三哥的积极性,万一一下子给打趴下了,除了棒子国,哪找这么好玩的睡前娱乐素材啊。 ...

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发表于 2011-9-3 19:19 | 显示全部楼层
吴钩1 发表于 2011-9-3 14:20
中国在前面走,印度在屁股后面跟,所以中国看不见印度,而印度老看见中国! ...

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发表于 2011-9-3 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-3 19:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-3 20:09 | 显示全部楼层
majiazhanghu 发表于 2011-9-3 15:28
别老打击三哥的积极性,万一一下子给打趴下了,除了棒子国,哪找这么好玩的睡前娱乐素材啊。 ...

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发表于 2011-9-3 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-3 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
学识1949 发表于 2011-9-3 06:18
这两者的根本区别决定了虽纵向 ...

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