diver18 发表于 2011-10-9 16:22


本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-10-9 16:24 编辑

美国务院发言人纽兰: 美国对于其在巴基斯坦民众中的负面形象感到担忧
Victoria Nuland
Daily Press Briefing
Washington, DC
October 6, 2011

QUESTION: Just a quick follow-up, Madam. I was also at the press conference at the White House. My question is: When President said that he sees some hands from the ISI – I mean, he didn’t name the ISI or the Pakistani military, but from intelligence and the Pakistan military. My question is: According to many Pakistanis here I have been talking and as far as the press reports and poll in Pakistani press, Pakistan’s number one enemy is not India today, but is the United States. My question is: How can you bring back the image of U.S. in Pakistan so that way you can work with the Pakistanis or U.S. will not remain number one enemy for the acknowledgement that you have been giving billions of dollars and pouring in humanitarian aid and all kind of aids?

MS. NULAND: Goyal, we are concerned about the public opinion polling numbers in Pakistan. This has been one of the key focuses of our Embassy in Islamabad, to try to give an accurate picture to a broad cross-section of Pakistanis about all that we have tried to do as a nation to support Pakistan’s own democratic reform efforts, education in Pakistan, quality of life, micro-lending, economic projects. It’s sometimes hard to permeate, given the intense emotions about other aspects of the relationship. But as you know, our civilian assistance to Pakistan, which has not been touched, is all focused on trying to strengthen Pakistan’s own efforts to grow the economy, improve and modernize education, to help more people out of poverty, et cetera, and we will continue to make those efforts along with our – to support Pakistan.

提问:在已经投入了很大的人力,物力,财力的既成事实上,美国有什么办法改变 美国仍是巴铁头号敌人的局面?



2011年10月08日 07:52:39

    6日, 巴基斯坦政府调查本·拉登遭美国击毙事件委员会称,一名巴基斯坦医生因涉嫌向中情局提供拉登DNA而被控叛国罪,如罪名成立或致死刑。










shfbh 发表于 2011-11-19 19:10


鱼游浅底 发表于 2011-11-19 22:02


鱼游浅底 发表于 2011-11-19 22:03

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