diver18 发表于 2011-9-11 21:05


Has Wikileaks exposed the real reason for the west's war on Libya?

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks disclose the west's panic over Gaddafi's refusal to hand over the greatest source of oil in Africa and his overtures to China and Russia.

By John Pilger
8 September 2011

On 13 September, one of the world's biggest arms fairs opens in London, backed by the British government.
On 8 September, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold a preview entitled "Middle East: A vast market for UK defence and security companies". The host was the Royal Bank of Scotland, a major investor in cluster bombs.
According to Amnesty international, the victims of cluster bombs are 98 per cent civilians and 30 per cent children. The Royal Bank of Scotland has received £20 million in public money. The blurb for the bank's arms party reads: "The Middle East is one of the regions with the greatest number of opportunities for UK defence and security companies. Saudi Arabia... is the world's top defence importer, having spent $56bn in 2009... a very worthwhile region to target."
Such are the Cameron government's priorities following the great "humanitarian" victory in Libya. As Margaret Thatcher once declared: "Rejoice!"
And as the bankers and arms merchants raise their glasses, let us not forget the heroic RAF pilots who made Libya ours again by incinerating countless "pro Gaddafi elements" in their homes and cots and clinics, and the unsung stalwarts of the British drone industry at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire who, before and after lunch, provide the information for drone targets so that Hellfire missiles can flatten homes and suck the air out of lungs, a specialty.
And cheers to QuinetiQ's drone testing site at Aberporth and at UAV Engines Limited in Lichfield.
The west's humanitarian mission is not quite finished. Nearly six months after securing a UN resolution authorising "the of civilians and civilian-populated areas under the threat of attack", Nato is raining fragmentation bombs on civilian-populated Sirte and other "Gaddafi strongholds" where, says a Channel 4 News reporter, "until they cut off the head of the snake, Libyans will not feel safe".
I quote that not so much for its Orwellian quality but as a model of journalism's role in justifying "our" bloodbaths in advance.
This is Rupert's Revolution, after all. Gone from the Murdoch press are pejorative "insurgents". The action in Libya, says The Times, is "a revolution... as revolutions used to be". That it is a coup by a gang of Muammar Gaddafi's ex cronies and spooks in collusion with Nato is hardly news.
The self-appointed "rebel leader", Mustafa Abdul Jalil, was Gaddafi's feared justice minister. The CIA runs or bankrolls most of the rest, including America's old friends, the Mujadeen Islamists who spawned al-Qaeda.
They told journalists what they needed to know: that Gaddafi was about to commit "genocide", of which there was no evidence, unlike the abundant evidence of "rebel" massacres of black African workers falsely accused of being mercenaries. European bankers' secret transfer of the Central Bank of Libya from Tripoli to "rebel" Benghazi by European bankers in order to control the country's oil billions was an epic heist of little interest.
The entirely predictable indictment of Gaddafi before the "international court" at The Hague evokes the charade of the dying "Lockerbie bomber", Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, whose "heinous crime" has been deployed to promote the west's ambitions in Libya. In 2009, Al-Megrahi was sent back to Libya by the Scottish authorities not for compassionate reasons, as reported, but because his long-awaited appeal would have confirmed his innocence and described how he was framed by the Thatcher government, as the late Paul Foot's landmark expose revealed.
As an antidote to the current propaganda, I urge you to read a forensic demolition of el-Melgrahi's "guilt" and its political meaning in Dispatches from the Dark Side: on torture and the death of justice (Verso) by the distinguished human rights lawyer, Gareth Peirce.
This is not to detract from Gaddafi's awful dictatorship, a "rendition" destination for MI6, we now learn. But his odium is unrelated to the rape of his country by imperial caricatures such as Nicholas Sarkozy, a Napoleonic Islamophobe whose intelligence services almost certainly set up the coup against Gaddafi.
US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks disclose the west's panic over Gaddafi's refusal to hand over the greatest source of oil in Africa and his overtures to China and Russia.
Propaganda relies not only on Murdoch but on apparently respectable voices inducing historical amnesia. The Observer, which has yet to apologise for its catastrophic promotion of Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, is in thrall to the "honourable intervention" of Sarkozy and Cameron and their "humanitarian and emotional" motives. Its political columnist Andrew Rawnsley completes an impressive double.
As Media Lens reminds us, in 2003, Rawnsley wrote of Iraq: "The death toll has been nothing like as high as had been widely feared." A million dead Iraqis later, Rawnsley insists that, in Libya "Britain got it right" and "the number of civilian casualties inflicted by the air strikes seems to have been mercifully light".Tell that to Libyans with loved ones obliterated by corporate-friendly Hellfires.
Nato attacked Libya to counter and manipulate a general Arab uprising that took the rulers of the world by surprise. Unlike his neighbours, Gaddafi had come to power by denying western control of his country's natural wealth. For this, he was never forgiven, and the opportunity for his demise was seized in the usual manner, as history shows.
The American historian William Blum has kept the record. Since the second world war, the United States has crushed or subverted liberation movements in 20 countries, and attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, many of them democratic, and dropped bombs on 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

在9月8日,伦敦工商部立法部(London Chamber of Commerce and Industry)将主持一个叫做“中东:一个联合王国防御和安全公司的大市场”的展望会议。主持商则是集束炸弹的主要投资商,苏格兰皇家银行。



正当银行家和军火商们在举杯庆祝的时候,英国皇家空军的飞机却以夺回利比亚的名义在利比亚对着所谓“支持卡扎菲部分”的房屋还有医院倾泻着无数的燃烧弹,位于Yorkshire的Menwith Hill的英国无人机场也在不停地给无人机提供信息,让无数的地狱火导弹将那些地区都夷为平地。


而西方的所谓人权任务还没有彻底地完成。在联合国决议授权“对市民及其市民居住区予以保护”将近6个月以后,北约依然在对这市区还有一些所谓的“卡扎菲要塞”区域进行着狂轰滥炸。正如Channel 4 新闻记者所报道的那样:“只有等他们把蛇头砍下来以后,利比亚人民才会得以安宁。“




而卡扎菲所面临的“国际法庭”的审判,则让我们想起了那位快死的”炸弹客梅格拉希“(”Lockerbie Bomber“)在海牙的控诉。他“十恶不赦”的罪行则是给西方对利比亚的野心铺好了路。在2009年,阿里—梅格拉希被苏格兰政府遣返回利比亚,这并不是当局对他的同情,据相关报道,是因为他长期没有完结的诉讼将会使他无罪,而且显露出撒切尔政府对他的长期折磨,正如后来Paul Foot所报道出来的那样。
对于现在西方媒体的宣传,大家可以去查阅下法院的美格拉希“罪行”控诉还有Gareteh Peirce写的《On Torture and the Death of Justice》来看出其政治意义。




据Media Lens报导,在2003年,Rwansley写信给伊拉克,其中内容写到:”伤亡人数会比我们害怕的情况还要遭。”在有约一百万伊拉克人民丧身以后,Rawnsley任然坚持英国在利比亚所做的行为是对的,并且声称在空袭下丧身的平民人数比我们想象的还要少。而利比亚人民则是被友爱的地狱火导弹炸成碎片。


据美国历史学家William Blum的记录,自从二战以后,美国大约压制和推翻了20个国家的解放运动,并且试图对50多个国家进行政变,而这些国家之中,有很多都是走民主路线的。美国还向30多个国家进行过轰炸,并且试图刺杀50多个国家的领袖。


beifei 发表于 2011-9-12 07:33

据Media Lens报导,在2003年,Rwansley写信给伊拉克,其中内容写到:”伤亡人数会比我们害怕的情况还要遭。”在有约一百万伊拉克人民丧身以后,Rawnsley任然坚持英国在利比亚所做的行为是对的,并且声称在空袭下丧身的平民人数比我们想象的还要少。而利比亚人民则是被友爱的地狱火导弹炸成碎片。

plaxubing 发表于 2011-9-12 20:05


davidhuyi 发表于 2011-9-12 23:13


lichen7454 发表于 2011-9-13 00:21

想知道西方灭卡扎菲真实原因? 金庸在《笑傲江湖》第三十回中说的再明白不过了:“那好比一

陆仁 发表于 2011-9-13 04:10


zhengxiuf 发表于 2011-9-14 09:35


qushichen 发表于 2011-9-14 10:26

lichen7454 发表于 2011-9-13 00:21 static/image/common/back.gif
想知道西方灭卡扎菲真实原因? 金庸在《笑傲江湖》第三十回中说的再明白不过了:“那好比一
个三岁娃娃,手 ...


左手黄金 右手钻石

山中家乡 发表于 2011-9-14 20:53

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