小明啊 发表于 2011-9-28 17:29


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 17:07 编辑


【原文标题】What we really need to fear about China


【来源地址】http://www.washingtonpost.com/na ... QAPrMy0K_story.html

【原文作者】Vivek Wadhwa

【译 者】小明啊


【声 明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn

JASON LEE/REUTERS - A boy wearing a Peking Opera mask waves a Chinese national flag on Beijing's Tiananmen Square, March 1, 2011.

By Vivek Wadhwa, Published: September 27
American policy makers worry about the dramatic increases in the number of academic papers being published and patents being filed by Chinese researchers. They believe that these will give China a formidable competitive advantage when it comes to innovation. After all, China is now only second to the U.S. in academic publications, and by 2015 it will file more patents annually than the U.S. does.
Our policy makers are right to worry, but they are worried about the wrong things.


Vivek Wadhwa
Vivek Wadhwa is a senior research associate at Harvard Law School and director of research at Duke University’s Center for Entrepreneurship. His column discusses ideas on innovation.

The Chinese academic papers are largely irrelevant or are plagiarized. They do little more than boost national pride. Almost no innovation is coming from government-funded research labs. Meanwhile, Chinese patents aren’t an indicator of innovation, but are tollbooths that the country is erecting to tax foreign companies that come to China. The Chinese have learned to play the same games that American tech companies and patent trolls do: Use patents to extort licensing fees from other industry players.

Vivek Wadhwa是哈佛大学法学院的高级研究员和杜克大学研究中心的主任,他在他的专栏里讨论了很多关于创新的想法。

China’s real advantage lies in its next generation — the students who graduate from its top colleges and become entrepreneurs. These kids are very similar to their counterparts in the West. They are smart, motivated, and ambitious. Whereas the children of the Cultural Revolution—who now work in government research labs and lead the State enterprises that dominate industry learned not to challenge authority and to play strictly by government rules, the new generation knows no bounds. They are not even aware of the atrocities of the previous era. They don’t hesitate to think outside the box, to take risks, or to have ambition. Unlike their parents, this new generation can innovate.

The changes I have seen in the entrepreneurial scene in China during my visits over the last six years are dramatic. It used to be that Chinese graduates strove to join Western multinationals. And because of the taboo associated with failure and the low social esteem granted to start-ups, parents discouraged their children from becoming entrepreneurs. No longer. With the success of entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma and Kaifu Lee and the fortunes being reaped by the earlier generations of technology startups, Chinese youth have role models, and parents are becoming more accepting of entrepreneurship. Joining a startup is now the “in thing” in China—just as in Silicon Valley. And it’s becoming acceptable to fail and start again.


There are start-up incubators springing up in all of China’s major cities. According to Lux Research, China venture capital investments reached $5.4 billion in 2010—an increase of 79 percent from the year before. There is so much Angel and Venture Capital available that investors have to compete for investment. One incubator I visited last week, in Beijing, called Garage Café, is offering free office space and Internet connectivity to start-ups just so that it can jump to the front of the line on investments.
During my most recent trip this past week, I also I taught classes at Tsinghua University, for an entrepreneurship program run by UC-Berkeley’s Center for Entrepreneurship. The students there were very much like those I teach at Duke and Berkeley. They were hungry for knowledge, connections, and ideas. The only difference I noted was in the answer to one question: Why do you want to become an entrepreneur? American students usually talk about building wealth or changing the world. The Chinese said they saw entrepreneurship as a way to rise above “the system,” to be their own bosses and to create their own paths to success. They clearly did not cherish the idea of working for a stodgy state enterprise, an autocratic government, or what they deemed to be an opportunistic foreign multinational.

创业小企业如雨后春笋般在中国的各主要城市纷纷涌现。根据力士的研究,中国风险资本投资在2010年达到54亿美元,比去年增加了79%。出现了这么多的天使投资和风险投资,供过于求,投资者们必然会争抢合适的投资对象。我上周在北京参观的一个叫做Garage Café的在投资创业者的企业,他们免费为创业者提供办公空间和带宽,这样他们就可以在选择投资创业者上具有优先权。

The tens of thousands of highly educated immigrants who return home to China every year from the U.S., give China’s entrepreneurial ecosystem a major boost. These returning immigrants are teaching locals how to build Silicon Valley–style companies.
Take Robert Hsiung, who graduated from Stanford in 2008. He received several job offers in Silicon Valley, Singapore, and Hong Kong. But he chose to become an entrepreneur and to move to Beijing, because the economy was booming and the number of Chinese Internet users was increasing rapidly. Robert’s first start-up, a social-media company called OneCircle.cc, was a moderate success. His next company, FoxFly, failed because larger players moved into his market space. In August, he launched his third start-up, which is building a professional-networking application. Robert told me that he had absolutely no problems recruiting top engineering students. And even though he had failed, Chinese investors readily invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in his latest start-up.
Robert Hsiung,2008年毕业于斯坦福大学。他收到了很多份来自硅谷,新加坡或者香港的工作邀请,但是因为中国的互联网用户的迅速增多以及经济的蓬勃发展,他选择成为一名创业者,并且搬回北京。Hsiung的第一个创业项目是一个名为OneCircle.cc的社交媒体网站,还算成功。他的第二个创业公司是FoxFly,而因为他大量的用户侵占了他的市场空间而失败。在八月份,他启动了他的第三个创业项目,开发一个职业用网络应用程序,Robert告诉我,在能否招聘到顶尖的理工科学生问题上他很有自信。即使他失败了,中国的投资者还是会给他新创建的企业投入成千上万的美元。

China has a chance to harness all this new energy and lead the world in innovation. But that doesn’t mean that it will. I asked students and local entrepreneurs about the obstacles that they expected to face. Nearly all of them cited two fears: That a bigger company, such as Baidu or Tencent, would steal their technology—because Chinese intellectual property laws are ineffective—and that once they achieved significant success, government officials would swoop in to control the company or demand a cut of the action.
Until China’s rule of law is strengthened and entrepreneurs are given the freedoms that they need, China may see a lot of start-up activity, but world-changing innovation won’t happen. Once China clears away those final obstacles, though, watch out.


edbyronadams wrote:
What we really have to fear from the Chinese is competition. They have a smart, hardworking population with strong families. That competition will have them burning our gasoline in their cars.

skylark1 wrote:Actually, the planet and non-human species that have no defenses have the   most of all to fear from China.

DOBRYDN wrote:Yeah, one more thing Americans need to "fear." Baloney. There are no Supermen on earth and that includes the Chinese. Since when did Americans need to be fearful? I thought we were always bragging about being the home of the brave?
ufrank1 wrote:You weren't in Korea....Right?

TalkingHead1 wrote:I find it odd that the author of this aricle, Vivek Wadhwa, is an Indian-born transplant who recently criticized the U.S. government for not allowing more Indians to come to work in the U.S. on the H-1B visa program, even as more and more American workers were being replaced by them by the American companies. Also, aren't more American-educated Indians returning to India to do the same as their Chinese counterparts that he cites? If anything, we need to fear India, as much as China, for the same reasons he mentions, whether rational or not. I suspect whether this article is motivated by his worry that India would further be outpaced by China's developments, than a concern that he has for the U.S.

我很奇怪于本文的作者,Vivek Wadhwa,这个在印度生的的移民近来总是评论美国政府不让更多的印度人通过H-1B VISA 项目来美国工作,因为越来越多的美国工人被这些印度人而取代。另外,是不是越来越多的在美留学的印度人是否也像他文中的中国毕业生一样返回印度,他提到的是同样的原因,是否合理呢?如果没有什么区别的话,那我们要像堤防中国一样提防印度了。我怀疑他是借中喻印,表达他对美国的担心。

Airborne82 wrote:Americans should stop paying hundreds of billions and tens of thousands of casualties to protect China's access to minerals and resources in Afghanistan. China has already swooped in for a Trillion in mineral rights in Afghanistan, and European and Russian oil companies have contracted for hundreds of billions in Iraqi oil on the blood of tens of thousands of American troops. If China and Russia are to receive the rewards of peace and access then they should pay for it with their troops and resources.

China is especially adept at building roads, bridges and rail on the cheap in less developed nations. Let them haul the rock of peace and prosperity up the slope for a change instead of allowing them to freely direct their navy towards stealing oil resources from the South China seas and the Philippine and Vietnam neighbors that are closer to the Spratly islands and have a greater right for those oil and gas resources.
RayK1 wrote:Does it really make economic and geopolitical sense to educate Chinese students who will return home and use their US education against us?

roastedpiglet wrote:
You tell me.

-Foreign students pay much more than regular or out of state students, a revenue stream schools otherwise wouldn't have. Indirectly, this means school fees for domestic students are subsidized.

-Significant majority seek to stay in the US and contribute to our innovative edge by being employed.

-Those who return have nonetheless gained insight to our democratic values to influence their society. Hopefully you can agree them paying for this experience is better than we as tax payers fund a trillion dollar Cheney style regime change.


nnguyenr wrote:China will be a super power when its people gain their freedom - getting rid of the Communist thugs and its antic colonialist systems

st_aster 发表于 2011-9-29 13:32


某程 发表于 2011-9-29 17:44

本帖最后由 某程 于 2011-9-29 17:45 编辑



ufrank1 wrote:You weren't in Korea....Right?






简唯翎 发表于 2011-9-30 08:47

某程 发表于 2011-9-29 17:44 static/image/common/back.gif

.. ...


彭翼 发表于 2011-9-30 09:41


whyjfs 发表于 2011-9-30 12:38

ufrank1 wrote:You weren't in Korea....Right?



whyjfs 发表于 2011-9-30 12:39


14322018 发表于 2011-9-30 12:52


516265258 发表于 2011-9-30 13:55

whyjfs 发表于 2011-9-30 12:38 static/image/common/back.gif
ufrank1 wrote:You weren't in Korea....Right?


fag笑天涯 发表于 2011-10-4 07:33


bwb 发表于 2011-10-4 10:41


猫咪森林 发表于 2011-10-5 00:40


Wrath 发表于 2011-10-5 02:10

-Those who return have nonetheless gained insight to our democratic values to influence their society. Hopefully you can agree them paying for this experience is better than we as tax payers fund a trillion dollar Cheney style regime change.

我觉得可以这么翻: 这些人虽然回去了,但是他们可以用其所学到的民主自由去影响中国社会.希望你能允许他们花钱来学习先进的民主自由的经验,毕竟这比我们这些纳税人花的几千亿美金来进行宣传站划算得多.

小明啊 发表于 2011-10-5 21:20

本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2011-10-5 21:20 编辑

Wrath 发表于 2011-10-5 02:10 static/image/common/back.gif
-Those who return have nonetheless gained insight to our democratic values to influence their societ ...


Wrath 发表于 2011-10-5 21:49

小明啊 发表于 2011-10-5 21:20 static/image/common/back.gif


莫说 发表于 2011-10-5 22:53


guc 发表于 2011-10-6 08:25


SNOW_WOLF 发表于 2011-10-6 11:24


SNOW_WOLF 发表于 2011-10-6 11:25


bbsty21 发表于 2011-10-6 18:58

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