某程 发表于 2011-9-28 19:17


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【原文标题】More college officials learn about applicants from Facebook
【译    者】某程
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More college officials learn about applicants from Facebook


The number of college admissions officials using Facebook to learn more about an applicant has quadrupled in the past year, underscoring the effect social media has on U.S. culture and academic life, a survey shows. Googling is nearly as prevalent.

The rise suggests a growing acceptance of the practice, despite concerns that it invades student privacy.

"This is the world we live in now," says Paul Marthers, vice president for enrollment at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. "If you were able to find out that somebody misrepresented themselves in their application, I think it could be used to help you make a decision."
Rensselaer大学的工学院招生处副处长Paul Marthers说道,“这就是现在我们生活的世界,如果你能够找到某人在他的报考表中不实的描述自己,我想网上的信息能够用来帮助你做决定。”

Nearly a quarter (24%) of admissions officials at 359 selective colleges say they used Facebook, up from 6% the previous year, and 20% used Google to help evaluate an applicant, says the survey, conducted by Kaplan Test Prep. Kaplan, which did not identify participating colleges, queried 500 colleges listed in U.S. News & World Report rankings and in Barron's Profiles of American Colleges.

Of survey takers who went online, 12% say what they found "negatively impacted" the applicant's chances of admission. That's down from 38% in 2008, when 10% said they consulted social networking sites while evaluating students. Among offenses cited: essay plagiarism, vulgarities in blogs and photos showing underage drinking.

Marthers and others say such checks are not routine — it's too time-consuming, for one thing. But "if ever a post is brought to our attention, you can be certain we'll check it out," says Ray Brown, admission dean at Texas Christian University. He says he rejected one applicant who, he discovered through an anonymous tip, had posted pornographic images of herself online.
Marthers 和其他教职员工都称此项检查不是常规做法--比如它太耗时间了。但是德克萨斯基督大学的招生处长Ray Brown说“如果有引起我们注意的发布,我们肯定会去看的”。他曾经拒绝了一名他通过匿名线索发现此人在网上张贴她自己的色情图片的女生。

The debate over whether it's appropriate for colleges to look beyond what prospective students submit in their applications remains unsettled. Kenyon College explicitly forbids such activity. "We are not Luddites, mind you. We are trying to practice ethical admissions," says Admissions Dean Jennifer Delahunty. " Reading their Facebook pages is like, in another era, wire-tapping applicants' phones and reading their diaries."
是否学校能够适宜的去了解报考者未在报考表上提交的信息引发了争论,并且此争论仍未有结果。Kenyon学院明确禁止了此项行为。学院招生处的处长Jennifer Delahunty表示,“我们并不是拒绝新技术。而是我们要实行合乎伦理的入学评估。看他们的脸谱网网页在某个方面来说就像是偷听报考者的电话和偷看他们的日记一样。”

Marthers notes, though, that information students post online is "fair game."

Others offer a more positive reason for checking an applicant's Facebook profile. Wake Forest University Admissions Dean Martha Allman says her younger staffers like to see (an applicant's) "digital personality."
另外一些人认为通过检查报考者的脸谱网网页是可行的。Wake Forest大学的招生处处长Martha Allman说道,她的年轻职工愿意去查看报考者的“网络人格”。

Although Syracuse University School of Information Studies professor Anthony Rotolo discourages efforts by admissions officials to "catch" applicants misbehaving online, he encourages them to evaluate a student's digital literacy skills. Given the importance of social media in society, a student with a strong online presence "could be considered a highly qualified applicant by a reviewer who understood the potential value."
尽管Syracuse大学的信息学院教授Anthony Rotolo非常不提倡招生处去抓取报考者在网上的不当行为,但是他提倡他们去通过网络评估学生的文学能力。由于在社会中社交媒体的重要性,一名在网上活跃的学生"会被在了解潜在价值的看客认为是一名极有资格的报考者。"

round_pie 发表于 2011-9-29 09:15

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